FST Univariate Data Notes- Dotplots and Describing Distributions

Univariate Data
Notes- Dotplots and Describing Distributions
Statistical Terminology for Describing Data Distributions
Center- _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Note: In each dotplot, one plot represents ________________________________ of the variable being measured.
Example 1: The dot plot shows an
exam taken by 3 classes.
Class A ____________________
Class B ____________________
Class C ___________________
Which class performed best? _________
Shape- __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Example 2: The dotplot represents the number of miles run in one given day by members of a running club.
1. Describe the shape of the data.
2. What does the shape imply with
relation to what the graph displays.
Spread- _________________________________________________________________________________
Example 3:
1. Which class had the least variability in
test scores?
2. Which class had the most variability in
test scores?
Outliers- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Example 4:
Identify the outlier.
Describing Distributions:
a.) ____________________________________
Comment on-
b.) ________________________________
c.) ________________________________