The $100 Solution™ Project Proposal Form


The $100 Solution™ Project Proposal Form

Proposal Number:

For Office Use Only

Please answer each question in the space provided. Incomplete applications will not be processed.

Applications must not exceed six pages in length.

General Information

Project Title:

Student Name(s)

Primary Student Contact:

Phone Number:

Student Contact information

WKU ID # Email Address Expected Graduation Year


Course Information


Teaching Assistant or Coach

Community Partner Information

Please note: The Community Partner Information will be used to invite the partner to the End of Semester Celebration

Name of Organization/Office:

Contact Person:

Mailing Address:

City/State/Zip Code:



Project Details

Please note: The Project Details will help the ALIVE Center plan for digital documentation and financial management.

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Dates of Proposed Project:

Location of Proposed Project:

Project Description


Provide a short description of your project and its central goal.

It may be helpful to complete this section last; it should include summarized information similar to what you would find in an abstract.


Please provide a description of the background research conducted for this project.

A description of background research includes a detailed history of the non-profit organization, as well as the social issue being addressed by that organization.

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3. What community need does the project address and how was it determined?

Include a detailed description of how the project benefits the community, as well as the organization and the individuals or families they serve. The need was community-determined if the community partner identified the need. The project idea, however, should be developed by students and their community partner.


What is the role of partnership in your project?

Partnership: Explain the role of service-learners and the role of community partners in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the project. Also explain how project idea was developed and what resources were contributed by the service learners and the community partners.


How does this project include reciprocity between those being served and project participants?

Reciprocity: The service-learners and the community or community partners should benefit from the project, creating a sense of shared ownership and contribution. Please explain in detail how the service-learners and partnering organization are benefiting from participation in this project.

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How does this project build capacity within the community?

Capacity-Building: The knowledge and abilities of individuals and organizations are strengthened towards self-sufficiency. How does your project improve the organization’s ability to meet the needs or their clientele better?


How will this project be sustained and what resources are needed for future sustainability?

Sustainability: Projects focus on long-term solutions that take into consideration future needs and resources.


How will you incorporate continued reflection into your project implementation process?

Reflection: Continued verbal and written reflection is used as a tool for awareness, deeper understanding, analysis, and interpretation in order to transform experiences into meaningful learning.

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Intended Results

Describe the short-term and long-term goals of the project and its impact on the community.

Budget Summary

Total Amount Requested: $

Description of Expenses: Cost per Item: Number of Items:

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Total Cost:

Budget Narrative: Explain how the budget items will be used.


Please check the following: and the community. We will be provided with a project report form to fill out and submit to the ALIVE Center. We understand that if enrolled in a course, the project report along with any other requested information must also be submitted to my professor.

continue to promote The $100 Solution™ to a broader audience. All materials will become the property of Western Kentucky

University and The $100 Solution™. Digital files of any pictures and/or videos shall be submitted with the project report.

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