“Achieving, Believing & Caring” 25 Mountainberry Rd, Brampton, ON L6R IJ3

25 Mountainberry Rd, Brampton, ON L6R IJ3
Phone: (905) 789-1741 Fax: (905) 789-1958
“Achieving, Believing & Caring”
Principal: K. Dolan
Vice Principal: S. Chambers
Secretary: P. Tomei
(905) 789-1741
St. Marguerite D’Youville Parish
(905) 792-7497
Pastor: Fr. R. Mignella
Associates: Fr. B. Alphonsus/Fr. R. Tolentino
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
(905) 890-1221
Trustee: S. Xaviour
Superintendent: L. Storey
O, heavenly Father,
You have once more brought the year full circle,
through planting and growing and ripening
to harvest time, and autumn.
Help us to see,
in the marvelous succession of seasons,
and in the growth and ripening of our crops,
the merciful, generous hand of Your divine providence.
Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for all the
wonderful things we have in our lives. Let us take this time
to be thankful for our children, our families, our local
community and the peace and harmony we enjoy in our
country. It is in these things that God’s graces are often
revealed. On behalf of the staff of Father Clair Tipping
Catholic School, we hope you have a wonderful
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those
parents who were able to take the time to come out to the
school for our Barbeque/Open House in September. This
sends an important message to all children about how
important school and education means to you. Here at
Father Clair Tipping Catholic School, we are always
trying to find ways of further strengthening the important
relationship between the home, parish and the school.
Ongoing and open communication is essential to the
success of your child.
May God Bless you and your family this Thanksgiving
We thank you for food and remember the hungry.
We thank you for health and remember the sick.
We thank you for friends and remember the friendless.
We thank you for freedom and remember the enslaved.
May these remembrances stir us to service,
so that Your gifts to us may be used for others.
K. Dolan - Principal
Inside this Edition
Virtue of the Month - Empathy
FCT Catholic School Council Members
School Safety and Security
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Please support our Thanksgiving Food Drive
October 13 -23, 2015
Students and families are invited to bring non-perishable food items. Items will be donated to
the Knight’s Table in Brampton to help those in need in our community.
Achieving, Believing & Caring
September/October – In review
The months of September and (the start of) October were
very busy and exciting times for our students and staff at
Father Clair Tipping. Our students took part in our annual
Terry Fox Run to support cancer research on September
25th. Our bus patrollers received their training at Peel
Safety Village on October 8nd to ensure that our students
stay safe as they travel to and from school each day. We
also had our Open House/Barbeque which was very well
attended and our Scholastic Book Fair in September! We
also had our virtues assembly on September 29 th to
recognize students in our school who demonstrated acts of
Faith. These are just a few of the highlights of the many
activities that took place during our opening months of
school here at Father Clair Tipping!
Adjusting to the daily routine of setting time aside to
complete assigned work has nudged out the carefree days
of summer. Students should be tracking their work daily
in their agendas. Parents are reminded to please check the
agenda daily for important information from their child’s
classroom teacher. During our professional activity day,
staff were involved in faith development and setting goals
and expectations for this school year. At our first Catholic
School Council meeting on October 7th the school council
brought closure to last year, elected a new council for the
2015-16 school year and looked towards setting another
active agenda for this upcoming school year.
Thank you to Mrs. Britton and Mr. Rowe for all of your
hard work in co-chairing our Catholic School Council last
year and a warm welcome back to Mr. Rowe our new
council chair for the 2015-2016 school year!
school choir under the direction of Mrs. Grabowski, our
altar servers, readers and technical support.
Thanksgiving Food Drive
Father Clair Tipping School is holding its annual food
drive from October 13th-23rd. Thanksgiving is a very
special time of the year when we as a school community
collect non-perishable food items to help those who are in
need in our own local community. We will be collecting
these items over the next week. Please be generous with
your donation of canned/dried goods and soaps/general
hygiene products. All donations will be sent to the
Knight’s Table in Brampton.
Terry Fox Walk
A big thank you to parents, students and
staff for your active involvement in
making our Terry Fox fundraising
effort on, September 25th such a great
success! We are thrilled with the
response of our community to such a
worthwhile event. It was truly an
inspirational day for all as we joined together as a school
community to support this very worthy cause in the fight
against cancer.
Virtue of the Month - Empathy
The Virtue that we will be focusing on for the month of
October is empathy. We understand empathy to mean the
ability to identify with and feel other people’s concern. An
empathetic person believes that we all share one Spirit; that
we are many parts of one body because we are all created
in the image and likeness of God.
An empathetic person:
Listens attentively & watches people’s body language
Notices and responds when someone is upset
Can name her/his feelings
Can see a situation from a different point of view
Knows that different people may feel differently about
the same thing.
Opening Mass
Our opening school mass was held on
Tuesday, October 6th. Our celebrant was
Fr. Robert Mignella. It was a very special
celebration shared by our students, staff
and parents who attended. A special thankyou to our school liturgical team (Mrs. Pelaia) who
organized our mass with our Parish Pastoral Team, our
Over 100 countries around the world celebrated United
Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) World Teacher’s Day. The Board of Trustees
for Dufferin-Peel resolved the following: “Our board is
proud to recognize the professionalism and dedication
that our teachers show in their classrooms,” says Mario
Pascucci, chair of the board of trustees. “We encourage
all our students and school community to thank our
teachers for the extraordinary contributions they make to
the development and success of our students.”
“Teachers have an incredibly important role in our
communities,” said John Kostoff, director of education.
“Most of us can point to a teacher who has influenced us
in a very positive way. The contributions that our teachers
and Catholic educational teams make in preparing our
students to become successful in their future careers, as
well as good citizens, should be recognized and
Special thanks to the teaching and support staff at
Father Clair Tipping for your on-going commitment
to student learning and student achievement. You
truly make a difference in the lives of our children.
Achieving, Believing & Caring
Book Fair Update
Peel Police Partnerships with FCT School
Thank you to all parents and students who
helped make our book fair a great success.
The school raised $2,300.00 from the Book
Fair. A percentage of this money is given back to the
school to purchase additional books and supplies for the
library. Your generosity and support will also help
purchase many needed resources for our school. A
special thank you to all those who donated their time to
help organize and run this most worthwhile event.
We are very pleased to once again partner with Peel
police to support our safe school’s initiatives. Our
educational officer will be coming in the New Year to our
school to continue to present on various topics such as
cyber-bullying, bullying, street-proofing, etc. Our Grade 6
students have started the RAID program offered through
the Peel Police.
J. Serrentino
FCT School Council
Thank you to all the members of the 2015-2016 School
Council. Your hard work and dedication to Father Clair
Tipping Catholic School was truly appreciated by all the
staff and students.
Our first Catholic School Council meeting for this school
year was held on Wednesday, October 7th at 7:00 p.m. in
the school library. Congratulations go out to the following
elected School Council Members for the 2015-2016 school
Parish Representative
OAPCE Representative
Parent Representatives
Staff Representatives
Vice Principal
R. Rowe
K. Lake
M. Da Fonte
J. Moreira
M. Mandap
L. Britton
J. Gordon
R. Rakovalis
Z. Dosanjh
R. Zambri
M. McKnight, R. Munroe,
S. Menezes, P. Bowles
S. Chambers
K. Dolan
School Hours and Supervision
Supervision in the school yard begins at 8:15 a.m. Please
do not drop your children off at school prior to that time as
they will not be supervised. The school day ends at 3:00
p.m. Parents are asked to ensure that arrangements are
made for their children to leave school at 3:00 p.m.
Students are not supervised after 3:00 p.m. unless they are
involved in a planned supervised activity that has parental
permission. Please do not rely on the school to supervise
children after 3:00 p.m. The doors of Father Clair Tipping
are open to parents who wish to visit or confer with staff,
however, an appointment is necessary, as the classroom
teacher’s first responsibility is teaching the class during
regular school hours. Please report to the office upon
entering the school. Thank you for your support in keeping
classroom interruptions to a minimum and maintaining a
safe environment for our students
Tips to Prevent Cyberbullying
Today, students have access to a variety of digital devices
such as cell phones, computers and iPads where they can
access instant messaging, chat rooms, video games, social
networking places such as email, My Space, Twitter,
Instagram and Facebook. Parents and educators have a
responsibility to ensure that students use this form of
communication in a safe and responsible manner.
Cyberbullying is the practice of posting or sending
harmful images or electronic text via the Internet or other
digital communication tools. The following are some tips
to help keep your kids safe.
Our Next Catholic School Council Meeting is
Wednesday, November 11th, 2015 @ 7:00 pm in the
school library.
Future meeting dates and minutes from past school council
meetings for this school year will be posted on our school
website. All meetings begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. and end
at approximately 8:30 p.m. Please come out to help make
Father Clair Tipping School the very best it can be for all
the children.
Tell your children to never pass along harmful or
cruel messages or images.
Never post or share your personal information
online (this includes your full name, address,
telephone number, school name, parents’ names,
or Social Security number) or your friends’
personal information.
Train your child to delete suspicious email
messages without opening them.
Teach your child how to use technology to block
communication with cyberbullies.
Speak to your child about the importance of
telling a parent or trusted adult about any
cyberbullying they’re witness to.
At home, supervise and monitor your child’s
time online. Putting the computer in a common
area, such as the kitchen, is a good idea.
Achieving, Believing & Caring
Communicate with your child’s school if any
bullying issues are brought back to the school
environment. For More information Contact:
Safe Schools: School Security
As many of you are already aware, a security camera and
buzzer system have been installed at the front entrance to
our school. Parents/visitors are expected to press the
button on this system and identify themselves by name
and also include their child’s name and reason for their
visit prior to entry into our school. Please continue to be
patient as staff in the office will attend to the door
monitor as soon as possible. There may be a delay in
answering the door as our first priority is students in our
school office. We have asked our students if they see
adults at the front door NOT to open it. Please do not
knock on the door and call students to open the door for
you as this defeats the purpose of our system. Also, once
parents have entered the front door of the school they
MUST report to the office immediately. Parents/visitors
are NOT permitted to walk down the hall to their child’s
classroom. If you wish to speak to your child please come
to the office and office staff will arrange to accommodate
your request. For parents who are dropping off lunches,
there is a lunch table set up in the front hallway for
lunches for grades 1-8 and also a separate table for
lunches for our Kindergarten students. Kindergarten
parents are not permitted to deliver lunches to their
child’s classroom to ensure the safety and security of our
School Halloween celebrations will be organized by
classroom teachers and will take place at the school on
Friday, October 30th. Students are encouraged to select
costumes that are in good taste, bearing in mind our
Catholic setting. In keeping with our School & Board
Catholic Code of Conduct Guidelines, we ask that
parent/students follow these guidelines for appropriate
dress and safety:
No masks
No replicas of weapon or artifacts of a violent nature
(e.g. toy guns, toy swords, toy knives, etc.)
No costumes and/or attire that would be considered
demeaning or offensive to others
We ask that you follow our school guidelines for NOT
sending any products with peanut/nut products and to
follow any information from your child(s) classroom
teacher regarding specific food allergies (no home
baked items). We encourage parents to send in nonfood items such as pencils, stickers, etc. If you have any
questions, please contact your child’s classroom teacher or
the school office.
Indoor Shoes/Extra Clothing
With the arrival of colder weather, and increased
precipitation, we would like to ensure all students are dry
and comfortable when indoors. We ask that you ensure
your child has a pair of shoes that he/she wears only when
indoors at school. We also suggest to have your child
keep a change of clothing at school, including extra socks
and mittens. Be sure such clothing is labeled and easily
identified by your child.
Attendance and Punctuality
The Ministry of Education states that it is the
responsibility of each parent to ensure that his/her child
be in attendance and at scheduled activities on time and
with the proper materials required for full participation.
At Father Clair Tipping Catholic School, we teach
children to be on time for their scheduled classes. Regular
and punctual attendance on the part of the student is vital
to the process of learning. Students who are habitually
late or absent for class will miss essential parts of the
program. Also, when a child is late, the entire class is
disrupted and the program is affected for all. It is essential
that your child be punctual in order to achieve maximum
success. Please reinforce the importance of promptness
with your child. Should your child have a legitimate
reason to be late or absent at any time, please provide
them with a written note to assist us in appropriate followup. Frequent late arrivals or absences without appropriate
reason from parents/guidance will result in letters home,
and if necessary an attendance conference. If your child
will be late or absent from school, it is very important that
you notify the school before 8:30 a.m. by leaving a voice
mail message on the attendance line at 905-789-1741 and
pressing 1.You should speak clearly and leave the
students FIRST and LAST NAME, the teacher's Name,
and the reason for the absence or lateness. Thank you.
Leaving At Lunchtime
Parents/Guardians please be advised that ALL students
must have written permission from a parent/guardian to
leave the school at lunch. Verbal permission (over the
phone) will not be accepted. A signed and dated note with
a parent/guardian signature is required for each
occurrence. The note must come to the office and students
are required to sign out and to sign back in when they
return for afternoon classes.
Just a reminder that if your child requires an epi-pen due
to various allergies, we must have his/her epi-pen at the
school. We ask, that all student who require an epi-pen
have two epi-pens available – one that can be kept in the
office and the other that can be kept on the child either in
a pouch or stored safely in the classroom. If your child is
a bus student the school recommends that your child have
an epi-pen (that can be self-administered) with them at all
times when riding the school bus. Please check before
Achieving, Believing & Caring
sending that the epi-pen has not expired or a replacement
will be required. Also, students are not to have any form
of medication on them at the school. If your child requires
medication you must inform the principal and have it
stored in the school office. Thank you.
School Driveway/Kiss N’ Ride Safety
We respectfully ask once again that drivers refrain from
stopping or parking in the bus lane at the front of the
school. This area is a Fire Route and fines for a violation
are high. Also, parents are asked NOT to park in our
Kiss N’ Ride lane next to our Kindergarten yard as this
stops traffic from moving and is a danger to the safety of
our students. Please note that students are to exit their
parent’s vehicle on the passenger’s side (right side) of
the car NOT the driver’s side. The driver’s side is
directly next to our drive thru lane and it is extremely
unsafe for children to exit on this side of your vehicle.
Lastly, parents are asked to take caution when picking up
and dropping off their child in the Kiss N’ Ride lane.
Please Do NOT speed through this area and please
obey the Stop Sign at the Crosswalk as students use
this area to walk to school. School staff will continue to
monitor this area and remind parents to follow these very
important rules. *Also, please be cautious and DO NOT
speed in school zones.*
Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL)
Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) prohibits the
sending of commercial messages, including e-mails and
other forms of digital messaging if the electronic message
encourages participation in a commercial activity, unless
the sender has received the recipient’s consent prior to
sending the message.
We at Father Clair Tipping require your consent to send
any electronic messages which promote, advertise or offer
for sale goods and services. We have sent home a consent
form for you to sign to give your consent to receive
electronic communications, which may contain
commercial electronic messages, as described above. If
you did not receive this form and would like to fill one in
please notify the school office. Thank you.
Progress Report Cards
Progress reports will be sent home on Tuesday,
November 17th. The progress report card provides initial
information, early in the school year about a student’s
progress. It is designed to show a student’s development
of the learning skills and work habits, as well as a
student’s general progress in working towards the
achievement of the curriculum expectations. For these
reasons, the November progress report does not include
marks. The evening of November 19th, 2015 will be
designated for parent/teacher interviews if requested.
*Please note that students in FDK do not receive a
Progress Report in November.
Bussing Information
Please be advised that we are continuing to implement the
transportation computer system. You can track your
child(rens) bus stop, pick up and drop off time, delayed
buses, cancellations, etc. at the following website:
There are instances where the bus may arrive late. Please
stay at your child’s stop to wait for their arrival or they
will be returned to the school.
Courtesy seat applications will be reviewed this month. If
courtesy seats are available on your child’s bus they will
be assigned during the last week of October. Parents who
have applied for a courtesy seat will be notified by the
CCAT Testing
From Monday, October 19th to Wednesday, October 21st,
our grade 4 students will be administered the CCAT
(Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test). The results of this
test help students who may be eligible for gifted
programming in the future.
FCT Sports Centre
Congratulations to our Junior Boys Volleyball team who
placed first at the Mini Tournament and will be
representing our school at the Family Tournament at St.
Michaels S.S. on October 15th! Also, congratulations to
our Junior Girls Volleyball team who placed second at the
Mini Tournament! Way to go FCT Titans!
Achieving, Believing & Caring
Catholic School Council Meeting – 7:00 p.m.
Junior Boys and Girls Volleyball Tournament
Oct 8
Bus Patroller Training at Peel Safety Village
Region of Peel Immunization Clinic – Grade
7’s & Grade 8 girls
Oct 9
RAID Program – Grade 6 with Peel Police
Oct 12
Thanksgiving Day – No school
Oct 13
Skills Ontario to meet with Intermediate
Oct 19-21 CCAT Testing – Grade 4 students
Oct 23
Commissioning Ceremony for student Youth
Faith Ambassadors at Holy Family Parish
RAID Program – Grade 6 with Peel Police
Oct 30
RAID Program – Grade 6 with Peel Police
Halloween Dance-A-Thon – collect donations
from family and friends to support our school
initiatives and families in need at Christmas.
Nov 1
Nov 2
Nov 4
Nov 5
Nov 11
Nov 17
Nov 18
Nov 19
Nov 23
Nov 26
All Saints Day
All Souls Day
RAP Visit – St. Thomas Aquinas with Gr. 8
Grade 8 students @ d’Youville Secondary for
“A Day in the Life”
Grade 8 students @ Ambrozic Secondary for
Confirmation Retreat at the Parish in a.m.
Catholic School Council Meeting – 7:00 p.m.
Progress Report Cards go home
Grade 8 Parent Registration and Information
night at d’Youville S.S.
Interview Evening for parents (optional)
Grade 8 students completing “My Blueprint”
for Secondary School
Intermediate Boys and Girls Volleyball – all
day @ FCT
Friday, October 30, 2015
Our Catholic School Council is once again hosting
a “Halloween Dance-A-Thon!” Students are
invited to wear their costumes and have fun
dancing to great tunes!
Students will be asked to collect pledges from
family members and friends to support our
Catholic School Council fundraising objectives
for this school year and also to help support the
needy families at Christmas Time for the Helping
Hands Program with St. Marguerite d’Youville
Pledge sheets, envelopes and a letter to parents
will be sent home during the week of October
12th- 16th.
PRIZES: There will be 2 iPad’s and 2 Movie Gift
Baskets given out as student prizes!
The students and staff at
Father Clair Tipping cheer:
Achieving, Believing & Caring