Shared Priorities: Outcomes: Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading


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Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Therese of the Child Jesus

Annual Progress Report

Shared Priorities:


Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading

1.0 By the end of 2016, we would like to increase our students' sense of feeling included and a sense of wellbeing during academic, social and spiritual experiences, as demonstrated in the CCCC School Climate Survey. We would like to see a decrease in the proportion of students reporting that they have felt not accepted at school, as demonstrated by the CCCC

School Climate Survey.

Outcome Progress Comments

5/29/2015: We have implemented a Mentoring relationship between the new extended French students and the experienced students through the French Connection. We have had anti-bullying presentations from various speakers and presenters to address various forms of bullying; from Peel Regional Police visits for educational presentations on forms of bullying; cyberbullying; internet safety; and Anthony McLean with "iEngage", a presentation on antibullying. The Catholic School Council had a welcoming committee on the first day of school to introduce themselves to new parents to the school, as well as a welcoming BBQ for all students and their parents on the school curriculum night. We successfully hosted a French Café, involving students from grades 4-8 as one of our main events during Catholic Education Week. We currently celebrate the virtues in monthly liturgies with certificates and pencils presented to two students per class, as well as one presentation for best effort from each class. We have also broadened our Youth Faith Ambassador program to involve students from grades 2 – 8 to increase student engagement and to bring to life our Catholic Graduate Expectations. We will look to the next

School Climate survey to determine overall success of the implementation of these strategies.

Shared Priorities:


Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry

2.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of staff and students who are demonstrating an understanding of the inquiry process by participating in collaborative inquiry opportunities.

Outcome Progress Comments

5/29/2015: This year, we have increased the inquiry process through the 3 part lesson/ universal design lessons.

We have also focused on the area of Learning Skills to better meet the needs of students and their participation in the inquiry process. Through the use of our Special Assignment Teacher, Student Work Study Inquiry, Professional

Development Activities, and an emphasis on teacher collaboration, staff have been involved in identifying ways to improve their professional practice through the inquiry process. We continue to develop ways of communicating to the parent community our goals and establishing a stronger partnership with regards to the 3-part lesson, and had a successful Family Numeracy Night. As a staff, we continue to use the practice of reviewing data to identify strengths and weaknesses in EQAO, CASI and PM Benchmark data as well as observations, class profiles, and formative assessments.

SkoVision™ Report 6/29/2015

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Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Therese of the Child Jesus

Annual Progress Report

Shared Priorities:


Enhancing Transitional Practices

3.0 By the end of 2016 there will be an increase in successful practices that support transitional practices.

Outcome Progress Comments

5/29/2015: We continue to establish and refine the process for meeting the needs of our diverse learners. We use the structured practice of a referral process involving the special education resource teachers and administration, as well as TRIAD meetings as needed, and monthly TEAM meetings with special services to address evidenced based student needs. We continue to a use a model of support that involves classroom teachers and resource staff to work more collaboratively, in order to layer support for our students. Transition meetings occur involving staff to allow us to discuss learning needs of students. We continue to use cross panel transition meetings for students with diverse needs so that a positive transition plan to secondary school is in place.

Shared Priorities:


Knowing the Learner through Assessment

4.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement on the learning skills, work habit scores, and student achievement as demonstrated through report card data.

Outcome Progress Comments

5/29/2015: St. Therese has successfully employed diagnostic assessments in reading and writing. PM Benchmarks and CASI are used as diagnostic tools in primary, junior and intermediate grades. Diagnostic assessments in other areas are being developed, however PRIME is used for mathematics. Data from these diagnostic assessments are analyzed for strengths and weaknesses, and are used to target instruction to address students learning needs.

Teachers have created class profiles to determine the preferred learning styles of their students as well as student profiles to be used as transition tools.

Shared Priorities:


Responding through Effective Instruction

5.0 By the end of three years, there will be an increase in collaborative co-planning opportunities for teachers that supports the development of best teaching practices as demonstrated in the number of staff participating in PD sessions.

Outcome Progress Comments

5/29/2015: St. Therese staff is collaborating and co-planning to develop best teaching practices, while incorporating our Technology Plan and Pathways and Transition Plans to best meet the needs of students. We have benefited from greater opportunities to allow co-plan and co-teaching to occur. Administration has provided opportunities for teachers to visit other classrooms through Learning Walks and visits to neighbouring schools. We continue to align the French and English goals with the assistance of our Special Assignment Teacher and PD opportunities provided from the Board. All teachers are using Benchmarks and guided reading resources to assess and aid students in their learning. Teachers have attended professional development sessions on three part lessons, the new Social Studies curriculum, inquiry methods, Smart Board training, transition and pathways, etc.

With a focus on Learning Skills, we have created a natural connection to the Catholic Graduate Expectations allowing students to be more mindful of their learning needs and strengths.

SkoVision™ Report 6/29/2015
