Shared Priorities: Outcomes: Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading

Catholic School Learning Plan for Father Clair Tipping School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By June 2015, the proportion of students indicating they feel safe all or most of the time
at school will increase.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/3/2015: This year we continued to have the Peel Police come to our school to present on bullying and the effects
of bullying at each of the grade levels. To continue to promote a safe, healthy and inclusive school environment we
had a "Boys Night In" for Grade 5 and 6 boys during Catholic Education Week in May. Our team building for
students has continued with our clubs and sports teams at all levels.
Shared Priorities:
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.1 By the end of this year, the proportion of grade 4 students indicating they feel excluded
to the school will decrease compared to the CCCC School Climate Survey baseline data.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/4/2015: This year our students were involved in a number of activities where they were actively engaged in the
promotion of our Catholic Virtues, our Green School initiative and our monthly virtues assemblies. We had many
great initiatives where our students took on various leadership roles through involvement in the Youth Faith
Ambassadors, our Anti-Bullying Teams and our Green Goblins, etc. Throughout the school year we organized a
number of events to help support members of our local community in need such as the Knight's Table and Helping
Hands. Our students continue to promote respect for others, citizenship and community building.
Shared Priorities:
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By the end of three years, there will be an increase in successful practices that support
collaborative inquiry.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/4/2015: Practices that we began last year were continued this year such as Raz Kids, our Traveling Book Cart and
Leveled Literacy Intervention in the primary grades. Our K-2 SAT has been instrumental in supporting the
continuation of these programs at our school. This year as part of our school collaborative inquiry we chose to
focus upon Math as an area to increase student achievement. Staff attended various staff meetings and other
forms of PD which focused upon having a Growth Mindset in Math, and developing lessons around the Three-part
Math Lesson with their students. Opportunities for co-planning and co-teaching were provided and staff worked
together to plan these sessions. Our Ministry liaison was also actively involved in this process with administration
and staff and oversaw the progress made at the school from October to May. At the Family of Schools level, POD
meetings were set up for administrators to share best practices and struggles with their collaborative inquiry. This
was a very beneficial process moving forward. Also, at the school level EQAO tutoring was put in place for students
who required additional support in Grades 3 and 6.
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SkoVision™ Report
Catholic School Learning Plan for Father Clair Tipping School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By the end of three years, the graduation rate will increase.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/4/2015: Collaboration with one another is a key process that we use at Father Clair Tipping to share information
and make decision in the best interests of our students. Transition meetings continue to be essential when meeting
the various educational needs of our identified students and students on an IEP to ensure a smooth transition from
one grade to another. At Father Clair Tipping we meet as a team once a month in TEAM meetings to review and
discuss students in our Special Education classes. This meeting includes the Principal, Classroom Teacher, Special
Education Resource Teacher, Child and Youth Work, school Psychologist and school Social Worker to name a few.
Shared Priorities:
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By the end of June 2015 our team of learners will include the six practices as outlined in
Growing Success and will actively engage students in the assessment process.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/4/2015: Growing Success, the SES Framework and Learning for All continue to be valuable resources used in
planning. At Father Clair Tipping we meet monthly during Staff Meetings, Division Meetings and PLC's to focus on
best practices in the areas of Mathematics and Language. Staff are expected to have Learning Goals and Success
Criteria clearly posted in their classrooms. Opportunities for co-planning and co-teaching within the grades and
across the divisions have been used this year.
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SkoVision™ Report
Catholic School Learning Plan for Father Clair Tipping School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By June 2016, student performance will increase on each EQAO assessment of
Outcome Progress Comments
6/4/2015: EQAO after school tutoring was provided this year to students in Grade's 3 and 6. Teachers in grade 3
and 6 classrooms provided the students with various practice tests from past EQAO years that were available.
Multi-step problem solving and solving problems in Math across the strands was another focus of teachers at the
school. Also, Prodigy Math was introduced this year to all students as another resource to use both at home and at
school to support mathematics improvement.
10/18/2014: Through our POD meetings this year, administration and staff will meet to share best practices in
Math and complete an EQAO analysis to identify areas that students are encountering the most difficulty in
Mathematics at the grade 3 and 6 level. A focus will also be on multi-step problems and how best to prepare our
students to solve these problems using manipulatives and other strategies in class.
Shared Priorities:
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 LITERACY: By June 2016, student performance will increase on each EQAO assessment of
Outcome Progress Comments
6/4/2015: We have renewed the license for our Raz Kids program in Primary literacy for another school year. Our
Reading Recovery Program has also been very successful in reaching students struggling in reading in the early
years. Our K-2 SAT has supported our Primary teachers in their reading and writing programs. Our Intermediate
Teachers have also been involved in transition meetings with our secondary feeder school colleagues to support
the transition to high school of at-risk and identified students.
10/18/2014: Literacy will continue to be a focus at Father Clair Tipping this school year. We were very successful in
introducing the RAZ Kids program for students in our primary division. Very positive parental feedback was
received from the parents of our community. We will continue to support our Reading Recovery Program at the
school. Staff who have students entering the program have gone to a "live lesson" provided by our Reading
Recovery teacher at one of our family schools along with the principal. The LLI program for grade 2 will also be
purchased this year to support the continuation of the leveled literacy intervention.
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SkoVision™ Report