1st Grade Practical Living/Vocational Skills GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS/DOK PERFORMANCE ESSENTIAL SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES/ INDICATORS QUESTIONS ASSESSMENTS CONTENT/TERMS GRADING PERIOD Health Education Basic to health education is a foundation of knowledge, attitudes, skills and behaviors impacting healthy lifestyles. Healthy family relationships are critical to maintaining the family unit that historically has been considered the fabric of society. While parents are the primary source from which children learn skills to act responsibly in relationships, the community and school play supportive roles. Health literacy includes an understanding of how the body functions as well as behaviors and decisions that will foster life-long health. It is assuming responsibility for personal health throughout the life cycle and fostering behaviors and practices that will enhance family health. Personal Wellness Describe how to get along Kentucky Learns Links PL-EP-1.1.1 with others. (Safety Rules & Skills) 2 Students will identify effective social interaction skills (e.g., identifying emotions, listening, What are cooperation, etiquette, politeness, emotions/feelings? communication, sharing, empathy, following directions and making friends) that promote Describe how stress feels. responsible and respectful behavior. DOK 1 Explain and give examples of ways to handle stress. (happy, sad, angry, surprised, stress, afraid, excited, secure) Describe different feelings. Explain ways you can work out a conflict. (polite, listen, share, respect, tone, body language, agree/compromise) Describe a good listener. (eye contact, sit quiet, sit still, follow directions) Bold – State Assessment Content Statement Italics – Supporting Content Statement *Performance Indicators represent skills from Program of Studies 1 updated 1/11/07 1st Grade Practical Living/Vocational Skills GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS/DOK PERFORMANCE ESSENTIAL SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES/ INDICATORS QUESTIONS ASSESSMENTS CONTENT/TERMS PL-EP-1.1.2 Students will identify strategies for stress management, problem solving, conflict resolution, and communication (e.g., selfcontrol, work and play collaboration, caring, reconciling, asking for help, active listening). DOK 1 How can you show responsibility? Describe a student’s responsibility. (Learn, listen, set goals, work, communicate, and use self control ) Kentucky Learns Links (Safety Rules & Skills) GRADING PERIOD 1 Role Play, Post student developed classroom procedures charts in room Describe a friend. (caring, forgiving, dependable) Describe a group member and list their responsibilities. (problem solver, respectful, team player, high expectations, and patient) Why do we have rules? (safety, relieve stress) PL-EP-1.1.3 Students will identify ways that growth and development are unique to each person. Justify the use of rules in a game, classroom, hallway, etc. (Cooperation, Selfcontrol, Forgive, Agree/compromise) Develop a time line to show the growth and development of a child. Describe some things you can do well and explain Bold – State Assessment Content Statement Italics – Supporting Content Statement *Performance Indicators represent skills from Program of Studies 2 updated 1/11/07 1st Grade Practical Living/Vocational Skills GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS/DOK PERFORMANCE ESSENTIAL SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES/ INDICATORS QUESTIONS ASSESSMENTS CONTENT/TERMS GRADING PERIOD why you can do these things well. Choice Given a situation describe a wise decision. PL-EP-1.1.6 Students will describe how an individual’s behavior and choices of diet, exercise and rest affect the body. DOK 1 Describe what compiles a good character. Justify the need for healthy food. (Energy, bones, teeth, skin, eyes, hair, nails, healthy) Healthy Me (Unit) Why do we have a Food Pyramid Guide? Construct a Food Pyramid Guide and give examples of foods for each group. What foods are in each group? Diet, nutritious, grain, vegetable, fruits, milks, meats and beans Why should we eat three meals? Plan a daily menu and give examples of healthy Bold – State Assessment Content Statement Italics – Supporting Content Statement *Performance Indicators represent skills from Program of Studies 3 updated 1/11/07 1st Grade Practical Living/Vocational Skills GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS/DOK PERFORMANCE ESSENTIAL SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES/ INDICATORS QUESTIONS ASSESSMENTS CONTENT/TERMS GRADING PERIOD food choices. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, energy How you can use taste, sight, hearing, smell, and touch to learn about new foods? Describe a sense that keeps you healthy. Senses Compare a healthy and an unhealthy snack and explain. What makes a healthful snack? What should you avoid to have a healthful snack? (Small amounts, choice from food groups, sweets, fats, oils) List two body organs and explain the importance of exercise. Exercise, heart, lungs, fights germs, fun, relieves stress, physical activity, Bold – State Assessment Content Statement Italics – Supporting Content Statement *Performance Indicators represent skills from Program of Studies 4 updated 1/11/07 1st Grade Practical Living/Vocational Skills GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS/DOK PERFORMANCE ESSENTIAL SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES/ INDICATORS QUESTIONS ASSESSMENTS CONTENT/TERMS GRADING PERIOD sketch, routine Describe what would happen to you if you did not eat a variety of foods? Describe how you would fee if your body did not get enough sleep? (Stay healthy, give bones and muscles time to grow, fight germs, strength, learn easier) Explain the importance of exercise to a living thing. Explain why we should eat three meals a day. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Energy, Exercise, Heart, Lungs Fights germs, Fun, Relieves stress, Physical activity, Routine, Strength How much exercise should you get a day? How many servings of fruits and vegetables should you have a day? Bold – State Assessment Content Statement Italics – Supporting Content Statement *Performance Indicators represent skills from Program of Studies 5 updated 1/11/07 1st Grade Practical Living/Vocational Skills GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS/DOK PERFORMANCE ESSENTIAL SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES/ INDICATORS QUESTIONS ASSESSMENTS CONTENT/TERMS GRADING PERIOD How many servings of milk should you have a day? Bold – State Assessment Content Statement Italics – Supporting Content Statement *Performance Indicators represent skills from Program of Studies 6 updated 1/11/07 1st Grade Practical Living/Vocational Skills GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS/DOK PERFORMANCE ESSENTIAL SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES/ INDICATORS QUESTIONS ASSESSMENTS CONTENT/TERMS PL-EP-1.1.7 Students will identify strategies (e.g., diet exercise, rest, immunizations) and good hygiene practices (e.g., hand washing, brushing teeth, using tissues) that promote good health and prevent diseases. DOK 1 How can we prevent diseases from spreading? GRADING PERIOD Healthy Me (Unit) Explain why you should keep clean. Describe what good posture looks like. Explain benefits of good posture; explain problems caused from bad posture. What illnesses do children often get and how do they spread? Tell how you can stop diseases. Describe what teeth do. Explain why you lose your primary teeth. Explain how to take care of your teeth and why this is important. Healthy, Germs, Communicable, Colds, Sore throats, Fever Stomach ache, Runny nose, Allergies, Asthma, Hand washing, Bold – State Assessment Content Statement Italics – Supporting Content Statement *Performance Indicators represent skills from Program of Studies 7 updated 1/11/07 1st Grade Practical Living/Vocational Skills GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS/DOK PERFORMANCE ESSENTIAL SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES/ INDICATORS QUESTIONS ASSESSMENTS CONTENT/TERMS PL-EP-1.1.8 Students will identify behavior choices (tobacco, alcohol) that result in negative consequences. DOK 1 GRADING PERIOD Bathing, Self-esteem, Lice, Clean clothes, Clean hair, Good toilet habits, Cold, Influenza, Manners, Vaccines, Immunizations, Measles, Mumps, Chicken pox, Primary teeth, Permanent teeth, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Upper teeth , Lower teeth, Floss, Dentist, Dental hygienist, Cavity Describe how tobacco and alcohol harm the body. Explain when some medicines are dangerous to children. Explain the difference between good drugs and bad drugs. Describe what happens to your body when bad drugs are used. Hyperactivity, Addictive, Bad habit, Cancer, Vaccines, Prescriptions, Immunizations , Illegal, Medicines, Caffeine, Tobacco, Bold – State Assessment Content Statement Italics – Supporting Content Statement *Performance Indicators represent skills from Program of Studies 8 updated 1/11/07 1st Grade Practical Living/Vocational Skills GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS/DOK PERFORMANCE ESSENTIAL SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES/ INDICATORS QUESTIONS ASSESSMENTS CONTENT/TERMS PL-EP-1.1.9 Students will describe social (e.g., getting along with others, serving as team members) and emotional (e.g., expressing feelings, selfconcept) health. DOK 1 GRADING PERIOD Alcohol , Doctor, Nurse, Parent, Safety caps Given a situation, describe the characteristics of a group member. Describe the characteristics of a team. Why is it important to express our feelings to group members? Describe responsibility and how to be a responsible student. What is a student’s responsibility? What is a friend? Give an example of a rule and role-play following a rule and not following a rule. Tell why it is important to have rules. Caring, Forgiving, Dependable, Learn, Listen, Set goals, Work Communicate, Selfcontrol, Problem solver, Respectful, Team player, High Bold – State Assessment Content Statement Italics – Supporting Content Statement *Performance Indicators represent skills from Program of Studies 9 updated 1/11/07 1st Grade Practical Living/Vocational Skills GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS/DOK PERFORMANCE ESSENTIAL SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES/ INDICATORS QUESTIONS ASSESSMENTS CONTENT/TERMS GRADING PERIOD expectations, Patient, Safety, Relieve stress Nutrition PL-EP-1.2.1 Students will identify nutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fats), which are important in the growth and development of healthy bodies. PL-EP-1.2.2 Students will describe the overall purpose of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. DOK 1 What nutrients are important to our bodies? Why does your body need healthy food? Energy, Bones, Teeth, Skin, Eyes, Hair, Nails, Healthy Given a situation explain your choices when buying a nutritious snack. Why do we have a Food Pyramid Guide? What foods are in each group? What make a healthful snack? Describe some healthful snacks you can convince your mom to buy. What should you avoid to have a healthful snack? Explain snacks your mother should avoid Bold – State Assessment Content Statement Italics – Supporting Content Statement *Performance Indicators represent skills from Program of Studies 10 updated 1/11/07 1st Grade Practical Living/Vocational Skills GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS/DOK PERFORMANCE ESSENTIAL SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES/ INDICATORS QUESTIONS ASSESSMENTS CONTENT/TERMS GRADING PERIOD buying to have a healthful snack. Explain why we have a food Pyramid Guide food groups. Diet, Nutritious, Healthy, Grain, Vegetable, Fruits, Milks, Meats and beans, Sweets, Fats, Oils, Food Guide Pyramid Safety PL-EP-13.1 Students will identify safety practices (e.g., use of seatbelts/helmets/life vests) for dealing with a variety of health hazards (e.g., crossing the street, talking to strangers) while at school, home, and play. Explain fire safety. How do you deal with unsafe situations? What is an emergency? Why do we have rules? How do we stay safe in a moving vehicle? How can I cross the street safely? How can I stay safe from fires? Describe safety rules used in schools. Bold – State Assessment Content Statement Italics – Supporting Content Statement *Performance Indicators represent skills from Program of Studies Kentucky Learns Links (Safety Rules & Skills) Safety (Safety Encyclopedia) Risk Watch (Risk Watch Kids Page) Traffic City (Safety City) Street Smart (Do you Know How to Be Street Smart?) Kid safe (Are Strangers Dangerous?) Safety Sam (Safety Sam-Strangers) 11 updated 1/11/07 1st Grade Practical Living/Vocational Skills GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS/DOK PERFORMANCE ESSENTIAL SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES/ INDICATORS QUESTIONS ASSESSMENTS CONTENT/TERMS GRADING PERIOD Describe how we deal with unsafe situations. (storms, tornadoes, earthquakes, cooperate, drills, practice) Describe ways you stay safe around strangers. (stranger danger, do not talk to strangers, follow safety procedures) PL-EP-1.3.2 Students will identify proper procedures to access emergency assistance (calling 911). DOK 1 Listen , Look both ways, Pay attention, Sidewalk, Street, Crosswalk, Safe, Safety, Leaders, Share, Cooperation, Member, Stop, Drop, Roll, Smoke, Crawl, Matches, Lighters, Strangers, Danger, Say no, Get help, Run away, Drill, Practice, Fire, Storms, Earthquakes, Tornado, Seatbelt, Backseat, Stay calm Explain an emergency situation. Describe an emergency that would require a 911 call. Explain who should make Bold – State Assessment Content Statement Italics – Supporting Content Statement *Performance Indicators represent skills from Program of Studies Kentucky Learns Links (Dialing 911) 1 Safety (Safety Encyclopedia) Risk Watch (Risk Watch Kids Page) 12 updated 1/11/07 1st Grade Practical Living/Vocational Skills GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS/DOK PERFORMANCE ESSENTIAL SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES/ INDICATORS QUESTIONS ASSESSMENTS CONTENT/TERMS the call and what information must be given. Describe how community members can help during an emergency. What is your address and phone number with area code? GRADING PERIOD Traffic City (Safety City) Street Smart (Do You Know How to Be Street Smart?) Kids Safe (Are Strangers Dangerous?) Safety Sam (Safety Sam-Strangers) 911, Emergency, Community helpers Physical Education Addresses both health-related and skill-related components that promote enhanced health behaviors and increase responsible decision-making. Physical Education uses physical activity as a means to help students acquire skills, fitness, knowledge and attitudes that contribute to their optimal development and well-being. Psychomotor Skills PL-EP-2.1.1 Describe when it is Kentucky Learns Links 1,2,3,4 Students will apply fundamental motor skills: appropriate to use (Physical Activity & Athletics) Locomotor: locomotor movement. • Walking Explain when it is • Running appropriate you use • Skipping nonlocomotor movement. • Hopping • Galloping Describe when it would • Sliding be appropriate to use the • Leaping fundamental manipulative • Jumping skills. Nonlocomotor: • Turning • Twisting Bold – State Assessment Content Statement Italics – Supporting Content Statement *Performance Indicators represent skills from Program of Studies What is the difference between locomotor and non-locomotor 13 updated 1/11/07 1st Grade Practical Living/Vocational Skills GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS/DOK • • • • • PERFORMANCE ESSENTIAL SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES/ INDICATORS QUESTIONS ASSESSMENTS CONTENT/TERMS Bending Stretching Swinging Swaying Balancing movements and give examples of each? Hitting - Keep eye on the ball Fundamental manipulative skills: • Hitting • Kicking • Throwing • Catching • Striking • Dribbling Throwing-step with the opposite foot. Make a T and L with your arms when throwing PL-EP-2.1.2 Students will identify the fundamental movement concepts: • Body awareness - what the body is doing • Space awareness - where the body moves • Time - how quickly the body moves • Effort - how the body moves • Relationship - relationships that occur while the body moves Describe what is your body doing. Lifetime Physical Wellness PL-EP-2.2.1 Students will identify physical and social benefits that result from regular and appropriate participation in physical activities: Bold – State Assessment Content Statement Italics – Supporting Content Statement *Performance Indicators represent skills from Program of Studies GRADING PERIOD Catching – If ball is coming below your waist, fingers should be pointing down; if ball is coming above your waist, fingers should be pointing up. Kentucky Learns Links (Physical Activity & Athletics) 1,4 Why do we need physical activity? Kentucky Learns Links (Fitness & Exercise) 3 Describe the appearance Kids Health and Fitness Where does your body move? How quickly can your body move? How does your body move in relationship to other people? 14 updated 1/11/07 1st Grade Practical Living/Vocational Skills GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS/DOK • • PERFORMANCE ESSENTIAL SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES/ INDICATORS QUESTIONS ASSESSMENTS CONTENT/TERMS Physical benefits (e.g., weight management, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, cardio-respiratory/cardiovascular endurance, control of body movements) Social benefits (e.g., positive interaction with others, respect for self and others, enjoyment, selfexpression) of a physically fit person. (Kids Health and Fitness) Physical activity, exercise, muscles, stretch, routine, fitness Keeping Healthy (Keeping Healthy) GRADING PERIOD Fitness (Kids In Action-Fitness for Children) Fitness for Everyone (Fitness is Fun for Everyone) DOK 1 Sleep Works (Mission Z: How Sleep Works) PL-EP-2.2.2 Students will explain the importance of practice for improving performance in games and sports. Explain why we practice skill. When learning a new skill, why should you try it more than one or two times? Sleep (Why You Need Sleep) Kids Health and Fitness (Kids Health and Fitness) Keeping Healthy (Keeping Healthy) Fitness (Kids In Action-Fitness for Children) Fitness For Everyone (Fitness is Fun for Everyone) Sleep Works (Mission Z: How Sleep Works) Sleep (Why You Need Sleep) PL-EP-2.2.3 Students will identify the components of fitness Bold – State Assessment Content Statement Italics – Supporting Content Statement *Performance Indicators represent skills from Program of Studies 15 updated 1/11/07 1st Grade Practical Living/Vocational Skills GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS/DOK PERFORMANCE ESSENTIAL SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES/ INDICATORS QUESTIONS ASSESSMENTS CONTENT/TERMS (muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition, cardiorespiratory/cardiovascular endurance) and the FITT Principle (Frequency, Intensity, Type, Time). DOK 1 PL-EP-2.2.4 Students will identify basic rules for participating in simple games and activities needed to make games fair. PL-EP-2.2.5 Students will identify rules of play and sportsmanship for spectators and participants during games and/or activities that make them safe and enjoyable. GRADING PERIOD Explain why we have rules when we play games or do activities. Describe why rules are important. How do we watch a game? Explain your role as a spectator. Sportsmanship, Spectators, Participants Consumerism Consumer skills are essential for individuals and families due to the availability of numerous products and services on the market, multiple advertising techniques, the need to make responsible financial management decisions, and to utilize resources impacting the community and environment. These skills can provide a foundation for becoming consumer literate and responsible citizens. Consumer Decisions PL-EP-3.1.1 Describe your basic needs Students will identify the difference between and explain why they are wants and needs as it relates to consumer necessary. decisions. Describe your role as a consumer. How much does it cost? PL-EP-3.1.2 Students will identify major factors (price, How long will it last? quality, features) to consider when making consumer decisions. What special features does DOK 1 it have? Bold – State Assessment Content Statement Italics – Supporting Content Statement *Performance Indicators represent skills from Program of Studies 16 updated 1/11/07 1st Grade Practical Living/Vocational Skills GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS/DOK PERFORMANCE ESSENTIAL SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES/ INDICATORS QUESTIONS ASSESSMENTS CONTENT/TERMS PL-EP-3.1.3 Students will identify ways consumer’s buying practices are influenced by peer pressure. DOK 1 PL- EP-3.1.4 Students will identify consumer actions (reusing, reducing, recycling) that impact the environment. DOK 1 PL-EP-3.1.5 Students will identify the available health and safety agencies in a community that provide services: Health department Fire department Sanitation Police • Ambulance services Financial Literacy PL-EP-3.2.1 Students will describe different ways to save money (e.g., piggy bank, local bank, savings bonds). DOK 1 GRADING PERIOD Can I function without it? Do you need it or do you want it because a friend has it? How do my actions impact the environment? Littering, Pollution Waste, Reusing, Reducing, Recycling What agencies in my community provide health and safety services to my family? Health department, Fire department, Sanitation, Police, Ambulance How can you save money? Where can you put money so it will be safe? Bank , Savings account, Banker, Teller Vocational Studies Awareness of careers starts in the primary grades and progresses at the middle level to more specific exploration of careers. The total experience through high school allows students to determine a career path that matches their interests, aptitude and abilities, while providing strategies to prepare for a career. The basic skills, knowledge and positive work habits for successful transition from school to postsecondary experiences and to life are addressed throughout a student’s educational experience. Bold – State Assessment Content Statement Italics – Supporting Content Statement *Performance Indicators represent skills from Program of Studies 17 updated 1/11/07 1st Grade Practical Living/Vocational Skills GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS/DOK PERFORMANCE ESSENTIAL SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES/ INDICATORS QUESTIONS ASSESSMENTS CONTENT/TERMS Career Awareness, Exploration and Planning PL-EP-4.1.1 Students will identify reasons why people work (food, clothing, shelter). PL-EP-4.1.2 Students will identify jobs (e.g., teacher, police officer) relating to Kentucky’s Career Clusters and describe these jobs/careers. PL-EP-4.1.3 Students will identify how academic classes (e.g., reading and writing) relate to various jobs. DOK 1 Employability Skills PL-EP-4.2.1 Students will identify how personal responsibility and good work habits (e.g., attendance, work done on time, follow directions) are important at home, school, and work. DOK 1 PL-EP-4.2.2 Students will describe team skills (e.g., cooperation, communication) used to compete tasks more efficiently at home, school, and work. DOK 1 Communication/Technology PL-EP-4.3.1 Students will identify technology tools (e.g., electronic games, phones, computers) that are used in homes and schools. DOK 1 Bold – State Assessment Content Statement Italics – Supporting Content Statement *Performance Indicators represent skills from Program of Studies Why do people work to provide food, clothing, and shelter? Who are some community helpers? What service do they provide? When do people use reading or writing to perform their jobs? Why is it important to be responsible at home, school, and work? Responsible, Good work habits, Attendance, On time, Follow Directions How can working together make a task easier at home, school, or work? GRADING PERIOD 2 2 3,4 1,2,3,4 3,4 How do we use technology tools at home and school? Technology, Electronic 18 updated 1/11/07 1st Grade Practical Living/Vocational Skills GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS/DOK PERFORMANCE ESSENTIAL SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES/ INDICATORS QUESTIONS ASSESSMENTS CONTENT/TERMS GRADING PERIOD games, Computers. Phones Bold – State Assessment Content Statement Italics – Supporting Content Statement *Performance Indicators represent skills from Program of Studies 19 updated 1/11/07