Shared Priorities: Outcomes: Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading

Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Edmund Catholic School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By June 2015 there will be an increase in the proportion of students at St. Edmund
indicating that they feel accepted by other students in the school as demonstrated by the
CCCC School Climate Survey.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/3/2015: At. St. Edmund Elementary Catholic School we have been building a sense of belonging and community
through many initiatives and activities. The school continues with "Living our Virtues," and inviting the voices of all
students. The school consistently seeks support and co-operation with our Positive School Climate Plan from our
NPU Officers, Special Services staff, Guest Speakers, and Peel Health. Staff and students continue to hold monthly
assemblies which promote positive school climate and personal growth. Staff continue to provide students with
extra-curricular opportunities to promote student voice, connectivity, and spiritual, social, emotional, physical, and
intellectual growth (Eco Kids, Boys' Cooking Club, Youth Faith Ambassadors, Forest of Reading, Newspaper Club,
Playground Activity Leaders, Public Speaking, Canadian Skills Competition - Lego Dacto, Pri/Jr/Int Choirs, Sports,
Intramurals varied sports teams, etc.) In partnership with Fr. John Facey, we have held our third Parish Symposium
with St. Patrick's Parish in order to continue to promote the parish-school-home connection. As a school
community, we continue with Positive School Climate initiatives such as W. I.T.S., the use of 'I' Statements and our
'Bucket Program". We continue to use the School Climate (Survey 2014/15) as a guide to determine how our
students are feeling regarding safety , etc. The survey results indicated that 93% of students feel safe at school.
Shared Priorities:
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By June 2016 there will be an increase in successful instructional practises that support
collaborative inquiry. Evidence for growth for students will include an increase in the
proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement on the learning skill and work
habit of collaboration. Evidence for faculty will include an increase in the proportion of
faculty who are confident in applying knowledge gained through professional learning
Outcome Progress Comments
6/3/2015: Teachers, in collaboration with the SAT are continuing to implement an inquiry-based approach to
learning. The year's focus has been on effectively integrating a variety of instructional strategies to facilitate the
inquiry process. Additionally, classroom teachers, in collaboration with the Special Assignment Teacher and
administration, created data driven rich performance tasks to inform the teaching-learning process which led to
the continued use of learning goals, success criteria, descriptive feedback, and differentiated instruction. Students
have demonstrated they are better able to self-evaluate and set individual learning goals. As a school, we have also
focused on early intervention strategies in the area of mathematics. We have introduced a new math game
approach for our primary students through the mentorship of our intermediates. In partnership with our Catholic
School Council, we have sought parental/community engagement through a Family Math Night.
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SkoVision™ Report
Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Edmund Catholic School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By June 2016, the diverse needs of all learners will be supported, ensuring successful
transitions along the journey from FDK to Secondary School.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/3/2015: All identified students, and 'students at risk' have a transition plan in place from one grade to another.
All grade 8 students have used the "My Blueprint" resource as part of their transition from grade 8 to secondary
school. In partnership with St. Paul S.S. we have met, as a transition team, to speak to successful transition
planning for our grade 8 students. In order to best meet students' learning needs, a focus on differentiated
instruction from K-8 continues to be a school-wide goal.
Shared Priorities:
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By June 2016, teachers will increase their assessment practices (for, as and of learning)
which will empower students to take ownership of their own learning. This will be
demonstrated through students' ability to effectively use success criteria and selfassessment to articulate their understanding and develop insights about their own learning.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/3/2015: There has been a noticeable increase in staff's understanding of assessment for and as
learning as evidenced by staff feedback from professional learning opportunities, as a result of professional
learning opportunities provided at all staff meetings, professional development days, and job-embedded
opportunities. Primary, junior and intermediate educators participated in divisional co-planning and/or co-teaching
opportunities with the SERT/SERC teachers, SAT, SWIST, and administrator. Teachers planned with the SAT and
grade level partners. We focused on a co-learning stance with all staff members in PD opportunities, and partnered
with Corpus Christi staff for two professional development opportunities.
Shared Priorities:
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By June 2016, at St. Edmund School, there will be an increase in successful teaching
practices that support effective instruction as demonstrated through the use of anchor
charts, learning goals and specific descriptive feedback for all learners.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/3/2015: There has been a noticeable an increase in successful practices (i.e., use of manipulatives, co-planning
with SAT, networking) that support effective instruction such as the three part lesson design, inquiry-based
learning, and guided reading/practice. The use of learning goals, descriptive feedback, self-evaluation and success
criteria across grade levels helps students to be successful. There have been opportunities throughout the year
for all teachers to work with the SAT to co-plan and/or co-teach. We will continue to further develop collaborative
inquiry practices into the classroom.
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SkoVision™ Report