Document 14118594

Mr. Pettit APUSH FROM INDEPENDENCE TO INDEPENDENCE? It can be said that the Declaration of Independence did not fully grant U.S. freedom. According to this approach, the Monroe Doctrine can be seen as “the final stage in the evolution of independence” for the United States. Declaration of Independence, 1776 begins the evolutionary process of separation and self-­‐rule. Louisiana Purchase, ensures open commerce on the Miss. River and development of W. territories Revolutions in Latin America weakens colonialism in W. hemisphere. Treaty of Paris, 1783. Further separates U.S.A. from Europe Jay Treaty, removal of British frontier outposts. War of 1812/Treaty of Ghent definitively ends British influence in U.S.A. Washington’s Declaration of Neutrality, 1793 Allows U.S.A. to determine it’s own best interests. Transcontinental Treaty eliminates Spanish expansion westward. Monroe Doctrine, A public statement on full sovereignty and a desire to be left alone by Europe. 