M. S. RAMAIAH INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BANGALORE-54 (AUTONOMOUS INSTITUTE, AFFILIATED TO VTU) MEDICAL ELECTRONICS SYLLABUS Outcomes Based Education Curricula (For the Academic year 2015-2016) V & VI Semester B. E. 1 History of the Institute: M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology was started in 1962 by the late Dr. M.S. Ramaiah, our Founder Chairman who was a renowned visionary, philanthropist, and a pioneer in creating several landmark infrastructure projects in India. Noticing the shortage of talented engineering professionals required to build a modern India, Dr. M.S. Ramaiah envisioned MSRIT as an institute of excellence imparting quality and affordable education. Part of Gokula Education Foundation, MSRIT has grown over the years with significant contributions from various professionals in different capacities, ably led by Dr. M.S. Ramaiah himself, whose personal commitment has seen the institution through its formative years. Today, MSRIT stands tall as one of India’s finest names in Engineering Education and has produced around 35,000 engineering professionals who occupy responsible positions across the globe. About the Medical Electronics Department The Medical Electronics department at M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology (MSRIT), Bangalore was started in the year 1996. The department is offering 4-year full time B. E. degree course in Medical Electronics, affiliated to VTU, Belgaum, recognized by Government of Karnataka, approved by AICTE, New Delhi and accredited by NBA. The department is located at Lecture Hall Complex of MSRIT Campus. The department consists of a highly motivated & qualified faculty and dedicated supporting staff headed by Dr. N. Sriraam, Academy-industry experienced Professor with specialization in biomedical signal processing. 2 Faculty List Names of Faculty Sl. No. 1 Dr N Sriraam 2 Qualification Designation B.E., M.Tech, Ph.D Professor and Head Prof. P G Kumaravelu B.E., M.Tech, Professor 3 Dr. C K Narayanappa B.E., M.Tech, Ph.D Associate Professor 4 Mrs. Prabhu Ravikala Vittal B.E., ME, (Ph.D) Associate Professor 5 Mrs. Uma Arun B.E, M.S., (Ph.D) Assistant Professor 6 Mrs. Prabha Ravi B.E., M.Sc, MBA, (Ph.D) Assistant Professor 7 Mr. S. J. Mahendra B.E., M.Tech,( Ph.D) Assistant Professor 8 Mrs. Purnima B R B.E., M.Sc (Engg.), Assistant Professor 9 Ms. Supriya Babu BE, M.Sc., Assistant Professor 10 Mr. Sanjay H. S. B.E., M.Tech,(Ph.D) Assistant Professor 11 Mr. Basavaraj V Hiremath B.E., M.Tech, (Ph.D) Assistant Professor 12 Mrs. Chandana S. B.E., M.Tech, (Ph.D) Assistant Professor Vision and Mission of the Institute and the Department The Vision of MSRIT To evolve into an autonomous institution of international standing for imparting quality technical education The Mission of the institute in pursuance of its Vision: MSRIT shall deliver global quality technical education by nurturing a conducive learning environment for a better tomorrow through continuous improvement and customization Quality Policy “We at M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore strive to deliver comprehensive, continually enhanced, global quality technical and management education through an established Quality Management system Complemented by the Synergistic interaction of the stake holders concerned”. 3 Vision of the Department: “Provide quality education, motivational academic environment and foster strong academicindustrial ties to empower the students to face the challenges of tomorrow” Mission of the Department: The department shall transform the entrant of the program into professionally competent engineers through innovative curricula, research, practical training and effective collaboration with industry, hospital, and academia. Process of deriving the vision and mission of the department Process of deriving the vision and mission of the department is shown in Figure below Institute’s Vision & Mission Management Vision & Mission of the Department by the committee Parents Industry Alumni Department Faculty Students Periodic Review 4 Process of Deriving the PEOs of the programme Department Vision & Mission Institute Vision & Mission Committee formation and preparation of questionnaire Conduction of Survey Students Parents Alumni Industry Collect data (Department Committee) Deliberate, Analyze and summarize the data (Board of Studies) Academic Council & Governing Council Accept & Approve PEOs 5 PG faculty Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) 1. Solve the real-life healthcare problems by employing the knowledge and skills of Medical Electronics 2. To bridge the gap between engineering and medicine by optimal design & implementation of healthcare technologies 3. To inculcate professional and ethical values in lifelong learning process Process of deriving the Programme Outcomes The Programme outcomes are defined taking into account the feedback received from faculty, alumni, Industry and also from guidelines put across by regulatory/professional bodies and graduate attributes which are in line with programme educational objectives. The following Fig. 2.1 indicates the information flow. Department Vision and Mission Institute Vision and Mission Feedback Faculty Student Programme Educational Objectives Programme Outcomes Graduate Attributes Regulatory bodies such as UGC,AICTE,VTU Alumni Professional bodies such as IIIE, NITIE Industry 6 Program Outcomes The graduates of the programme will be able to: a. Apply knowledge and skills of mathematics, engineering and science to various healthcare domains. b. Design and conduct experiments, as well as analyze and interpret data. c. Design and improve a system, component or a process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, social, health, ethical and safety, manufacturability and sustainability. d. Function as a member, of a multi-disciplinary team. e. Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems. f. Understand and respect professional and ethical responsibility. g. Communicate effectively both orally and in writing. h. Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i. Recognize the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j. Have knowledge of contemporary issues in healthcare and service sectors. k. Use updated techniques, skills and tools necessary for engineering practices throughout their professional careers. l. Implement the concepts of project and financial management to satisfy customer expectations. Program Objectives • After graduation a medical electronics engineer will be capable of: ▫ Being employed in any of the wide ranging careers in healthcare related positions in industry, hospitals, research institutions or academia. ▫ Pursuing advanced degrees in biomedical engineering, Bioengineering or other fields related to their long term career goals 7 Mapping of PEO’s and PO’s The correlation between the Programme outcomes and Program Educational objectives are mapped in the Table shown below: Correlation between the POs and the PEOs Sl. No. Programme Educational Objectives Programme Outcomes a b c 1 Solve the real-life healthcare problems by employing the knowledge and skills of Medical Electronics X X X 2 To bridge the gap between engineering and medicine by optimal design & implementation of healthcare technologies X 3 To inculcate professional and ethical values in lifelong learning process d X X X e X f g h i j k l X X X X X X X X X X X X X Curriculum breakdown structure: The curriculum of Medical Electronics programme is so structured to include all the courses that together satisfy the requirements of the programme specific criteria. The Course code, Course title, the number of contact hours and the number of credits for each course are given in the following table. The courses are grouped in line with the major components of the curriculum namely: (i) Mathematics and Basic sciences, (ii) Basic Engineering courses, (iii) Humanities and Social Sciences, (iv) Professional core courses, (v) Electives and (vi) industry/hospital exposure/internship. 8 Breakup of Credits for BE Degree Curriculum. ( I to VIII Semester) Sem PCS Professional Electives Other Electives Project / Seminar/ Internship Total Credits HSS BS ES II 06 20 24 III -- 04 -- 22 - - - IV - 04 - 21 - - - V - - - 26 - - - VI - - - 19 06 - 01 VII - - - 13 06 03 03 VIII 07 - - -- 03 - 12 22 Total 13 28 24 101 15 03 16 200 I 50 26 25 26 26 25 HSS - Humanities and Social Sciences - 13 BS - Basic Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry) - 28 ES - Engineering Sciences (Materials, Workshop, Drawing, Computers). - 24 PCS - Professional Core Subjects - 101 Prof. Ele - Professional Electives, relevant to the chosen specialization branch. - 15 Other Ele - Elective Subjects, from other technical and / or emerging subject Areas. - 03 Project / Seminar - Project Work, Seminar and / or Internship in industry or elsewhere. - 16 9 BOARD OF STUDIES MEMBERS M.S. RAMAIAH INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, BENGALURU-54 (Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to VTU) ANNEXURE – III BOARD OF STUDIES - Department of Medical Electronics (TO BE CONSTITUTED AS OER 5.3 OF STATUTE FRAMED SECTION 43(A) OF 2006 AMENDED) VTU ACT 1994. Sl.No 1. Category Name Of The Person With Official Address Status Head Of The Department Conserned Dr. N. Sriraam Prof. & H.O.D. Dept. Of Medical Electronics M.S.R.I.T. Bengaluru-54 Chairperson Prof. P.G. Kumaravelu Professor, Dept. Of Medical Electronics M.S.R.I.T- Bengaluru-54 Mrs. Prabhu Ravikala Vittal Associate Professor Dept. Of Medical Electronics M.S.R.I.T- Bengaluru-54 2. At Least 5 Faculty Members At Different Levels Covering Different Specializations, to be Nominated by The Academic Council Mrs. Uma Arun Assistant Professor Dept. Of Medical Electronics M.S.R.I.T- Bengaluru-54 Member Mrs. Prabha Ravi Assistant Professor Dept. Of Medical Electronics M.S.R.I.T- Bengaluru-54 Mrs. Supriya Babu Assistant Professor Dept. Of Medical Electronics M.S.R.I.T- Bengaluru-54 Dr. Venkatesh Balasubramanian Associate Professor , Engineering Design Dept. IIT Chennai 3. Two Experts In The Subject From Out Side The College, To Be Nominated By The Academic Council. 4 One Expert From Outside The College, To Be Nominated By The Vice Chancellor From A Panel Of Six Recommended By The Principal Mr. Ravi Bharadwaj Engineering Manager India GE Healthcare John F Welch Technology Center Bangalore Dr. Mallikarjun. S. Holi Prof. & H.O.D. Dept. Of Bio-Medical Engg., University BDT College Of Engineering. Davanagere-577004 10 Member Member Sl.No Category Name Of The Person With Official Address 5. One Representative From Industry /Corporate Area Sector/Allied / Relating To Placement, To Be Nominated By The Academic Council. Mr. Ravindran Director And CTO Skanray Healthcare Pvt. Limited Plot No. 360, KIADB Industrial Area, Hebbal , Mysore -570 018 One Post Graduate Meritorious Alumnus, To Be Nominated By The Principal Mrs. Padmaja Kankipati, Phd Director Of Service Delivery & R & D Specialized Mobility Operations And Innovations, 2nd Floor, Sona Towers, 71 Millers Road, Bangalore -560 052 6. SPECIIAL INVITEES-EXPERT Sl. No 1. 2. Name Of The Person With Official Address Dr. Ravi Ramaswamy Sr. Director & Head-Health Systems Philips Innovation Campus Manyata Tech Park, Bangalore 560045 Dr. Shyam Vasudeva Rao President & CTO Forus Health Pvt. Ltd. 4085a, 2nd Floor, K R Road, BSK II Stage, Bangalore – 560 082. Status Special Invitee Special Invitee 11 Status Member Member M. S. RAMAIAH INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, BANGALORE (Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to VTU) SCHEME OF TEACHING FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2015-2016 V SEMESTER B. E. MEDICAL ELECTRONICS Credits Contact Hours/ Week Sl. No. Subject Code 1 ML501 Biomedical Instrumentation Medical Electronics Engineering 4 0 0 4 4 2 ML502 Digital Image Processing Medical Electronics Engineering 4 0 0 4 4 3 ML503 Digital Signal Processing Medical Electronics Engineering 4 0 0 4 4 4 ML504 Medical Physics Medical Electronics Engineering 3 0 0 3 3 5 ML505 Control Systems Medical Electronics Engineering 3 1 0 4 5 6 ML506 Biomaterials and Artificial Organs Medical Electronics Engineering 4 0 0 4 4 7 MLL507 Biomedical Instrumentation Lab Medical Electronics Engineering 0 0 1 1 2 8 MLL508 Digital Image Processing Lab Medical Electronics Engineering 0 0 1 1 2 9 MLL509 Digital Signal Processing Lab Medical Electronics Engineering 0 0 1 1 2 22 1 3 26 30 Subject Teaching Dept. L* T* P* TOTAL Total *L: Lecture *T: Tutorial 12 *P: Practical M. S. RAMAIAH INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, BANGALORE (Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to VTU) SCHEME OF TEACHING FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2015-2016 VI SEMESTER B. E. MEDICAL ELECTRONICS Sl. No. Subject Code Contact Hours/ Week Credits Subject Teaching Dept. L* T* P* TOTAL 1 ML601 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Equipment Medical Electronics Engineering 4 0 0 4 4 2 ML602 Medical Image Processing Medical Electronics Engineering 4 0 0 4 4 3 ML603 Biomedical Signal Processing Medical Electronics Engineering 4 0 0 4 4 4 ML604 Biomechanics Medical Electronics Engineering 4 0 0 4 4 5 MLPE1X Elective -I Medical Electronics Engineering 3 0 0 3 3 6 MLPE2X Elective-II Medical Electronics Engineering 3 0 0 3 3 7 MLL607 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Equipment Lab Medical Electronics Engineering 0 0 1 1 2 8 MLL608 Medical Image Processing Lab Medical Electronics Engineering 0 0 1 1 2 9 MLL609 Biomedical Signal Processing Lab Medical Electronics Engineering 0 0 1 1 2 10 MLL610 Mini Project Medical Electronics Engineering 0 0 1 1 2 22 0 4 26 30 Total *L: Lecture *T: Tutorial 13 *P: Practical ELECTIVE- I Credits Sl. No. Subject Code 1 MLPE11 Programmable System on Chip (PSoC) 2 MLPE12 3 Subject Contact Teaching Dept. L* T* P* Total Hours/ Week Medical Electronics Engineering 3 0 0 3 3 Lasers in Medicine Medical Electronics Engineering 3 0 0 3 3 MLPE13 Embedded Real Time Systems Medical Electronics Engineering 3 0 0 3 3 4 MLPE14 Biometrics Medical Electronics Engineering 3 0 0 3 3 5 MLPE15 Speech Processing Medical Electronics Engineering 3 0 0 3 3 6 MLPE16 Core JAVA Medical Electronics Engineering 3 0 0 3 3 ELECTIVE- II Credits Sl. No. Subject Code Subject 1 MLPE21 Medical Informatics 2 MLPE22 3 MLPE23 4 MLPE24 5 MLPE25 *L: Lecture Contact Teaching Dept. L* T* P* Total Hours/ Week Medical Electronics Engineering 3 0 0 3 3 Medical Optics Medical Electronics Engineering 3 0 0 3 3 BioMEMS Medical Electronics Engineering 3 0 0 3 3 Biosensors Medical Electronics Engineering 3 0 0 3 3 Analytical Instrumentation Medical Electronics Engineering 3 0 0 3 3 *T: Tutorial 14 *P: Practical BIOMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION Course code: ML501 Credits: 4: 0: 0 Prerequisite: Sensors and Measurements Contact Hours: 56 Course Coordinator(s): Mrs. Supriya Babu, Mr. Sanjay H. S. Course objectives: 1. To understand the generalized structure of biomedical instrumentation and its development process. 2. To study the concepts behind the origin of electricity in human beings. 3. To analyze the working principles of electrodes and their applications in biomedical engineering concepts. 4. To apply different concepts to design of bio-potential amplifiers for various healthcare applications. 5. To study the non-electrical & sensory measurements in human body and their importance in clinical diagnostics Course contents: Unit – I Introduction to biomedical instrumentation: Biometrics, introduction to the man-instrument system, components of man-instrument system, medical instrumentation development process, problems encountered in measuring a living system. Sources of bioelectric potentials: Resting and action potentials, propagation of action potentials, the bioelectric potentials. Unit – II Bio Potential Electrodes: Origin of bio potential and its Propagation, Electrode theory, Electrode-electrolyte interface, electrode–skin interface, half cell potential, electrode impedance, polarization effects of electrodenonpolarizable electrodes, Types of electrodes, electrolysis & arching, Stimulating electrodes, capacitive electrodes, electrode-tissue interaction, internal electrodes, electrodes on a subject, tissue response to electrolytes, skin abrasion Unit – III Measurement of Non-Electrical Parameter: Temperature, Respiration rate and pulse rate measurement. Blood pressure: indirect methods-auscultatory method, oscillometric method, direct methods: electronic manometer, pressure amplifiers-systolic, diastolic, mean detector. Behavioral & sensory measurements: Instruments for testing motor responses, Instrumentation for sensory measurements, Bio-feedback instrumentation Unit – IV Bio Amplifier: Basic Amplifier configurations, Basic requirements-example of typical Electrocardiograph, Problems frequently encountered with bio-amplifiers, transient protection, common–mode and other interference reduction circuits, right leg driven ECG amplifier, Isolation amplifiers-transformer and optical isolation, Isolated DC amplifier and AC carrier amplifier. Chopper amplifiers Unit – V Amplifiers for other Biopotential Signals, Example of Biopotential Pre-amplifier, Other Biopotential Signal Processors concepts –Integrators, Filters, Comparators, Modulators, Demodulators 15 Text Books: 1. John G. Webster “Medical Instrumentation Application and Design” , John Wiley, New York, 2004. 2. Geddes and Baker “Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation”, , John Wiley, 3rd Edition, 1989. 3. Joseph J. Carr and John M. Brown “Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology “, Prentice Hall, 1998 References: 1. R. S. Khandpur, “Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation “ 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003 2. Cromwel “Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements”, l et al., 2nd Edition, PHI, 1990 Course Delivery: Regular black board teaching, Power point presentation, Demonstrations, Group discussion/ interaction, Workshop/Tutorial Course outcomes: On completion of the course the students shall: 1. Explain the sources of Bio Potentials. (PO a) 2. Apply electronic concepts for design of amplifiers and filter for acquisition of physiological signals. (POa, POc, POh) 3. Analyze different parameters applicable in development of instrumentation for healthcare applications. (POh, POj) Asses ment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course outcomes : Indirect Assessment Methods Direct Assessment Methods What To whom Thrice (Average of the best two will be computed) Internal assessment tests CIE Max Marks 30 Evidence collected Course Outcomes Blue books 1, 2 and 3 Once 10 Surprise test answer scripts 1 and 2 Multiple Choice Questions Once 10 MCQ answer scripts 1 and 2 Standard examination End of course (Answer any 5 of 10 questions) 100 Answer scripts 1, 2 and 3 Middle of the course - Feedback forms 1, 3 Delivery of the course Questionnaire 1& 2 , Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and Assessment methods Surprise test SEE Frequency Students Students feedback Students End of course survey End of course 16 - CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Test 1 (30) Test 2 (30) Test 3 (30) Others (20) Semester-End Examination (100) 1 Remember 30 20 10 20 20 2 Understand 30 20 20 20 20 3 Apply 20 30 30 30 30 4 Analyze 20 20 30 20 20 5 Evaluate 0 10 10 10 10 6 Create 0 0 0 0 0 17 DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Course code: ML502 Prerequisite: Nil Course Coordinator(s): Mr. Basavaraj Hiremath, Dr. C. K. Narayanappa Credits: 4:0:0 Contact Hours: 56 Course objectives: 1. Describe the fundamental concepts of digital image processing. 2. Discuss the various images transforms with respect to basic functions, properties and applications. 3. Describe with illustration the techniques of image enhancement in spatial domain. 4. Explain with illustration the techniques of image enhancement in frequency domain 5. Discuss image restoration methods in both spatial & frequency domains citing examples. Course contents: UNIT - I Introduction: Background, digital image representation, examples of field that use DIP, fundamental steps in digital image processing, elements of digital image processing system Digital image fundamentals: Simple image model, Sampling and quantization, some basic relationships between pixels, some basic transformations UNIT - II Image transforms: Introduction to Fourier transform, The Discrete Fourier transform, Some Properties of the 2dimensional Fourier transform, The Fast Fourier Transform, other separable image transforms, The Hotelling transform UNIT – III Image enhancement in the spatial domain: Background, Basic gray level transformations, histogram processing, enhancement using arithmetic/logic operations, basics of spatial filtering, smoothing and sharpening spatial filters, combining spatial enhancement methods UNIT - IV Image enhancement in the frequency domain: Background, introduction to the frequency domain, smoothing and sharpening frequency domain filters, homomorphic filtering, implementation, generation of spatial masks from frequency domain specifications, color image processing UNIT - V Image restoration: Degradation model, Noise models, restoration in the presence of noise only (Spatial and frequency domain filters), Diagonalisation of circulant and block circulant matrices, algebraic approach to restoration, Inverse filtering, LMS filtering, constrained least square restoration, interactive restoration, restoration in the spatial domain Text Book(s): 1. R C Gonzalez & R E Woods,” Digital Image Processing” , Pearson Education,3e, 2008 18 Reference(s): 1. A K Jain, “Fundamentals of Digital Image processing “, PHI / Pearson Education, 1st edition, 2011 2. Chanda and Majumder, ”Digital Image Processing and Analysis”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2004 Course Delivery: Regular black board teaching, Power point presentation, interaction and demonstrations. Course outcomes: On completion of this course, the students shall 1. Identify the basic Digital image representation and analyze the relationship between the pixels(POa, Poe, POi,POj) 2. Understand and apply the various image transform techniques(POa, POe) 3. Analyze and apply preprocessing techniques like enhancement and restoration for gray scale and colour images(POa, POc, POe, POk) Assessment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course Outcomes: What To whom (Average of the Direct Assessment Methods assessment Indirect Assessment Methods best two will be tests Evidence Marks collected 30 Blue books Course Outcomes 1,2 and 3 computed) Others (MCQs, surprise test, Spread Students Assignments across the semester before Quiz) SEE Max Thrice Internal CIE Frequency 20 blue books, answer sheets, third test Final End of course examination Middle of the Students feedback course 100 - Answer scripts Feedback forms Students End of course survey As decided by the teacher 1,2 and 3 1and 2 Delivery of the course 1,2 and 3 Effectiveness of End of course - Questionnaire Delivery of instructions and Assessment methods 19 CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Test 1 (30) Test 2 (30) Test 3 (30) Semester-End Examination (100) 1 Remember 30 20 10 20 2 Understand 30 20 20 20 3 Apply 20 30 30 20 4 Analyze 10 20 20 20 5 Evaluate 10 10 10 10 6 Create 0 0 10 10 20 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Subject Code: ML503 Credits: 4:0:0 Prerequisites: Signals & Systems Contact Hours: 56 Course Coordinator(s): Mr. Sanjay H. S, Mrs. Purnima B R Course objectives: 1. Enumerate the concepts of Discrete Fourier Transform and solve the same using conventional approaches and fast fourier techniques 2. Design of Infinite Impulse Response Filters and their implementation with realization in signal processing 3. Design of Finite Impulse Response Filters and their implementation with realization in signal processing 4. Provide an introduction to DSP processors and implementing signal processing algorithms using the same. Course Contents: Unit – I Discrete Fourier Transform: Introduction, Definition of DFT & its inverse, Properties of DFT, Convolution using DFT, problems Unit – II Fast Fourier Transform: Introduction, Radix-2 decimation in time FFT algorithm, computational efficiency, decimation in frequency FFT algorithm, IFFT algorithms, problems. Unit – III Introduction, Direct form realizations of IIR filters, Signal flow graphs & transposed structures, Cascade & parallel realization of IIR filters, design of analog and digital IIR filters Unit - IV FIR Filter Design: Introduction, different types of windows- rectangular, Design of FIR filters using different windows, frequency sampling design, comparison of IIR & FIR digital filters. Unit - V TMS320C54xProcessor: introduction to DSP processors, Architecture, addressing modes and generic instruction set of TMS 54X processors, Load/store, Arithmetic, Logical and program control operations. Implementation of FIR and IIR filters. Text Books: 1. John G Proakis & Dimitris G Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing – Principles, Algorithms & Applications” PHI, 3rd Edition, 2007 21 2. 3. Processing Alan V Oppenheim & Ronald W Schafer “Discrete Time Signal”, PHI, 3rd Edition,2005 Sen M. Kuo, Woon-SengGan, “Digital Signal Processors: Architectures, Implementations and Applications”, Pearson Education Asia, 1stEdition, 2005 Reference Books: 1. Dr D Ganesh Rao & Vineeta P Gejji “Digital Signal Processing – A simplified approach”, Sanguine Publications, 2010 2. V Udayashankara “Modern Digital Signal Processing”, PHI ,Second Edition, 2012 Course Delivery: Regular black board teaching, MATLAB demo sessions, Biopac signal acquisition demo sessions Course outcomes: On completion of this course, the students shall 4. Incorporate the knowledge about Discrete Fourier Transforms and hence appreciate the efficient methods involved to solve engineering problems. (POa,POe,POi) 5. Comprehend and interpret the various techniques involved in signal filtering and filters available in digital form (POa, POc) 6. Identify the basics of the generic DSP processors available and to illustrate the functioning aspects of the same for conventional signal processing techniques (POe, POi ) Assessment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course Outcomes: What To Frequency whom CIE Marks collected 30 MCQ Once Standard End of course (Answer any 5 of 10 questions) assessment tests Surprise test Students SEE Direct Assessment Methods Evidence Thrice (Average of the best two will be computed) Once Internal Indirect Assessment Methods Max examination Middle of the course Students feedback End of course survey Blue books 1&2 10 Surprise test answer scripts 2&3 10 MCQ answer sheets 1, 3 Answer scripts 1, 2 and 3 100 - Feedback forms - Students End of course 22 Course Outcomes Questionnaire 1 & 3 Delivery of the course 2 and 3 Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and Assessment methods CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Test 1 (30) Test 2 (30) Test 3 (30) Semester-End Examination (100) 1 Remember 20 20 20 20 2 Understand 20 20 20 20 3 Apply 20 20 20 20 4 Analyze 20 20 20 20 5 Evaluate 20 20 20 20 6 Create 0 0 0 0 23 MEDICAL PHYSICS Sub Code: ML504 Credits: 3: 0: 0 Pre-requisite: Basic Engineering Physics Contact Hours: 42 Course Coordinators: Mrs. Supriya Babu, Mrs. Prabhu Ravikala Vittal Course Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. To describe effects of heat and cold on body and energy metabolism in the human body. To describe pressure changes within the body and how they affect body function and related diseases. To discuss the pumping action of the heart and how the blood pressure changes occur. To discuss blood flow, blood pressure variations and its effects within the body. To outline physics behind various diseases of the heart and circulatory system. To understand the physics behind the functioning of the respiratory system from the gross to the microlevel and apply that to study the diseases that affect the lungs and the airways. To discuss the electrical conduction system of the nerves, the brain, the heart and the eyes. To describe the optical system of the eyes. To discuss how the ear is able to convert sound waves into electrical current. Course contents: UNIT - I Heat and cold in medicine: Introduction, Physical basis of heat and temperature, Thermography and temperature scales, mapping of body’s temperature, heat therapy, Use of cold in medicine, Cryosurgery and safety aspects Energy, work, power and pressure: Conservation of energy in the body, energy changes in the body, work and power, heat losses from the body, measurement of pressure in the body, pressure inside skull, eye, digestive system, skeleton & urinary bladder, Hyper baric Oxygen Therapy UNIT - II Physics of cardiovascular system: Introduction to cardiovascular system, major components of cardiovascular system, oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange in the capillary system, work done by the heart, blood pressure and its measurements, transmural pressure, Bernoulli’s principle applied to cardiovascular system, Blood flow-laminar & turbulent, heart sounds, physics of some cardiovascular diseases UNIT – III Physics of lung and breathing: Introduction, the air ways, blood & lung interaction, Measurement of lung volumes, pressure-air flow-volume relationship of the lungs, Physics of alveoli, breathing mechanism, air-way resistance, Work of breathing, Physics of some common lung diseases UNIT - IV Electricity within the body: The nervous system & neurons. electrical potential of nerves, electromyogram, electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram, electroretinogram, electrooculogram, magneto cardiogram & magneto encephalogram, Electric shock, high frequency and low frequency electricity in medicine, magnetism in medicine 24 UNIT - V Sound in medicine: General properties of sound, body as a drum, the stethoscope, production of speech Physics of ear and hearing: The outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear, Sensitivity of ears Physics of eyes and vision: Focusing elements of the eye, the retina, diffraction effects of the eye, optical illusion, defective vision & correction, color vision & chromatic aberration Text Book(s): 1. J. R. Cameron & J. G. Skofronick, Medical Physics , John Wiley and Sons, 1978 Reference(s): 1. 2. Herman I.P., Physics of the Human Body, Springer Publications, 2007 Paul Davidovits “Physics in Biology and Medicine “ , Academic Press, 3rd Edition, 2007 Course Delivery: 3 Lectures each week involving power point presentation, animations/videos demonstrating the concepts and solving numerical problems related to the concepts. Two guest lecturers from clinical experts during the semester. Course Outcomes: 1. Demonstrate a systematic understanding and knowledge of the concepts of heat, energy, physics of cardiovascular system, electrical properties of major systems of body, physic behind hearing and vision and fundamentals aspects of nuclear medicine and its application in therapy. (POa) 2. Demonstrate numerical/ analytical techniques applicable to the study of human cardiovascular system, electrical system, vision and hearing. (POb, POe) 3. Demonstrate originality of thought in the application of medical physics knowledge. (POb, POe) 4. Be aware of the social and ethical issues that arise in medical physics. (POf) 5. Use information and communications technology (ICT) to locate information, analyze, present data and communicate conclusions to peers. (POg, POk) 25 Assessment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course Outcomes: Frequency Max Marks Evidence collected Course Outcomes Thrice (Average of all the three will be computed) 30 Blue books 1,2 and 3 Once 15 Demonstration 3 and 5 Class Interaction Every Class 05 - 4 Standard examination End of course (Answer any 5 of 10 questions) 100 Answer scripts 1, 2 and 3 One after each test - Feedback forms 1, 2 & 3, Delivery of the course Questionnaire All, Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and current assessment methods Direct Assessment Methods What Internal assessment tests CIE Students SEE Indirect Assessment Methods To whom Students’ feedback End of course survey Current Students Current Students End of course - CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Test 1 (30) Test 2 (30) Test 3 (30) Semester-End Examination (100) 1 Remember 30 20 10 20 2 Understand 30 20 20 20 3 Apply 20 30 30 20 4 Analyze 10 20 20 20 5 Evaluate 10 10 10 10 6 Create 0 0 10 10 26 CONTROL SYTEMS Course Code: ML505 ` Credits: 3:1:0 Pre-requisite: Nil Contact Hours: 70 Course Coordinator(s): Dr. C. K. Narayanappa, Mr. Sanjay H.S Course Objectives 1. Discuss and determine the transfer function of a system using various approaches 2. Evaluate the response and performance of a given system based on time domain specifications 3. Apply different classical techniques to assess the stability and behavior of a given system 4. Investigate the stability and performance of a system based on frequency domain specifications 5. Establish a system model based on state space theory Course contents: Unit -I Introduction to Control Systems: Introduction, Types of control systems, Design considerations, Mechanical translation & rotational systems, Analogous circuits Block Diagram & Signal flow graph: Introduction, Transfer function, Elements of block diagram, Closed loop transfer function, Block diagram algebra, Signal flow graphs, Electromechanical systems, Introduction to MATLAB Examples of Physiological control systems-Muscle stretch Reflex, Linear respiratory mechanics and muscle model mechanics. Unit -II Time domain analysis of control systems: Introduction, Typical test signals, First order systems, Formal representation of second order systems, Determination of undamped response, natural frequency & damping ratio, Step response of second order systems, Time domain specifications, System types, Different forms of representation, Steady state & static errors, Approximation of higher order systems, Step response of second order systems with zeros, Generalized error series, response. Unit -III Stability of Linear Control systems: Introduction, BIBO stability, Relationship between characteristic equation roots & BIBO stability, Zero input stability, Stability criterion, RH criterion, RH analysis using MATLAB Root Locus: Introduction, The RL concept, Steps for rapid plotting, RL analysis using MATLAB Stability Analysis of Pupillary Light reflex Unit -IV Frequency Domain Analysis: Correlation between time and frequency response, Frequency domain specifications Bode Plot: Introduction, Asymptotic approximations, Bode diagram for a practical system, Determination of transfer functions, Frequency response of a model of Circulatory control 27 Unit –V Stability in the frequency domain: Introduction to polar plots (Inverse polar plots excluded), Mathematical preliminaries, Nyquist Stability Criterion, Assessment of relative stability Nyquist Stability criterion State Space Theory: Introduction, State & state variables, Selection of state variables, state model, Nonhomogenous solution, converting a transfer function to a state model Note: MATLAB based problem solving topics are to be taught as demo sessions. Text Books: 1. 2. Katsuhiko Ogata, 'Modern Control Engineering', 5th edition, PHI, 2009 Nagrath & Gopal, 'Control Systems Engineering', New Age International Publications, 5th Edition, 2008 Reference Books: 1. Benjamin C Kuo, 'Automatic Control Systems', PHI, 7th Edition,1995 2. Richard C Dorf & Robert H Bishop, 'Modern Control Systems', Pearson Education LPE, 8th Edition,1998 3.Dr D Ganesh Rao & K Chennavenkateash, 'Control Engineering', Sanguine Publications, 2010 Edition 4.Michael C K Khoo, Physiological control systems, IEEE press, Prentice –Hall of India, 2001. Course Delivery: Regular black board teaching, Power point presentation/ Demonstration of modeling using MATLAB-SIMULINK tool /hands on SIMULINK in lab / interaction Course outcomes: 1. Comprehend and interpret the basic concepts of control theory to evaluate various systems. (POa, POc, POe, POi) 2. Infer the performance of a system using various control theory approaches. (POa,POe,POk) 3. Analyze the stability of a given system using different techniques(POb,POk) Assessment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course Outcomes: Indirect Assessment Methods Direct Assessment Methods What CIE To whom Internal assessment tests MCQ test Max Marks Thrice (Average of the best two will be computed) Once 30 Once 10 End of course (Answer any 5 of 10 questions) Middle of the course 100 Standard examination Students feedback - Evidence collected Course Outcomes Blue books 1,2,3 MCQ test answer scripts Assignment reports End of course 28 1,2 1,2,3 Answer scripts 1,2,3 Feedback forms 1, 2,3 Delivery of the course 1,2,3 Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and Assessment methods - Students End of course survey 10 Students Assignment SEE Frequency Questionnaire CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Test 1 (30) Test 2 (30) Test 3 (30) 1 Remember 30 30 20 30 2 Understand 30 20 30 20 3 Apply 20 30 30 20 4 Analyze 10 10 10 20 5 Evaluate 10 10 10 10 6 Create 00 00 00 00 29 Semester-End Examination (100) BIOMATERIALS & ARTIFICIAL ORGANS Course Code: ML506 Credits: 4: 0 : 0 Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours: 56 Course Coordinator(s): Prof. P. G. Kumaravelu, Mrs. Supriya Babu Course objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. Understand the basic characteristics of materials used for implants and prosthetics. Study the characteristics and usage of biomaterials for repair/ replacement of bones and joints. Study the design considerations of artificial heart, heart valves and circulatory devices used in human beings. Understand the process involved in development of artificial kidney and difficulties involved in implementation Course contents: UNIT – I Introduction to biomaterial science: Characteristics of biomaterials, Metallic biomaterials, Ceramic biomaterials, Polymeric biomaterials, Biodegradable polymeric biomaterials, Biological biomaterials UNIT – II Tissue replacements: Hard tissue replacements: Bone repair & joint implants, Dental Implants, Soft tissue replacements: Blood interfacing implants, non-blood interfacing implants UNIT – III Introduction : Substitutive medicine, outlook for organ replacement, design consideration, evaluation process. Artificial Heart and Circulatory assist devices: Engineering design, Engineering design of artificial heart and circulatory assist devices, blood interfacing implants – introduction, total artificial hearts & ventricular assist devices, vascular prostheses UNIT – IV Cardiac Valve Prosthesis : Mechanical valves, tissue valves, current types of prostheses, tissue versus mechanical, engineering concerns and hemodynamic assessment of prosthetic heart valves, implications for thrombus deposition, durability, current trends in valve design, vascular grafts-history, synthetic grafts, regional patency, thrombosis, neointimal hyperplasia Unit – V Artificial Kidney: Functions of the kidneys, kidney disease, renal failure, renal transplantation, artificial kidney, dialyzers, membranes for haemodialysis, haemodialysis machine, peritoneal dialysis equipment-therapy format, fluid and solute removal Text Book(s): 1. 2. Joseph D Bronzino, 'Biomedical Engineering Handbook', , CRC press, 1995 Ratner & Hoffman, “Biomaterial Science” , Academic press, 1996 30 Reference(s): 1. David C Cooney, Marcel Dekker “Biomedical Engineering principles” Publications,1976 Course Delivery: Regular black board teaching, Power point presentation/ group discussion/ interaction Course outcomes: The students should be able to 1. Describe the characteristics of different materials that can be used as substitutes for failed organs in human beings. (POa, POc, POi) 2. Understand the implementation of mechanical concepts in prosthesis. (POa, POc, POh) 3. Analyze different parameters involved in organ replacement and the safety issues involved. (POc, POf) Assessment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course Outcomes: Direct Assessment Methods What CIE To whom Internal assessment tests Review paper and Presentation Indirect Assessment Methods SEE Frequency Max Marks Evidence collected Course Outcomes Thrice (Average of the best two will be computed) 30 Blue books 1,2 and 3 10 Paper 10 PPT End of course (Answer any 5 of 10 questions) 100 Answer scripts 1, 2 and 3 Middle of the course - Feedback forms 2 & 3, Delivery of the course Questionnaire 1,2 and 3, Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and Assessment methods Students Standard examination Once Students feedback Students End of course survey End of course - 1, 2 and 3 CIE and SEE evaluation S. No Bloom’s Category Test 1 (30) Test 2 (30) Test 3 (30) Semester-End Examination (100) 1 Remember 30 20 20 20 2 Understand 30 20 20 20 3 Apply 20 30 30 20 4 Analyze 20 30 20 20 5 Evaluate 0 0 10 10 6 Create 0 0 0 0 31 BIOMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION LAB Course Code: MLL507 Prerequisite: sensors & measurements lab Course Coordinator(s): Mrs. Supriya Babu, Mr. Sanjay H. S. Credits: 0 : 0 : 1 Contact Hours: 28 COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. Understand practical aspects of measurement and instrumentation. Understand the limitations of physiological measurements. Learn to design, build, and test biopotential amplifiers & filters. Learn to acquire measurements and interpret data from physiological systems. COURSE CONTENTS Contact Hours: 2Hours/week Session. No No. of sessions required: 14 Programs 1. Introduction to art of Electronic Measurement and Equipment used. 2. Determination of Electrode Characteristics: Polarized & Non-Polarized. 3. Introduction to Real-time Processors. 4. Study of Cardiovascular Physiological Measurements. 5. Study of Respiratory Physiological Measurements. 6. Real time monitoring of electromyography using BIOPAC. 7. Design of various Instrumentation amplifier configurations & Characterization with Real-time processors. 8. Design of Variable Gain Instrumentation Amplifier and Characterization with Real-time processors. 9. Design of Active Filters for Instrumentation Amplifier. 10. Design and verification of ECG signal conditioning circuit. 11. Recording Audiogram for Air and Bone Conduction. 12. Electro dermal analysis and biofeedback. Text Book(s): 1. John G. Webster, “Medical Instrumentation Application and Design”, John Wiley, 4th edition, New York, 2013. 2. Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology by Joseph J. Carr and John M. Brown, Prentice Hall, 4th edition, Prentice Hall; 4 edition , 2000. Reference(s): 1. Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation, by Geddes and Baker, John Wiley, 3rd Edition, 1989. 2. Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation – by R. S. Khandpur, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003 32 COURSE OUTCOMES On completion of this course, the students shall 1. Apply the practical aspects of measurements to cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular, audiometric and Electrodermal measurements. (POb, POc) Design a relevant amplifier or filter for the given characteristics and limitations. (POb, POc) Work in Multi-disciplinary Teams: Learn written and oral communication skills necessary to present information learned from laboratory sessions. Learn how to work in a group to attain a common goal. (POd, POh, POl) 2. 3. Course Delivery: Regular black board teaching, Power point presentation, Demonstration, group discussion/ interaction, Workshop/ Tutorial Assessment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course Outcomes: Indirect Assessment Methods CIE To whom Frequency Max Marks Evidence collected 10 Observation book 1, 2 & 3 Record 1, 2 Conduction Every session Record Every session 10 Every session 05 Lab test Once 25 Standard examination End of course Viva SEE Direct Assessment Methods What Students Course Outcomes 1 Blue books 1, 2 Answer scripts 1, 2 Feedback forms 1 & 2 Delivery of the course Questionnaire 1, 2, & 3 Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and Assessment methods 50 Middle of the course Students feedback - Students End of course survey - End of course CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Lab evaluation (25) Lab test (25) Semester-End Examination (50) 1 Remember 20 10 20 2 Understand 30 20 20 3 Apply 20 30 20 4 Analyze 10 20 20 5 Evaluate 10 10 10 6 Create 0 10 10 33 DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING LAB Course code: MLL508 Credits: 0:0:1 Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours: 28 Course Coordinator(s): Mr. Basavaraj Hiremath, Dr. C.K.Narayanappa Course objectives: 1. 2. 3. To implement the fundamental concepts of digital image processing. To provide students an exposure to a broad range of image processing techniques and formats: i.e. exposure to digital image formats, and a working familiarity with digital image manipulations (filtering, denoising, restoration). To implement image enhancement and restorations techniques for a digital image. 4. To expose students to current technologies and issues that are specific to image processing systems Course Contents: 1. Simulation and display of an image, negative of an image (Binary & Gray Scale) 2. Implementation of relationships between pixels 3. Implementation of transformations of an image 4. Contrast stretching of a low contrast image, 5. Intensity slicing, power law transformations 6. Display of bit planes of an image 7. Histogram, and histogram equalization 8. Display of FFT (1-D & 2-D) of an image 9. Display of DCT (1-D & 2-D) of an image 10. Computation of mean, standard deviation and correlation co-efficient of the given images 11. Implementation of image smoothening filters (Low pass and Median filters) 12. Implementation of image sharpening filters (High pass and derivative filters) 13. Implementation of homomorphic filtering technique for image enhancement 14. Implementation of image restoring techniques Note: The above experiments are to be conducted Using MATLAB/SCI lab 34 Text Book(s): 1. R C Gonzalez & R E Woods, Digital Image Processing , Pearson Education,3e, 2008 Reference Book(s): 1. 2. A K Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image processing , PHI / Pearson Education, 1st edition, 2011 Chanda and Majumder, Digital Image Processing and Analysis, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2004 Course Delivery: White board teaching, demo sessions using MATLAB-image processing tool box, interaction. Course outcomes: The students should be able to use the MATLAB-image processing tool box to Implement the basic representation of a digital image and basic relationship between the pixels.(POa,POb,POd,POe,POk) 2. Demonstrate basic image transforms for a digital image. (POa,POd) 3. Apply the various image enhancement techniques.(POb,POe,POk) 4. Demonstrate the image restoration techniques.(POa,POd,POe) 1. Assessment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course Outcomes: Indirect Assessment Methods To whom Frequency Max Marks Evidence collected Course Outcomes Once 25 Blue books 1, 2, 3 & 4 Execution Every session 10 Observation book 1, 2, 3, & 4 Record Every session 10 Lab Record 1, 2, 3, & 4 Viva Every session 05 Attendance register 1, 2, 3, & 4 Lab exam End of course 50 Answer scripts 1, 2, 3, & 4 Students feedback Middle of the course - Feedback forms 1, 2, Delivery of the course Questionnaire 1, 2, 3 & 4 Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and Assessment methods CIE Lab test Students SEE Direct Assessment Methods What Students End of course survey End of course 35 - CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Class evaluation (25) Lab test (25) Semester-End Examination (50) 1 Remember 20 10 20 2 Understand 30 20 20 3 Apply 20 30 20 4 Analyze 10 20 20 5 Evaluate 10 10 10 6 Create 10 10 10 36 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING LAB Subject Code: MLL509 Prerequisites: Signals & Systems Course Coordinator(s): Mr. Sanjay H. S. Credits: 0:0:1 Contact Hours: 28 Course objectives: 1. To understand the usage of MATLAB tool 2. To find the Fourier transforms using MATLAB 3. Design various types of analog and digital filters using MATLAB 4. To realize the importance of TMS processors in signal processing applications Experiments: 1. Basic operations using MATLAB. 2. To find the DFT and prove the properties of DFT. 3. Linear and circular convolution of two sequences. 4. Analog IIR LPF filter design. 5. Analog IIR BPF filter design. 6. Analog IIR HPF filter design. 7. Digital IIR LPF filter design using BLT and IIT. 8. Digital IIR BPF filter design using BLT and IIT. 9. Digital IIR HPF filter design using BLT and IIT. 10. Realization of FIR filters using windows. COURSE OUTCOMES On completion of this course, the students shall 1. Realize the importance of MATLAB as a potential tool for signal processing applications (.POa.POb, Poe) 2. Design various filters for signal processing using MATLAB. (POc, Poi) 3. Introduce the usage of DSP processors for signal processing (Poe) 37 COURSE ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION: Indirect Assessment Methods CIE To whom Frequency Max Marks Evidence collected Course Outcomes Conduction Every session 10 Observation book 1, 2, &3 Record Every session 10 Record 1, 2 Every session 05 Lab test Once 25 Blue books 1, 2 Standard examination End of course 50 Answer scripts 1, 2 Middle of the course - Feedback forms 1 & 2 Delivery of the course Questionnaire 1, 2, & 3 Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and Assessment methods Students Viva SEE Direct Assessment Methods What Students feedback Students End of course End of course survey - CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Lab evaluation (25) Lab test (25) Semester-End Examination (50) 1 Remember 30 30 30 2 Understand 30 30 30 3 Apply 30 30 30 4 Analyze 05 05 05 5 Evaluate 05 05 05 6 Create 00 00 00 38 DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC EQUIPMENTS Subject Code: ML601 Credits: 4:0:0 Pre-requisites: Biomedical Instrumentation Contact Hours: 56 Digital Signal Processing Course Coordinator(s): Mrs. Supriya Babu, Mrs. Prabhu Ravikala Vittal Course Objectives 1. To develop an understanding of cardiac diagnostic equipments used in analyzing various cardiac diseases. 2. To develop an understanding of the use of Defibrillator in treating cardiac arrhythmias. 3. To develop an understanding of Neurological equipments in analyzing electrical signals from brain. 4. To develop an understanding of use of EEG and EMG Biofeedback as a therapeutic technique. 5. To develop an understanding of various EMG waveforms and their application in analyzing various diseases. 6. To develop an understanding of various respiratory diagnostic and therapeutic equipments for analyzing various lung disorders. 7. To develop an understanding of clinical laboratory tests as an adjunct technique in analyzing various diseases. 8. To develop an understanding of basic Biotelemetric concepts. 9. To introduce students to various therapeutic devices and their applications. Course Contents: UNIT -1 Cardiac Equipments: Normal and Abnormal ECG Waves, Electrocardiograph – Functional blocks, Heart rate monitor, Arrhythmia monitor, Holter Monitor, Phonocardiography, Photoplethysmography. Cardiac Pacemaker- Internal and External Pacemaker–Batteries, AC and DC Defibrillator- Internal and External UNIT -II Neurological Equipments: Clinical significance of EEG, Multi channel EEG recording system, Epilepsy, Evoked Potential recording system, MEG (Magneto Encephalon Graph). EEG Bio Feedback Instrumentation. Muscular Equipments: Sliding theory of contraction, recording and analysis of EMG waveforms, fatigue characteristics, Muscle stimulators, nerve stimulators, Nerve conduction velocity measurement, EMG Bio Feedback instrumentation. UNIT -III Respiratory System: Instrumentation for measuring the mechanics of breathing – Spirometer, pneumotachometer, Whole body plethysmography, Apnea Monitor. Ventilators – Types, Humidifiers, Nebulizers, Inhalators 39 UNIT -IV Clinical Laboratory Tests: Blood Tests, Flame Photometer, Colorimeter, Blood Cell Counters, Blood Gas Analysis, Chromatograph, Automated Chemical Analyzers, Fluorometry, Turbidimetry and Nephelometry Biotelemetry: Radio Telemetry (single, multi), Portable and Landline Telemetry unit, Applications in ECG and EEG Transmission. UNIT -V Therapeutic Devices: Hemodialysis, lithotripsy, Stimulators, Baby incubators, radiant warmer and photo-therapy unit. Physiotherapy devices. Text Books 1. Joseph J. Carr and John M. Brown, “Introduction to Biomedical equipment technology”, Pearson education, 2003. 2. John G. Webster, “Medical Instrumentation Application and Design, third edition”, Wiley India Edition, 2007. Reference Books 1. Edited by Joseph D. Bronzino, Medical Devices and Systems - The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, Third Edition – CRC Press, 2006. 2. Myer Kutz, “Standard Handbook of Biomedical Engineering & Design”, McGraw Hill, 2009. 3. Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation, by Geddes and Baker, John Wiley, 3rd Edition, 1989. 4. Leslie Cromwell, “Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2007. Course Outcomes 1. 2. 3. Analyze biosignals like ECG, EEG, EMG and respiratory signals using various diagnostic equipments. (POa) Correlate the clinical lab test results with that of the diagnostic equipment results and arrive at specific conclusions using case studies. (POb, POe) Relate the therapeutic application of the devices studied to various physical diseases and disorders. (POa, POe) 40 Course Assessment and Evaluation: What Internal assessment tests Direct Assessment Methods Course Outcomes 30 Blue books 1,2 and 3 Once 10 Presentation 2 or 3 Once 10 Report 2 or 3 End of course 100 Answer scripts 1, 2 and 3 Frequency Students Thrice Max Marks (Average of the best two will be computed) CIE Case Study – presentation and report SEE Evidence collected To whom Standard examination (Answer any 5 of 10 questions) Students’ feedback Current Students One after each test - Feedback forms 1, 2 & 3, Delivery of the course End of course survey Current Students End of course - Questionnair e 1,2 and 3, Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and current assessment methods CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Semester-End Examination 1 Remember 10 10 10 20 2 Understand 30 20 20 20 3 Apply 40 40 30 30 4 Analyze 10 10 20 20 5 Evaluate 10 10 10 10 6 Create 00 00 10 00 41 MEDICAL IMAGE PROCESSING Subject Code: ML 602 `Credits: 4:0:0 Prerequisite: Digital image Processing Contact Hours : 56 Course Coordinator(s): Mr.Basavaraj Hiremath, Dr. C. K. Narayanappa Course objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Review the fundamentals of Image processing and relate the same to medical applications. Discuss various algorithms used in morphological image processing. Design and implement various image segmentation algorithms for medical images. Describe the different schemes for image compression and their trade-offs. Explain the different image representation, description and recognition schemes for medical images Course contents: Course contents: Review : The nature of biomedical images, Removal of artifacts-characterization of artifacts, space frequency domain filters domain and UNIT - I MORPHOLOGICAL IMAGE PROCESSING: preliminaries, dilation and erosion, opening and closing, the Hitor-miss transformation, some basic morphological algorithms, extensions to gray scale images UNIT - II DETECTION OF REGIONS OF INTEREST: Thresholding and Binarization - Detection of Isolated Points and Lines-Edge Detection: convolution mask operators, LoG, edge linking, Segmentation and Region Growing Detection of Objects of Known Geometry, Application-Detection of the breast boundary in mammograms UNIT - III IMAGE CODING AND DATA COMPRESSION: Considerations Based on Information Theory-Fundamental Concepts of Coding - Direct Source Coding-Application: Source Coding of Digitized Mammograms – The Need for Decorrelation-Transform Coding-Interpolative coding -Predictive Coding, Image Coding and Compression Standards- - Application: Teleradiology UNIT - IV REPRESENTATION & DESCRIPTION: Representation, boundary descriptors, regional descriptors, use of principal components for description, relational descriptors Application- Shape analysis of Breast Masses and tumors UNIT - V OBJECT RECOGNITION: Patterns and pattern classes, recognition based on decision-theoretic methods, structural methods. Application- Classification of Breast Masses and tumors via Shape analysis 42 Text Book(s): 1. R C Gonzalez & R E Woods, Digital Image Processing , Pearson Education,3e, 2008 2. Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, Biomedical Image Analysis, CRC Press,2004 Reference Book(s): 1. A K Jain, ‘ Fundamentals of Digital Image processing , PHI / Pearson Education, 1st edition, 2011 2. Chanda and Majumder, Digital Image Processing and Analysis, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2004 3. Wolfgang Birkfellner, Applied Medical Image Processing: A Basic Course, 2010 4. Taylor & Francis, Richard A. Robb “Biomedical Imaging, Visualization, and Analysis”, John Wiley & Sons, 1999. Course Delivery: Regular black board teaching, Power point presentation, interaction and demonstrations. Course outcomes: On completion of this course, the students shall 1. Understand and apply preprocessing techniques used for medical images (Morphological operations and compression (POa, POc, POe POk) 2. Understand and apply image segmentation techniques used for medical images POa,POc) 3. Demonstrate the various representation, description and recognition techniques (POa,POc,Pod,POe,POh) Assessment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course Outcomes: To whom Evidence collected Course Outcomes 30 Blue books 1,2 and 3 Assignment Once 10 Assignment reports 1,2 MCQ Once 10 MCQ answer sheet 1,2 and 3 Final examination End of course 100 Answer scripts 1,2 and 3 Middle of the course - Feedback forms 1, 2 Delivery of the course End of course - Questionnaire 1,2 and 3 Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and Assessment methods CIE Internal assessment tests Thrice (Average of the best two will be computed) Students feedback Indirect Assessment Methods Max Marks Frequency Students SEE Direct Assessment Methods What Students End of course survey 43 CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Semester-End Examination 1 Remember 10 10 10 10 2 Understand 30 20 20 20 3 Apply 40 40 30 30 4 Analyze 05 10 20 20 5 Evaluate 10 10 10 10 6 Create 05 00 10 10 44 BIOMEDICAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Subject Code: ML603 Credits: 4:0:0 Prerequisites: Digital Signal Processing Contact Hours: 56 Course Coordinator(s): Mr. Sanjay H S, Mrs. Purnima B R Course objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To study and analyze the nature of Biomedical signals and their basic concepts To apply digital filter to remove noise and artifacts from Biomedical signals To study the fundamentals Adaptive filtering techniques and their biomedical applications To analyze the EEG and ECG signals with respect to events and complexity To Understand the significance of spectral analysis of biomedical Signals Course Contents UNIT - I Nature of Biomedical Signals& Analysis of Non Stationary signals: The nature of Biomedical Signals: Need for biomedical signal processing ,sources of Biomedical Signals (ECG,EEG,PCG,EMG,Carotid Pulse) ,objectives of Signal analysis , Difficulties in signal analysis ,signal modeling framework ,computer aided diagnosis . Heart sounds and murmurs,EEG Rhythms and Waves, Time variant Systems : Characterization of non stationary signals and Dynamic systems. UNIT – II Filtering for noise & artifacts removal: Physiological interference stationary process Illustration of noise removal with case studies time and frequency domain filtering filtering ,homomorphic filtering. optimal UNIT – III Adaptive Filters, Adaptive Noise Canceller: Introduction, Principle noise canceller model Biomedical applications: 50 Hz Noise cancelling, Enhancement of fetal ECG Adaptive Line Enhancer: Principle, Biomedical applications: Enhancement of Ventricular late potentials Phase sensitive detection, AM Modulation, Phase Sensitive detectors. UNIT – IV Event Detection : Detection of events & waves : Derivative Based methods for QRS detection, Pan –Tompkins algorithm for qrs detection, Detection of Dicrotic notch, Correlation Analysis of EEG channels Data Reduction techniques: TP, AZTEC &, FAN algorithm & Huffman Coding UNIT - V Spectral Analysis of Biomedical Signals Data windowing, power spectrum, Power spectral density, Estimation of the PSD function: The Periodogram, Need for averaging, Use of windows, Autocorrelation function, Synchronized averaging of PCG spectra Window functions, Biomedical application: Analysis of Heart rate Variability PSD method, ECG interpretation, ST Segment analyzer. 45 Text Book(s): 1. 2. Metin Akay “Biomedical Signal Processing”, Academic Press, 1994 Rangaraj M Rangayyan ,”Biomedical Signal Analysis” –, IEEE Press, 2001 Reference(s): 1. 2. Biomedical Digital Signal Processing – Willis J Tomkins, PHI,1993 Biosignal & Biomedical Image Processing – John L Semmlow, Dekker Media Publishing, 2004 Course Delivery: Black board teaching, Power Point presentations, BIOPAC signal acquisition demo, RMS EEG acquisition demo Course outcomes: On completion of this course, the students shall 1. Demonstrate an understanding of and to apply these topics / techniques to solve the given problems.(POa PO,b,POe,POi) 2. Understand the analysis of digital filters to remove noise and artifacts in EEG & ECG signals for various applications in Biomedical signal processing and healthcare diagnostics. (POc,POe) 3. To analyze the various events and waveform complexities involved in EEG & ECG signals.(POi) 4. Perform the spectral analysis of biomedical signals. (POa,POc,POk,POl). 46 Assessment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course Outcomes: What To whom CIE Direct Assessment Methods Internal assessment tests Frequency Max Marks Thrice (Average of the best two will be computed) 30 Once Surprise test 10 Students Indirect Assessment Methods SEE MCQ Standard examination Students feedback Once 10 End of course (Answer any 5 of 10 questions) 100 Middle of the course - Evidence collected Course Outcomes Blue books 1, 2 & 3 Surprise test answer scripts 1, 4 MCQ answer sheets 1, 2 Answer scripts 1, 2, 3, & 4 Feedback forms 1 & 4 Delivery of the course Questionnaire 1, 2, 3 & 4 Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and Assessment methods Students End of course survey End of course CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Semester-End Examination 1 Remember 20 10 10 10 2 Understand 20 20 10 20 3 Apply 20 30 20 30 4 Analyze 20 20 30 20 5 Evaluate 20 10 20 10 6 Create 00 10 10 10 47 BIOMECHANICS Subject Code: ML604 Prerequisites: NIL Course Coordinator(s): Mr. Sanjay H S, Dr. N Sriraam Credits: 4:0:0 Contact Hours: 56 Course Objectives 1. Reminisce the application of mechanical concepts in healthcare 2. Analyze the composition of the blood and its importance from the view of fluid mechanics 3. Understanding of the working of human body from a mechanical perspective 4. Appreciate the importance of biomechanics in the field of sports 5. Accent the ergonomical aspects and relate the same to biomechanics COURSE CONTENTS UNIT 1 Introduction to Biomechanics Fundamentals of biomechanics: key mechanical concepts, nine fundamentals, principles for application of biomechanics, Linear & angular kinematics: linear motion, angular motion, coordination continuum principle, linear & angular kinetics: Laws of kinetics, Newtons laws of motion, impulse-momentum relationship, workenergy relationship, torque, angular inertia, Newtons angular analogues, principle of balance Unit 2 Biofluid mechanics Introduction: Fluids, fluid forces, principle of spin, Hematology & blood rheology: introduction, elements of blood, blood characteristics, viscosity measurement, erythrocytes, leukocytes, blood types, plasma, Bioviscoelastic fluids: protoplasm, saliva, synovial fluid Unit 3 Human body biomechanics Anatomical description of human body: key anatomical concepts, muscle actions, limitations of anatomical analysis, range of motion, force-motion principle, Musculoskeletal system: Tissue loads, response of tissues to forces, biomechanics of passive muscle tendon units, biomechanics of the bone, mechanical characteristics of muscles, stretch-shortening cycle, neuromuscular control , Biomechanics of walking: Normal gait and gait cycle, gait analysis Unit 4 Sports Biomechanics Basics of Sports Biomechanics: Position, velocity & acceleration, projectile motion, hydrodynamics, friction, magnus effect, collision, Physical education: qualitative analysis of kicking, batting, catching and basketball free throw, Coaching: quantitative analysis of throwing, dribbling, catching and conditioning, recruitment Unit 5 Ergonomical Biomechanics Ligament sprains, bone mechanics, muscle mechanics, whiplash injuries, workplace issues in disk degeneration, posture & work seating, climbing, slips & falls 48 Text Book(s): 1. Duane Knudson, “Fundamentals of Biomechanics”, Springer , 2nd edition (2007) References: 1.Y. C. Fung, “Biomechanics”, 2nd edition, Springer publications, (2010) 2.Anthony Blazevich, “Sports Biomechanics-The basics”, A&C black publications (2007) 3.Lee Waite, Jerry Fine “Applied biofluid mechanics”, McGrawhill publications (2007) Course Delivery: Regular blackboard teaching, PowerPoint presentations, Group discussions/Interactions COURSE OUTCOMES 1. 2. 3. 4. Recall the basic mechanical concepts to realize the working of a human body from a mechanical perspective.(POa POb,POkPOl) Interpret the fluid mechanics concepts to realize the functioning of various fluids present in human body. (POa,POe) Understand and apply the basics of biomechanics to illustrate the biomechanics of the human body.(POa,POc,POi) Correlate the biomechanical aspects of human body to evaluate various factors involved in sports and ergonomics.(POi,POj,POk) Assessment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course Outcomes: Indirect Assessment Methods To whom CIE Internal assessment tests Surprise test Students MCQ SEE Direct Assessment Methods What Standard examination Students feedback Students End of course survey Frequency Max Marks Evidence collected Course Outcomes Thrice (Average of the best two will be computed) 30 Blue books 1& 2 & 3 Once 10 Surprise test answer scripts 1, 2 Once 10 MCQ answer sheets 2, 3 End of course (Answer any 5 of 10 questions) 100 Answer scripts 1&2 &3 Middle of the course - Feedback forms 1, 2 Delivery of the course Questionnaire 1 & 2 Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and Assessment methods End of course 49 CIE and SEE evaluation S. No. Bloom’s Category Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Semester-End Examination 1 Remember 20 10 10 10 2 Understand 20 20 10 20 3 Apply 20 30 20 30 4 Analyze 20 20 30 20 5 Evaluate 20 10 20 10 6 Create 00 10 10 10 50 DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC EQUIPMENT LAB Subject Code: MLL607 Credits: 0:0:1 Pre-requisites: Physiology and Measurements Lab, Contact Hours: 28 Biomedical Instrumentation Lab Course Coordinator(s): Mrs. Supriya Babu, Mrs. Prabhu Ravikala Vittal Course Objectives 1. To record and analyze biosignals like pulse wave, ECG, EEG, EOG and EMG. 2. To study diagnostic equipments like Spirometer in analyzing systems like respiratory system. 3. To learn to multiplex different signals for transmission and telemedicine purpose. 4. To learn to associate laboratory tests with other measurements in making a diagnosis. 5. To study therapeutic parameters of the instruments like Pacemakers, Defibrillators, Shortwave Diathermy, Electrosurgical Unit and Biofeedback. COURSE CONTENTS 1. Recording and Analysis of Pulse wave. Discussion about Arterial Pulse wave and Photoplethysmography and various diagnostic uses of Pulse wave analysis. 2. Recording & Analysis of ECG signals*. a. Normal recording – Sitting position, Supine Position b. ECG Dive Reflex – Induced Bradycardia 3. Recording of ECG Signal and study of statistical measures, geometric measures, and spectral analysis in heart rate variability studies. 4. Study of Defibrillators. 5. Recording & Analysis of EEG signals*. 6. 7. a. Hyperventilation b. Critical thinking c. Photic Stimulation Recording & Analysis of EMG signals*. a. Investigate the electrical activity of different muscles as they contract with varying degrees of force. b. Design experiments by selecting muscles to record EMGs from and creating activities those muscles will perform. Saccade Study - Electrooculography (EOG) a. Observe the constant saccade durations for a variety of given angular displacements 51 b. Design experiment to demonstrate the difference between eye movement based on actual visual stimulation and imagined recreations 8. Study of pulmonary function test using Spirometer. 9. Study of Patient Monitoring Systems. 10. Study of Clinical Laboratory tests with spectrophotometer as example. 11. Multi-channel biotelemetry (ECG, Pulse and PCG) using digital modulation. 12. Study of Ventilator as therapeutic Tool. * Analysis using SCILAB / MATLAB or equivalent Text Books 1. Joseph J. Carr and John M. Brown, “Introduction to Biomedical equipment technology”, Pearson education, 2003. 2. John G. Webster, “Medical Instrumentation Application and Design, third edition”, Wiley India Edition, 2007. Reference Books 1. Myer Kutz, “Standard Handbook of Biomedical Engineering & Design”, McGraw Hill, 2009. 2. L.A Geddes and L. E. Baker, “Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation”,2004 3. Leslie Cromwell, “Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2007. Course Delivery: One lab of 2 hours each in which recording of signals and the significance of recording methods are taught. In addition students will be required to analyze the signals based on the methods taught in theory class. Case studies are given for a group of 3 students and analysis will be done by that group for the given case. Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the students should be able to: 1. Do a basic level of analysis of biosignals like Pulse wave, ECG, EEG, EMG and Spirogram in diagnosing disease states. (POa, POb, Pod, POe) 2. Appreciate the value of laboratory tests in association with other measurements in making a diagnosis. (POb, POd, POe) 3. Recognize various therapeutic parameters and calculate the same for specific therapy. (POa, POb, POd, POe, POk) 52 Assessment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course Outcomes: What CIE To whom Conduction, Observation and Record Test based on a Case Study recording and analysis SEE Standard practical examination Students’ feedback Direct Assessment Methods Students End of course survey Current Students Current Students Frequency Max Marks Evidence collected Course Outcomes Average of all the experiments will computed) 30 Observation and record books 1,2 and 3 Once 10 + 10 Recording and written analysis 1 or 2 or 3 End of course(Case Study - recording and analysis) 100 Recording and written analysis 1 or 2 or 3 One after three labs - Feedback forms 1, 2 & 3, Delivery of the course Questionnaire 1,2 and 3, Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and current assessment methods End of course - CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Conduction, Observation and Record Test based on a Case Study - recording and analysis Semester-End Examination 1 Remember 20 20 20 2 Understand 20 20 20 3 Apply 20 30 30 4 Analyze 20 20 20 5 Evaluate 20 10 10 6 Create 00 00 00 53 MEDICAL IMAGE PROCESSING LAB Course code: MLL608 Credits: 0:0:1 Prerequisite: Digital Image Processing Lab Contact Hours: 28 Course Coordinator(s): Mr. Basavaraj Hiremath, Dr. C. K. Narayanappa Pre-requisites: Digital Image Processing Lab Course objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To display the different Medical Image modalities. Perform image manipulations (filtering, compression, edge detection). To implement Morphological Image Processing To apply various representation schemes. To expose students to current technologies and issues that are specific to image processing systems Course Contents: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Display of different Medical Image modalities (XRAY,CT, MRI, US) Medical Image Denoising Medical Image smoothing Medical Image sharpening Image Compression using DCT, Huffman Coding. Image Compression using arithmetic Coding Morphological Image Processing – Dilation and Erosion Morphological Image Processing – opening and closing Morphological Image Processing – some basic morphological algorithms Image Segmentation using edge/ boundary detection and Thresholding. Image Segmentation using region-oriented segmentation techniques Representation & Boundary and regional description Case study: Application- representation and description Case study: Application- recognition. Note: The above experiments are to be conducted Using MATLAB/ITK-VTK Text Book(s): 1. R C Gonzalez & R E Woods, Digital Image Processing , Pearson Education,3e, 2008. 2..Rangaraj M Rangayyan, Biomedical Image Analysis, The BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Series, CRC Press, 2005 Reference(s): 1 .A K Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image processing , PHI / Pearson Education, 1st edition, 2011 2.Chanda and Majumder, Digital Image Processing and Analysis, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2004 Course Delivery: White board teaching, demo sessions using MATLAB-image processing tool box, interaction. 54 Course outcomes: The students should be able to use the MATLAB-image processing tool box to 1. To display the different Medical Image modalities.(POa,POb,POd,POe,POk) 2. Estimate the compression ratio for the given image using different algorithms. (POa,POb,POd,POk) 3. Apply the various morphological image processing operations.(POa,POb,POd,POe,POk) 4. Demonstrate the image representation schemes. (POa,POd,POe,POk) Assessment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course Outcomes: Indirect Assessment Method CIE To whom Frequency Lab test Once Execution Every session Record Every session Max Evidence Marks collected 25 Blue books 10 Observation Every session 10 Lab Record 05 Attendance Course Outcomes 2, 3 & 4 book Students Viva 2, 3, & 4 1, 2, 3, & 4 2, 3, & 4 register 50 SEE Direct Assessment Methods What Lab exam End of course Answer scripts Middle of the Students feedback - course Feedback forms - 1, 2, 3 & 4 Delivery of the course 1, 2, 3 & 4 Students End of course survey 2, 3, & 4 Effectiveness of End of course Questionnaire Delivery of instructions and Assessment methods CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Semester-End Examination 1 Remember 10 10 10 10 2 Understand 20 20 10 20 3 Apply 20 30 20 30 4 Analyze 20 20 30 20 5 Evaluate 20 10 20 10 6 Create 10 10 10 10 55 BIOMEDICAL DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING LAB Subject Code: MLL609 Prerequisites: Digital Signal Processing Lab Course Coordinator(s): Mr. Sanjay H S, Mrs. Purnima B R Credits: 0:0:1 Contact Hours: 28 Course Objectives: 1. To apply the concepts of signal processing to Biomedical Signals using Matlab tools 2. To study the filtering applications for biomedical signals 3. To implement the event detection and waveform complexity algorithms 4. To perform spectral analysis of different biomedical signals EXPERIMENTS: 1. Power Spectrum & Power spectral density 2. Direct FFT & windowing 3. Parametric & nonparametric estimation 4. Time frequency techniques 5. Cepstral analysis 6. Optimal signal processing 7. Adaptive Noise Cancelling 8. Realization of Notch Filter 9. Signal Averaging of ECG 10. Event detection Note: The above problems are to be solved using MATLAB Course delivery: MATLAB demo and execution, Biopac signal acquisition, RMS-EEG signal acquisition Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, the students shall be able to implement the following using MATLAB tool 1. Demonstrate an understanding of and to apply these topics / techniques to solve the given problems. (POa,POb,POi,POl) 2. Understand the analysis of digital filters to remove noise and artifacts in EEG & ECG signals for various applications in Biomedical signal processing and healthcare diagnostics.(POc,POe) 3. To analyze the various events and waveform complexities involved in EEG & ECG signals.(POb,POj) 4. To process biomedical signal using adaptive techniques. (POa,POk) 56 Assessment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course Outcomes: Frequency Max Marks Evidence collected Course Outcomes Conduction Every session 10 Observation book 1, 2 & 3 Record Every session 10 Record 1, 4 Viva Every session 05 Lab test Once 25 Blue books 1, 2 Standard examination End of course 50 Answer scripts 1, 2, 3, & 4 Middle of the course - Feedback forms 1 & 4 Delivery of the course Questionnaire 1, 2, 3 & 4 Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and Assessment methods Indirect Assessment Methods CIE SEE Direct Assessment Methods What To whom Students Students feedback Students End of course survey End of course - CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Semester-End Examination 1 Remember 20 10 10 10 2 Understand 20 20 10 20 3 Apply 20 30 20 30 4 Analyze 20 20 30 20 5 Evaluate 20 10 20 10 6 Create 00 10 10 10 57 PROGRAMMABLE SYSTEM ON CHIP (PSOC) Subject Code: MLPE11 Prerequisites: Microcontrollers Course coordinator(s): Mrs. Prabhu Ravikala Vittal, Mrs. Uma Arun Credits: 3:0:0 Contact hours: 42 Course objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Understand the concept of system on chip & differentiate between PSOC & MCUs To make study and familiarize PSOC architecture. To understand PSOC structure, learn subsystem design. To get the comparison between MSP and PSOC. To get the knowledge of few serial and parallel interfacing circuits. To apply the knowledge of above in designing application. Course contents: UNIT - I Introduction to PSoC: PSoC Technology, Programmable Routing and Interconnect, Configurable Analog and Digital Blocks, CPU Sub system , Families of PSoC (PSoC 1, PSoC 3, PSoC 5), Difference between PSoC and conventional MCU. UNIT - II Introduction to PSoC 3/5: PSoC 3/5 Architecture – Block Diagram, System Wide Resources, I/O Interfaces, CPU Subsystem, Memory Organization, Digital Subsystems, Analog Subsystems UNIT - III PSoC Design Modules: Why Cypress PSoC, Structure of PSoC, PSoC Designer Suit, Limitations of PSoC, PSoC Subsystem Design, PSoC Memory Management. .UNIT - IV Mixed – Signal Embedded Design: Overview of Mixed Signal Embedded Systems Design, Hardware and Software subsystems of mixed signal architectures, PSoC Hardware Components, PSoC Software Components, PSoC Interrupt Subsystem, Introduction to PSoC Express, System Design using PSoC Express. UNIT - V PSoC Components: Universal Digital Blocks (UDB), UDB arrays and Digital System Interconnect (DSI), Timer, Counter and PWM, Digital Filter Blocks (DFB), Delta Sigma ADC Topologies and Circuits, Programmable Gain Amplifiers, Switched Capacitor / Continuous Time, Analog Routing, Flash Temperature Sensors, DTMF Dialers, Sleep Timers, UART, I2C, SPI, USB, CAN Buses System Design Using PSoC Interfacing of Temperature Sensor and Tachometer, SPI and UART based Communication, Low Noise Continuous Time Signal Processing with PSoC, Data Acquisition and control system with PSoC, Ultra wide band RADAR, and Serial Bit Receiver with Hardware Manchester Decoder, DTMF Detector, Ultrasonic Vehicle Parking Assistant, and Universal Wide Range Signal Generator 58 Text Book(s): 1. Tuan Vo Dirh, Biomedical photonics – Handbook, CRC Press, Bocaraton, 2003. 2. Mark E. Brezinski., Optical Coherence Tomography: Principles and Applications, Academic Press, 2006. Reference(s): 1. Leon Goldman, M.D., & R. James Rockwell, Jr., “Lasers in Medicine”, Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers Inc., New York, 1971. 2. R. Splinter and B.A Hooper, “An Introduction to Biomedical Optics”, Taylor and Francis, 2007. Course Delivery: Regular black board teaching, Power point presentation/ group discussion/ interaction Course outcomes: On completion of this course, the students shall 1. Get the knowledge of architecture of PSOC and its applications.(POa,POj) 2. Know the difference between PSOC, MCUS & MSP.(POa,POb,POj,POk) 3. Get the knowledge of few serial interfaces & their applications.(POa,POb,POj, POk) 4. able to understand the usage of PSOC for any application. (POa,POj, POk) Assessment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course Outcomes: What Direct Assessment methods CIE To Whom Internal Assessment tests Other MCQ, Surprise test, Quiz Frequency Three (Average of the best two will be computed) Three Students Twice Tests are conducted Before the third test Max Marks 30 Evidence collected 10 Blue books /Answer scripts Blue Books Course Outcomes 1, 2, 3 1,2,3 10 4 Standard Examination End of course (Answer any 5 of 10 Questions) 100 Answer scripts 1,2,3&4 Students Feedback Middle of the course - Feedback forms 2 & 3, Delivery of the course End of course - Questionnaire 1,2 and 3, Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and Assessment methods Indirect Assessment methods SEE End of course survey Student 59 CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Semester-End Examination 1 Remember 20 10 10 10 2 Understand 20 20 10 20 3 Apply 20 30 20 30 4 Analyze 20 20 30 20 5 Evaluate 20 10 20 10 6 Create 00 10 10 10 60 LASERS IN MEDICINE Course code: MLPE12 Prerequisites: Physics Course coordinator(s): Mrs. Purnima B. R, Mrs. Uma Arun Credits: 4:0:0 Contact Hours: 42 Course objectives: 1. To study the properties and characteristics of lasers and the responses of tissue for the incidence of laser. 2. To study in detail about the electromagnetic spectrum its wavelength distributions and the absorption and scattering characteristics at each wavelength and further perform a detail study on ultraviolet region of electromagnetic spectrum. 3. To study various applications of lasers & optical fibers in medicine including two major categories: therapeutic & diagnostics. 4. To study the role of low power lasers in medical field. Course contents: UNIT - I Basics of Lasers: Laser physics fundamentals, Principles, Laser Materials, Major Types of Lasers, Medical Lasers, Basics of Fiber Optics, Optical Materials, The Future of Medical Lasers and Fiber Optics, Laser Safety. Optical & Thermal Response Of Tissues: Introduction, the Optical Response of Tissue, Thermal Response. Dosimetry and Thermal Monitoring UNIT - II Effects Of Ultraviolet Radiation On Tissues: Introduction to Ultraviolet Radiation, A Division of the Ultraviolet for Photobiological Studies, UV Sources, Absorption of Ultraviolet, Direct vs. Indirect Effects of UV, Action Spectroscopy. UNIT - III Tissue Diagnostics Using Lasers: Introduction, Light Interaction with Tissue, Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Malignant Tumors, Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Atherosclerotic Plaque, Light Scattering and Tissue Transillumination. UNIT - IV Therapeutic & Diagnostic applications Of Lasers: Lasers in Ophthalmology, Gynecology, Neurosurgery, Cardiology, Oncology, Orthopedic , ENT & urology & Other clinical applications. UNIT - V Low Power Laser Effects: Introduction, Limitations of Low–Power Laser Effects on Cellular Level, Clinical Applications of Low-Power Laser Effects, Lasers in Photodynamic Therapy. 61 Textbook(s): 1. Ronald W. Waynant “Lasers in Medicine” CRC press. 2001 2. Lasers and optical fibres in medicine by Abraham Katzir, Academic press, 1998. Reference(s): 1. G David Baxter, Churchil “Therapeutic Lasers – Theory & Practice , Livingstone Publications. 1994 Course Delivery: Regular black board teaching, Power point presentation/ group discussion/ interaction Course outcomes: On completion of this course, the students will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. To discuss about the reviewing issues in the world of medical lasers like Why lasers? How do lasers work? How do lasers interact with matter in particular with biological tissue? and What makes lasers so effective? (POa, POi) Debate on the various regions of electromagnetic spectrum and their role in medical field.(POa,POi) Implement different types of lasers in Diagnostics and Therapeutics applications of medicine.POa, POd, POi) To apply the low lasers in the area of medicine. (POa, POd, POi) Assessment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course Outcomes: Indirect Assessment Methods Direct Assessment Methods What To whom Internal assessment tests CIE Others MCQ/ QUIZ/ Surprise test SEE Students Standard examination Students feedback Frequency Max Marks Evidence collected Course Outcomes Thrice(Average of the best two will be computed) 30 Blue books 1,2 and 3 Twice during semester. Test are conducted before third test 10 10 1, 2 and 4 End of course (Answer any 5 of 10 questions) 100 Answer scripts 1, 2 and 3 Middle of the course - Feedback forms 2 & 3, Delivery of the course Questionnaire 1,2 and 3, Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and Assessment methods Students End of course survey 4 and 5 Blue books/Answer scripts End of course 62 - CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Semester-End Examination 1 Remember 20 10 10 10 2 Understand 20 20 10 20 3 Apply 20 30 20 30 4 Analyze 20 20 30 20 5 Evaluate 20 10 20 10 6 Create 00 10 10 10 63 EMBEDDED REAL TIME SYSTEMS Subject Code: MLPE13 Credits: 3:0:0 Prerequisite: Digital Design, Microcontrollers Contact Hours:42 Course coordinator(s): Mrs. Prabhu Ravikala Vittal, Mr. Basavaraj Hiremath Course Objectives: 1. To discuss the Embedded system & overview of design technology 2. To discuss different types of processors and designing concepts of real time systems. 3. To discuss the various communication interfaces used for communication with an embedded system. 4. To describe the working concepts of RTOS. 5. To explain the design synthesis of embedded system. Course contents: UNIT- I Introduction to Embedded Systems:– Model of an Embedded System, Microprocessor vs. Microcontroller, Example: A simple temperature monitor, Classification of MCUs, Current Trends. MCU:- The processor, The Harvard Architecture, GPIO, Power on Reset, Brown Out Reset, Watch Dog Timer, Real Time Clock, Memory Types, Low Power Design. UNIT - II Elementary ideas of Sensors, ADCs, Actuators. Buses and Protocols:- Elementary ideas of Parallel, I2C, SPI, USB, IEEE 1394, RS-232, RS-422/RS-485, Ethernet, CAN, WLAN, ZigBee, Bluetooth. UNIT- III Operating system concepts:Embedded operating system, layers of operating systems, History of operating systems, functions performed by operating systems, terms associated with OS & computer usage, The kernel, Tasks/processes, Scheduling algorithms, Treads. UNIT - IV Interrupt handling, inter process (task) communication (IPC), task synchronization, semaphores, priority inversions, device drivers, codes/pseudo codes for OS function. Real time operating system: Real time tasks, Real time systems, Types of real time tasks, Real time operating systems, rate monotonic algorithm, The earliest deadline first algorithm. UNIT - V Embedded Program Development, Integrated Development Environment, Compiler, Assembler, Builder, Disassembly, Linker, Simulator, Downloading the Hex file, Hardware Simulator. Hardware Software Co-Design, Embedded Product Development Lifecycle Management, Testing. Embedded System Examples:- Mobile Phone, Automotive Electronics, RFID, WISENET, Robotics, Biomedical Applications, BMI. 64 Text Book(s) : 1. Lyla B Das; Embedded Systems: An Integrated Approach, Pearson Education, 2013 Reference Books: 1.Marilyn Wolf; Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design, 3e, Morgan Kaufmann, 2012 2. Peter Barry, Patrick Crowley; Modern Embedded Computing, 1e, Morgan Kaufmann, 2012, 3. Lori M. Matassa, Max Domeika; Break Away with Intel Atom Processors – A Guide to Architecture Migration, 1e, Intel Press, 2010 4. Shibu K V; Introduction To Embedded Systems, 1e, MGH, 2009 Course Delivery: Regular black board teaching, Power point presentation/ group discussion/ interaction Course outcomes: On completion of this course, the students will be able to 1. To get the concepts of architectural details and programming model of the processors.(POa,Pod, POi) 2. Able to interface the serial communication devices and understand their communication protocols.(POa, POc,POd, POi) 3. To get concepts of operating system and real time operating systems. POa, POi) 4. To discuss the various software and hardware tools used in Embedded system design applications.(POa, POC, Pod,POi) Assessment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course Outcomes: Indirect Assessment Methods Direct Assessment Methods What CIE SEE To whom Frequency Max Marks Internal assessment tests Thrice (Average of the best two will be computed) 30 Others MCQ/ QUIZ/ Surprise test Twice during semester.Test are conducted before third test 10 End of course (Answer any 5 of 10 questions) 100 Middle of the course - Students Standard examination Students feedback 10 Evidence collected Course Outcomes Blue books 1,2 and 3 Blue books/Answer scripts 1, 2 and 3 Feedback forms 2 & 3, Delivery of the course Questionnaire 1,2 and 3, Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and Assessment methods End of course 65 1, 2 and 4 Answer scripts Students End of course survey 4 and 5 CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Semester-End Examination 1 Remember 20 10 10 10 2 Understand 20 20 10 20 3 Apply 20 30 20 30 4 Analyze 20 20 30 20 5 Evaluate 20 20 20 10 6 Create 00 00 10 10 66 BIOMETRICS Subject Code: MLPE14 Prerequisite: Nil Course Coordinator(s): Mrs. Purnima B. R, Mrs. Supriya Babu Credits: 3:0:0 Contact Hours: 42 Course objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To study basic working of biometrics and factors that determine the accuracy. To study in detail about finger printing technology their applications and algorithms that are used for interpretation. To study in detail about iris scan , their applications and algorithms that are used for interpretation. To study in detail about voice scan , their features and operation steps and its applications.. To study the role of Biometrics in different security systems. To study the introduction of different physiological biometrics. Course contents: UNIT-I BIOMETRIC FUNDAMENTALS: Introduction - Benefits of biometric security - Verification and identification Basic working of biometric matching - Accuracy - False match rate - False non-match rate - Failure to enroll rate Derived metrics - Layered biometric solutions. UNIT-II FINGERPRINT IDENTIFICATION TECHNOLOGY: Finger scan - Features - Components - Operation (Steps) - Competing finger Scan technologies - Strength and weakness. Types of algorithms used for interpretation. UNIT-III FACE & IRIS RECOGNITION: Facial Scan - Features - Components - Operation (Steps) - Competing facial Scan technologies - Strength and weakness. Iris Scan - Features - Components - Operation (Steps) - Competing iris Scan technologies - Strength and weakness. UNIT-IV VOICE SCAN: Voice Scan - Features - Components - Operation (Steps) - Competing voice Scan (facial) technologies - Strength and weakness. Other physiological biometrics - Hand scan - Retina scan - AFIS (Automatic Finger Print Identification Systems) Behavioral Biometrics - Signature scan- keystroke scan. UNIT-V APPLICATIONS: Biometrics Application - Biometric Solution Matrix - Bio privacy - Comparison of privacy factor in different biometrics technologies - Designing privacy sympathetic biometric systems. Biometric standards (BioAPI , BAPI) - Biometric middleware Biometrics for Network Security. Statistical measures of Biometrics. Biometric Transactions. Text Book(s): 1. Samir Nanavati, Michael Thieme, Raj Nanavati, "Biometrics - Identity Verification in a Networked World", WILEY- Dream Tech, 2002 2. Paul Reid "Biometrics for Network Security", Pearson Education, 2004 Reference(s): 1. 2. John D. Woodward, Jr. "Biometrics- The Ultimate Reference"-Wiley Dreamtech.1edition, 2003 For more details, visit Http://www.jntu.ac.in 67 Course Delivery: Regular black board teaching, Power point presentation/ group discussion/ interaction Course outcomes: On completion of this course, the students will be able to: 1. Explain about the various algorithms that are used for the interpretation. (POa, POd, Poi, POh, POj) 2. Explain about different types of physiological biometrics and their role in different security systems. (POa, POi, POi,POj) Assessment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course Outcomes: Indirect Assessment Methods Direct Assessment Methods What CIE Internal assessment tests Others MCQ/ QUIZ/ Surprise test SEE To whom Students Standard examination Students feedback Frequency Thrice (Average of the best two will be computed) Twice during semester.Test are conducted before third test End of course (Answer any 5 of 10 questions) Middle of the course Max Marks 30 10 10 Evidence collected Course Outcomes Blue books 1,2 and 3 1, 2 and 4 Answer scripts 1, 2 and 3 Feedback forms 2 & 3, Delivery of the course Questionnaire 1,2 and 3, Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and Assessment methods 100 - Students End of course survey 4 and 5 Blue books/Answer scripts End of course CIE and SEE evaluation Sl.No Bloom’s Category Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Semester-End Examination 1 Remember 20 10 20 20 2 Understand 20 20 10 20 3 Apply 20 30 20 30 4 Analyze 20 20 30 20 5 Evaluate 20 20 20 10 6 Create 00 00 00 00 68 SPEECH PROCESSING Subject Code: MLPE15 Credits: 3:0:0 Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours: 42 Course Coordinator(s): Mrs. Chandana S, Dr. C. K. Narayanappa Course objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. Describe digital models for Speech Signals Discuss the time domain models For Speech Processing: Digital Representation Of Speech Waveform Understand the speech synthesis and recognition. Course contents: UNIT - I Digital Models For Speech Signals: Process of speech production, Lossless tube models, digital models for speech signals UNIT - II Time Domain Models For Speech Processing: Time dependent speech processing, short time energy & average magnitude, short time averaging zero crossing rate, speech v/s silence discrimination using energy & zero crossing, Pitch period estimation, short time autocorrelation function UNIT - III Short Time Fourier Analysis: Linear filtering interpretation, Filter bank summation method, design of digital filter banks, implementation using FFT, Spectrographic display UNIT - IV Digital Representation Of Speech Waveform: Sampling speech signals, statistical speech model, instantaneous quantization, adaptive quantization, differential quantization, delta modulation Linear Predictive Coding Of Speech: Basic principles of linear predictive analysis, solution of LPC equations & predictive error signal, frequency domain interpretation, relation between the various speech parameters, applications of LPC parameters. UNIT - V Speech Synthesis: Principles of Speech synthesis, Synthesis based on waveform coding, Synthesis based on analysis synthesis method, Synthesis based on speech production mechanism, Synthesis by rule, Text to speech conversion. Speech Recognition: Principles of Speech recognition, Speech period detection, Spectral distance measures, Structure of word recognition systems, Dynamic time warping (DTW), Word recognition using phoneme units. Text Book(s): 1. Digital Processing of speech signals, L R Rabiner & R W Schafer, Pearson Education 2004 2. Digital Speech Processing-Synthesis & Recognition, Sadoaki Furui, 2nd edition, Mercel Dekker 2002 Reference(s): 1. Introduction to data compression, Khalid Sayood, 3rd edition, Elsevier Publications Digital Speech, A M Kondoz, 2nd edition, Wiley Publications Course Delivery: Regular black board teaching, Power point presentation/ group discussion/ interaction Course outcomes: On completion of this course, the students will be able to 1. The students will get familiar with basic characteristics of speech signal in relation to production and hearing of speech 69 2. 3. 4. by humans. (POa, POd, POh, POj) They will understand basic algorithms of speech analysis common to many applications(POa, POd, POh, POj) They will be given an overview of applications (recognition, synthesis, coding) and be informed about practical aspects of speech algorithms implementation. (POc) The students will be able to design a simple system for speech processing (speech activity detector, recognizer of limited number of isolated words), including its implementation into application programs. (POa, POB, POi) Assessment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course Outcomes: Direct Assessment Methods What CIE Internal assessment tests Others MCQ/ QUIZ/ Surprise test Indirect Assessment Methods SEE To whom Students Standard examination Frequency Max Marks Thrice (Average of the best two will be computed) 30 Twice during semester.Test are conducted before third test 10 End of course (Answer any 5 of 10 questions) 100 Middle of the course - Students feedback End of course survey 10 Evidence collected Course Outcomes Blue books 1,2 and 3 End of course 1, 2 and 4 Answer scripts 1, 2 and 3 Feedback forms 2 & 3, Delivery of the course Questionnaire 1,2 and 3, Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and Assessment methods - Students 4 and 5 Blue books/Answer scripts CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Semester-End Examination 1 Remember 20 10 20 20 2 Understand 20 20 10 20 3 Apply 20 30 20 30 4 Analyze 20 20 30 20 5 Evaluate 20 20 20 10 6 Create 00 00 00 00 70 CORE JAVA Subject Code: MLPE16 Prerequisite: Fundamentals of C language Hours: 42 Course Coordinator(s): Mr. Mahendra S J , Mr. Basavaraj Hiremath Credits: 3:0:0 Contact Course Objectives: This course will help students to achieve the following objectives: 1. Identify the different object oriented concepts and implement basic programs. 2. Present inheritance and interface concepts. 3. Introduce multithreading programming concepts and handling errors efficiently. 4. Present different ways of implementing event handling and creating user interfaces using swings. 5. Introduce to java language package & important java collection framework Course Contents: Unit 1 Java Fundamentals, Introducing Classes & Methods Object-Oriented Programming, The Three OOP Principles, Data Types, Variables, and Arrays: The Primitive Types, Type Conversion and Casting, Arrays: OneDimensional Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays. Operators: Arithmetic Operators, The Bitwise Operators, Relational Operators, Boolean Logical Operators, The Assignment Operator, The ? Operator, Operator Precedence, Control Statements, Class Fundamentals, Declaring Objects, Assigning Object Reference Variables, Introducing Methods, Constructors, The this Keyword, Garbage Collection, The finalize( ) Method, Overloading Methods, Using Objects as Parameters, A Closer Look at Argument Passing, Returning Objects, Introducing Access Control, Understanding static, Introducing final, Introducing Nested and Inner Classes. Unit 2 Inheritance, Packages & Interfaces Inheritance Basics, Using super, Creating a Multilevel Hierarchy, When Constructors Are Called, Method Overriding, Dynamic Method Dispatch, Using Abstract Classes, Using final with Inheritance, Packages, Access Protection, Importing Packages, Interfaces, Unit 3 Exception handling, Multithreaded Programming Exception-Handling Fundamentals, Exception Types, Uncaught Exceptions, Using try and catch, Multiple catch Clauses, Nested try Statements, throw, throws, finally, Java’s Built-in Exceptions, Creating Your Own Exception Subclasses, Chained Exceptions, Multithreaded Programming: The Java Thread Model, The Main Thread, Creating a Thread, Creating Multiple Threads, Using isAlive( ) and join( ), Thread Priorities, Synchronization, Suspending, Resuming, and Stopping Threads. Unit 4 Event Handling, Introducing Swing Two Event Handling Mechanisms, The Delegation Event Model, Event Classes, Sources of Events, Event Listener Interfaces, Using the Delegation Event Model, Adapter Classes, Inner Classes. Introducing Swing: The Origins of Swing, Two Key Swing Features, The MVC Connection, Components and Containers, The Swing Packages, A Simple Swing Application,Event Handling, Create a Swing Applet, Exploring Swing: JLabel and ImageIcon, JTextField, The Swing Buttons, JTabbedPane, JScrollPane, JList, JComboBox, Trees, JTable. Unit 5 String Handling, Exploring java.lang, The Collections Framework String Handling: The String Constructors, Special String Operations, Character Extraction, String Comparison, Searching and Modifying a String, StringBuffer. Exploring java.lang : Primitive Type Wrappers. The Collections Framework: Collections 71 Overview, Recent Changes to Collections, The Collection Interfaces, The Collection Classes, Accessing a Collection via an Iterator, Arrays . Text Books: Herbert Schildt: Java The Complete Reference, 8th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2013. Reference Books: 1. Y. Daniel Liang: Introduction to JAVA Programming, 7th Edition, Pearson Education, 2012. 2. Stephanie Bodoff, Dale Green, Kim Haasel: The J2EE Tutorial, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2008. Course Outcomes: This course uses assigned readings, lectures, and homework to enable the students to: 1. Recognize the basic object oriented concepts & apply them to create java applications. (POa,POb,POk) 2. Demonstrate java applications with inheritance and interface concepts. (POa,POb,POc, POe, POi, POj) 3. Design java applications with multithreading concepts and demonstrate the error handling concepts. (POa,POb, POd, POe, POi, POk) 4. Create GUI applications with the help of swings and handle events. (POa,POb, POc, POd, POh, POi, POj) 5. Design client server applications and security models. (POa, POb, POe, POk) Course Delivery: The course will be delivered through lectures, class room interaction, group discussion and exercises, lab sessions and mini project. Course Assessment and Evaluation Scheme: Indirect Assessment Methods Direct Assessment Methods What CIE Internal assessment tests Internal lab Test SEE To whom Max marks Evidence collected Contributing to Course Outcomes 30 Blue books 1, 2 ,3,4&5 20 Quiz answers 1, 2 ,3,4&5 End of course (Answering 5 of 10 questions) 100 Answer scripts 1, 2 ,3,4&5 Middle of the course - Feedback forms Delivery of the course When/ Where (Frequency in the course) Thrice(Average of the best two) Students Standard examination Students feedback Once Students End of course survey End of course 72 - Questionnaire Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions & Assessment Methods CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Semester-End Examination 1 Remember 20 10 20 20 2 Understand 20 20 10 20 3 Apply 20 30 20 30 4 Analyze 20 20 30 20 5 Evaluate 20 20 20 10 6 Create 00 00 00 00 73 MEDICAL INFORMATICS Subject Code: MLPE21 Prerequisite: Nil 42 Course Coordinator(s): Dr. C. K. Narayanappa, Mr. Sanjay H.S Credits: 3:0:0 Contact Hours: Course Objectives : 1. A clinical executive level appreciation for the convergence of three critical forces in medical informatics: computing, communications, and content with a focus on why medical informatics is critical to health care. 2. Knowledge of the current state and future trends in computer and communications technology, and database management systems, both general and health-related 3. Knowledge of standards, coding and classifications in medical informatics. 4. Knowledge of telemedicine, Internet-enabled applications and other future technologies Course contents: UNIT I Medical Informatics: Introduction - Structure of Medical Informatics –Internet and Medicine -Security issues, Computer based medical information retrieval, Hospital management and information system, Functional capabilities of a computerized HIS, e-health services, Health Informatics – Medical Informatics, Bioinformatics UNIT II Computerised Patient Record : Introduction - History taking by computer, Dialogue with the computer, Components and functionality of CPR, Development tools, Intranet, CPR in Radiology- Application server provider, Clinical information system, Computerized prescriptions for patients. UNIT III Computers in Clinical Laboratory and Medical Imaging: Automated clinical laboratories-Automated methods in hematology, cytology and histology, Intelligent Laboratory Information System - Computerized ECG, EEG and EMG, Computer assisted medical imaging- nuclear medicine, ultrasound imaging ultrasonography-computed Xray tomography, Radiation therapy and planning, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance UNIT IV Computer Assisted Medical Decision-Making: Neuro computers and Artificial Neural Networks application, Expert system – General model of CMD, Computer –assisted decision support system-production rule system, cognitive model, semester networks , decisions analysis in clinical medicine-computers in the care of critically patients-computer assisted surgery-designing UNIT V Recent Trends in Medical Informatics: Virtual reality applications in medicine, Computer assisted surgery, Surgical simulation, Telemedicine - Tele surgery computer aids for the handicapped, computer assisted instrumentation in Medical Informatics - Computer assisted patient education and health - Medical education and health care information. Text Books: 1. R. D. Lele, “Computers in medicine progress in medical informatics”, TMH, 2005, New Delhi. 2. Mohan Bansal, “Medical informatics” TMH, 2003 New Delhi Course Delivery: Regular black board teaching, Power point presentation, interaction and demonstration 74 Course Outcomes 1. 2. 3. 4. Gaining knowledge and skills in health and medical informatics, various levels can exist concerning depth and breadth of educational components. (POa, POb) Define the levels of knowledge and practical skills needed. (POa,POb,Poe) Enabling the students to efficiently and responsibly use information processing methodology and information and communication technology. (For all health care professionals in their role as IT users). (POa, Poe, POi) Preparing the students for careers in health and medical informatics in academic, health care (e.g. hospital) or industrial settings (For health and medical informatics specialists) (POd, POk) Course Assessment and Evaluation: When/ Where (Frequency in the course) Thrice(Average of the best two will be computed) Once (Conducted for 20 marks and scaled down to 10 marks) Max marks Evidence collected Contributing to Course Outcomes 30 Blue books 1,2,3,4 10 MCQ test cum answer sheets 1,2 Assignment Once 10 Assignment reports 3,4 Standard examination End of course (Answering 5 of 10 questions) 100 Answer scripts 1,2,3,4 Middle of the course - Feedback forms End of course - Question-naire Indirect Assessment Methods Direct Assessment Methods What C I E S E E To whom Internal assessment tests Multiple choice Questions test Students Students feedback End of course survey Students Delivery of the course Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions & Assessment Methods CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Semester-End Examination 1 Remember 20 10 10 10 2 Understand 20 20 10 20 3 Apply 20 30 20 30 4 Analyze 20 20 30 20 5 Evaluate 20 10 20 10 6 Create 00 10 10 10 75 MEDICAL OPTICS Subject Code: MLPE22 Prerequisite: Nil Course Coordinator(s): Mrs. Uma Arun, Mrs. Purnima B R Credits: 3:0:0 Contact Hours: 42 Course Objectives 1. The optical properties of the tissues 2. The applications of photonic instruments in diagnosis and therapy 3. The various techniques used for optical imaging. 4. The recent and future trends in health-related optics. Course contents UNIT - I OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF THE TISSUES: Biomedical Photonics-Introduction, Refraction, Scattering, absorption, tissue properties, Light interaction with tissues introduction, fluorescence, multiphoton fluorescence. UNIT - II INSTRUMENTATION IN PHOTONICS: Basic spectrometer,Instrumentation for absorption, scattering and emission measurements, Instrumental components-general considerations,excitation light sources – high pressure arc lamp, solid state LEDs, Lasers, optical fibers and dispersive devices, optical filters, polarizer, detectors. UNIT - III BIOLOGICAL IMAGING SPECTROSCOPY: Introduction, Spectral Image Cubes Instruments,Spectral Scanning Instruments , Spatial Scanning Systems ,Other Approaches, Data Analysis,Image Analysis ,Analysis of Spectral Images, Applications -Imaging Spectroscopy. UNIT - IV INTRODUCTION TO OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY: Introduction Principles of Operation of Optical Coherence Tomography,Measuring Ultrafast Optical Echoes of Optical Coherence Tomography , Image Generation in Optical Coherence Tomography, Optical Coherence Tomography Technology and Systems , Applications of Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging in Ophthalmology . UNIT - V FLUORESCENT SPECTROSCOPY FOR BIOMEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS: Introduction, Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy,Fluorescence Techniques ,Photophysical Basis of Luminescence , Biomedical Applications, Invitro Analysis and diagnosis. Text Books: 1. Tuan Vo Dirh, Biomedical photonics – Handbook, CRC Press, Bocaraton, 2003. Reference Books: 1. Mark E. Brezinski., Optical Coherence Tomography: Principles and Applications, Academic Press, 2006. 2. Leon Goldman, M.D., & R. James Rockwell, Jr., “Lasers in Medicine”, Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers Inc., New York, 1971. 3. R. Splinter and B.A Hooper, “An Introduction to Biomedical Optics”, Taylor and Francis, 2007. Course Delivery: Regular black board teaching, Power point presentation, interaction and Course Outcomes: The students will be able to 1. Demonstrate the knowledge of the fundamentals of optical properties of tissues.(POa, POb) 2. Describe optical tomography and its applications. (POa,POb,POe) 3. Gain knowledge in photonics and its therapeutic applications.(POa, POe, POi) 4. Know the concepts of optical imaging techniques.(POd, POk) 76 demonstrations Course Assessment and Evaluation: Indirect Assessment Methods Direct Assessment Methods What C I E S E E To whom When/ Where (Frequency in the course) Max marks Evidence collected Contributing to Course Outcomes Internal assessment tests Thrice(Average of the best two will be computed) 30 Blue books 1,2,3 Multiple choice Questions test Once (Conducted for 20 marks and scaled down to 10 marks) 10 MCQ test cum answer sheets 1,2,4 Assignment Once 10 Assignment reports 3,4 Standard examination End of course (Answering 5 of 10 questions) 100 Answer scripts 1,2,3 Middle of the course - Feedback forms End of course - Question-naire Students Students feedback End of course survey Students - CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category 1 - Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Semester-End Examination Remember 20 10 10 10 2 Understand 20 20 10 20 3 Apply 20 30 20 30 4 Analyze 20 20 30 20 5 Evaluate 20 10 20 10 6 Create 00 10 10 10 77 BIOMEMS Subject Code: MLPE23 Prerequisite: Nil Course Coordinator(s): Mrs. Supriya Babu Credits: 3:0:0 Contact Hours: 42 Course objectives 1. Discuss the basics of MEMs and Microsystems and their fabrication techniques 2. Understand the working principles of miniaturization and the factors involved in the same 3. Interpret the concepts involved in the design of microfluidic systems 4. Highlight the applications of biomems in healthcare Course Contents UNIT I MEMS AND MICROSYSTEMS: Introduction: The History of MEMS Development, Future Trends, The Intrinsic Characteristics of MEMS, Devices: Sensors and Actuators Introduction to Microfabrication: Overview of Microfabrication, Essential Overview of Frequently Used Microfabrication Processes, Microelectronics Fabrication Process Flow, Packaging and Integration, New Materials and Fabrication Processes, Process Selection and Design UNIT II Basic Concepts Scaling Laws in Miniaturization: Introduction, Scaling in Geometry, Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics, Electrostatic forces, Electromagnetic Forces, Electricity, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer. Essential Electrical and Mechanical Concepts: Conductivity of Semiconductors, Crystal Planes and Orientations, Stress and Strain, Flexural Beam Bending Analysis under Simple Loading Conditions, Torsional Deflections, Intrinsic Stress, Dynamic System, Resonant Frequency, and Quality Factor, Active Tuning of Spring Constant and Resonant Frequency UNIT III Introduction to Sensing and Actuation: Electrostatic, Thermal, Piezoelectric, Piezoresistive, Magnetic UNIT IV MICROFLUIDIC SYSTEMS : Fluid dynamics, continuity equation, momentum equation, equation of motion, laminar flow in circular conduits, fluid flow in microconduits, in submicrometer and nanoscale. Microscale fluid, expression for liquid flow in a channel, fluid actuation methods, dielectriophoresis, microfluid dispenser, microneedle, micropumps-continuous flow system UNIT V APPLICATIONS OF BIOMEMS: CAD for MEMs, Drug delivery, micro total analysis systems (MicroTAS) detection and measurement methods, microsystem approaches to polymerase chain reaction (PCR), DNA hybridization, Lab-on-A-Chip Text Books: 1. 2. 3. Chang Liu, Foundations of MEMS, Second Edition, Pearson Education LTD.,2 ed,2011 Tai Ran Hsu , “MEMS and Microsystems design and manufacture”, TMH, New Delhi, 2002 Nitaigour Premchand Mahalik, “MEMS”, TMH, New Delhi, 2007 Course Delivery: Regular black board teaching, Power point presentation/ group discussion/ interaction Course outcomes: 1. 2. 3. Relate the basics of sensors MEMs to biomedical engineering. (POa, POc, POi, POl) Incorporate, comprehend and relate the principles of miniaturizations and microfluidic systems, (POb,POe,POh,POj) Interpret and analyze the various applications of BioMEMS. (POc,POk) 78 Assessment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course outcomes : What To Frequency whom Max Evidence Marks collected Course Outcomes Thrice (Average of Internal assessment Blue books the best two tests Direct Assessment Methods 30 1, 2 and 3 will be CIE computed) Once Surprise test Multiple Choice 10 1 and 2 answer scripts Students Once 10 Questions MCQ answer 2 and 3 scripts End of 100 course Standard SEE Surprise test (Answer any examination Answer scripts 1, 2 and 3 Feedback forms 1, 3 Delivery of the course Questionnaire 1& 2 , Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and Assessment methods 5 of 10 Middle of the Students feedback Methods Indirect Assessment questions) - course - Students End of End of course survey course CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Test 1 (30) Test 2 (30) Test 3 (30) Semester-End Examination (100) 1 Remember 30 20 10 20 2 Understand 30 20 20 20 3 Apply 20 30 30 20 4 Analyze 10 20 20 20 5 Evaluate 10 10 10 10 6 Create 0 0 10 10 79 BIOSENSORS Subject Code: MLPE24 Credits: 3:0:0 Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours: 42 Course Coordinator: Mrs. Supriya Babu, Mrs. Prabhu Ravikala Vittal Course objectives 1. Discuss the basics of various biosensors used in biomedical engineering technology and their fabrication techniques 2. Understand the working principles enzyme sensors and various enzyme electrodes 3. Highlight the applications of biosensors in healthcare UNIT – I Introduction: What is a Biosensor?, Classification of Biosensors Based on Type of Transduction, Classification of Biosensors Based on Biological Element, Three Generations of Biosensors, Chemical Sensors and other Sensors, Instrumentation, Future Directions in Biosensors (Micro and Nano Technologies), Immobilization and Types of Immobilization, Designing a Simple Biosensor Construction of Biosensors, Choice of Bioreceptor, Enzymes, Microorganisms, Tissue and Organelles, Immunoreceptors, Chemoreceptors, Choice of Transducer, Immobilization of Bioreceptors, Immobilization of Enzymes, Physical Entrapment, Immobilization by Cross-Linking, Electromagnetic Immobilization, Multienzymatic Immobilization, Immobilization of Cofactors, Immobilization of Mediators, Miniature Sensors, Immobilization of Microorganisms, Immobilization of Immunoagents, Immobilization of Compounds with Bioaffinity UNIT – II Enzyme Sensors: Principles of Operation, Theoretical Aspects, Response in the Transient State Response in the Steady State, First Order Kinetics, Zeroth Order Kinetics, Stability of Enzyme Sensors, Study of Enzymatic Inhibition, Practical Aspects, Response Time, Sensor Calibration, Parameters Affecting the response Potentiometric Enzyme Electrodes: Potentiometric Glucose Electrodes, Potentiometric Amino Acid Electrodes, Comparison of Potentiometric Enzyme Electrodes. UNIT – III Amperometric Enzyme Electrodes: Glucose Sensitive Electrodes, Measurement of Oxygen Partial Pressure, Use of Mediators, Direct Transfer of Electrons, Determination of Polysaccharides, Determination of Alcohols, Determination of Lactate, Determination of Amino Acids, Comparison of Amperometric Enzyme Electrodes. Multienzyme Electrodes Semiconductor Enzyme Sensor: MOSFET Sensors, ISFET Sensors, ENFET Sensors, Comparison between ENFET Sensors and Potentiometric Enzyme Sensors. UNIT – IV Optical Enzyme Sensors: Principles of Operation, Optical Sensors Based on Absorption, Optical Sensors Based on Fluorescence, Direct Measurement of Fluorescence, Measurement of Fluorescence Quenching, Competitive Bonding Optical Sensors Based on Bio/Chemiluminescence, Optical Fibers, Surface Plasmon Resonance based sensors. Thermal Enzyme Sensors: Principles of Thermal Enzyme Sensors, Construction of Thermal Enzyme Sensors, Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide, Determination of Glucose, Determination of Urea, Piezoelectric Enzyme Sensors, Principles, Construction of Piezoelectric Sensors UNIT - V Advanced Biosensor Techniques and applications: Magnetic Biosensor Techniques, Smart Hydrogel Materials, Micro- and Nanoelectromechanical Sensors, Polymer-Based Microsystem Techniques, Biosensors for Monitoring Metabolites in Clinical Medicine, Examples of Biosensors for the Measurement of Trace Medical Analytes, Biosensors for Neurological Disease, Nanobiolithography of Biochips Text Books: 1) Tran Minh Canh , Biosensors , , Chapman & Hall Publication 1993 edition, 2013 2) BANSI D. MALHOTRA and ANTHONY R. F. TURNER Advances in Biosensors edited , , JAI Press INC (Imprint of Elsevier Science) Reference Books: 1) Handbook of Biosensors and Biochips (2 Volume set) By Robert S. Marks, Christopher R. Lowe, David C. Cullen, Howard H. Weetall, Wiley (2007) 80 Course Delivery: Regular black board teaching, Power point presentation/ group discussion/ interaction Course outcomes: 1. Relate the basics of sensors to biomedical engineering. (POa, POc, POi, POl) 2. Incorporate, comprehend and relate the principles of enzyme based sensors and their working methods. (POb, POe, POh, POj) 3. Interpret and analyze the various applications of Biosensors.(POc, POk) Assessment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course outcomes : What To whom Direct Assessment Methods Internal assessment tests CIE Surprise test Multiple Choice Questions Indirect Assessment Methods SEE Frequency Max Marks Thrice (Average of the best two will be computed) Once 30 Students Once End of course (Answer any 5 of 10 questions) Middle of the course Standard examination Students feedback Students End of course survey End of course 10 10 Evidence collected Course Outcomes Blue books 1, 2 and 3 Surprise test answer scripts MCQ answer scripts 100 Answer scripts - Feedback forms - Questionnaire 1 and 2 2 and 3 1, 2 and 3 1, 3 Delivery of the course 1& 2 , Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and Assessment methods CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Test 1 (30) Test 2 (30) Test 3 (30) Semester-End Examination (100) 1 Remember 30 20 10 20 2 Understand 30 20 20 20 3 Apply 20 30 30 20 4 Analyze 10 20 20 20 5 Evaluate 10 10 10 10 6 Create 0 0 10 10 81 ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTATION Subject Code: MLPE25 Credits: 3:0:0 Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours: 42 Course Coordinator(s): Dr.P.G.Kumaravelu, Mrs. Prabha Ravi Course objectives 1. Discuss the basics of flame photometers and spectrophotometers used in healthcare applications 2. Understand the working principles of chromatography and thermo-analytical instruments and gas analyzers 3. Highlight the applications of various analytical instruments used in healthcare UNIT – I: BASIC COMPONENTS & FLAME PHOTOMETERS: Basic Components of analytical instruments, Classification: Spectral, electro analytical and separative methods, Theory and problems on Beer – Lamberts Law, Flame Photometry: Principle, constructional details, flue gases, atomizer, burner, optical system, recording system. Atomic absorption spectrophotometers: Theoretical concepts, instrumentation: hollow cathode lamps, burners and flames, plasma excitation sources, optical and electronic system UNIT – II SPECTROPHOTOMETERS :Types of Spectrophotometers: Single beam, direct reading, double beam instruments, microprocessor and high performance, dual wavelength, Flame emission and atomic absorption Spectrophotometer, Atomic emission Spectrophotometer, IR spectrophotometers: Basic components, types, sample handling techniques, Fourier Transform IR spectrophotometer, Calibration. Raman Spectrometer UNIT – III PHOTO, MASS & NMR SPECTROMETERS : Photoacoustic spectroscopy, Photothermal Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometer: Principle of Operation, Types, Components, Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometers, Trapped ion mass analyzer, Ion Cyclotron Resonance (ICR), Qudrapole ion trap, resolution, applications, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrometer: principle, types, constructional details. UNIT – IV CHROMATOGRAPHY & THERMO-ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS: Gas chromatography: basic parts, methods of measurements of peak areas, Liquid chromatography: Types: Column, thin layer, and paper partition, High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC): principle, constructional details, Amino-acid analyzers. Thermo-analytical methods, Thermogravimetric (TGA) analysis, Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA), Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Simultaneous Thermal and mass spectrometers. UNIT – V X-RAY SPECTROMETER, DISSOLVED COMPONENTS & GAS ANALYSERS: X-ray spectrometry: Instrumentation for X-ray spectrometry, X-ray diffractometer, X-ray absorption meter, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectrodensitometers, Microprocessor based densitometers, capillary & micro electrophoresis, Dissolved oxygen, hydrogen analyzers, Sodium analyzer, Silica analyzer and sampling systems. Industrial gas analyser: paramagnetic oxygen anlyser, magnetic wind instruments, IR gas analyzer, thermal conductivity analyser, CO monitor, NOX analyzer, H2S analyzer Textbooks: 1. Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Willard, Merritt, Dean, Settle, CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, Seventh edition. 2. Handbook of Analytical Instruments, R. S. Khandpur, Tata McGraw–Hill Publications, 3rd edition 3. Skoog, Holler, Nieman, “Principles of Instrumental Analysis”, Thomson books-cole publications, 5th edition. Reference books: 1. Galen W. Ewing, “Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis”, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Fifth edition. 1985 2. Robert D. Braun, “Introduction to Instrumental Analysis”, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1987 82 Course Delivery: Regular black board teaching, Power point presentation/ group discussion/ interaction Course outcomes: 1. Relate the basics of sensors to biomedical engineering. (POa, POc, POi, POl) 2. Incorporate, comprehend and relate the principles of enzyme based sensors and their working methods. (POb, POe, POh, POj) 3. Interpret and analyze the various applications of Biosensors.(POc, POk) Assessment and Evaluation vis-à-vis Course outcomes : What Direct Assessment Methods Frequency Thrice (Average of the best two will be computed) Internal assessment tests CIE Once Surprise test Max Marks Multiple Choice Questions SEE Standard examination Students feedback Evidence collected Course Outcomes Blue books 1, 2 and 3 30 10 Students Methods Indirect Assessment To whom Once 10 End of course (Answer any 5 of 10 questions) Middle of the course 100 Surprise test answer scripts MCQ answer scripts Answer scripts - Feedback forms Students End of course survey End of course Questionnaire 1 and 2 2 and 3 1, 2 and 3 1, 3 Delivery of the course 1& 2 , Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions and Assessment methods CIE and SEE evaluation S.No Bloom’s Category Test 1 (30) Test 2 (30) Test 3 (30) Semester-End Examination (100) 1 Remember 30 20 10 20 2 Understand 30 20 20 20 3 Apply 20 30 30 20 4 Analyze 10 20 20 20 5 Evaluate 10 10 10 10 6 Create 0 0 10 10 83