Shared Priorities: Outcomes: Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading

Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Luke Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students indicating that they
feel accepted by students in the school, as demonstrated by the CCCC School Climate
Survey results.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/31/2015: The school is using the set of data from the School Climate Survey to inform practice and determine
next steps. The school continues to access support of NPU officers, Child & Youth Worker, and Social Worker. The
CYW has offered play/social skills groups and coaching at recesses and has done in class work with Grades 3, 5 and
7. As well, the Playground Activity Leaders in Schools (PALS) program continues to provide cooperative recess
activities, peer mediation and support with conflict resolution for our students.
Shared Priorities:
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support collaborative
student inquiry, as evidenced by an increase in the proportion of students who have
demonstrated improvement on the learning skill and work habit of collaboration.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/31/2015: Final report cards are in the process of being prepared. Report results will continue to be analyzed at
grade levels where teacher collaborative inquiry has focused on self-regulation skill and strategy development.
Teachers continue to dialogue to consider the impact of their work on learning skills development and are
considering ways in which to share information that supports the student as s/he transitions to a new classroom in
Shared Priorities:
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.1 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the use of successful practices that support
collaborative inquiry, as evidenced by an increase in the proportion of educators who
indicate in feedback/surveys the intent to continue to develop knowledge gained through
professional learning opportunities in collaboration with others.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/31/2015: All educators are engaged in grade level collaborative inquiries as well as a school-wide focus on math.
Staff have indicated their interest and commitment to further inquiry and collaboration in these areas of
professional learning and have identified Parent Engagement in Math as a next step for inquiry. Feedback indicates
an interest in continuing to focus on assessment as it links to mathematical processes and a divisional approach to
planning for mathematical instruction (e.g., timing strands for divisions to take on an open task question at
intervals through the school year).
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SkoVision™ Report
Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Luke Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support student
transitions as demonstrated by FDK parent transition survey and conversations with recent
Grade 8 graduates and/or their parents.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/31/2015: Surveys and interviews to take place in October 2015. Staff are continuing the student placement
process initiated last year and are meeting with receiving teachers/Iona CSS staff to support the transition of
students with diverse learning needs.
Shared Priorities:
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students able to articulate
strategies supporting their learning, as demonstrated by perceptual data survey results and
the "explain your thinking" section of open tasks across the curriculum.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/31/2015: Evidence of student ability to articulate strategies used to support learning has been gathered through
Focus on Five sharing during staff collaborative inquiry meetings with administrators. Administrator Learning
Walks involving conversations with students have highly supported findings shared by staff.
Shared Priorities:
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.1 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of educators who increased
their understanding of "assessment for and as learning," as demonstrated by professional
learning feedback from collaborative school-level work.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/31/2015: Teachers continue to use Learning Goals and Success Criteria to communicate learning targets for
students and parents. “Assessment for” and “Assessment as” learning are a focal point of conversation with
individual teachers, in grade/division level discussions and in cross-division conversation at staff meetings. Knowing
the Learner through Assessment continues to be a focus of our collaborative school-level work.
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SkoVision™ Report
Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Luke Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the use of successful practices that support
effective instruction, as evidenced by an increase in the proportion of students improving
their EQAO achievement levels between Grades 3 and 6.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/31/2015: Primary and Junior teachers have met with the Special Assignment Teacher on a regular basis to
engage in learning that is supported by co-planning/co-teaching. Teachers have focused on unpacking curriculum
expectations across grade levels to develop open tasks to be approached through three part learning and to
highlight the mathematical processes of Problem-Solving, Representation and Communication.
Shared Priorities:
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.1 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the use of successful practices that support
effective instruction, as evidenced by an increase in the proportion of educators who
through feedback/surveys identify that have gained more confidence and professional
knowledgeable in their area of focus (by division/subject; in. literacy, numeracy, effective
lesson design).
Outcome Progress Comments
5/31/2015: Teachers will have the opportunity to reflect on their professional learning at their June collaborative
inquiry meeting. Information gathered will shape next steps and plans for professional learning in the 2015-16
school year.
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SkoVision™ Report