Name ___________________________________________
Human Rights and the UN Millennium Development Goals
Problems “Here”/Problems “There”
Grade 8 SSL Project Directions– Julius West MS
Become a human rights advocate by creating a product that
will raise awareness and persuade others of the importance of
your selected topic.
Due Date/Deadline
Inquiring and
Developing Ideas
Creating the
 Select one of the five UN Millennium Development Goals
(MDG) from the list on the next page
 Research information from the suggested resources to
complete the attached graphic organizer (blue sheet)
 Your goal is to be an advocate for a human rights issue by
creating a product that will raise others’ awareness of your
 Choose the product from the list on the next page that will
be the best choice to achieve your goal.
 Identify the steps you will need to take to complete your
product/manage your time and record them on your pink
Proposal Sheet.
 Follow the Evaluation Criteria for your selected product and
complete the white Design sheet before you begin your final
 Manage your time to complete the assignment
 Remember that your goal is to be an advocate, so develop
your product – using the following guidelines
o Use techniques to get the listener’s attention
o Provide accurate information
o Provide persuasive information
o Check spelling, grammar, punctuation
 Make adjustments as needed
 Monitor the quality of your work
 Present your product to at least 3 people (2 adults and 1
peer). Judge the effectiveness of your presentation and
product by having the listeners complete your green
feedback sheet.
 Complete the yellow student reflection sheet
MYP Technology Design Cycle Rubric
MYP Humanities Rubric
You MUST complete this project in order to earn your 10 SSL hours
You must turn in:
o Your product
o Completed blue graphic organizer
o Completed white design sheet
o Completed green feedback sheet
o Completed yellow reflection sheet
o MYP Technology Design Cycle/Humanities Rubrics – to be completed by your