America – The Story of Us ~ Episode 2 –...

Name _________________________ period ___
Chapter 6 Section 3: Saratoga & French Aid
America – The Story of Us ~ Episode 2 – Revolution (start 14:50 – end 25:24)
In London, British officials were dismayed by the army’s failure to crush the rebels. Early in 1777,
General John Burgoyne presented a new plan for victory. If British troops cut off New England from
the other colonies, he argued, the war would soon be over.
1) By June, 1777, an army of _ , _
the H
_ _ _ _ _
_ _ British soldiers march down from British Canada, pushing south along
River. The British force is led by General John
200 supply wagons carrying _
B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ & the army has
_ tons of powder & shot (as well as fancy dining supplies for British officers).
2) General Burgoyne’s plan is “simple”. Based on the map PAUSED at 16:55, how will the plan specifically work?
3) The American frontier is the British army’s “nightmare” … Give 5 Reasons the fronteir is deadly for the
soldiers being led by General Burgoyne:
4) The American Long Rifle was used in the French & Indian War & the American Revolution. The rifle’s technology was
brought to America by German immigrants, & with its longer barel, provided increased accuracy, range & caliber bullet
than the traditional 18th century muskets. However, it was not typically used in war by the British because it could jam
easily if not thoroughly cleaned & took a longer reload time. YET, WHY DID IT PROVE PERFECT FOR THE
AMERICAN COLONISTS? EXPLAIN your answer. (3 Sentence minimum!)
5) The American forces plans to destroy Bugoynes’ army includes …
a) taking out Burgoynes N _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ scouts (gone is British knowledge of the terrain!)
b) use traditional Native American tactics – such as S _ _ _ _ , S _ _ _ _ _ _ , S _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
c) American S _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hide in the forests & assassinate British O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
6) How many shots does it take for Daniel Morgan’s best sharpshooter (Tim Murphy) to assasinate Frazier?
7) Eventually, Burgoyne surrenders his entire army to the American on 10/17/1777 at
S _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
A Turning Point in the War
Burgoyne’s Plan
8) Explain why Burgoyne thought his plan to divide & separate the colonists would be helpful to the British?
9) In July 1777, the British General Howe defeated the Americans at the battles of B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
and G _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . But instead of moving toward A _ _ _ _ _ to meet Burgoyne and divide the
Americans, he retired for the winter in comfortable quarters in P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the winter.
Victory at Saratoga
10) Why did British General Burgoyne struggle to reach Albany (and cut the colonists into two)?!?
11) The RESULTS of the Battle of Saratoga was that …
Aid from Europe
12a) Who did Congress
12b) What did
12c) The French did NOT
12d) In February 1778, France
send to France to
persuade the French
to help the colonists?
Americans hope to
gain from the
want to help the
Americans unless they
were sure of what?
provided aid to the colonists –
what other countries joined
France in helping?
13) Complete the TABLE
Eureopean Individual
Marquis de Lafayette
Friedrich von Steuben
Kosciusko & Pulaski
Country of Origin
What did he do to help the American colonists?