China Seminar Boulder, Colorado 2010 David Lampton John Hopkins University

China Seminar
Boulder, Colorado 2010
David Lampton
John Hopkins University
Version 2
1976-Death of Mao
Mao’s Mausoleum in Beijing,
Gang of Four
Gang of Four were arrested in
The so-called Gang of Four is led
by Chairman Mao's widow Jian
Qing, and includes Wang
Hongwen, Yao Wenyuan, and
Zhang Chunqiao.
Mao Zedong
Policies failed!
China was economically
and politically weak and
crippled after the rule of
Mao Zedong.
Mao Zedong died in 1976
and the Chinese
communist party chose a
new leader-Deng Xiaoping
To Get Rich is
Deng stresses Economic
Individuals should be
allowed to open their
own business.
Private enterprises
Chinese could own their
own land or open a
business for profit
Schools would reopen.
Opens to the west!
How did Deng reform
China’s Economic System?
Deng Xiaoping
Capitalism in China?
Deng established Special
Economic Zones.
Special Economic Zones?
Areas of rapid economic growth by using tax &
business incentives to attract foreign investment &
Special tax breaks for investments- including foreign
investments- McDonalds, General Motors and many
others companies in China today.
Free markets- people can open business not just the
1980- -1984- focus on Fujian & Guangdong
Shenzhen one of the first
Special Economic Zones
Click on title to go to video clip
Deng open’s relations with
the west!
American & Foreign
business in China.