Global Studies Name Egyptian Presidents Matching

Global Studies
Egyptian Presidents Matching
Match each of the following statements with the correct Egyptian presidents. Choose from the
GN = Gamal Nasser
AS = Anwar Sadat
HM = Hosni Mubarak
MM = Mohammed Morsi
AFS = Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
_______ 1. He nationalized (took over) the Suez Canal.
_______ 2. He is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
_______ 3. He faced Islamic fundamentalism, calls for democracy, and terrorist attacks.
_______ 4. He signed a peace deal with Israel.
_______ 5. He is expanding the Suez Canal.
_______ 6. He took over after Nasser.
_______ 7. He was assassinated while in office.
_______ 8. His actions angered secular Muslims and Christian minorities.
_______ 9. He took over after Sadat.
_______ 10. He died of a heart attack while in office.
_______ 11. He took over Morsi.
_______ 12. He resigned during the Arab Spring, faced charges, and is being held in a military hospital.
_______ 13. The lake formed by the Aswan High Dam is named after him.
_______ 14. He sided with the United States in the Persian Gulf War.
_______ 15. He took over after Mubarak.
_______ 16. He promoted Pan-Arabism, unification of the Arab people.
_______ 17. He was the first of these presidents.
_______ 18. The military removed him from office with broad public support.
_______ 19. He built the Aswan High Dam.
_______ 20. He is the popular current president of Egypt.