Sydney Bowden March 24, 2013 English 1050 Annotated Bibliography Where does society draw the line between freedom of expression in the media and professionalism in the media? Collier, Roger. “Professionalism: Social media mishaps.” Canadian Medial Association Journal 184. 12 (September 4, 2012): E627-8. Print Canadian author Roger Collier created the perfect journal as to how professionalism and media interaction conflict for people in several different professions. Here he talks about how the social interaction on social media displays a different person from what people see in person. He also goes on to add that the social media interaction can display a sense of embarrassment with the pictures that people post and the things that say. Collier uses examples how doctors or those that are studying to become doctors almost ruin their careers because of the way that they act on social media. His simple solution to this problem is that hospitals and group practices set guidelines for “online professionalism” for their employees. Munir, Faisal. “Professionalism in Media.” Pakistan Observer Newspaper XXI. 297 (August 29, 2010). Print Pakistani observer Faisal Munir talks about how those that are anchors on television are not just journalist, but also they are analyst. The media does set several expectations for how the professional faces of our media should carry themselves. Munir states that we need to set our own code of ethics as to what is acceptable within the media and what is not. To make sure that things stay professional and do not get out of hand he states that our journalist (anchors) are the supervisors of what is put out into the media because they have the voice. These people are to comment on the situation, which then begins the discussion within the media to realize whether or not what is put into the media, is not deviant or non-deviant. Williams, Lippincott. “The Relationship Status of Digital Media and Profesionalism: It’s Complicated.” Academic Medicine 84 (2009): 1479 – 1481. Print The misuse of social networking, blogging, and media sharing has created a major uproar in the professional field of medicine today. The digital divide between social networking and face-to-face contact has really drawn a line between those that are inspiring to develop a career and those who are their instructors. Violating the professional standards can cost someone their career at this point in society. This helps out my paper because I am concerned about where do professions draw the line between freedom of speech and professionalism. Within this journal we can see that different professions are developing rules and standards for what can be released from employees of these professions on social media. Greysen, S. R., Kind, T., and Chretien, K. C. “Online Professionalism and the Mirror of Social Media.” Journal of General Internal Medicine (2010): 1227- 9. Print Another argument that basically states that attempting to develop a career and have a social life through media interaction has several restrictions all in itself. Of course employers cannot tell you what to put on the social networks that you interact on, but they can draw a line between what is accepted and what is not. This publication interprets social media as a mirror. It can reflect the best and the worst aspects of content that everyone can view. Though it was posted to mean one thing those that are looking at it can interpret it to be something totally different.