GRADING POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR 9th GRADE HEALTH EDUCATION CLASS I. II. TOPICS In depth study of the skeletal and muscular systems Personal fitness (some discussion of steroids) Nutrition and eating disorders Relationships and STI’s Human Growth and Development with the emphasis on teen pregnancy EARNING POINTS a. Your report card grade is based on the number of health points you earn during the marking period. The letter grades are determined as follows: Grade Numeric Earned Range A+ 97 – 100 A 90 – 96 B+ 87 – 89 B 80 – 86 C+ 77 – 79 C 70 – 76 D 65 – 69 F Below 65% b. Each graded activity is given health points. The sum of all the points is used to determine your grade percentage. c. All summary grades will be calculated to one decimal place and rounded to the nearest whole percent. d. All tests throughout the course will incorporate “cumulative testing” throughout the system. There will be questions on a test that will incorporate concepts or terms studied earlier in the course to check for understanding. e. There will be a final exam at the end of the course. The value of the comprehensive final exam will be 16% of your final grade. III. ACTIVITIES The following will be used throughout the year as assessments: discussions, class participation, group work, projects, vocabulary, health games, worksheets, tests, quizzes, reports, homework, current health magazines and computer work, and final exam. IV. 9TH GRADE HEALTH IS A REQUIRED CREDIT FOR GRADUATION FROM NPHS. IT IS WORTH 3/10 OF ONE CREDIT AND IF YOU DO NOT PASS THE COURSE YOU MUST TAKE IT IN SUMMER SCHOOL.