Digestive System: Digestion

Digestive System:
1. When does digestion begin? ______________________________
2. Food is the body's ________ __________
3. ____________ in food gives the body's cells the energy and other
substances they need to operate.
4. We have a ______________ digestive system where food enters the
mouth and passes through the long tube, then exits as feces.
5. _________ muscles in the walls of the digestive system
rhythmically keep food moving through this tube.
6. During the process of ______________, nutrients pass
through channels in the intestinal walls and into the
bloodstream. Blood then carries the nutrients throughout
the body.
7. Name the nutrients listed in the article: __________ _________
___________ _____________ ______________
Click on the box to the right. Label the diagram
What Is Digestion And What Does It Do?
8. Food is broken down into _________ that can be absorbed by the body.
the body breaks proteins we eat into ________ acids, starches into
________ _________, and fats into ______ ______ and glycerol.
Our bodies also absorb _________ for the fluid our cells need.
9. Our digestive system or _____________ ____________ is made up of
the ____________, ________________, _______________
and in an adult is about _______ feet long.
Steps Of Digestion:
a) ______ & _______ tear and chop food and add saliva
b) ___________ tube that connects mouth to the stomach
c) ____________ muscle contractions pushing food through
d) ___________ churns/mixes food with digestive enzymes
e) _________ a thick liquid made from food eaten & enzymes
f) _________ makes bile to breakdown fat molecules
g) ______ _________ stores the bile until it's needed
h) _________ makes insulin to breakdown sugar molecules
i) ________ _____________ nutrients are absorbed from
the foods we eat through the villi.
j) ________ _____________ extracts water from the
undigested food and forms solid waste to be excreted.
j) _________ lower part of the lg. Intestine where bacteria help
digest the "left-overs" (feces). Feces then is eliminated
through the rectum as a bowel movement.