Paul E. Szarmach

1. Curriculum Vitae
Paul E. Szarmach
Executive Director and Editor of Speculum
Medieval Academy of America
104 Mount Auburn
Cambridge, MA 02138
A.B., Canisius College
A.M., Harvard University
Ph.D., Harvard University
Executive Director, The Medieval Academy of America and Editor Speculum
Emeritus Professor of English and Medieval Studies, Western Michigan
University [2007] and Director, Medieval Institute (from 1/95);
Acting Vice-Provost for Graduate Studies and Research (=Graduate Dean),
Member, SUNY Research Foundation Board of Directors
Director, Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, SUNY- Binghamton
Director, Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, SUNY- Binghamton
Professor of English and Medieval Studies, SUNY-Binghamton
Associate Professor, SUNY-Binghamton
Assistant Professor, SUNY-Binghamton
Instructor in English, U.S. Military Academy (concurrent with military service as
junior officer)
Teaching Fellow, Harvard University
Medal of Merit of Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan) [awarded 7 December]
Festschrift: Intertexts, ed. Virginia Blanton and Helene Scheck
Festschrift: Global Perspectives..., ed. N. H. Kaylor, Jr., and R. S. Nokes
Robert L. Kindrick CARA Award for Outstanding Service to Medieval Studies
Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America
Officer’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland
Distinguished Faculty Scholar, Western Michigan Univ.
Visiting Fellow, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, Michaelmas Term [=Fall]
Visiting Associate, Clare Hall, Univ. of Cambridge, Easter Term
(SUNY) Chancellor’s Award for Excellent in Teaching
NEH Division of Research Programs, “Retrospective Digital Editions of Print Editions Published by the
Medieval Academy 1925-2001,” Co-Principal Investigator with Jacqueline Brown, 2008-10 ($120,000)
_____ Supplemental Funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, 2008-10 ($28,825)
NEH Division of Research and Education, summer institute on “Dante’s Divine Comedy and the
Medieval World: Literature, History, Art;” PI Christopher Kleinhenz; Project Coordinator, Paul E.
Szarmach ($153,051)
NEH Division of Research and Education, summer institute on “Cathedral and Culture: Medieval York,”
June 18-July 13, 2007 ($ 175, 535) co-PI with Dee Dyas
NEH Division of Research and Education, Scholarly Editions Grant, for “A Digital Edition of Cambridge
Pembroke College MS 25,” co-PI with Thomas N. Hall 2006-2007 ($99,041); renewed 2007-08
NEH Division of Research and Education, summer seminar on “Holy Men and Holy Women,”July 3August 11, 2005 ($148,990) in collaboration with the Department of Anglo-Saxon Norse and Celtic and
the Parker Library, Univ. of Cambridge
NEH Division of Research and Education, summer institute on “Anglo-Saxon England,” July 5-August 13,
2004 ($183,272): held at Trinity College, Cambridge in collaboration with the Department of AngloSaxon, Norse and Celtic
Co-investigator with Robert Berkhofer (Principal Investigator) and Miranda Haddock (co-investigator):
“Canterbury and St. Denis: An Interdisciplinary Online Approach to Two Churches at the Intersection of
Medieval Culture,@ June 1, 2002-May 31, 2003 ($24,927 direct)
With T.C. Graham, NEH Division of Research and Education, summer seminar on “Anglo-Saxon
Manuscripts and Texts,” June 25-August 3, 2001 ($128,298); WMU and the British Library
Travel Grant from the Soros Foundation to support lectures at Eotvos Lorand Univ., Budapest, Hungary
and Peter Pasmany Univ., February 25-March 4, 2000 (ca. $1200)
NEH Division of Research and Education, summer institute on AAnglo-Saxon England,@ June 21-July 30,
1999 ($163,501): held at Western Michigan Univ.
With T.C. Graham, NEH Division of Research and Education, summer seminar on "Old English in Its
Manuscript Context," July 14-August 22, 1997 ($89,107); WMU and Parker Library, Cambridge England
NEH Division of Fellowships and Seminars, summer seminar on ''New and Old Approaches to Beowulf
and Old English Literature,'' June 19-July 28, 1995 ($76,189): held at Western Michigan Univ.
Study Visit, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), 1993 (3300 DM)
NEH Division of Research Programs, Grant for An Edition of Alcuin's De Ratione Animae, July 1, 1993
through December 31, 1994 ($49,000)
NEH Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton), 1993-94 ($26,000)
Mini-Grant for "SASLC: A Continuation," from Binghamton campus awards program, Summer 1993
NEH Division of Research Programs, Travel Grants for participation in "Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts in
Microfiche Facsimile," directed by A.N. Doane and P. Pulsiano, 1993-96 ($4000)
NEH Division of Fellowships and Seminars, Travel to Collections, "An Edition of Alcuin's Liber de
Virtutibus et Vitiis," Summer 1989 ($750); "An Edition of Alcuin's De Ratione Animae," Summer 1993
Mellon Fellowships for Research at the Vatican Film Library, St. Louis University, June 1992 ($320);
June 1979 ($630);
NEH Division of Education Programs, Grant for an Institute on Arthur of Avalon: Medieval and Modern,
June 27-August 5, 1988 ($119,024)
With committee, NEH Division of Research Programs, Grant for Sources of Anglo-Saxon Literary
Culture, 1987-89 ($147,913, with a $5000 gift/match authorized); NEH renewal, 1990-92 ($158,226)
NEH Division of Education Programs, Grant for an Institute on Anglo-Saxon England, June 24-August 2,
1985 ($93,682)
With R. Oggins and R. T. Morewedge, Grant for the CEMERS Microform Archive from the Vice
President's Curriculum Development Program, 1985 ($1,000)
NEH Division of Research Programs, Grant for a critical edition of Alcuin's Liber de Virtutibus et Vitiis,
1982-84 ($32,708); travel supplement, 1984 ($1,680)
With committee, NEH Division of Research Programs, Grant for a Symposium on the Sources of
Anglo-Saxon Culture, 1983 ($9,942)
Grant for the acquisition of microfilm for personal research from local Summer Faculty Research
Support Program, 1983 ($475)
Travel Grant from the American Philosophical Society, Summer 1982 ($1,340)
With H. C. Kaplan, G. L. Houghton,, NEH Division of Research, grant for a Catalog of Polish
Medieval Architecture, Architectural Sculpture, and Wall Paintings, 1982-84 ($45,000 outright;
$150,000 authorized)
Fellowship from the National Humanities Center, Fall, 1981 ($6,000); concurrent with Title F Research
Leave 1981-82
With H.C. Kaplan, Travel Grants to Poland from the International Research and Exchanges Board, 1980
($2,138) and also 1987 ($l,000)
With R. Oggins et. al., Grants for a Microform Archive: from Vice-President's Curriculum Development
Fund, 1980 ($1,000); from SUNY- Binghamton Foundation, 1980 ($525)
SUNY Research Foundation, Grant for a Conference on All-SUNY Programs in Medieval Studies, 1979
With Daniel Williman, NEH Program Grant for a B.A. in Medieval Studies, 1977-79 ($199,970)
Course Development Grant under NEH Program Grant, 1978 ($2,000)
Visiting Associate, Clare Hall, Cambridge University, Easter Term, 1978
SUNY Summer Research Fellowships: 1977 ($1,850); 1974 ($1,600); 1972 ($1,475); 1971 ($1,600);
With Bernard S. Levy, Conversations in the Disciplines Grant, 1975 ($2,000)
Study Fellowship from the Society for Religion in Higher Education, 1972-73 ($8,200)
Research Associate, Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1972-73
ed. Old English Prose in the series Basic Readings in Anglo-Saxon England 5 (New York and London:
Garland Publishing, 2000), xvii + 552 pp. [eleven classic reprints and five new articles]
coordinating ed., with Frederick M. Biggs , Thomas D. Hill, and E. Gordon Whatley, Sources of
Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture, vol. 1 (Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 2001), xlvi + 548
pp. [wrote Foreword]
gen. ed with M. T. Tavormina and J. T. Rosenthal and with editorial committee C. Karkov, P.
Lefferts, and E.P. McLachlan, Medieval England: An Encyclopedia (New York: Garland Publishing,
Inc., 1998), lxiv + 882 pp. [Named an Outstanding Reference Source for 1999 by Reference and User
Services Association (RUSA) of the American Library Association]
ed. with J. Rosenthal, The Preservation and Transmission of Anglo-Saxon Culture, Studies in
Medieval Culture 40 (1997), xx + 488 pp. [Proceedings of 1991 ISAS Conference]
ed. with intro., Holy Men and Holy Women: Old English Prose Saints' Lives and Their Contexts
(Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 1996), xvii + 390 pp.
ed. with D.G. Scragg, The Editing of Old English (Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell and Brewer,
1994), 317 pp.
ed. with F. Biggs, T. Hill, asst. K. Hammond, Sources of Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture: A Trial Version,
Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 74 (1990), xli + 256 pp.
ed. with introd. in collaboration with Bernard Rosenthal, Medievalism in American Culture,
Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 55 (1989), x + 301 pp.
ed. with Bernard Rosenthal, Medievalism in American Culture: Special Studies, Studies in
Medievalism, Conference Papers vol. 1 (1987), xiv + 131 pp.
ed. with introd., Studies in Earlier Old English Prose (Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 1986), 420 pp.
ed. with foreword asst. by V. Oggins, Sources of Anglo-Saxon Culture, Studies in Medieval Culture
20 (Kalamazoo, MI: The Medieval Institute, 1986), 457 pp.
ed. with introd., An Introduction to the Mediaeval Mystics of Europe (Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press,
1984), 369 pp.
critical ed. with introd. and notes, Vercelli Homilies IX-XXIII, Toronto Old English Series 5 (Toronto:
Toronto University Press, 1981), xxiii + 101 pp.
ed. with introd. in collaboration with Bernard S. Levy, The Alliterative Tradition in the Fourteenth
Century (Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1981), xv + 205 pp.
ed. with Bernard S. Levy, Mediaevalia 6 (1980 [1982]), Festschrift for Bernard F. Huppé, 356 pp.
ed. with introd., Aspects of Jewish Culture in the Middle Ages (Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 1978), xxii
+ 208 pp.
ed. with introd., in collaboration with Bernard F. Huppé, The Old English Homily and Its
Backgrounds (Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 1978), 267 pp.
ed. with introd., in collaboration with Bernard S. Levy, Acta 4: The Fourteenth Century (Binghamton,
N.Y.: CEMERS, 1977), 135 pp.
At Press:
ed. with Jana Schulman, “Beowulf at Kalamazoo,” TBP Medieval Institute Publications
Under Consideration:
ed. “Pearls of Christ: Studies in Holy Women of Anglo-Saxon England” [Collection of 12 essays by
various hands at Univ. of Toronto Press]
In Progress:
Editions of Alcuin's Liber de Virtutibus et Vitiis and De Ratione Animae, projected for Corpus
Christianorum, Continuatio Medievalis
With Nicole Gunther Discenza, ed., “Brill Companion to Alfred the Great;” my contribution is on the
Old English translation of Augustine’s Soliloquies
Periodicals and Series:
Editor, Old English Newsletter, 10 (1976)—29 (1996); Publisher, 30 (1996)—(2006)
Editor and Publisher, Old English Newsletter, Subsidia, (1978)—
With Christopher Kleinhenz, General Editor of "Garland Studies in Medieval Literature" (formerly
Garland Monographs) [series now ended]
General Editor, SUNY Press Medieval Studies (1987)—(2007)
Olim Member, Editorial Board: Mediaevalia, Studies in Short Fiction
With Carl T. Berkhout and Joseph B. Trahern, General Editor of "Basic Readings on Anglo-Saxon
England" [series ended 2002 as a publication of Garland and its successors]
General Editor, Mediaevalia, volumes 15-19
Ed. Speculum, vol. 81.4 (2006)—
Ed. in Chief, Oxford Bibliographies Online (2009)—
“Æðeldreda in the OE Bede,” in Poetry, Place and Gender: Studies in Medieval Culture in Honor of
Helen Damico. ed. Catherine Karkov (Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 2009), pp. 132-50
"Anglo-Saxon Texts in Search of the Beginning," Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of
Manchester, 88 (2006): 77-100 [2004 Toller Lecture]
“Thirty-One Meters,” in “Un tuo serto di fiori in man recando”: scritti in honore di Maria Amalia
d’Aronco, vol. 2, ed. Patrizia Lendinara (Udine: FORUM, 2008), pp. 409-25
“Vercelli Homily XIV and the Homiliary of Paul the Deacon,” Leeds Studies in English n.s. 37 (2006):
75-87 [Essays for Joyce Hill on her Sixtieth Birthday; ed. Mary Swan)
“Alfred’s Soliloquies in Cotton Tiberius A. iii (art. 9g fols 50v-51v),” in Latin Learning and English
Lore, ed. Katherine O’Brien O’Keeffe and Andy Orchard (Toronto, Buffalo. and London: Univ. of
Toronto Press, 2005) vol. 2, pp. 153-79
“‘The Poetic Turn of Mind’ of the Translator of the OE Bede,” in Anglo-Saxons: Studies Presented to
Cyril Roy Hart, ed. Simon Keynes and Alfred P. Smyth (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2005), pp. 54-68
“Ælfric Revises: the Lives of Martin and the Idea of the Author,” in Unlocking the Wordhord: AngloSaxon Studies in Memory of Edward B. Irving, Jr., ed. Mark Amodio and Katherine O’Brien O’Keeffe
(Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 2003), pp. 38-61
"Pembroke College, arts. 93-95," in Via Crucis: Essays on Early Medieval Sources and Ideas in
Memory of J.E. Cross, ed. Thomas N. Hall with assistance from Thomas D. Hill and Charles D. Wright
(Morgantown: West Virginia Univ. Press, 2002), pp. 295-325
“Editions of Alfred: the Wages of Un-Influence,” in Early Medieval English: Texts and
Interpretations: Studies Presented to Donald G. Scragg, Medieval and Renaissance Texts and
Studies 252 (Tempe, 2002), ed. Elaine Treharne and Susan Rosser, pp. 135-49
“The Timaeus in Old English,” in Lexis and Texts in Early English: Studies Presented to Jane Roberts,
ed. C.J. Kay and Louise M. Sylvester, Costerus n.s. 133 (Amsterdam and Atlanta: Editions Rodopi
b.v., 2001), pp. 255-67
"Alcuin, Alfred and the Soul," in Manuscript, Narrative, and Lexicon: Essays on Literary and Cultural
Transmission in Honor of Whitney F. Bolton, ed. Robert Boenig and Kathleen Davis (Lewisburg:
Bucknell Univ. Press, 2000) , pp. 127-48
“Ælfric and the Problem of Women,” in Essays on Anglo-Saxon and Related Themes in Memory of
Lynne Grundy, ed. Jane Roberts and Janet Nelson, King’s College London Medieval Studies 17
(London, 2000), pp. 571-90
“A Preface to Alcuin’s De Ratione Animae, Mainly Textual,” in ...The Man of Many devices, Who
Wandered Full Many Ways...: Festschrift in Honor of János M. Bak, ed. Balázs Nagy and Marcell
Sebök (Budapest: Central European University Press, 1999), pp. 397-408
“A Return to Cotton Tiberius A.iii, art. 24,” in Text and Gloss: Studies in Insular Language and
Literature Presented to Joseph Donovan Pheifer, ed. Helen Conrad-O'Briain, Anne Marie D'Arcy,
and V. John Scattergood (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 1999), pp. 166-81
"Abbot Ælfric and His Rhythmical Prose in the Computer Age," in New Approaches to Editing Old
English Verse, ed. Sarah Larratt Keefer and Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe (Cambridge: Boydell and
Brewer, 1998), pp. 95-108
"Æðelflæd: mise en page," in Words and Works: Essays in Honor of Professor Fred C. Robinson, ed.
N. Howe and P. Baker (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1998), pp. 105-26
“Anthem: Auden’s Cædmon’s Hymn,” in Medievalism in the Modern World: Essays in Honor of
Leslie Workman , ed. T. A. Shippey and R. Utz (Turnhout: Brepols, 1998), pp. 329-40
"The Recovery of Texts," in Reading Old English Texts, ed. Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe (Cambridge:
Cambridge Univ. Press, 1997), pp. 124-45
"Alfred, Boethius, and the Four Cardinal Virtues," in Alfred the Wise, ed. J. Roberts and
J. Nelson (Cambridge,: Boydell and Brewer, 1997), pp. 223-35
"St. Euphrosyne: Holy Transvestite," in Holy Men and Holy Women... (as above), pp. 353-65
"The (Sub-) Genre of the Battle of Maldon," The Battle of Maldon: Fiction and Fact, ed. J. Cooper
(London, 1993), pp. 43-61
"Visio Pacis: Jerusalem and Its Meanings," in Typology and English Medieval Literature, ed. H.
Keenan, Georgia State Literary Studies, 7 (1992), pp. 71-87
"Cotton Tiberius A.iii arts. 26 and 27," Words, Texts and Manuscripts: Studies in Anglo-Saxon
Culture Presented to Helmut Gneuss...," ed. Michael Korhammer, et al. (Woodbridge, 1992), pp. 2942
"Ælfric's Women Saints: Eugenia, in New Readings on Women in Old English Literature: A Collection
of Critical Articles, ed. H. Damico and A.H. Olsen (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University
Press, 1990), pp. 146-57
"Ælfric as Exegete: Approaches and Examples in the Study of the Sermones Catholici," for
Hermeneutics and Medieval Culture, ed. H. Damico and P. Gallacher (Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press,
1989), pp. 237-47.
"The Latin Tradition of Alcuin's Liber de Virtutibus et Vitiis, cap. xxvii-xxxv, with Special Reference to
Vercelli Homily XX," Mediaevalia 12 (1989 for 1986), 13-41
"Ælfric, the Prose Vision, and the Dream of the Rood," in Studies in Honour of René Derolez, ed. A.
M. Simon-Vandenbergen (Gent, 1987), pp. 592-602 [rpt in Old English Prose, as above]
"Another Old English Translation of Gregory the Great's Dialogues?" English Studies 62 (1981):
"A Preliminary Handlist of Manuscripts Containing Alcuin's Liber de Virtutibus et Vitiis,"
Manuscripta 25 (1981): 131-40
"The Meaning of Alfred's Preface to the Pastoral Care," Mediaevalia 6 (1980 [1982]): 57-86
"The Earlier Homily: De Parasceve," in Studies in Earlier Old English Prose (as above), pp. 381-99
"The Scribe of the Vercelli Book," Studia Neophilologica 51 (1979): 179-88
"The Vercelli Homilies: Style and Structure," in The Old English Homily and Its Backgrounds (as
above), pp. 241-67
"Anglo-Saxon Letters in the Eleventh Century," Acta 1 (1974): 1-14
"Revisions for Vercelli Homily XX," Mediaeval Studies 36 (1974): 493-94
"Vercelli Homily XX," Mediaeval Studies 35 (1973): 1-26
"Three Renderings of the Jonah Story: An Investigation of Narrative Technique in Old English
Homilies," Anglo-Saxon England 1 (1972): 183-92
"Caesarius of Arles and the Vercelli Homilies," Traditio 26 (1970): 315-23
At Press
“The Palimpsest and Old English Homiletic Composition,” in “Palimpsests: Writing, Erasure, and
Reinscription in Medieval England,” ed. Leo Carruthers, Raeleen Chai-Elsholz, and Tatjana Sielic
(TBP Ashgate)
“Ælfric’s Judith,” in “Old English Literature and the Old Testament.” ed. Michael Fox and Manish
Sharma (TBP Univ. of Toronto Press)
“Sweet’s Prose Beowulf,” in “Beowulf at Kalamazoo,” ed. Jana Schulman and Paul E. Szarmach
Notes, Shorter Articles, Reviews, Encyclopedia Entries etc.
“Saints and their Cults in Anglo-Saxon England, in The English Parish Church, ed. Dee Dyas, et al.,
(Christianity and Culture, 2010) [Interactive CD-Rom]
Review of Stephen A. Barney, et al., eds., The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, The Classical Bulletin
84 (2009): 166-68
Review of Patrick O’Neill, ed., King Alfred’s Old English Prose Translation of the First Fifty Psalms,
Speculum, 78 (2003): 239-41
Review of Birgit Ebersperger, Die angelsäschsischen Handschriften in den Pariser Bibliotheken,
Speculum, 77 (2002): 1283-84
Review of Clare A. Lees, Tradition and Belief: Religious Writing in Late Anglo-Saxon England, The
Journal of Religion, 82 (2002): 454-56
Review of Christopher A. Jones, Ælfric’s Letter to the Monks of Eynsham, Speculum 77 (2002): 200-1
Review of Mechthild Gretsch, The Intellectual Foundations of the English Benedictine Reform,
Speculum, 77 (2002): 537-39
“Meter 20: Context Bereft,” ANQ, 15 (2002): 28-34 [ = “Old English Issue: Textual Scholarship,”
guest ed. J.R. Hall]
with Larry Swain, review of David Burnley, Old English: A Multimedia History, TMR, 02.09.38
Review of Peter Clemoes, ed., Ælfric’s Catholic Homilies: The First Series. Text, Speculum 76 (2001):
Review of Bruce Mitchell and Fred C. Robinson, eds., Beowulf; An Edition with Relevant Shorter
Texts , Journal of English Linguistics, 29 (2001): 378-82
Review of Robert Bjork and John D. Niles, Beowulf: A Handbook, and George Jack, ed. Beowulf: A
Student Edition, JEGP 99 (2000): 440-42
And some 28 items through 1999.
Electronic Publishing
ed. Edmund of East Anglia [Stage One], website through Old English Online Editions, originally publ.
2003 at this site was taken
offline in February 2007; permission for onsite renewal sought from the Morgan Library
Other Professional Writing
“CARA: Mainly Yesterday, Some Tomorrow,” CARA Newsletter, 17 (2002): 1-6
"Arthurian Archaeology," in Approaches to Teaching the Arthurian Tradition, eds. Maureen C. Fries
and Jeanie Watson (New York, 1992), pp. 135-38
With H. C. Kaplan, Description of IREX Grant Proposal in A Casebook of Grant Proposals in the
Humanities, ed. William Coleman et al. (New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 1982), pp. 67-76
"Medieval Associations," in Medieval Studies in North America, ed. C. Kleinhenz and F. Gentry
(Kalamazoo, Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications, 1982), pp. 81-96
Description of the SUNY-Binghamton English Department's program in The Teaching Apprentice
Program in Language and Literature, ed. Joseph Gibaldi and James V. Mirollo (New York: Modern
Language Association, 1981), pp. 74-90
Medieval 500, The Book in Its Forms (F 97) [co-taught with Dr. Thomas Amos]
English 555, Chaucer (Sp 06)
Medieval 600, Advanced Old English (W 98)
Medieval 600, Alfred 1100 (W 99) [Newberry Library Consortium Course]
Medieval 600, Holy Men and Holy Women of Anglo-Saxon England (Sp 04) [Newberry Library
Consortium Course]
English 610, Beowulf (F 95); (Sp 03) [co-taught with Dr. Jana Schulman]
English 610, Malory and the Arthurian Tradition (F 96)
English 610, Medieval Literature Survey (F 98) [co-taught with Prof. Chauncey D. Wood]
English 621, Anglo-Saxon Women and Their Texts (W 00)
English 676, Old English (Sp 96, F 97, W 01)
AT SUNY-BINGHAMTON (new numbering eff. F 86)
Literature and Composition 101 and 102 (F 70, Sp 71)
English 130/230-W, Medieval Literature (Sp 71, F 73, Sp 84, Sp 93)
English 140/235, Chaucer (F 70, F 71, Sp 72, F 74, Sp 75, F 76, F 80, Sp 81, Sp 83, Sp 85, Sp 89)
English 170A/331, Old English Poetry (F 73, F 74, Sp 76, F 79, F 82, F 83, F 88)
English 182/453, Arthurian Myth (Sp 74, F 75, Sp 79, F 84, F88)
English 300, Introduction to the English Language (F 71, Sp 72)
English 310/510, Old English (F 73, F 74, F 79, F 82, F 83, F 88, F90, Sp 92)
English 311, Middle English (Sp 80)
English U-330B, Medieval Fiction (Sp 90)
English 535, Chaucer [grad course] (F 89)
English 550F, Beowulf [grad course] (Sp 91)
English 562A, Malory and the Arthurian Tradition [grad course] (F 91)
English 593E, Anglo-Saxon Women and Their Texts [grad course] (Sp 93)
Participant, Medieval Studies 295 (F 71, F 75)
Medieval Studies 195B, Northern Narrative (Sp 77)
Medieval Studies 195J, Anglo-Saxon Civilization (F 78)
Medieval Studies 195V, The Vikings (F 80)
Medieval Studies 195J, London in the Reign of Richard II (Sp 85)
Medieval Studies 495D/501C, Age of Chaucer (Sp 90)
Medieval Studies 50lH, Ælfric of Eynsham (Sp 92)
Conference Papers, Invited Lectures, and Panel Participations:
Plenary Speaker [one of two] at the Southeast Medieval Association 36th Annual Meeting,
November 19, 2010
Invited Lecturer at the Dept. für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Univ. München, 2010
June 7: “Medieval Studies in North America: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow”
June 8: “The Old English Boethius and the Vernacular”
Invited Lecture: "Daring Daughters and Happy Harlots," Univ. of Texas at Austin, February, 2007
(Invited ) Toller Lecture, Univ. of Manchester, 1 March 2004
“How to Get Published in a Journal” presentation as part of the Medieval and Early
Modern Association of Korea November 13, 2006 Meeting
“Alfred‟s Nero,” Annual Meeting of the Medieval Association of the Pacific, March 28, 2003;
expanded for the Oxford Boethius Seminar, July 24, 2003
“Chaucer and the „Art Vita‟: With Special Reference to the Second Nun‟s Tale,” Revisiting Chaucer
and Christianity , July 22, 2003
Panel Participant, “Globalization of Medieval Studies,” Annual International Congress of Medieval
Studies, Leeds, England, July 17, 2003
Keynote Speaker (one of two), “Revisiting the Style and Structure of the Vercelli Homilies,”
Workshop on the Vercelli Book, Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, University of Toronto,
September 14-15, 2002 [Andy Orchard, Convener]
Invited Speaker, “CARA: Yesterday and Tomorrow,” Fall Meeting of Centers and Regional
Associations [=CARA], October 4, 2002, Pennsylvania State University
A Featured Speaker at the Middle English Studies Association of Korea, Seoul Korea, November
2001 “Ælfric Revises: the Lives of Martin and the Idea of the Author” [as previous]
“Ælfric Revises: the Lives of Martin and the Idea of the Author,” biennial meeting of the
International Society of Anglo-Saxonists, Helsinki, August, 2001
Invited Speaker, Teachers of Old English in the British Isles [TOEBI] meeting at Nottingham Univ.
(F „00)
The Edward Moritz Jr. Lecture in English History, Kalamazoo College, February 24, 2000: “The
Disappearing Woman in Old English Literature”
And some 54 additional presentations before 1999
Organizing Professional Activities
(Selected major activities other than organizing conferences and congresses)
Ex-officio Member, Old English Division Executive Committee, Modern Language Association,
Member, Executive Committee of Centers and Regional Associations (sub-committee of the
Medieval Academy), 1980-83; Chairman, Sub-committee for CARA Visiting Professorship (developed
an NEH grant with Dumbarton Oaks for a Visiting Byzantinist, c. $82,000, 1984-86); Chairman of
CARA, 1987-93
Member, Advisory Board of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists (1983-); First Vice President
1988 and 1989; President 1990 and 1991
Principal Organizer, NRH-funded Symposium on the Sources of Anglo-Saxon Culture (nine sessions),
Eighteenth Congress, Western Michigan University, May, 1983; also a major organizer for the
Second (1984), Third (1985), Fourth (1986), Fifth (1987), Sixth (1988), Seventh (1989), Eighth (1990),
Ninth (1991), Tenth (1992), Eleventh (1993), Twelfth (1994), and Thirteenth (1995) Symposia
With Bernard Rosenthal, Co-Coordinator, 18th Annual CEMERS Conference, "Medievalism and
American Culture" 1984
A Principal Organizer, "Sources of Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture" (an international project in source
Member, "Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: A Register of Written Sources Used by Authors in Anglo-Saxon
England" (an international project to create research tools for study)
Member, Board of Stewards, Rossell Hope Robbins Library, Univ. of Rochester, 1989-2006
With Joel Rosenthal, Principal Organizer (as President) of the Fifth Meeting of the International
Society of Anglo-Saxonists, July 22-26, 1991, at SUNY Stony Brook
President and Trustee, International Boethius Society, 2002Member, Advisory Board, Medieval English Studies (Korea), 2002Member, Morton S. Cohen Award Selection Committee, Modern Language Association,
2002-05; Chair 2004-05
Member, Committee on Scholarly Editions, Modern Language Association, 2003-07; chair 2006-07
Member, Editorial Board, Studies in Literature in English (Adam Mickiewicz Univ., Poznan)
Reviewing and Consulting
a) Manuscripts and Proposals:
For presses: SUNY Press, Indiana Univ. Press, W.W. Norton, Princeton Univ. Press, Speculum
Anniversary Monographs, Allegorica, Assays, Mediaevalia, Speculum, Studies in Short Fiction, Style,
TEAMS, Allegorica, PMLA, Peter Lang Publishing, Oklahoma Univ. Press, Medieval and Renaissance
Texts and Studies (Binghamton and later Arizona State), Illinois Univ. Press, Edinburh Univ. Press,
Univ. of Florida Press; Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press; Univ. of Notre Dame Press
For competitions: NEH, various Divisions; Drexel University Research Scholars Awards Programs;
CUNY-PSC Research Award Program
b) Other:
Panelist, NEH Basic Research Program (February, 1984)
External Reviewer, Five-Year Program Review, Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto
External Examiner, Dissertations at the Univ. of Ottawa (1990), Univ. of Sydney (1990), Univ. of
Toronto (1998)
CARA Consultant on Medieval Studies Program at Univ. of Oregon (1991), Trinity University (1992)
Consultant, American Library Association traveling panel exhibition, ''The Many Realms of King
Arthur,” (1994- 97)
External Consultant on Medieval Studies Program, Central European University, Budapest (1995)
External Consultant on Interdisciplinary Programs, Purdue University (1997)
at Western Michigan University (since 1995)
Master's Thesis Committees
Chair, Completed Theses: Kevin Glick (1998); Amy Stout (1999); Joshua Westgard (1999);
Melodie Harris (2000)
Member, Completed Thesis: William Hamilton (1999)
Doctoral Committees
WMU: Chair, Rhonda McDaniel, “Male and Female He Created Them: Ælfric’s Lives of Saints
and Patristic Gender Theory” (August 2003)
Central European University: Chair, Ruta Šileikyte “King Alfred’s Boethius: The Reception of
Neoplatonic Thought in the Old English Philosophical Translation”
Wayne State University: Member, Richard Scott Nokes, “The Old English Charms and Their
Manuscript Context: British Library Royal 12 D. xvii and British Library Harley 585" (successfully
defended November 15, 2002)
at SUNY-Binghamton (since 1980)
University Committees:
Graduate School Academic Standards Committee, 1979-81; Chairman, 1983-84, 1984-85
Faculty Senate, 1982-84
Chairman, University Art Gallery Accession and De-accession Committee, 1984-85
Member, Graduate Council, 1983-85, 1988-90
Member, Graduate Council Budget Review Committee, 1988; Chairman, 1989-90
Faculty Member, GSO Travel and Research Fund Committee (1983-85)
Chairman, Local Screening Committee for Chancellor's Awards in Teaching, 1988-89
Chairman, President's Ad-Hoc Advisory Committee on WHRW (Spring, 1989)
Member, MSA Graduate Education and Research Committee, 1989-90
Member, Faculty Senate Executive Committee, 1990-92, and its Budget Review Committee
Departmental Committees:
Graduate Policies, 1979-81, 1991-93
Sub-committee on Graduate Admissions, 1979-81
Advisory Committee, 1982-84, 1988-90
Member: Junior Personnel Committee, 1975-94
Senior Personnel Committee, 1983-94
Secretary, Senior Personnel Committee, 1983-84
Departmental Offices:
Director of Instructional Training, Sp 1979-Sp 1981
Dissertations, Examinations, Guidance:
Guidance and Dissertation Committees:
Chairman, dissertation committee (three completed)
Member (various)
Co-Grader for area and specialization exams: 1979-80, F 84, F 88
1 December 2010