Social Studies Chapter 1 Study Guide

Social Studies Chapter 1 Study Guide
Name: _______________
1. What is one theory about how early peoples migrated from Asia to the Americas?
2. What is one theory about why early peoples migrated from Asia to the Americas?
3. How did early Americans get food during the Ice Age?
4. Where did most early people live during the Ice Age?
5. Circle one of the following statements that best describes what happened to early peoples
when large Ice Age animals died out?
They became hunter-gatherers.
They became vegetarians.
They became extinct.
They became farmers.
6. What was the effect of agriculture on the way of life of the early peoples?
7. What was one purpose of the mounds built by the Mound Builders?
8. What does the fact that Mound Builders were able to build such enormous structures tell
about them? (circle one)
They were dependable.
They were trustworthy.
They were well organized.
They were kind.
9. Which of the following is NOT true about the Anasazi?
They ate nothing but the animals they hunted.
They were the first to use irrigation in what is now the United States.
They grew corn, squash, beans, and pumpkins.
They were known as the “Cliff Dwellers.”
10. How did the Anasazi become successful farmers in the desert?
11. Who traveled from Asia to America 2500 years ago and stayed near the Arctic Ocean?
12. Circle the following statement that is NOT true.
The Inuit hunt walruses.
The Inuit developed the kayak.
The Inuit still build igloos.
The Inuit are successful farmers.
13. Circle the area in which the Maya were extremely successful.
14. What resulted from the Mayan food surplus?
15. What was developed as a result of the Mayan study of the movements of the sun, moon,
stars, and planets?
16. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways the Aztecs got more land for farming?
They created floating gardens.
They bought land from their neighbors.
They carved terraces into hillsides.
They developed irrigation systems.
17. How did the Aztecs extend their borders to reach from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans?