Name:_____________________________________ Period:________ Date:_________________ Earth, Sun Moon Multiple Choice Write the letter of the correct answer on the line C Completion Fill in the line to complete each statement. at the left. 8. What phase must the Moon be in for a Solar Eclipse? ______New Moon______ . ______ 1. Earth’s spinning on its axis is called its a. revolution. b. orbit. c. rotation. d. cycle. 9. A tide with the smallest difference between low and high tides is called a ____Neap tide________. ______ 2. Which of the following events occurs once every 24 hours? a. Earth revolves around the sun. b. The moon rotates on its axis. c. The moon revolves around Earth. d. Earth rotates on its axis. 10. A lunar eclipse occurs only when the moon is in the__Full Moon_____ phase. ______ 3. Which of the following factors keeps the Earth in motion Determine whether each statement is true or false. If it is true, write true. If it is false, change the underlined word or words to make the statement true. around the sun? a. speed & gravity b. gravity & inertia volume. d. friction & gravity c. mass & ______ 4. When it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere, what season is it in the Southern Hemisphere? a. Winter b. Summer c. Spring d. Fall ______ 5. When are Earth’s tides the highest? a. During the new & full Moon. b. During the 1st & 3rd quarters. c. During the crescent phases. d. During the Gibbous phases. ______ 6. The darkest part of the moon’s shadow is the a. penumbra. b. umbra. c. solar eclipse. d. new moon. ______ 7. When the Moon goes from full to new ______ a. You see more of the lighted side. b. You see less of the lighted side. 11. Each of the two days of the year when neither hemisphere is tilted toward the sun is known as a(n)__equinox_________ . True or False F. Rotations __ 12. In one year, Earth completes 365 revolutions. ___F. New Moon____________ 13. A solar eclipse occurs during a full moon when Earth is directly between the moon and the sun. ___________T___________ 14. When the moon is in Earth’s umbra, you see a total lunar eclipse. ____F. Equinox_____________ 15. The day in March on which the sun is overhead at noon at the equator is called the solstice. 1 Name:_____________________________________ Period:________ Date:_________________ 16. Define Revolution, How long does it take for the earth to revolve 25. What once? Revolution is one object going around another object. It takes the Earth 365.25 days to revolve around the Sun. 17. Define rotation. What does it cause and how long does that last? Rotation is when an objects spins around its axis. The Earth takes 24 hours to rotate one time. 18. What two factors cause Earth to experiences seasons. The tilt of the Earth’s axis and where the Earth is in its orbit Around the Sun. 19. During the Full Moon, what is the effect on the tides, and what type of eclipse is possible? The Sun and Moon’s gravity pull together causing a spring tide, the Moon is also in position for a Lunar eclipse 20. Because the moon rotates and revolves at the same speed we never see what? The far side of the Moon. 2 Name:_____________________________________ Period:________ Date:_________________ Earth, Sun, Moon B G A. Full Moon B. New Moon E D C. Waning Gibbous D. Waxing Gibbous A E. First Quarter F. Third Quarter 21. Label the moon phases above with the proper letter. 22. Approximately how many days would pass between a new moon and full moon? About 2 weeks 23. Approximately how many days would pass between a new moon and new moon? About 4 weeks, 29.5 days C F H G. Waxing Crescent H. Waning Crescent 26. Inferring Where in the sky would the sun appear to an observer at each of the four positions on Earth shown in the diagram below. A._____Overhead (noon)___ B. _Sunrise in the East____ C. __Sunset in the west_ D. _No sun, nighttime___ 22. Drawing Conclusions What is the phase of the moon when it is in each of the positions shown? E. __3rd Quarter______ F. ___New Moon___ G. __1st Quarter_______ H. ______Full Moon_ 24. During which phase would be best to go sled riding in at night? Full Moon, it would be bright so you can see. 25. During which phase would be best to launch an attack? New Moon, it would be dark the enemy could not see you coming. 3 Name:_____________________________________ Period:________ Date:_________________ 27. Identify the eclipse occurring in the following figure, identify the moon phase, and identify the umbra and penumbra. Lunar Eclipse, Full Moon _____penumbra 32. Most places on Earth experience how many high and low tides? 2 high tides every 12.5 hours. Umbra D 28. Identify the eclipse occurring in the following figure, identify the moon phase, and identify the umbra and penumbra. Solar Eclipse, New Moon Penumbra A C Umbra 29. Describe an umbra and a penumbra. Umbra is the darker part of the shadow that produces a total eclipse. The Penumbra is the lighter part of the shadow that produces a partial eclipse. 30. Which are more common, lunar or solar eclipses? Why? Lunar eclipses are more common. The Earth’s shadow is larger, and everyone on the night side of the Earth can see a lunar eclipse if the weather allows. A solar eclipse only cuts a very thin path across the daytime side of the Earth. 31. What is a tide and what causes them? A tide is the regular rise and fall of ocean levels along a coast. The Moon’s gravity in conjunction with the Sun causes the levels to change as the Moon orbits the Earth. B 33. What is the name of the special tides that occur when the moon is in position A and C? What phases of the moon occur when the moon is in these positions? The Moon and Sun’s gravity pull together to produce the Spring tides during the New Moon and Full Moon phases. 34. 31. What is the name of the special tides that occur when the moon is in position B and D? What phases of the moon occur when the moon is in these positions? During the 2nd & 3rd Quarter Phases the Sun and the Moon’s gravity pull against each other causing the Neap Tides. Neap tide is a time when there is little difference between high and low tide. 4