Human Genetics Review

Date ________
Human Genetics Review
1) Recessive disorder that causes excessive build
up of mucus.
3) Any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome.
4) A process that separates DNA fragments based
on size.
7) A term that describes to chromosomes in a diploid
cell that contain the same genes.
8) A syndrome that affects a male with an extra X
11) A mistake in meiosis where homologous
chromosomes fail to separate; resulting in
abnormal number of chromosomes in sperm or
egg cells.
12) A diagram that shows how a trait is passed one
from generation to generation in a family.
13) A picture of all the chromosomes in a cell
arranged in homologous pairs, from largest to
2) An enzyme that cuts DNA at a specific sequence
5) The full set of genetic information that an
organism carries in its DNA.
6) Caused by having an extra 21st chromosome
9) A disease that affects the red blood cells; carriers
are resistant to malaria
10) A dominant disease that does not show
symptoms until the 30’ or 40’s.
14) A syndrome that affects a female who is missing
a X chromosome.
Name ___________________________
Date ________
Human Genetics Review
Name ___________________________
Short Answer Questions:
1. Why are the alleles for most genetic disorders very rare in a population but the allele for sickle cell is fairly common?
a. Why are the alleles for most inherited genetic disorders very rare in a population?
b. The allele for sickle cell disease is very common in African population. Why is the sickle cell allele so common in a population
while over disease alleles are very rare?
c. What is the risk of being a carrier of the sickle cell allele?
2. What is the purpose of doing a DNA gel electrophoresis? Explain the process of gel electrophoresis.
3. Hemophilia is a disorder that is recessive and found on the X chromosome. Draw pedigree for the family below:
 Jack and Beth are married and do not have hemophilia.
 Jack’s father, Wayne, has hemophilia. Jack’s mother, Mary, does not have hemophilia.
 Neither one of Beth’s parents (Mary and Tom) has hemophilia.
 Beth’s bother, Andy, has hemophilia
 Jack and Beth have three children; Dan, Eric, and Heather
o Dan has hemophilia
o Eric does not have hemophilia
o Heather does not have hemophilia
Date ________
Human Genetics Review
Name ___________________________
1. The karyotype above is for a normal
female. Describe the mistake or
mistakes that were made during the
construction of the karyotype.
2. What disorder (if any) is shown in the
4. What disorder (if any) is shown in the
5. Does it show a male or female?
3. Does it show a male or female?
6. How many autosomes are shown?
7. Is the trait shown in the pedigree autosomal dominant,
autosomal recessive or sex-lined?
8. Use the letter “A/a” to represent alleles, write the
genotype for each family member.
Human Genetics Review
Date ________
Name ___________________________
1. In fruit flies, eye color is a sex linked trait. Red is dominant to white. What are the sexes and eye colors of flies with the following
X R X r _____________
X R Y ____________
X r X r ____________
X R X R ____________
X r Y ____________
2. What are the genotypes of these flies:
white eyed, male ____________
red eyed female (heterozygous) ________
white eyed, female ___________
red eyed, male ___________
The alien couple pictured to the right displays characteristics that have been linked to the sex
chromosomes of this particular species. Below is a chart listing some of these traits. Use the
information in the chart to solve the genetics problems that follow.
Dominant Phenotype
Recessive Phenotype
Body color
(P) purple
(p) pink
Eye color
(E) yellow
(e) red
eyebrows present
3. A male with yellow eyes mates with a red-eyed female. What is the chance that this couple will have a baby boy with red eyes?
4. A female, heterozygous for the body color trait, mates with a pink male. What is the chance that these aliens will give birth to a
purple-skinned girl?
5. A male with eyebrows mates with a female without eyebrows. What is the chance that they will produce a male with eyebrows?
What is the chance they would produce a female with eyebrows?