Constitution questions SS09

Constitutional Questions
1. What is the length of a term of office for members of the U.S.
House of Representatives? (p.234)_________________________
2. How old must tone be to be elected to the U.S. House of
Representatives? (p.233) ________________________________
3. Who has the power to propose a law to raise revenue (a tax
law)? (p.236) ____________________________________________
4. Who has the sole power of impeachment (removing someone
from office)? (p.233)_____________________________________
5. What is the length of a term of office for members of the United
States Senate? (p.234) __________________________________
6. How old must one be to be elected to the United States
Senate? (p.234) _________________________________________
7. Who must approve any treaties that are made with foreign
countries? (p.243) ______________________________________
8. Who has the sole power to try (bring to trial) all impeachments?
(p.234) ________________________________________________
9. Who has the power to declare war? (p.237) _________________
10. What can the legislative branch do if the president vetoes a
bill? (p.237, graphic) ___________________________________
11. Who has the power to propose amendments to the
Constitution of the United States? (p.247) __________________
12. What is the length of a term of office for the President of the
United States? (p.240) ___________________________________
13. How old must one be to be elected President of the United
States? (p.241) ________________________________________
14. Who has the power to approve or veto laws? (p.236)
15. Who has the power to make treaties with foreign countries?
(p.243) ________________________________________________
16. Who has the power to nominate judges to the Supreme Court?
(p.243) ___________________________________________________
17. Who is the Commander-in- Chief of U.S. military forces?
(p.243) ___________________________________________________
18. What is the length of term of office for the Justices of the
United States Supreme Court? (p.234) ________________________