Name ____________________________________ Pd______ Chapter 20 Section 1

Name ____________________________________
Chapter 20 Section 1
African History: European Contact to Independence
The arrival of Europeans in Africa changed the region…
Slave Trade (page 551)
1. While slavery existed for centuries in Africa, what caused it to increase in Africa?
2. Fill in the blanks to explain the process:
a. African traders _______________________________________________________ and delivered
b. European traders __________________________________________________________________
c. Africans were forced to grow _______________________________________________in America.
European Rule (page 551-552)
3. Once the slave trade ended why were the following European groups interested in Africa?
a. Business Leaders: __________________________________________________
b. Military Leaders: ___________________________________________________
c. Missionaries: ______________________________________________________
4. Which three European nations had the most claims in Africa? ______________________
5. How did colonies hurt the people of Africa? ____________________________________
6. How did European change Africa?
Independence (page 552-555)
After decades of fighting against European rule, Africans began to gain their independence.
7. Define Nationalism: ____________________________________________________
8. Define Discrimination: __________________________________________________
9. Look at the map on page 554. Answer the following questions.
a. Which Africa countries had never been under European rule? _____________
b. Which African countries became independent after 1979? ________________
c. In what part of Africa is French most likely a major language- western Africa, eastern Africa, or
southern Africa? Why? _____________________________
After Independence
10. Why did African nations continue to fight after gaining independence?______________
South Africa and Apartheid
11. What was apartheid? _____________________________________________________
12. In what ways were black South Africans discriminated against? ___________________
13. How did black South Africans respond to this treatment? ________________________
14. How did white South Africans respond to the actions of the black South Africans? ____
15. How did other nations of the world respond apartheid? __________________________
16. What led to the end of apartheid? ___________________________________________