International Baccalaureate

Think Globally;
Act Locally;
Expand Personally
Core values
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable
and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful
world through intercultural understanding and respect.
Motivated by a mission
We aim to create a better
world through education
To this end the organization works with schools, governments and
international organizations to develop challenging programmes of
international education and rigorous assessment.
We achieve our goals by
working together
These programmes encourage students across the world to become
active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other
people, with their differences, can also be right.
We value our reputation
for high standards
Legal status
We actively involve our stakeholders
The IB is a non-profit making Swiss Foundation registered in
1968. The activities of the organization are determined by an Act
of Foundation approved by the Swiss authorities.
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International mindedness
We embrace diversity
IB learners strive to be:
The attributes of the learner profile express the values inherent to the
IB continuum of international education: these are values that should
infuse all elements of the three programmes and, therefore, the
culture and ethos of all IB World Schools.
IB programmes promote the education of the whole person,
emphasizing intellectual, personal, emotional and social growth
through all domains of knowledge.
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The IB continuum inception
IB mission statement
IB learner profile
Programme standards and practices
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Introduced in 1997
For ages 3-12
Introduced in 1994
for ages 11-16
Introduced in 1969 for
ages 16-19
Schools must offer the
PYP as an inclusive
programme for all
Schools are strongly
encouraged to
implement the MYP as
an inclusive programme
for all students
Schools may implement
the DP as an inclusive
programme for all
students or identified
The MYP is:
Diploma Program
 for students aged 11 to 16
 a framework of academic
The IB Diploma Programme is designed
as an academically challenging and
 8 subject groups, plus personal
balanced programme of education
project in the final year
with final examinations that prepares
 taught in any language
students, normally aged 16 – 19, for
The MYP encourages students to:
success at university and life beyond
 understand the connections
• Students will take courses in
between subjects through
interdisciplinary learning
each of the 6 subject areas and
 understand the connections
Theory of Knowledge
between subjects and the real
• Service to the community
• Extended Essay
 become critical and reflective
Classes from 6
subjects at-will +/or
 Students who pass
earn a certificate and
minimal college
credit (usually)
Individual Classes
All of the following
requirements must be
 All 6 subjects pursued
with coordinating
assessments (internal
and external)
 2 year program @
 TOK (1st block only!)
 EE (4000 words)
 CAS (Creativity Action
Diploma Program
“One of the most effective an humanizing
ways that people of different cultures can
have access to each other’s experiences and
concerns is through works of literary merit”
(Salma Jayyusi).
Students will develop:
 an ability to engage in independent literary criticism in a manner which
reveals a personal response to literature
 an ability to express ideas with clarity, coherence, conciseness, precision
and fluency in both written and oral communication
 a command of the language appropriate for the study of literature and a
discriminating appreciation of the need for an effective choice of register
and style in both written and oral communication
 a sound approach to literature through consideration of the works studied
 a thorough knowledge both of the individual works studied and of the
relationships between groups of works studied
 an appreciation of the similarities and differences between literary works
from different ages and/or cultures
 an ability to engage in independent textual commentary on both familiar
and unfamiliar pieces of writing
 a wide-ranging appreciation of structure, technique and style as
employed by authors, and of their effects on the reader
 an ability to structure ideas and arguments, both orally and in writing, in a
logical, sustained and persuasive way, and to support them with precise
and relevant examples.
Albert Camus The
Yann Martel Life of Pi
Tim O’Brien The Things
They Carried
Lisa See Snow Flower and
the Secret Fan
Kitchen Banana
Like Water for Chocolate
Laura Esquivel
Women of Sand and
Myrrh Hanan Al-Shaykh
Year 1 Texts
2.1 Drama -- Hamlet by William
2.2 Poetry -- Selected poems by
Walt Whitman and Langston
2.3 Prose (The Novel and Short
Story) -- The Handmaid's Tale by
Margaret Atwood
2.4 Prose (Other than the Novel
and Short Story) –Essays by: King
and Orwell
Lysistrata Aristophanes (PWL)
The Imporance of Being
Earnest Oscar Wilde (PBL)
Heidi Chronicles Wendy
Master Harold and the Boys Athol
Year 2 Texts
External Paper
Component 50%
 2 papers
 Written in exam mode
World Literature
 2 papers
 Written through course
External Assessment (70%)
Oral Component
 Individual Oral
 Individual Oral
Internal Assessment (30%)
IOP (ongoing
throughout semester 1)
World Lit Paper 2
assigned beginning of
Spring 2010 semester
World Lit Paper 1
assigned end of Spring
2010 semester, with
revisions over summer,
completed paper due
early Fall 2010
Year 1
Individual Oral
Commentary to be
administered end of
Fall 2010/beginning
of Spring 2011
 External paper 1
(commentary) and 2
Year 2
Always turn in only your best work. And make sure you review
and edit everything beforehand.
Do your best and stay on top of you work
Always do your best and ask for help.
Stay caught up with the reading and always try to participate in
class conversations.
DO YOUR HOMEWORK (otherwise you’ll fall behind)
Be creative.
If you are overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Always work your hardest, and stay caught up in class.
If you happen to face a really hard situation during the school
year and feel like it’s the end, don’t let it get to you because
deep inside you know that you can overcome any obstacle and
succeed just like you had in mind. So don’t let anything stop you
from getting to where you want to go and believe in yourself
because if you don’t who will.
Once you get to a point where you feel comfortable with your
knowledge and work HELP OTHERS!! PAY IT FORWARD!:)
 The
best advices is simply live, listen, learn
and progress.
 That’s not really the best advice, good
advice is to just try your hardest no matter
what. DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!
 That wasn’t that great either, just live and
know that just DOING the work will get you
an A in any class.