Chapter 9: Social Stratification Sociology Name _____________________________________________

Mr. McCreary
Name _____________________________________________
Chapter 9: Social Stratification
3. Marx' name for the "owners."
5. Party that tends to blame stratification on flaws in capitalism.
8. Type of marriage usually only found in a class system.
10. System where movement is impossible.
12. System where movement is possible.
13. Social ___ is the unequal sharing of resources.
14. Class made up of the lowest paid workers in society.
15. Standard of living below the minimum level considered adequate in society.
16. group of people with similar level of wealth, power, prestige
17. system that divides people on the basis of achieved statuses.
18. liklihood people have of sharing in societies opportunities
19. families or people who experience poverty over a number of generations.
1. system based on division based on ascribed statuses.
2. abbreviation of socioeconomic status which rates levels of education, occupation,
and residence.
4. Class that is mostly made up of higher income businesspeople and professionals.
6. Party that tends to blame poverty on poor individual decision making.
7. movement between classes
9. Class that is partially made up of people whose families have been welathy for
11. Social ___ separates memebers of society based on certain characteristics.
14. Class usually made up of manual laborers.