1. What is the length of a term of... Representatives? 2. What are the citizenship requirements to serve in...

1. What is the length of a term of office for members of the U.S House of
2. What are the citizenship requirements to serve in the House of
3. How old must one be to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives?
4. What is the role of the House regarding the impeachment process
5. What is the length of term of office for members of the Senate?
6. How old must one be to be elected to the United States Senate?
7. What is the citizenship requirement for a Senator?
8. What is the role of the Senate after the president appoints a judge,
ambassador or cabinet member? What is their role after the President
makes a treaty with another country?
9. What is the role of the Senate during the impeachment process?
10. Who has legislative powers?
11. Who has the power to declare war?
12. What can Congress do to override a veto?
13. Where is a bill sent after it is introduced in either house?
14. What is the length of a term for the President of the United States? How
many time can a President be reelected?
15. How old must one be to be President of the United States?
16. What can a president do when a bill from Congress is placed on his desk?
17. What can the President make with foreign countries?
18. Who does the President appoint to the Judicial Branch?
19. What is the President’s role involving the U.S. Military?
20. What is the group of advisors to the President called?
21. What is the length of a term of office for a Supreme Court Justice?
22. Who has the power to review all laws of the United States?
23. How many Supreme Court Justices serve on the court?
24. Who presides over any impeachment trial of the president?
25. What is the power the Supreme Court has over all government actions of
the Legislative and Executive Branches?