General Sociology Reading/Lecture Guide for Unit Two Social Conformity and Inequality CHAPTER 5 What is socialization How "self" develops through environment, interactions and genetic potential (L) Self concept and the ideal, image, and esteem components (L) Conscious/subconscious inputs (L) How to change one’s concept of “self” (L) Nature vs. nurture Social isolation studies Mead's ideas on development of “self” Cooley's “Looking Glass” and the development of “self” Goffmans’s Dramaturgical Analysis and “Presentation of “Self” and Performances (Chapter 6) Agents of socialization Socialization and the stages of the life course Rites of passage and the stages of the life course (L) CHAPTER 6 Status, status set Master status Ascribed and achieved status Status inconsistency Roles, role set Role conflict/role strain Social construction of reality and our concept of “self” STRATIFICATION AND SOCIAL CLASS - CHAPTERS 10, 11 Open ranked class systems Closed ranked class systems (castes) Segmented class systems (socialism) (L) Meritocracy versus ascription India, S. Africa, United Kingdom, Massai, US as different social class systems Davis-Moore and Functional theory of stratification Karl Marx and Social Conflict theory of stratification Max Weber’s and the concept of Socioeconomic Status vs. Economic Class Income, occupation, education, power and prestige Criteria which identify and create classes of inequality in different societies Social class divisions in the United States and their basis (Upper class, middle class, working class, lower class) Distribution of income in the US Poverty in the US Who are the poor (race, age and gender) Theories explaining poverty Jobs and their changing structure, joblessness, and poverty (Wilson) Welfare Dilemma and the Role of “welfare” the effects of how government assistance is awarded in the US Intersection Theory and the Feminization and colorization of poverty Effects of family structure and poverty INEQUALITY DIMENSIONS OF ETHNICITY AND GENDER - CHAPTER 14 Gender and social stratification (Chapter 13) Intersection theory (Ch. 13) Gender, occupation and income inequality (Ch. 13) Patriarchy (Ch. 13) What is a minority group; are women a minority (Ch. 13) Minorities The differences between race, ethnicity, and cultural identity Intraspecies variation (L) Discrimination, prejudice, stereotypes Prejudice and discrimination: The Vicious Cycle Looking ahead to the 21st century Affirmative Action