AP History Mr. Dunn Chapter 5 Study Guide The American Revolution

AP History
Mr. Dunn
Chapter 5 Study Guide
The American Revolution
1770’s – 1790’s
Important Terms, People, Ideas
Second Continental Congress
John Dickinson
Olive Branch Petition
Thomas Paine
Common Sense
Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson
Articles of Confederation
George Washington
Marquis de Lafayette
Baron von Steuben
American Advantages
British Advantages
Bunker /Breed’s Hill
Reasons for French support
Benjamin Franklin
Impact on Iroquois
Treaty of Paris
Impact on religion
Impact on Native Americans
Impact on Women
Abigail Adams
Church and state
Northwest Ordinance
Impact on economy
Treaty of Greenville
Continental impost
Shay’s Rebellion
1. What was the purpose of the Olive Branch Petition?
2. What did the “Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms” inform the British
Government of?
3. What did the public believe about the purpose of the Revolution?
4. Why did the public change their mind?
5. Who wrote Common Sense? What major ideas did it include? What was its impact?
6. Declaration of Independence
When was the resolution adopted?
When was the Declaration approved?
Who wrote it?
Who helped?
Describe the two parts:
7. What is a loyalist?
8. Describe the impact the Parliament suspension of representative government had on America.
9. What were the Articles of Confederation? When were they adopted and when were they actually
10. Why did the Iroquois side with the British? How did this negatively impact the Iroquois nation?
11. Why did the French give aid to America?
12. What elements of the final phase of the war made this a truly revolutionary war?
13. Describe the actions of Benedict Arnold in the final phase of the war.
14. Why was the Treaty of Paris delayed in being signed?
15. How did the war impact the loyalists?
16. How did the war impact the religion in America?
17. How did the war impact African Americans and slavery?
18. How did the war impact the Native Americans?
19. How did the War impact women?
20. How did the revolution strengthen American economy?
21. What idea was proposed in the Statute of Religious liberty? Who wrote it?
22. Why did slavery remain in the southern and border states?
23. Why was the Treaty of Greenville necessary, and what did it establish?
24. Describe the financial and economic climate after the revolution.
25. How did Hamilton and Madison propose to solve this problem? Were they successful?