Unit 4: The Rise and Decline of French and... Day 1 Rise of French Absolutism

Unit 4: The Rise and Decline of French and English Absolutism (13 Days)
Day 1 Rise of French Absolutism
Reading from Bodin
McKay p, 531-543
Describe the formulation of the Edict of Nantes.
Describe the policies of Sully.
Eludicate the policies of Richelieu And Mazarin.
Determine to what extent French absolutism under Henry IV and Louis XIV reflected the
ideas of Bodin
Day 2. and 3. French culture during the Age of Louis XIV
Reading on merchantilism
McKay p, 536-543, 562-563
A. Determine how the “Sun King’s” style of absolutism was implemented in government
B. Explain Colbert’s economic merchantilism.
C. Analyze how mercantilism is an extension of absolutism.
D. Describe how Louis XIV used the fine arts as an extension of his power structures.
Day 4 The Dark Side of the Sun King (Louis XIV’s wars) and the fall of Spanish Abolutism
McKay p. 543-548
A. List any major military reforms under Louis XIV.
B. Ascertain the major issues and results of the War of the League of Augsburg and the War of
Spanish Succession
C. Evaluate the Treaties of Utrecht, Rastadt and Baden as to their French and global
D. Determine how the wars of Louis XIV led to the deterioration of French prominence.
Day 5 and 6 Early Stuart Absolutism and Civil War
McKay p. 548-552
Explain how James I applied the “Divine Right of Kings”
Differentiate among the beliefs of various religious groups in 17th century England.
Analyze how the Puritans gradually moved into Parliamentary prominence.
Describe Cromwell’s opposition and how the English Civil War affected royal absolutism.
Day 7 and 8 Cromwell’s England, the Restoration and the Glorious Revolution of 1688
McKay p. 552-554
Complete a 2-phase analysis of Cromwell’s Commonwealth.
Indicate the degree to which religion played in the reign of Charles II
Evaluate the accuracy of the term “Glorious Revolution”.
Determine the political changes during this period that influenced England as well as
other countries.
Day 9 Social Contract Theory- Hobbes and Locke
Readings -John Locke and Hobbes
A. Formulate the major ideas of Hobbes’ and Locke’s writings.
B. Relate Locke’s social contract to British 17th century turmoil.
Day 10 17th Century Intellectual History
Winks/Brinton reading p. 418-421
A. List the major philosophical ideas and their authors of the time.
B. Identify any religious debates of the time.
Day 11 and 12 Baroque Art and Literature (if it’s not Baroque, don’t fix it!!)
Winks/Brinton p. 421-425
McKay p. 521-523
A. List the major writers, musicians, and artists of Louis XIV’s court.
B. Describe the degree of classical influence on Versailles.
C. Discuss the French Academy system and how it was used to place crown control over the fine
D. If time allows, students should explore and research Italian Baroque artists such as Bernini
and Palladio and Northern Baraoque figures such as Rubens , Vermeer and Wren.
Day 13 Unit Exam