Intro to Violence


Intro to Violence


 Is the __________________ or actual use of physical force or power to harm another person or to damage property

 Could be result of ___________________ conflicts or could happen randomly

Interpersonal Violence

 Violence that ______________ between two or more people

 Examples include: ______________, fighting, assault, homicide, and robbery

 ______________- an action violates the law

Common Sense Rules for Personal Safety

 _____________ your feelings about people

 Tell parent/guardians, police if there is a person you believe to be ______________

 Trust your _________________ about the situation

 ________________ being “street smart” at all times

 Practice _________________________ strategies at all times

Causes of Violence:

 Causes include:

 _____________________ anger or frustration

 A need to ________________ others

 _______________ of prejudice against a particular group

 Retaliation or revenge for some past harm, whether real or ______________

Assault vs Homicide

 Assault is an ___________________ physical attack or threat of attack

 Could range from a _____________ threat to attacks that could cause life threating injuries

 Roughly ______________ of all assaults occur between people who know each other

 If the victim of an assault dies = __________________

Sexual Harassment vs Sexual Violence

 Harassment: _________________ sexual conduct, jokes, gestures, or physical contact

 Violence: unwelcome sexual contact directed at an _________________ which can include

 Sexual assault- ___________________________________against another person (more than 60,000 attacks a year in the US)

 Rape- _______________________________that takes place against a person’s will (300,000 females 93,000 males)

Date Rape and Acquaintance Rape

 Date Rape: occurs when one person in a ________________________________ in sexual intercourse

 *Most common form of rape*

 Acquaintance rape: the attacker is someone the victim knows



 Abuse in relationships can take several forms. Most common forms include:

 __________________________- pattern of intentionally causing bodily harm or injury to another person

 Sexual abuse- ___________________________________ that is forced upon a person against the person’s will.

 Emotional Abuse – pattern of attacking another person’s

_________________________________and sense of worth

Verbal Abuse- a form of emotional abuse. The use of words to mistreat or injure another person. Yelling, swearing, and making insults.
