Spring 2007 Winkle Tuesdays from 12:30 to 3:30 pm


UPP 543

Planning for Healthy Cities

Spring 2007


Tuesdays from 12:30 to 3:30 pm

Behavioral Sciences Building 119

Call Number 22645

4 hours cwinkle@uic.edu


229 CUPPA Hall, 412 S. Peoria St., Chicago, IL 606007

I am in the office nearly every day, with the occasional exception of

Fridays. For an appointment, call 312-996-5240 or walk-in if I am available.

The Planning profession has a taproot in the pubic health movement, which responded to epidemics and other health problems of the late 1800s by reshaping the city though building sewers and bringing light into tenements. By the mid 20 th

century, germ theory transformed health planning into efforts towards improvement of access to health care providers, particularly for the poor.

The Healthy Cities Movement of the past two decades has brought a renewed focus on urban ecology and shaping cities to improve health.

This course explores the changing role of health in planning, the ecology of risk in urban areas, prescriptions for healthy urban design, the needs of special populations in the city, community health planning, and an overview of some major policy issues affecting urban health.

The course is uses a seminar format. Students are responsible for participating actively in class (15%) and at least one formal debate (15%). Students write and present two term papers (35% each). The first paper is a review of literature on a topic of relevance to health. The second paper can be another literature review on a different topic, or a review of a plan or policy related to the first paper. For example the first paper may be on the relationship between bicycle paths and health outcomes, while the second analyzes the bicycle plan of a particular city or compares alternative approaches to providing bicycle paths. Each paper should be approximately 10 to 15 pages in length. The first paper is due March

6 and presented on either March 6 or 13. The second paper is due May 1 and presented on either May 1 or 8.


The debate format is as follows:

10 minutes for whoever supports the statement

10 minutes for whoever opposes the statement

2 minute rebuttal by whoever supports the statement

2 minute rebuttal by whoever opposes the statement

• Open discussion in class.

Examples of Debate Topics:

1. Smoking should be banned in public spaces

2. Gentrification is good for health

3. The New Urbanism is healthy urbanism

4. Food should be locally grown

5. Ethanol is good for public health

6. Physical Education should be mandated in K-12

7. Space improves health

8. Low density housing is good for health

9. Public schools should screen students for mental health.

10. Prevention is more important than treatment in HIV/AIDS

11. It is most cost-effective to place special populations in 24-hour care

12. There should be universal health care

Required Texts include the following:

Frumkin, Howard; Lawrence Frank and Richard Jackson. Urban Sprawl and Public Health: Designing, Planning and Building for Healthy

Communities. Island Press, 2004.

Fitzpatrick, Unhealthy Places: The Ecology of

Risk in the Urban Landscape. Routledge, 2000.

Lee, Philip and Carroll Estes. The Nation’s Health . Jones and Bartlett,

2003 (7 th


Morris, strategies to Create Healthy Places.

American Planning Association,

Planning Advisory Service, 2006.

Recommended: Sze, Julie.

Noxious New York: The Racial Politics of

Urban Health and Environmental Justice . MIT Press, 2007.


Topic Outline and Readings

1) January 16: History of Health and Planning a) Readings: i) Frumkin 3: The Evolution of Urban Health ii) Peterson, Jon. Sanitary Reform Movement and Urban Planning 1840-

1890. Journal of Social History 13, 1 (Fall 1979). iii) Lee 5: Public Health and Community Problem Solving Article 1:

Achievements in Public Health, 1900-1999: Changes in the Public

Health System iv) Morris 1: Planning and Public Health Reunited: Exploring Shared

Objectives and Opportunities for Collaboration

2) January 23: Health and Place I a) Debate: Food should be locally gown . Pro: David Morley, Con: Andrew

Greenlee b) Readings: i) Fitzpatrick 1: The Importance of Place ii) Fitzpatrick 2: Humans as Spatial Animals iii) Fitzpatrick 3: The Ecology of Everyday Urban Life iv) Lee 2: Determinants of Health

(1) Article 1: McKewon and the Idea that Social Conditions are

Fundamental Causes of Disease.

(2) Article 2: The Influence of Income on Health: Views of an

Epidemiologist. Marmot

3) January 30: Health and Place II a) Debate: Gentrification improves health . Pro: Erica Stiner, Con: Alma

Rodriguez. b) Readings: i) Fitzpatrick 4: The Sociology of Health ii) Fitzpatrick 5: Cities as Mosaics of Risk and Protection iii) Fitzpatrick 8: The Ecology of Health Promotion and Service Delivery iv) Lee 2: Determinants of Health Article 3: Socioeconomic Status and

Health: The Potential Role of the Environment.


4) February 6: Environmental Health a) Debate: Community Health Workers Should Play a Larger Role in the

Health Care System. Pro: Sharon, Con: Glenda. b) Readings: i) Frumkin 1: What is Sprawl? What does it have to Do with Health? ii) Frumkin 2: The Origins of Sprawl Frumkin 4: Air Quality iii) Frumkin 7: Water Quantity and Quality iv) Sze, Julie.

Chapter 2: “New York City Environmental Justice

Campaigns: Stigma, Blight, and the Politics of Race and Pollution,”” in

Noxious New York: The Racial Politics of Urban Health and

Environmental Justice . MIT Press, 2007. v) Sze, Julie.

Chapter 3: “Childhood Asthma in New York City: The

Politics of Gender, Race and Recognition,” in Noxious New York: The

Racial Politics of Urban Health and Environmental Justice . MIT Press,


5) February 13: Physical Activity and Healthy Transportation a) Debate: Requiring developers to include public space in their developments can improve health . Pro: Andrew Greenlee, Con: Katie b) Readings i) Frumkin 5: Physical Activity, Sprawl and Health ii) Frumkin 11: From Urban Sprawl to Health iii) Frumkin 6: Injuries and Deaths from Traffic iv) Frank 7: Transportation Systems v) Burden, Dan, “Street Design for Healthy Neighborhoods”

Transportation Research Board, 2000 http://gulliver.trb.org/publications/circulars/ec019/Ec019_b1.pdf

6) February 20: Social and Mental Health a) Debate: Spatial planning should be done without regard to race and class in order to improve health . Pro: Curt Winkle, Con: Sharon Jenkins b) Readings i) Frumkin 8: Mental Health ii) Frumkin 9: Social Capital, Sprawl and Health iii) Klinenberg Prologue : The Urban Inferno iv) Klinenberg Introduction : The City of Extremes v) Klinenberg 1 : Dying Alone: The Social Production of Isolation


vi) Klinenberg 2: Race, Place and Vulnerability: Urban Neighborhoods and the Ecology of Support

7) February 27: Planning Process for a Healthy City I a) Debate: Participatory Planning improves health . b) Readings: i) Change this to description of healthy cities Healthy Cities and the city planning process [pdf, 208KB] World Health Organization, 2003. ii) Morris 2: Five Strategic Points of Intervention and Collaboration

Between Planning and Public Health iii) Morris 3: Issues in Public Health: Where Planning Plays a Role iv) Morris 5: Tools for Planning and Public Health Collaboration

8) March 6: Student Paper Presentations. All Papers Due

9) March 13: Student Paper Presentation

10) March 20: Planning Process for a Healthy City II a) Debate: Are bicyclists should be required to wear helmets b) Readings: i) Morris 6: Health Impact Assessment ii) Morris 7: Case Studies of Successful Planning and Public Health

Collaboration iii) Lessons Learned: Promoting Physical Activity at the Community Level

Robert Woods Johnson Foundation. 2005. http://www.rwjf.org/files/publications/LessonsLearned_PhysicalActivity


iv) Recommended: Sze, Julie.

Chapter 6: “The Promise and the Peril or,

Can Community-Based Environmental Justice Initiatives Reintegrate

Planning and Public Health in the Urban Environment” in Noxious New

York: The Racial Politics of Urban Health and Environmental Justice .

MIT Press, 2007.

11) March 27. Spring Break

12) April 3: Special Populations a) Debate: The Professions of Urban Planning and Public Health should merge.


b) Readings: i) Frumkin 10: Health Concerns of Special Populations ii) Fitzpatrick 6: Special Populations in the City: Needs and Risks of the

Socially Disadvantaged iii) Fitzpatrick 7: Special Populations in the City: Needs and Risks of the

Young and Old iv) Morris 4: Universal Design: Community Design, Public Health and

People with Disabilities

13) April 10: Health Policy a) Debate: Trans-fats should be banned in restaurants . Pro: David Morley,

Con: Katie Tully b) Readings: i) Lee 3: Health Policy: Theories, Models and Concepts

(1) Article 1 : The Process of Public Policymaking: A conceptual Model.

(2) Article 2: The Study of Public Policy Processes.

(3) Article 3: Policy Change over a Decade or More. ii) Lee 4: Health Policy: The Politics of Health

(1) Article 1: From Trust to Political Power: Interest Groups, Public

Choice, and Health Care

(2) Article 2: Health Care and Heath Care Policy in a Changing World

(3) Article 3: The Politics of Long-Term Care Reform under the Clinton

Health Plan: Lessons for the Future

14) April 17: The Health Care System I a) Debate : Health Impact Assessments should be mandated for all large development projects. b) Readings: i) Lee 5: Public Health and Community Problem Solving

(1) Article 2: Broadening Participation in Community Problem Solving:

A Multidisciplinary Model to Support Collaborative Practice. ii) Lee 6: Coordinating an Effective Public Health Response

(1) Article 1: Responding to Chemical, Biological, or Nuclear Terrorism:

The Indirect and Long-Term Health Effects May Present the

Greatest Challenge

(2) Article 2: Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response: Clinicians and

Public Health Agencies as Essential Partners

(3) Article 3: Bioterrorism Law and Policy: Critical Choices in Public


(4) Article 4: Bioterrorism Law, Public Health, and Civil Liberties


15) April 24: The Health Care System II

Debate: Adolescents should be allowed to receive care in a school-based clinic without parental consent.

Pro: Erica Stiner, Con: Sharon Jenkins a) Readings: i) Lee 7: Health Care, Health Insurance, and Health Care Organization

(1) Article 1: Who Gets Health Care?

(2) Article 2: The Health Care System: On a Road to Nowhere?

(3) Article 3: Health Insurance Coverage: 2000

(4) Article 4: Managed Care in Transition ii) Lee 8: Health Care Financing: Medicare, Medicaid, and The States

Children’s Health Insurance Program

(1) Article 1: Medicare

(2) Article 3: Medicaid

16) May 1: Presentation of Papers (Papers Due)

17) May 8: Finals Week-- Presentation of Papers

Some Useful Web sites:

Healthy Urban Planning, World Health Organization http://www.euro.who.int/healthy-cities/UHT/20050201_2

Transportation and Health, World Health Organization http://www.euro.who.int/eprise/main/who/progs/trt/home http://www.rwjf.org/publications/otherlist.jsp

Robert Woods Johnson Foundation


International Healthy Cities Foundation http://www.healthycities.org/

