
5 mark family questions
Describe one way in which schools attempt to encourage a sense of what it means to be British and explain
how this may help to improve social cohesion. (5 marks) (June 2011)
Sample answer 1
Schools introduced citizenship as a subject so that students get a sense of themselves as citizens and so
they are aware of their right or responsibilities and identities etc. Social cohesion is when society are
integrated. Introducing citizenship may help to improve social cohesion because it brings about a
sense of unity that we are all British so regardless of socio economic backgrounds or cultural
differences we all are part of one society and therefore shouldn’t segregate because of differences in
class by race etc.
Mark: 3
Sample answer 2
Schools have attempted to encourage this by citenziship lessons and having PSHCE days. Citenzinship
education is when you are taught your rights and responsibilities as a citezin. Mainly people may argue
that society is enthnocentrist because it cultrally favours some ethnic groups especially the white ethic
groups. The may improve social cohension because it will teach the children the norms and values and
morals of that society.
Mark: 4
Sample answer 3
Within lessons teachers may show successful British people so you can aspire to be like them. For
example English may take a Shakespeare or Dickens. In music they may teach you about Oasis or the
beatles. This will give the students role models to look up to making the want to acheive more.
Mark: 2
Sample answer 4
Schools attempt to encourage a sense of what it means to be british by introducing school uniform. To
say that you should be proud to wear the uniform of your school with pride. This helps with social
cohesion as students would wear the same uniforms.
Mark: 1