mudibo: Multiple Dialog Boxes for Multiple Monitors

mudibo: Multiple Dialog Boxes for Multiple Monitors
Dugald Ralph Hutchings, John Stasko
Georgia Institute of Technology/GVU Center
Atlanta, GA 30332 USA
{hutch, stasko}
A general problem identified in recent research on multiple
monitor systems is the placement of small windows such as
dialog boxes and toolbars. These small windows could be
placed on top of the application window or on a monitor
next to the application window; different situations call for
different placements. We present mudibo, a component of
the window manager that alleviates this problem by initially
placing a window in multiple locations simultaneously and
subsequently allowing the user to easily interact with the
window in a desired location. Additional important
contributions of mudibo are that as a general technique it
can be applied to a number of situations and windows
beyond simple dialog boxes, exploits the additional screen
space that multiple monitors provide to solve a specific
problem with dialog box interaction, and is among the first
research prototype UIs that explicitly account for multiplemonitor users.
Author Keywords
multiple monitors, window management, dialog box
ACM Classification Keywords
H.5.2 Information interfaces and presentation: User
interfaces – GUI, Windowing systems
Over the last few years we have witnessed the rise in
popularity of multiple-monitor computer systems. Such
systems present an inexpensive way for a user to double,
triple, or further increase the amount of screen real estate
available to complete tasks. Several usage strategies for
multiple-monitor systems have emerged. For example,
Grudin discovered that additional monitors are not
“additional space” but “partition digital worlds”: people
rarely place windows across physical monitor boundaries
[1]. However, some users do separate the windows of their
applications, using one monitor for the main window and
using another window for all of the tool windows [1].
Tool windows are not the only type of small windows that
users typically encounter from applications in the standard
window managers and operating systems. Among these
small window types is the ubiquitous dialog box – a small
window that allows a user to customize an application, alter
or browse data in an application, view or change system
settings, provide meta-information in an application, etc. In
some cases, such as customizing an application, the ideal
Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).
CHI 2005, April 2 – 7, 2005, Portland, Oregon, USA.
ACM 1-59593-002-7/05/0004.
spot for a dialog box is on top of the main application
window where interaction is already taking place.
Interaction is likely to be brief and underlying data is not
used, so occlusion of data is not a problem. In other cases,
such as browsing or searching through data, the ideal spot
for a dialog box is in a location other than on top of the
main application window, which usually means on a
separate monitor due to a combination of space constraints
and users’ general avoidance of placing windows across
physical monitor boundaries.
It is difficult to predict a priori where any given dialog box
should be placed. There are two system levels at which the
assignments could be made: the window manager level and
the application level. Since the window manager has no
information about whether the dialog box is for changing
settings, browsing data, or some other type of dialog box,
determining the correct location could be difficult. If the
decision is made at the application level, the burden on the
application designer is heavy since the designer must not
only acquire information of the monitor configuration of the
user but also decide for every dialog box in the application
what type of dialog box it is and where it should be placed.
Even if the designer accomplished this task, there are
chances that the designer made the wrong decision because
different users may prefer different solutions. It is possible
that an adaptive, intelligent approach could relieve the
designer of this burden. However, even for a specific type
of dialog box, it is possible that in some situations a user
wants to place it in one location and in others another
location. The adaptive algorithm would have to account for
quite a large amount of the user’s context.
mudibo is our proposed solution to the problem of correct
placement of transient windows. The fundamental idea
behind mudibo is breaking the assumption that a window
can exist in at most one location; mudibo breaks the
assumption by showing a window in multiple locations
simultaneously. Although it is a prototype, mudibo
emulates a component of the window manager level by
monitoring system-wide window activity.
When an
application shows a transient window such as a dialog box,
mudibo replicates the window on each of the monitors.
After the user initiates interaction with one of the copies,
mudibo automatically hides the other copies. This allows
the user to select where the window should be placed each
time it appears without introducing any additional
interaction time than what is currently needed because the
user would already navigate to the location where he or she
desires to interact with it.
Shortly we will give a number of examples for which this
general technique could be and has been applied.
Following those scenarios, we describe how the prototype
has been implemented and then conclude with a discussion
of related and future work.
In this section we will describe general scenarios, specific
applications, and special situations for which mudibo can
be useful. Although the examples come from our personal
experiences, we hypothesize that the reader will have
encountered one or more of the examples in his or her
everyday interactions. Note that we will sometimes use the
more general term window in place of dialog box. This is
because a dialog box is just a one type of window, and
mudibo is not necessarily restricted to dialog boxes.
General Scenarios and Examples
There are some times when a dialog box should be close-athand for interaction, and should be placed on top of the
main application window. Take for example a dialog box
in a web browser that alters privacy settings. Interaction in
this dialog box likely has no relationship to any web pages
being shown in the main browser window and was
summoned because a user desired to check and alter the
level of privacy in the browser. If this dialog box appears
on a faraway monitor, then the user has to navigate quite a
distance to change settings. mudibo alleviates this problem
of navigation since if the dialog box appears elsewhere,
then a copy is placed on the monitor where the main
browser window resides. If the dialog box does appear in
the correct location, mudibo places no additional burden on
the user since the other copies automatically disappear once
interaction begins on top of the main window.
An example of an application for which mudibo can be
useful is the Mozilla/Firefox web browser. Mozilla stores
the most recent absolute coordinates of each dialog box in
the application. If the main browser window is initially
located on one monitor and subsequently moved to another
monitor, or if multiple browser windows are located on
multiple monitors simultaneously, mudibo ensures that each
dialog box always appears on the monitor of interest to the
user, whether directly on top of the browser or elsewhere.
Indeed, there are times when a dialog box should ideally
appear elsewhere. For example, consider any “find”-type
of dialog box, such as a dialog box that allows the user to
search through a document to find a specific word.
Locating this dialog box on an alternate monitor allows the
user to see the entire context of the found word without
forcing the dialog box to move elsewhere.
Microsoft Word is an example of an application that has a
“find” type of dialog box. Word’s designers realized the
importance of seeing the context of found words. The find
box moves itself elsewhere if it occludes a found word in
the document editor window. This action forces the user to
constantly navigate to a new location to interact with the
box. When located on an alternate monitor, the find dialog
box never moves and thus allows the user to complete the
searching or replacing task more quickly. Normally if the
dialog box appears on the application window, the user
must navigate to the dialog box and drag it to an alternate
monitor. With mudibo, the user can navigate directly to the
alternate monitor, immediately begin interaction, and avoid
any additional navigation.
Specific Applications
There are two particular applications for which we have
found mudibo to be quite useful. One such application is
instant messaging. In multiple-monitor systems, there is a
danger that a user will miss the arrival of a new instant
message if it appears on a monitor other than the one on
which the user is currently interacting. Furthermore,
knowing which monitor the user is viewing can be very
difficult without an eye-tracker: even though the focus
window might be located on one monitor, the user might be
looking at another monitor. Even with an eye-tracker, the
user might have risen for a moment to stretch, answer the
telephone, etc. mudibo helps to ensure that the user sees
the new instant message by presenting it on all of the
monitors simultaneously (Figure 1). mudibo also allows
the user to easily select which monitor is appropriate for the
window. If the message will be dealt with in short order,
the user might elect to interact with it on the same monitor
as the window with which they are working. If the message
will lead to a longer conversation, the user might elect to
Figure 1. mudibo facilitates the appearance of a new incoming instant message on all three monitors of a multiple-monitor system.
Monitor resolution has been decreased for visual effect. Typically, IM windows are much smaller and thus easier to miss.
interact with it on an alternate monitor so as not to occlude
the user’s main task. A disadvantage of mudibo could be
that a user does not want to deal with instant messages
when the user is heavily focused on a task. We discuss how
this preference can be addressed in the future work section.
Many IM clients also show a notification when a user
comes online or goes offline and mudibo replicates those
notification windows as well. If a multiple-monitor user is
interested in seeing notifications, mudibo can decrease the
chances that the user will miss them.
Another application for which we have found mudibo to be
useful is keyboard window switching. Since mudibo is
implemented in MS-Windows, we will discuss the method
of pressing <alt>+<tab> to switch windows. When a user
presses <alt>+<tab>, a small window showing icons and
titles appears and allows the user to switch to another
window. As it is currently presented, this window appears
on only one monitor. mudibo replicates this window on all
of the monitors, which relieves the user of the task of first
finding the <alt>+<tab> window before finishing the
switch. We also mention here that some video cards hide
the fact that a user has multiple monitors and present the
screen space as one large monitor. This often has the effect
of placing windows (such as the <alt>+<tab> window)
across physical monitor boundaries, which can be difficult
to read or otherwise undesirable.
In our specific
implementation of mudibo, we allow the user to define the
monitor boundaries. mudibo assesses when an application
places a window across monitor boundaries and replicates
the window on each monitor (though note that methods
such as wideband displays can also address this [4]).
Before discussing two additional specific scenarios in
which mudibo has been useful, we pause to remind the
reader of mudibo’s primary objective: to relieve the
application designer of trying to guess the “correct”
location for each small subwindow in the application. In
each of the scenarios described above, the application could
have made a decision to place a dialog box in an ideal
location. Our simple technique is powerful in that it (1)
relieves application designers from the task of guessing the
correct location, (2) automatically hides the incorrect
options, and (3) can be used in many, if not most, situations
of dialog box placement.
Special Situations
We have found two special situations where this technique
has been useful. One situation is when users (attempt to)
close a window (call it X) and switch focus to a window in
another monitor. Later on, the user finds that X is still open
and discovers that the application has requested that the
user take further action before allowing X to close (usually
to save or discard changes to the data in X). At that time,
the user might not remember the desired response to the
question posed by the dialog box. With mudibo, the
application’s request to save or discard changes
immediately appears on all of the monitors and allows the
user to answer the question while the context of the
application is still fresh in his or her memory.
The other situation where mudibo has been useful is
assisting with “trapped” dialog boxes. Sometimes modal
dialog boxes (i.e., those that require interaction and
dismissal before the main application window can retain
focus) accidentally appear behind the main application
window. This causes a trap because the modal dialog box
refuses to let the main application window have focus, but
that main window must be moved in order to dismiss the
dialog box underneath. mudibo provides a “hook” or
“pointer” to the dialog box by replicating it on different
monitors, thus allowing the user to easily relocate the dialog
box, interact with it, and finally dismiss it.
The mudibo prototype is implemented as an application in
Visual C#.NET and runs on any modern Microsoft
Windows operating system that has the .NET Framework
installed. It uses the P/Invoke platform to access a variety
of system resources such as synthetic input generation,
window management functions and information, multiplemonitor information, and graphics functions including
PrintWindow, which gives a full-copy bitmap of a window.
At startup, mudibo collects multiple monitor information or
uses user-defined coordinates in cases where video cards
hide the details of multiple monitors from Windows. It
then monitors the window message queue for the events of
window creation and showing. When a window is shown,
mudibo acquires information about the window including
its style bits, which generally define whether a window is a
dialog box, tool window, regular window, etc. When the
style bits match the definition of a dialog box or other
window of interest, mudibo uses PrintWindow to capture a
full bitmap of the window (call it W). For each monitor i,
mudibo creates a topmost “placeholder” window Pi of the
exact same size of W and places the captured image of W as
its background. To the user, it appears as if each monitor
has a copy of W. When a user clicks on any Pi, mudibo
moves W underneath Pi, hides all of the Pi’s, and “sends”
the mouse click to W by generating synthetic input.
One specific piece of code worth mentioning is the
implementation of mudibo with respect to the <alt>+<tab>
switching window. Windows generates a special window
management event each time the <alt>+<tab> window is
created and shown but not on subsequent key presses.
Upon seeing this event, mudibo sets a keyboard hook that
allows it to be notified on each additional key press. Then
each time the user presses <alt>+<tab>, mudibo re-calls the
PrintWindow function and updates the image of each Pi.
The concept of mudibo is based on previous work regarding
multiple monitors. As mentioned, Grudin’s qualitative
work found that users tend to place windows entirely within
monitor boundaries [1], justifying the placement of
windows on each monitor and assessing whether dialog
boxes were placed across monitor boundaries. Hutchings et
al. also observed this trend in their quantitative study
comparing the window management practices of singlemonitor and multiple-monitor users [2]. Mackinlay and
Heer developed a technique to make it easier to interact
with windows across physical boundaries [4], but they were
more concerned with reading, interpreting, and interacting
with images and imaged-based visual interfaces than with
interacting with generally text-heavy dialog boxes. Another
important aspect of Grudin’s work is that he demonstrated
that different usage strategies for multiple monitors have
emerged. In particular, he found that some users chose to
maximize the amount of space that some applications had
to display data by moving tool windows to other monitors
[1]. That finding directly supports the idea that some
subwindows belong near the main application window
whereas others belong farther away; mudibo addresses this
homogeneity in preferences by providing the initial option
to place windows anywhere.
mudibo is closely related to WinCuts [6]. That system
allows users to manually select an arbitrary region of a
window and replicate the region on another display on the
user’s system or across a network on a friend’s display.
mudibo departs from WinCuts in that it is (1) automatically
replicates contents and (2) captures only full windows.
Another closely related system is Ametista, which uses
window image capture to transform a 2D window manager
into a 3D window manager [5]. Ametista is implemented
on top of the X-Windows-like Mac OS X system, showing
that the technique of using window images for actual
interaction is not limited to just MS-Windows window
systems. In fact mudibo should be relatively simple to
implement in the Ametista system, further demonstrating its
power as a general windowing technique.
To this point we have mostly discussed the advantages of
the current mudibo prototype, so we now discuss some
disadvantages and opportunities for improvement.
With respect to assisting in the interaction with instant
messages, users might prefer to leave instant messages
where they appear to minimize distraction to a current task.
There might also be other specific types of dialog boxes or
windows that users would prefer not to appear on all of the
monitors such as material that is private or sensitive in
nature (see Hutchings and Stasko for more discussion on
this important aspect of window management [3]). We are
considering options such as smaller indicators on the other
monitors, using change-blindness for notification-style
windows like IMs, allowing users to naturally specify types
of windows that they prefer not be replicated, and possibly
combinations of such techniques.
We have found one particular type of dialog box to be
problematic: progress indicators such as those that inform
the user how much of a file has been downloaded or how
much of an application has been installed. Since there is no
interaction with these dialog boxes, replicating their
contents across monitors can be annoying because it forces
the user to take additional steps to interact when such steps
are usually unnecessary. Furthermore a synchronization
problem exists because each placeholder window is only an
image of the dialog box and is thus likely to convey an
inaccurate picture of the progress. This “synch issue” could
be assuaged with an actual window manager
implementation rather than the use of a separate
application, where “live windows” could more easily be
maintained. In the current prototype, options include
refreshing the copies every few seconds or monitoring for
the source’s specific window repaint events and refreshing
each time the source window is redrawn.
We also need to address various accessibility concerns. For
example, there is currently no supported way to use mudibo
with only a keyboard. One straightforward solution is to
assign keys to monitors to allow initial placement by
pressing a monitor’s corresponding key.
Formal evaluations of the mudibo prototype will clearly be
beneficial. We feel that mudibo can help users’ interactions
to be more efficient by reducing necessary navigation, but it
is possible that the reduction is quite small. Perhaps a
stronger benefit of mudibo is the potential to decrease user
frustration and reduce the amount of perceived navigation
necessary for interaction with multiple-monitor systems (as
identified by Grudin [1]). As such, the first set of
evaluations will probably involve deploying the tool to end
users. We will log their actions to try to understand
navigation patterns, but focus more on interviews and other
researcher-participant interactions to assess how mudibo
has altered the way that users interact with multiple monitor
systems. That information could be quite useful in building
on the small amount of research to date that assesses how
people employ multiple monitors.
1. Grudin, J. Partitioning digital worlds: focal and
peripheral awareness in multiple monitor use. Proc. CHI
2001, ACM Press, 458 – 465.
2. Hutchings, D. R., Smith, G., Meyers, B., Czerwinski, M.,
and Robertson, G. Display space usage and window
management operation comparisons between single
monitor and multiple monitor users. Proc. Advanced
Visual Interfaces 2004, ACM Press, 32 – 39.
3. Hutchings, D. R. and Stasko, J. Revisiting display space
management: understanding current practice to inform
next-generation design. Proc. Graphics Interface 2004,
Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society,
127 – 134.
4. Mackinlay, J. D. and Heer, J. Wideband displays:
mitigating multiple monitor seams. CHI 2004 Extended
Abstracts, ACM Press, 1521 – 1524.
5. Roussel, N. Ametista: a mini-toolkit for exploring new
window management techniques. Proc. Latin American
Conf. on HCI 2003, ACM Press, 117 – 124.
6. Tan, D. S., Meyers, B., and Czerwinski, M. WinCuts:
manipulating arbitrary window regions for more
effective use of screen space. CHI 2004 Extended
Abstracts, ACM Press, 1525 – 1528.