Document 14223765

Communication is more than just talking. It involves
carefully choosing your words to say what you really
mean. It also involved listening closely to others.
Three communication skills that will help give and
receive information are:
• Interpersonal Communication
• Refusal Skills
• Conflict Resolution Skills
Conflict Resolution
• Process of ending conflict through cooperation &
problem solving:
–Stepping away from an argument
–Using good interpersonal communication skills
–Having an attitude of respect
–Ready to make a compromise with the others
D Define the problem
E Evaluate the options
C Consider the consequences
I Identify your solution
D Decide & act
E Evaluate the results
Decision Making
HELP strategy
• H (Healthful) Does this choice present any health risks?
• E (Ethical) Does this choice reflect your personal
values? Values are ideas, beliefs and attitudes about
what is important in your life.
• L (Legal) Does this option violate any laws?
• P (Parent Approval) Would parents or guardians
approve of this choice?
Where do you see yourself in the future? What
are your hopes & dreams? What would you like to
accomplish in your lifetime?
The answers to these questions are your GOALS.
Short – Term Goals: goals that you can
reach within a short period of time
Long – Term Goals: goals that you plan to
reach over a long period of time.
Short Term Goals: Long Term Goals:
-complete a home- -complete a 5K
work assignment
more examples?
Setting Attainable Goals
• Set a specific, realistic goal & write it
down. (make an action plan!)
• List the steps in order to reach your
• Identify sources of help & support.
• Set a reasonable time frame.
• Track your progress.
• Reward yourself for achieving your goal!
• How can decision making improve your
overall health?
• Give an example of a short term goal & a
long term goal related to improving your
personal physical fitness?
• What is the purpose of the HELP
Flexion: to bend the joint
Extension: to straighten the joint
Abduction: to move away from the midline of the body
Adduction: to move towards the midline of the body
Antagonistic Muscles
• Antagonistic muscles are Opposing
muscles or Opposites!
• Examples:
– Biceps & Triceps
– Gastrocnemius & Anterior TibiaLis
– Others????
Muscle Contractions…
• The cells that make up muscles contract
and then relax back to their original size.
• Muscles use the chemical energy from
the foods you eat to help make
How we can help
to prevent lactic
acid build up?
-Any injury to a LIGAMENT
-Ligament can be stretched or torn
-Any injury to a TENDON
-In the form of tearing the
-Can be fully or partially torn
muscular strains and other injuries
muscle fibers/ attaching