Biome Project of Champions

Name: ________________________
Biome Project of Champions
In a group, you will research a biome that you choose. You will pick from these biomes: (***not in book)
Hot and Dry Desert
4. Temperate Deciduous Forest
8. Grasslands/Prairie
5. Temperate Rainforest***
9. Coral Reef***
Northern Coniferous Forest
6. Tropical Rainforest
10. Alpine***
7. Tropical Savannah
With this information you will be creating project in some type of electronic format that you can link for your fellow classmates to view (iMovie,
Glogster, Prezi, WIkispace, Blogger, etc) to show your research. The following is the information that you are responsible for collecting and
including in your project. Some can be found on pages 4-5 of your green Environmental Science textbook. There are links to some biome websites
on our class site. Only use the sites provided by me, unless you get permission first, because we have checked the accuracy of these sites. You will
have to supplement the information with pictures, cool facts, movies, etc. that you find online.
*The class will fill out a note sheet based on your project, so we need to make sure the information is accurate *
VERY IMPORTANT: You must do your research FIRST and compile it in a Google Document shared with me and your partner, before you begin your
project. Below is how you will be graded:
RUBRIC (Each of these sections should be clearly labeled in your project):
 (___/1 points) Map and Name of your Biome- world map with your biome highlighted. Person Responsible: ___________________
(___/3 points) Climate Information (not all will apply)- Person Responsible: ___________________
What are the seasons, temperature ranges?
Precipitation amounts and types?
Any Unique Climate issues? (Winds, Storms, Droughts, Floods, Freezing/Thawing, ect?)
(___/1 points) Type of soil (sandy, acidic, nutrient levels, deep topsoil, leaching, thin…)- Person Responsible: _____________________
(___/4 points) Organisms? Don’t need to list all, but pick at least 4 that you are interested in and give a picture and quick description of
each. At least 2 vegetation, and at least 2 animals/insects. Try to pick organisms that are representative of the biome. (Examples: Polar
Bears in the Tundra, Rattlesnakes in the Desert, Buffalo on the Prairie, etc)- Person Responsible: ___________________
(___/4 points) Unique Facts (at least 4). Any unique qualities/interesting facts? Any geographic/geologic features? Unique conditions?
Person Responsible: ___________________
(___/2 points) Threats to the Biome List and briefly explain at least 2 (Deforestation, Development, Disease, ect)
Person Responsible: ___________________
TOTAL SCORE: _____/15 points
Type up all of your information in a Google Document first. This way everyone can access the info from home. Then you can just copy and
paste your text into your project. This way your information can be spellchecked, and it is easier to type in word. I will need to CHECK THAT
YOU HAVE THIS TYPED before you can start!!!
 Don’t use textboxes that have scrolling features, we should be able to see all the text by just looking at the sheet.
 Try to consider a color scheme or theme, rather than just random colors/features. It makes the project look professional.
 Double-check your work using this rubric before you finish. This is the sheet I will use to grade your project.
Have fun and put a lot of effort into this project so you can have a final product that you are proud of to show off your fellow classmates. Your
classmates are relying on you to get all of the information so they get accurate notes!!!
Links for Biomes: Gives a nice overview of each of the different biomes, it is a
university website Begins with a nice map of biome location. There are links to
different biomes and a nice overall description of what a biome is on the first page Very user friendly links to different biomes. It lays out descriptions in categories like
plants, animals, etc… Quick facts available for each biome Some cool pics of different biomes Great descriptions of different mammals in the biomes Good Links to different biomes, and good definitions Detailed descriptions and pics for each biome. Great links are
provided about scientists involved, conservation and other things. Great link for wetland biome, goes over different facts, organisms…’ Links for each biome—does a good job with the aquatic biomes! Beautiful pics of animals from different biomes Nice link for the tundra biome Type in the search box the name of your biome, you might get amazing
pics and descriptions! Not all are there but most.