Classification of Bones Notes Name _____________________________ 3rd Period Classification of Bones By internal Tissues: A. Compact Bone – Dense, able to bear large amounts of weight B. Spongy Bone – Light, less dense Classification of Bones by Shape: Long Bones – Longer than they are wide Mostly compact bone Examples: Flat Bones - thin, flattened and usually curved Compact bone on the outside, spongy on the inside Examples: Sutural Bones - Are small, irregular bones Mostly spongy bone Examples: Irregular Bones - Have complex shapes Mostly compact bone Examples: Short Bones - Are small and thick Cube-shaped and mostly spongy bone Examples: Seasmoid Bone - Special type of short bone Mostly spongy bone Example: Directions: Name and classify (by shape) the below bones. Name: Name: Classification: Classification: Name: Name: Classification: Classification: Name: Name: Classification: Classification: Axial Skeleton Notes Name _____________________________ 3rd Period Axial Sekelton 80 Bones Segregated into three Regions 1. 2. 3. Verterbral Column Formed from _______________ irregular bones Cervical vertebrae 7 bones of the neck Thoracic vertebrae 12 bones of the torso Lumbar vertebrae 5 bones of the lower back Sacrum bone inferior to the lumbar vertebrae that articulates with the hip bones The first cervical vertebrae (C1) is called the ____________________________. The second cervical vertebrae (C2) is called the _________________________. The sacrum Consists of _____________fused vertebrae (S1-S5). The Coccyx is made up of four (in some cases three to five) fused vertebrae that articulate superiorly with the sacrum Bony Thorax (Rib Cage) • The thoracic cage is composed of: 1. thoracic vertebrae 2. ribs Functions – Forms a protective cage around the heart and lungs – Supports the shoulder girdles and upper limbs – Provides attachment for many neck, back, chest, and shoulder muscles Sternum A dagger-shaped, flat bone that lies in the anterior midline of the thorax Ribs • • There are ______________ pair of ribs forming the flaring sides of the thoracic cage All ribs attach posteriorly to the thoracic vertebrae Ribs 1-7 (true ribs) attach directly to the sternum via costal cartilages Ribs 8-10 (false ribs) attach indirectly to the sternum via costal cartilage Ribs 11-12 (floating) have no anterior attachment Terms to know: Anterior – Posterior - Appendicular Skeleton Notes Name _____________________________ 3rd Period Pectoral Girdle The pectoral girdles consist of the anterior clavicles and the posterior scapulae They attach the upper limbs to the axial skeleton in a manner that allows for maximum movement. Clavicle Are attachment points for numerous muscles Act as braces to hold the scapulae and arms out laterally away from the body