CRIMSON and WHITE Volume II, Number 7 Milne High School, JUNIOR STUD-F-^.J TR^V-^T •• "^^Rn ') " ;T-H -00K3 ^RiNG N Albany, N. Y., Friday, November 20, 1931 NEWS HOffi ROOM 324 WINS TAX-PAYING CONTEST WITH lOOfo P A M T S Student council av/ards tv/enty This v/eek is the national points for first room to pay book Y;eek v/hich is bein3 celsbrj-ted all over the world. Miss Betsey Keene, libr ri^.n for Milne High Three hundred thirty one school, vfants ever^'' student to travel v/itli books during this v/eek. students have paid their student tax from all the students in Milne High school® Alraost all of the In the High School library Junior High students have paid, there are many different assortbut ''almost" is not enough. It ments of books V7hich v/ill enable should be alll the students to take many interesting trips v/ith books. The History Home room 224 won the tv/enty books v/ill make it easier to work points v/hich the student council and also add much to the interest voted to av/ard to the home room of the study. v;hich v/as first in getting all the members paid one hundred per•'I am sure that if everyone cent. Home room 320 v/as next starts to travel with books during in the contest. No other rooms this v/eek, that the trip will be a had been reported one hundred permost successful one"', said Miss cent paid, as the paper went to Keene today in commenting on the presso Points will be awarded to work. the other rooms as they pay, in proportion to the time they pay Book v/eek is a national week after the v/inning room. founded in 1919 by the American Library Association as a Children's In paying the Student Tax, Book Vfeek. It'v/as later changed the student himself is benefited to a Book V/eek. as v/ell as the v/hole schools So Have you started your trip? everyone is urged to pay his tax as soon as possible. 3Ti;v:^TH GRiiDE H 3 SPECIAL JlOVIE; NINTH GR -DE STUDET'TS GOJ.tSNCi: FOREIGN CORREJPOI'DENCE One section of the seventh grade students sav/ a tv/o reel moving picture last V/ednesday. The" subject of the picture v/as coal, Mr, Jenkins, Jack Jenkins' father, arranged for the shov/ing of this picture. He also obtained a man to speak to the'students on the subject of coal. The students of the ninth grade have been considereing the beginning of a correspondence v/ith children and students^ in manj/- foreign countries. They think that this v/ill start a feeling of gcx>d v/ill and friendship betv/een the children of the various countries with v/hom they correspond, and that this v/illlhelp in carrying on the international purpose of peace and friendship among all the nations of the world. JUNIOR B-xSIvETBALL TE.U£ PREPiiRES FOR FIRST GAIVIE ON DECEIVER 5 The Junior High basketball team has been having regular practicres nov/ and the team is rapidly rounding into shape for the first game of the season v/hich v/ill be in the gyiTinasium of Page hall on December 5, The j^ellov/S v/ho are out for the team are: Richard Mastcrson, Willis Kuhn, Edv/ard Blocksidge, Frederick Carr, Douglas MacHarg, Martin, and Kiem. These have been given'suits are make up the first squad. Hov/ard Rosenstien is the manager for the juhior team. The dato for the games between the home rooms that challenged each other has not been decided 3''et, because room 124 has not definitely decided upon the team v/hich v/ill represent the room. (continued from proceeding cflil.) Volum€. was departing, told Peter thr.t afte: JL, asking Hin a lot of questions concot^ning Stefan^ he would have to g ATHTii BOARD 'go to war for the Tsar. That snme day a lady came running in saying Dorothy Hoornbcck Editor that had seen "the old man of the Bcrbarc Birchcnough woods" whom everyone hated. There Associate Editor came one day a certain mysteriLoo Minkin Associate Editor ous horseman v/hom noone knevz, but William Louonbcrc Sports Editor this other horseman came up to him Cr.rolyn Mntticc Footurc Editor and spoke to him. They both went Sora Kosslor Exchange Editor off to some dark street and aBi Willis Green, Circulation Mc.ncgur old house where there were five other men. The mysterious horseTHE STAFF man had a valuable package for Frcnces Lovitz, Martha Gordon, delivery. The brotherhood was a Soldon K n M s o n , Jean Graham, group of men carrying the crov/n Sponccr Kimball, Dunton Tynon, of Poland. Helen Gibson, Leslie Sipperley, Gertrude V/heeler, Frederick Carr, The blacksmith was one of V/alter Bates, Delia Call, Jame these men and was supposed to shov/ Bulger, Marion Cooper, Germaine the way to the house. The myster-> Keller, Wilbur Barnes, Leland ic»us man got through the gates Beik, Grover Fayles, Sheldon into the city without his passport, Bond, Ronald Kneller, Ruth r-zlann, Stehpc.n shov/ed him the Y/ay, and Peggy Kirchner, Ruth Campbell, then the soldiers arrested btehpan. Norma Kapv/ich, Marion Camp, Peter, a friend, Y/ent into the Mitchell Ford, Carolyn Hallenbeck building and freed them. Stephen and Ellen Haskins. and the charcoal b u r n e r d a u g h t e r escaped into the woods to the old temple where the other men of the brotherhood were waitings Every one v/as happily united, the old THE LOST AND FOUND man of the woods was restored to hi senses, and returned to his home in France. If you lose anything This book is in the High this year, all you have to do School library. Have you road it? is to write on a small pcbece of paper what you have lost and a brief description... of it. Then pat the piecd of paper an the TliE i5,UESTI0N BOX little box on the information desk in the lower corridor* Virginia Sopor, who QUESTION: »» Do you approve of givis in charge of the Lost and ing points in home room competFound box, will copy Lit he desition for paying of the students cription over on n uniform size tax"? sheet and will post it on the bulletin board. This makes our bulARTHUR THOMPSON: I think that this letin board look much neater would bu a very good idea becaus than it did last year when anyit would cause more children one could put up a notice of to pay their student tax. any kind or size. Also thismakes the notice easier to read. It is a very systematic agrnnor of PLBLEN T H N D A L L : I do approve of taking care of lost and found giving points toiMhome rooms for article. paying their taxes. CRIMSON AND Y/PIITIi; Junior News B O O K S ; Eric Kelley Writes Story of Poland,,> The name of thie book is "The Blacksmith of Vilno". The stary xms written by Eric P. Kelley and takes its setting in Poland about the year 1832. It is about Peter and his adopted son, St^jhan. Peter owned a blr.oksmithy in Vilna ijhxsvc some very exciting incidents took place. One day a man from the roayl palace of the Tsar came to the shop and wanted Peter to shoe his horse. Th© courtier wa told that he would have to wait. This made him angry and began to quarrel. He, rs he MITCHELL FORD: Yes, I do. It's making everyone pay their tax in a hurry* MARTI-Ii. GORDEN: I do think that the people who pay student tax shoul get points in homeroom competition» They have tried to ret it paid on time and should get some credit for it. LILLIAN ALLEN: Yes, I do. I think the student taxes will be prid very quickly* EDiraD HiiSKINS: I think they sh u l get points, If a student can pay and doesn 't it is different from having a good reason for not paying. Therefore the people who do pay should bu given credit. DRAIVlJlTIC CLUB TO CHOO&E PL..Y FOR PRi^SLNTATION (Home rooms continued) Vdun^-e IL/ Beginner*s dancing class learns fox trot and waltz-Dramatic Club to buy make-up kit. Homo Room 121 is considoring getting up a newspaper for themselves or all of the seventh grade. Grover Fayles and V/ilbur Barnes are planning it» The Dramatic Club has been talk in£- about plays. There are about 17 girls -in the club v/hich meets in room 130, Miss Longmuir is the sponsor. Each of the members who can is goine "to bring a play to the meeting. The class will choosb the play it likes best and will present it. If it turns out well when they give it in the room it may be given in the assembly. Home Room 320 wishes to correct the statement made in the last issue of the 224 Pencil. At least tv/o weeks ago room 320 acce|ited their challenge So play basketball. The Pencil stated that as yet they had received no challenge. Everyone is going to chip in and buy a mako-up kit. The Beginner's Dancing class is learning the fox trot and the v/altz. The members bring ten cunts to every other meeting to buy records and needles for the victrola. We hope that they v/ill all tmiin out to be good dancers. The Game-Giub-fe&e-feeen approved by the Student Council, Though only a few people have enrolled in the club they hope for more members soon. E O m ROOMS PLAN VARIED ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAl^IS Ncv/spapcrs, Student Council,business, parties and plays take interests of various rooms, On Monday Plome Room 224 has its newspaper. Tuesday they have library work. V/ednesday they have study period. Thursday is given over to business mooting. On Friday a program is given. As yet no plays have been given in this room. X^'^] During the past v/eek Home Room 123 has been rehearsing for a play, the name of which is, Ivir, Polly Wiggs, Glass Figures. Thelma Segal is the director and Lillian \7alk has the lead. The play will be given next Tuesday, November 24 during Home Room pel lou, Home Room 320 has no set sched ule but has a business meeting v/henever there is business to transect. They are planning to give a. program in the study hall v/here some of the girls will play the piano and a few boys will play harmonicas. They hhvo not finished the rest of the program and the date has not yet been set. Last Thursdry this room, 124, did some imitating. They imitated some of the teachers and pupils around lihe school. D o n H be surprised if you find yourself being imitated. One home room last year imitated movie actors and actresses. This room studies most of the time. One dry they havo entertainmett. I^xTIN CLUB HAS JvIEETING The Larin Club conducted a The program for Home Room 127 meeting last Thursday. They htid is: Mondcy, class meeting;Student an Armisticc Day program. They Council report; Tuesday, School plan to have a paper of their own. outline; Wednesday, study period It will be published once a month. to bring up clcss mark; Thursday, Last Thursday thoy also had a class meeting; Friday, program. The program last Fridcy was most- debate. It was on the questionThe Romans were more patriotic thrn ly riddles and jokes by members the Americans. The affirmative v/on. of the class. This home room must be congratulated for its fine work. It looks as though this club would have a good future. Home Room 129nihas been having its weekly program as follows: DEBPIATIC CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS Mondcy, report from Stuflent Council Tuesday, study peiiod; V'/ndnesdcy, The officers of the Drama.tic, business meeting; Thursdcy, study Club are: President,Christine period and Fridc^y, program. Bayreuther; vice-orcsident,Thelma Seigal; secretary,Lillian Walk; The girls of Home Room 135 are treasurer, Helen Anthony. still having hygiene tests given by Miss Hitchcock. Ti-e boys of The club has selected the colors, this room go to the library to of blue and silver. The club plans study. The ninth grade girls will to have pantomimes and to write soon do the s^me thing, plays. The director is Miss Succop. (continued in next column)