Name ________________________ Unit 1, Chapter 1 Study Guide ____________________________________________________________.

Name ________________________
Unit 1, Chapter 1 Study Guide
1. One theory about how early people migrated from Asia to the Americas was _______
2. One theory about why early people migrated from Asia to the Americas was _______
3. During the _______________, early people _____________________ to get food.
4. Most people lived ___________________________________ during the Ice Age.
5. Early people became __________________________ when large Ice Age animals
died out.
6. Agriculture affected early people’s way of life because they had to _____________
7. Mound Builder built mounds for ________________________________________
8. The Anasazi were known as _________________________ and grew __________,
_____________, ______________, and _____________.
9. The Anasazi became successful farmers in the desert because they
10. The ____________ traveled from Asia to America 2,500 years ago and stayed near
the _____________________ Ocean.
11. The Inuit hunted ________________, developed the ________________, and
still build ____________________.
12. The ____________________ were extremely successful farmers.
13. Because the Mayans had a surplus of food, they began to ____________________.
14. As a result of the Mayan study of the movements of the sun, moon, stars, and
planets, the _______________________ was developed.
15. The Aztecs extended their borders by __________________________________
16. The Aztecs got more land for farming by: