200 Point Rubric for Activity OIC Presentation -Due one week after event Electronic copy Placed on G drive or emailed to sullivdd@npenn.org Must save file as last name-Activity OIC: Sullivan-Activity OIC VERBALNONVERBAL SKILLS EYE CONTACT/ BODY LANGUAGE/ POISE/ ELOCUTION/ ENTHUSIASM Holds attention of entire audience with the use of direct eye contact, seldom looking at notes. Movements seem fluid and help the audience visualize. Student displays relaxed, self-confident nature. Student uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members can hear presentation Demonstrates a strong, positive feeling about topic Content Power Point SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE: Student demonstrates extensive knowledge of activity event PLANNING Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A 20 Completed 0 Not Completed 40 Completed 0 Not Completed Total Create Work Breakdown Plan: phases, activities, tasks-Was there a sign up sheet w/specific jobs posted? Resource Procurement Plan: manpower, equipment, materials: how, when where did you attain resources?Was there transportation needs? Financial Plan: any costs? Did you coordinate needs w/$ OIC and Squires? QUALITY REVIEW PLAN & Did you meet your customer needs? Did you communicate periodically w/status? RISKS: Any foreseeable safety/financial risks? How were you going to handle these risks? Communication Plan: Did every stakeholder have a way to get and receive information? What method of communication did you use to ensure everyone was updated & informed? Did you use a sign-up sheet? Were parent/teacher permission forms accomplished? Did you generate a point paper (attach to slide if used) Execution Include successes and areas for improvement POST EVENT: COMMUNITY AWARENESS-announcements, NPTV, Reporter, Knight Krier, Accolade, Squires-website DOCUMENTATION: Synopsis of event-minimum of one paragraph forwarded to community PICTURES: Placed on "G" drive Were names of participants & times provided to Data System OIC? Total ____ 200