April 24 – 26, 2013
White Paper
MnSCU Roof Management Program
Author: Jim Morgan
The system office contracts with a roof design firm (currently Inspec, Inc.) to provide annual
inspections and Planning & Analysis Reports for roofs at all 54 MnSCU campuses.
Campuses use the information in the reports to maintain and plan for replacement of roofs.
The roof maintenance program started with the state university system back in 1984 to
reduce leaks and improve the life of roofs. Slope to drain, 4 ply built-up roofs became the
standard roof design with an expected life of 40 years. This is contingent on proper design,
proper installation and performing routine maintenance. Other roof systems such as slate,
clay tile, and copper also provide long term (40+ years) roof systems, which meet the
MnSCU standard. In 1995, with the merger and the start of MnSCU, all the community
colleges and technical colleges where added to the roofing program.
In 2001, there were approximately12M SF of Academic roofs, of which 33% were MnSCU
standard roofs. At that time there were 1,15M SF of Revenue roofs of which 62% where
MnSCU standard roofs. In 2012 there are approximately 13.7M SF of Academic roofs of
which approximately 60% are MnSCU standard and approximately 1.2M SF of Revenue
roofs of which approximately 80% are MnSCU standard.
Annual Roof Surveys: All major roof areas are inspected annually to identify any
deficiencies and a written and photographic report of each roof area is provided with
suggested annual repairs, scaled sketches of roof areas showing location of deficiencies,
and the estimated costs of repairs. Inspection work is organized by campus and includes
approximately 487 buildings having approximately 14 million gross square feet (GSF) of roof
area at 54 campus locations. Colleges and Universities should provide the information from
the deficiency reports to one or two roofing contractors and obtain proposals for the repair of
deficiencies in a timely manner. This will reduce the risk of leakage and increase the
longevity of the roof systems.
Planning & Analysis Reports: Along with annual surveys, the system office has in the pst
contracted for a number of Planning & Analysis Reports (predesigns) on the highest priority
roof section to provide campuses replacement cost information to submit as part of their
HEAPR request. Planning & Analysis Reports are categorized as either initial (first report
when a roof area is within 5 years of needing replacement) or updated (annual update of
replacement cost and/or condition or change in the scope of work). The Planning & Analysis
Extraordinary Education
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April 24 – 26, 2013
White Paper
Reports will identify design issues, provide roofing system options and solutions, and
provides a conservative estimated of roof replacement cost based on MnSCU Roof and
Facilities Design Standards. Campuses use these reports in conjunction with an RFP to
select a Roof Design Consultant from the Specialty Consultant Master Roster.
Roof Web Site: RoofPro (formerly COMET), is the new web-based project management
information system where all information for the Roof Management Program is maintained.
All campuses have their own log-in information for read-only access to their campus roofs.
Surveys are typically conducted between April and August and all surveys, including
deficiency reports and Planning & Analysis Reports are uploaded to RoofPro in September
and October timeframe.
Roof Replacement:
Responsibility to manage roof replacement through HEAPR was given to Campuses in 2012.
The system office is a resource to assist in the planning and contracting process. The
system office has created a number of forms and templates to assist the campuses through
the process of selecting roof design consultants and managing roof replacement projects.
These include; campus and system office responsibility matrix for projects less than or
greater than $100,000, RFP template, AIA B101 contract attachment, design kickoff and
preconstruction meeting agendas, daily observation report and warranty forms. All the
forms will be posted on the MnSCU Facilities web site.
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