End of Qing Empire & Century of Humiliation 2014 Qing 1644-1910

End of Qing Empire &
Century of Humiliation
Qing 1644-1910
Why did Qing Dynasty end?
 Many reasons…. They
were foreigners- Manchurians
not Han Chinese-Discrimination
against the Han Chinese!
 Western Influence- British and
others force trade & war on
 Corruption in the dynasty, last
empress Dowager Cixi
 They were foreigners- there
were many Rebellions against
the Qing Dynasty.
Qing 1644-1910
British Smuggle in Opium
Opium Addiction in China
 Opium Dens
Qing 1644-1910
Illegal Smuggling of
Qing Dynasty attacks a British
ship carrying Opium
Chinese destroy a British
War between China &
 First War was 1839
 British begin to use their
superior Navy to defeat the
Qing Dynasty in War.
 British also raid Chinese coastal
areas including taking “Qing
Ships with tax money”- hurting
the Qing bankroll!
 British win the wars; humiliation
for China!
Qing 1644-1910
Treaty of Nanjing
Signing of the Treaty
 Reimburse Britain for the
Cost of the War!
 Forces China to open
Ports of Trade to British &
other Europeans! Spheres
of Influence!
 Hong Kong- Britain gains
complete control of this
part of China as well.
 Extraterritoriality to British
Citizens in China!
 Humiliation for the
Qing 1644-1910
Qing 1644-1910
Qing 1644-1910
Rebellions against the Qing
Many Chinese believed Emperors had lost control to Western Traders &
Three Rebellions will occur, on the last rebellion will end the Qing Dynasty.
Qing 1644-1910
A Rebellion
against the Qing
Chinese rebel against their own
government- they are seen as weak &
Empress Dowager did NOT reform
her government & even asked the
British to help her stop the rebellion!
20-30 Million people die in rebellion
from fighting and or famine!
Taiping Rebellion- 14 year
unsuccessful rebellion!
Qing 1644-1910
Boxer Rebellion
Boxers were starving peasant farmers
who wanted foreigners out of China!
Drive the “foreign devils” out of China!
Terrible fighting, Qing Troops reluctantly
help the Boxers- Western Troops crush
the rebellion!
Western troops even forced their way
into the Forbidden Palace….Empress
dowager flees the palace….
Qing 1644-1910
1911 Revolution
Finally the third rebellion, is the one to
bring an end to the Qing Dynasty!
End to Dynastic Rule in China after
Thousands of Years!
Chinese Revolutionist wanted to
establish a republic/democracy!
1912-1928- Fragile Republic in China.
Qing 1644-1910
Father of China’s Republic
 Dr. Sun Yat-Sen/ Nationalist
 Sun's three principles for a
new society were National
freedom; Democratic
government; and the
people's livelihood.
 Unfortunately it was a weak
& new government; warlords
begin to fight for power!
 The new Republic DID NOT
Last & a Civil War breaks out
in China.
Qing 1644-1910
Civil War & Japanese
Invasion of China
Map of Warlords and different
regions of China.
Civil War breaks between two main groups
that want to unite the country!
Civil War
Kuomintang and Communist
 Nationalist Party/Kuomintang
 Communist Party
 Chiang Kai-Shek (follower of
 Mao Zedong
Sun Yat-Sen)
Qing 1644-1910
During the Civil War events
got worse!
 Japanese invade China!
 Over 200,000 people killed
during the Japanese invasion
in Nanjing, 20,000 women were
 Japanese attacks many other
cities in the country as well
 The Communist & the
Nationalist join forces to try to
fight against the Japanese
War Against Japan and
World War II (1937-1945)
Civilians and military were
Japanese leave China!
Civil War
Continues (19451949)
By the end of the war, and due to
Japanese invasion- millions of
Chinese are killed.
Wars bring ruin to economies;
inflation in China, prices of goods
drastically increased and shortages
of goods.
Famine and millions dying of
People’s Republic of China
Century of Humiliation
 Time period from mid- 1800’s
& Opium War
 The New Republic is weak
and collapsed!
 European Imperialism
 A Civil War begins &
continues for several
 In mist of Civil War, Japan
attacks China!
Qing 1644-1910