El Paso Community College Discipline - Social Work (SLO's)

Area Effectiveness Plan Report - Four Column
El Paso Community College
Discipline - Social Work (SLO's)
Discipline Mission To provide the educational and experiential opportunities both in the classroom and in the community in order to prepare
Statement: students with the necessary skils, knowledge, values, and cultural sensitivity to effectivity serve people in need in an
ethical manner consistent with the professions' Code of Ethics.
Student Learning Outcomes
Discipline - Social Work (SLO's) - Social
Work - Social Work Change Systems - A
student will assess, plan, facilitate, and
evaluate Social Work change systems
including individuals, groups, families,
organizations, communities and policy.
Outcome Types:
Student Learning
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Means of Assessment:
Embedded question on SOCW 2362 course
final exam.
The questions are similar to those utilized in
Social Work Licensure Board Exams.
Assessment Tool:
Embedded Test Questions
Standard - Criteria for Success:
75% of students completing course work in
SOCW 2362 class will answer the
embedded question correctly in the final
examination which will measure the student
learning outcome.
Assessment Date:
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
02/15/2012 - 94% of students that participated in
the study answered embedded questions
correctly. This surpassed the the expected target.
Additional work wil be considered in order to assist
those 4 % who did not answer the questions
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
Although the results of the study were
successful, the social work program will
continue to enhance teaching methologies
in order to assist our students. The SlO
standard will be raised from 75% to 80% for
the next cycle. The embedded questions will
include sample quesions associated directly
with the Social Work Licensure Board
08/10/2012 - The same SLO will be
utilized in the course but will raise
the standard from 75% to 80%. The
SLO will be measured in another
course in order to get a more detail
sample of students and data.
02/24/2010 - 92.3% of students that participated in
the study answered question correctly and
surpassed the expected target results by 17%
. A small gap of 8% of students did not make the
expected results.
08/10/2012 - The social work
program will use the same SLO but
will raise the standard from 75% to
80%. The SLO will be offered in
another social work course in order
to get a different sample of students.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
Although our expected target was 75% and
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Student Learning Outcomes
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
the discipline attained 92.3%, the 17%
above the expected target was an eye
opener for the Social Work program. It
reinforced our commitment to provide
students with the most up-to-date
information and literature in the field of
Social Work.
Additional work will be committed to the 8%
of students who did not make the expected
target results. Most of these students were
close to making the expected results.
Discipline - Social Work (SLO's) - Social
Work - Social Work Diversity & Culture
related to Practice - A student will analyze
diversity and culture sensitivity as it relates
to Social Work practice in relation to race,
ethnicity, color, culture, age, class, income,
spirituality, religion, ability, family structure,
nationality, sexual orientation, and gender
identity in order to effectively serve people
in need
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
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Means of Assessment:
Embedded question in SOCW 2362 course
final examination. The questions are similar
to those utilized in Social Work Licensure
Board Exams.
Assessment Tool:
Embedded Test Questions
Standard - Criteria for Success:
75% of the students completing course work
in SOCW 2362 class will answer the
embedded question correctly in the final
examination which will measure the student
learning outcome.
02/17/2012 - 95 % of students who participated in
the study answered embedded questions
correctly. The outcome improved significantly
since the last study was completed. The Social
Work program met standards and surpassed it by
20 %. The teaching methodologies have assisted
students to improve on their learning skills.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
The results of the study will continue to
provid the Socal Work Program with
assessment tools in order to improve on
teaching skills. Additional work to include
assignments, quizes and research papers
will be provided to students. The quizes will
include different embedded questions in
order to measure learning outcomes.
08/10/2012 - The Social Work
Discipline will utilized the same SLO
but will raise the standards from
75% to 80%. The same SLO will be
measured in another Social Work
02/24/2010 - 80.8% of students that participated in
the study answered embedded question
correctly. This was a 4.2% above the expected
target results. There was a margin of 19.2% of
students who did not make the expected target
Result Type:
06/11/2011 - Specific attention will
be given to materials discussed in
class, the course textbooks, and
teaching methodologies in order to
improve and assist those 19.2% of
students who did not make the
expected target results.
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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Student Learning Outcomes
Discipline - Social Work (SLO's) - Social
Work - Compare & Contrast Basic
Assessment & Intervention Strategies - A
student will compare and constrast basic
assessment and intervention strategies
employed in specific areas of the Social
Work field.
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
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Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Means of Assessment:
Embedded questions on SCWK 2311
course final exam. The questions are similar
to those utilized in Social Work Licensure
Board Exams.
Assessment Tool:
Embedded Test Questions
Standard - Criteria for Success:
75% of students completing course work in
SCWK 2311 will answer the embedded
questions correctly in the final examination
which will measure the student learning
Assessment Date:
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
The expected target results for this SLO
was 75%. The results were 80.8%. The
4.2% above expected target is good but
brought awareness to the Social Work
program that additional consideration and
work must be completed in areas
specifically listed in the SLO measured.
Students will be given additional instruction,
handouts and materials to be discussed in
class. The course textbooks will be
discussed in class more specifically and
teaching methodologies will include
additional visual such as power point
presentation in order to improve and assist
those 19.2% of students who did not make
the expected target results. Additional
embedded questions will be included in the
exams in order to measure the student
learning outcome.
02/24/2010 - The results of this
study enables the social work
program to create a method of
evaluating students in areas
essential to social work practice.
The results of the study will be
utilized in the future in order to
assess and measure student
learning in areas to include crosscultural interactions, ethnocentrism,
prejudice, stereotypes and
03/23/2012 - 100% of studens answered
embedded questions correctly. This has been a
consistant course in which students succeed. The
expected standards were met by 25%. The role
play exercises included in this course assist
students to apply the textbook knowledge to
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
The teaching methologies have assisted
students to comprehend the material
08/10/2012 - The Social Work
discipline will utilize the same SLO
but will increase the standard from
75% to 80%. The SLO will be
measured in anothe social work
course in order to get a different
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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Student Learning Outcomes
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
addressed in class. Instructors will continue
to enhance teaching procedures in order to
assist students to learn. Embedded
questions will be changed in the exams.
03/23/2011 - 28 students = 100% participated in
the study. 23 students (82.1% answered
embedded questions correctely (100%). This was
7.1 % above expected results. 5 students or
17.9% received 80% score.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
The data collected assisted the social work
program to improve on addressing specific
assessment and intervention strategies
employed in areas of social work practice.
The program will futhher assess additional
teaching methologies in order to improve
the 17.9% margin of students that did not
receive 100% scores.
Discipline - Social Work (SLO's) - Social
Work - Oral & Written Communication Skills
to address Social Work services - A student
will produce oral and written communication
skills to address Social Work services in
order to communicate effectively and write
coherently with people receiving Social
Work services, Social Work colleagues, and
community members.
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
08/31/2012 10:19 AM
Means of Assessment:
The SLO will be measured by a student
evaluation submitted by the agency
supervisor to the SCWK 2487 professor.
The SLO will be measured every Spring
05/01/2012 - 100% of students participating in the
study recived 80% or better score in their studetn
evaluation submitted by the agency supervisors to
the SCWK 2487 professor. The outcome
exceeded the expected target results by 25%. The
Social Work Internship course continues to assist
students learn to apply classroom knowledge to
practical skills.
Assessment Tool:
Result Type:
Standard Met
Standard - Criteria for Success:
Recommendation Status:
75%of students completing course work in
2 - Recommendation Documented
SCWK 2487 will receive 80% or better score Evaluation of the Assessment:
on their final evaluation submitted by the
The practical experience that students are
agency supervisor. The agency supervisor
exposed to continues to assist students
submits a recommended score on the final
learn how to apply theory to practice.
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
08/10/2012 - The social work
program will use the same SLO but
will measure it in another course.
This will give us a different sample
of students.
08/10/2012 - The same SLO will be
utilized and offered in another
course. The standards will be raised
from 75% to 80%.
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Student Learning Outcomes
Discipline - Social Work (SLO's) - Social
Work - Develop & Demonstrate Ethical
Behavior - A student will develop and
demonstrate responsible ethical behavior
consistent with the Social Work Code of
Outcome Status:
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Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
student evaluation that address items
specifically related to the SLO.
Assessment Date:
Instruction as well as teaching methods
continue to enhance student approaches to
counseling techniques. The student
evaluation which is completed at the end of
the course is very specific and measures
the SLO in great detail.
Means of Assessment:
Embedded questions on SCWK 2301
course final exam. The questions are similar
to those utililzed in Social Work Licensure
Board Exams.
Assessment Tool:
Embedded Test Questions
Standard - Criteria for Success:
75% of students completing course work in
SCWK 2301 class will answer the embedded
questions correctly in the final examination
which will measure the student learning
Assessment Date:
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
11/15/2010 - 100% of students that participated in
the study received 80% or better score on their
final evaluation. The final evaluation was
submitted by the agency supervisor. The agency
supervisor submits a recommended score on the
final student evaluation that address items
specifically related to the SLO.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
Although our expected target was 75%, the
Social Work program scored significantly
higher. It strengthen our pledge to provide
students with the most current information,
literature and data related to the Social
Work profession.
08/10/2012 - The same SLO will be
utilized by the social work program
but will raise the standard from 75%
to 80%. The SLO will be measured
in anothr social work course.
05/11/2012 - 96 % of students participating in the
study answered the embedded questions corretly.
The NASW Code of Ethics has been considerabily
discussed and reviewed in this course. The results
exceeded the expected outcomes by 19%.
Additional role play with students in this course
has enhanced student's application of textbook
knowledge to practical situations and social work
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
08/10/2012 - The social work
program will use the same SLO but
will raise the standards from 75% to
80%. The SLO will be measured in
another course to get a different
sample of students.
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
08/10/2012 - The social work
program will utilize the same SLO
but will raise the standard from 75%
to 80%. The standard will be
measured in another social work
course in order to get a different
sample of students.
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Student Learning Outcomes
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
The questions that were embedded in the
exam were taken from Social Work
Licensure Board Exams. These are
questions that students will face if they
pursue social work licensure. The questions
are lengthy case vignettes in which students
are asked to apply subjective and objective
thought to their answers.
05/10/2011 - 85.0% of students that participated in
the study answered embedded questions correctly
(100%) and surpassed the expected target results
by 15%. The overall statistical average was 3.4 on
a 4.o scale. There were 4 questions embedded in
the final exam that measured the specific SLO. A
statistical summary of the data is as follows: 22
students participated in the study. 13 students
received 100% score, 6 studens received 75%
score, 1 received 50% and 2 students received
25% score.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
The expected target was met but those
students who scored lower than the 75 %
standard put the social work program on
notice. The program needs to adjust
teaching methodologies and approaches in
order to reach those students who may not
participate in classroom discussions or to
those students who fail to comprehend the
material presented in class. Additional
assessment and evaluation procedures to
include quizes and oral presentations will be
conducted in class.
Discipline - Social Work (SLO's) - Social
Work - Demonstrate Social Work Skills,
08/31/2012 10:19 AM
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
Means of Assessment:
The SLO will be measured by a student
08/10/2012 - The same SLO will be
utilized but will raise the standard
from 75% to 80%. The SLO will be
offered in another course.
11/13/2011 - 100% of students participating in the
study received 80% or better in their student
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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Student Learning Outcomes
Attitudes & Knowledge Through Experiential
Activities - A student will demonstrate Social
Work skills, attitudes and knowledge
through experiential opportunities such as
internship in order to work effectively within
service delivery systems and organizational
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
08/31/2012 10:19 AM
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
evaluation submitted by the agency
supervisor in the SCWK 2487 to the course
instructor. The evaluation form contains 62
knowledge bassed questions. Four
questions specifically address and measure
student performance specifically related to
the SLO. The SLO will be measured at the
end of every spring semester.
Assessment Tool:
Standard - Criteria for Success:
75% of students completing course work in
SCWK 2487 will receive 80% or better score
on their final evaluation submitted by the
agency supervisor. The agency supervisor
submits a recommended score on the final
student evaluation that address items
specifically related to the SLO.
Assessment Date:
evaluation submitted by the agency supervisor to
the professor in the SCWL 2487 course. The
results exceeded the expected results by 25%.
The internship course is set up to assist students
understand what they have learned in the
classroom in a practical manner.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
The instructor is in constant communication
with student and the agency supervisor to
verify and review that the course objectives
are being met. This provides additional
supervision for students in order to apply
classroom techniques to their field practice.
Social Work faculty will continue to improve
in communication skills with agency
supervisor in order to enhance student
08/10/2012 - The same SLO will be
utilized in the social work study. The
standard will be raised from 75% to
11/16/2010 - 100% of students that participated in
the study received 80% or better score in their
final evaluation. The final evaluation was
submitted by the agency supervisor to the SCWK
2487 Professor for final review and score.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
Students that participated in the studey did
very well. Students are acquiring the skills,
knowledge and attitudes necessary to
become entry level Social Workers. The
study provided the Social Work program
with excellent data and tools necessary for
measuring specific learning outcomes that
are essential for students to work effectively
within service delivery systems and
08/10/2012 - The same SLO will be
utilized by the social work program.
The standards will be raised from
75% to 80%.
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
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Student Learning Outcomes
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
organizational structures.
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