Uploaded by Joel Izaguirre

The Earliest Americans Worksheet: History Quiz

Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Class: _____
The Earliest Americans
The Earliest Americans
Multiple-Choice Questions – Answer Key
1. Mayan civilization developed in what is
now _____.
a. Brazil
4. The Mississippian culture created flattopped mounds, such as at _____ in
modern-day western Illinois.
b. Guatemala
a. Appalachia
c. Peru
b. Cahokia
d. Texas
c. Chicago
d. Springfield
2. What term describes a complex culture,
centered around cities, with people
working at specialized occupations who
operate under a complex government?
5. Around 5,000 years ago, maize (corn) was
first cultivated in _____.
a. Argentina
a. agriculture
b. Mexico
b. civilization
c. Nebraska
c. Paleolithic
d. Saskatchewan
d. suburbanization
6. What group is called the “mother culture”
3. What group of invaders from northern
of Mesoamerican civilizations?
Mexico settled on Lake Texcoco circa
a. Aztec
b. Clovis
a. Aztec
c. Inca
b. Ina
d. Olmec
c. Maya
d. Olmec
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Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Class: _____
The Earliest Americans
7. What culture of circa 11,500 years ago,
identified by its style of spear point,
disappeared along with big game?
11.What is the name of the ice sheet that
connected Siberia and Alaska?
a. Aleutia
a. Anasazi
b. Anchorage
b. Choctaw
c. Beringia
c. Clovis
d. Russia
d. Hohokam
12.“Paleo” comes from the Greek word
8. The _____ built towns into the sides of
“palaios,” meaning _____ in Greek.
canyons, such as at Pueblo Bonito in
a. ancient
modern-day New Mexico.
b. artifact
a. Anasazi
c. new
b. Cherokee
d. stone
c. Hohokam
d. Olmec
13.The _____ culture was located in the
southwestern American desert and used
9. What large, planned city was built circa
300 C.E. in the Valley of Mexico?
a. Cherokee
a. Guadalupe
b. Hohokam
b. Oaxaca
c. Narragansett
c. Teotihuacan
d. Olmec
d. Tijuana
10.The _____ culture thrived in the Ohio
Valley, where the people built large
earthen mounds.
a. Anasazi
b. Hohokam
c. Hopewell
d. Miami
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