A GLIMPSE OF OUR EVENTS FOR THE YEAR 2014-15 22 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL OUR 2014-15 JOURNEY Overall planning Medha Anand - President Vaibhav Vishal- Vice President Smit Lath- Vice President Nikhil Maheshwari-Secretary Web & Creative and Corporate Relations Mukul Shukla – President Nikhil P Kulkarni- Vice President Akshay Kaliyanpur- Vice President Dheeraj- Vice President Aditya Kalyani- Secretary Manmohan-Secretary Project based learning Kundan Jaiswal – President Praneet Kaur- Vice President Praneeth K V-Secretary Marketing and Finance and Sponsorship Rachit Goel – President Bharath M V- Vice President Jayasheel R- Vice President Ajit Idagal-Secretary 23 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL Documentation Ankita Mallya– President Megha S- Vice President Akshay S A –Secretary Events(Seminars) Ayushi Pandey – President Radhika bajoria- Vice President Ravi Kiran-Secretary Events(competition) Vimal Singh – President Nishank Kukreja- Vice President Ijazzudin-Secretary Events(Workshops) Amish Chandra – President Harish - Vice President Sandeep Pillai -Secretary Public relations Nidhi Verma – President Vivek Tiwari- Vice President Tanmay bhargava –Secretary EDC Orientation 2014-15 The orientation program started with the introduction to EDC and its activities as a club of MSRIT. The attendees where told about their role at EDC if volunteered to join the club and clearly explained what entrepreneurship actually means.A short video of the activities done by EDC last year was shown to the energetic crowd. Lingaraju sir spoke about project based learning and briefed why EDC was established. He motivated the students to join EDC. The students were given forms to write down their entrepreneur innovative ideas. Kundan, the head of project based learning, briefed about EDC’s event calendar for the year 2014-2015. He spoke about the different types of events such as competitions, seminars and workshops conducted by EDC and made sure the students understand that EDC takes all steps to develop their soft skills and leadership qualities. Later the president of EDC miss Medha introduced the team EDC-14. To make it more interactive, the team had planned for few ice breaking sessions, quiz and sell the product round. The responses were more then expectations. 24 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL by EDC in the academic year 2014-15 and was an inter club quiz competition. It was attended by nearly 300+ students and was a successful event. 6TH SEPTEMBER 2014 EDC in the academic year 2014-15 and was an inter club quiz competition. The event began with vice president Harish’s welcoming speech about the event and a brief inroduction to importance and functions of EDC. The quiz consisted of 4 rounds, with eliminations in each round. The questions were pertaining to current businesses affairs and important business events in the past. The quiz masters of the event were vicepresidents Vaibhav and Radhika Bajoria. The duo chose 50 people out of 120 people round was a businesses round where the contestants were asked a few abbreviations and the CEO’s of some important organizations. Out of 50 contestants 21 were 25 To entertain the crowd vice-president Harish performed jaw dropping free style football stunts. The shortlisted 21 contestants were divided into 7 teams with 3 contestents in each team. Round 3 was an audio-visual round. At the end of round 3 only 4 teams remained and three winning teams. with the most points or scores were declared as the winners of EDC b-quiz 2014. ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL BUSINESS QUIZ Group Discussion Event was organized in order to incubate speaking qualities in our EDC Volunteers and also as a part of activities towards national entrepreneurship challenge. Venue was our EDC Incubation Centre. 16TH SEPTEMBER 2014 About the Event The event started with a welcome note by President Medha Anand. Rules were announced by our web and creative media head Akshay Kallianpur. About 70 people turned up for the event and each group had 6 people and every group discussed one topic. About 25 people were shortlisted for the nal round of group discussion. 1.16 October 2014 2. EDC incubation centre from previous group discussion round. Around 15 people turned up for the event and discussed following topics: 1. If you are not the part of a solution then you are part of the problem 2. Do you believe in bullet for a bullet? Justify. The winners were picked by our members on grounds of topic presentation, vocabulary and points presented. The nal round of the group discussion event was held on 16th October 2014. The participants were the winners 26 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL group discussion 2014 PC ASSEMBLY & TROUBLESHOOTING WORKSHOP The event was organised as a combined effort of EDC/CATCE, MSRIT and the Department of Information Science And Engineering on 31st of October 2014. The event had Mohana Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Science and Engineering, MSRIT as the main speaker and was supported by his colleague, Prashant Kambli, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Science and Engineering.The proceedings started in the ISE lab 1, with the Head of the Department of ISE, Dr Vijay Kumar B.P. greeting the students and volunteers and giving them a small introduction on the workshop. It was followed by the valuable words from Dr.G.M.Lingaraju, Coordinator-EDC, and Professor, Department of ISE, who appreciated the efforts of EDC in conducting the event with a huge turnout of over 50 students. The workshop started with Mohana Kumar giving a brief introduction about the PC hardware systems which included the live demonstrations of motherboard, Mobile motherboard, CPU and a few electrical circuits. He explained the dependency of the computer on the most complicated and the most expensive part of the system, the mother board unit. At the end of the day, the students were imparted knowledge regarding the day to day issues that are faced while handling the PC and how to troubleshoot them. The recent technologies of Android phones and Tablets were also used as examples for live demonstration, so that the students found it more relevant. The event was attended by students of various departments and different semesters. The 3 Hour session turned out to be really useful to the participants. The presentation shown during the workshop had answers to many of the doubts which students got cleared at a later point of time. 27 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL 3rd November 2014 NEN- TATA FIRST DOT RALLY EDC MSRIT organized a publicity bike rally for NEN-Tata First dot ,a student startup platform on 3rd November 2014.The competition is scheduled to be held in February in Bangalore. ABOUT THE EVENT The rally entered the college premises at around 1.30 p.m. and went on for 30 minutes. They got the posters of the Tata rst dot competetion and publicized by sticking the posters 28 around the college. They went around the college holding the poster and gained the attention of all students in the college. All these things happened only during lunch break not disturbing any classes. EDC MSRIT also encouraged them in all the aspects supporting by publicizing with them around the college. They also interacted with college students and encouraged ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL them to participate in the competition. The rally got a good reception from crowd. The event was successful in creating a buzz about the competition. 10th November 2014 INNOVATE 101 A talk on Innovation and the Implementation of the ideas by Mr. Adithya Pasupuleti, founder of “Innovate 101“. Mr. Adithya Pasupuleti, founder of “Innovate 101” is an alumnus of MSRIT. He started “Little Seva” at MSRIT which helps poor and needy kids. His entrepreneurial journey started here. He has trained over 500+ students and aspiring entrepreneurs. Currently he is working on vaccine box and its quick availability along with his team. He began with 3 magic I’s i.e. IDENTIFY, INVENT and IMPLEMENT, a technique 29 followed by Stanford Biotech. For any startup to be successful, one should observe and identify the problems around and design a strategy for which people are willing to pay. The speaker expressed his concern that many aspiring entrepreneurs complete Implementation. He stressed on the fact that “an idea will remain as an idea until it’s brought into reality followed by action”. ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL He requested the inspired crowd to start a series of lectures under “Innovate MSRIT”, which received a huge response from the crowd. He also motivated the attendees to come up with a new idea and start their entrepreneurial journey. This event organised by the EDC/CATCE gained more popularity among the students who aspired to start their Entrepreneurial journey through EDC. CERTIFIED WHITE HAT HACKER LEVEL 1 The level 1 of certied hacking workshop organised by EDC/CATCE showed various techniques in hacking in different platforms and using different various OS’s. It also aimed in spreading awareness and preventive methods. The workshop began with 56 people registering and participating in the event. The speaker began by telling participants the different types of hacking prevalent today and distinguishing them. Gathering information is very critical for a hacker so a sound knowledge of various sources used in hacking is very important. Critical Information about the victim is easily available in social media, emails and phone tapping. So to protect oneself from being a victim of hacking precautions must be exercised by everybody to not leak out any critical information in public. The speaker also taught participants the ways of using different software tools used in hacking. The speaker gave an in-depth presentation on creating a false prole in a malware website and luring a victim into it. The next topic is how people respond to the mails which declare them as winners of prize money and get cheated by hackers by providing the bank details to them. He suggested the participants to ignore such emails and asked everybody to spread awareness in the society so that hacking will be constructive to the society. 30 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL women’s day 2015 Women’s Day was celebrated in the premises of M.S.Ramaiah Institute Of Technology which was organised by the Entrepreneurship Development Cell in association with Dept. of Information Science & Engineering. Women’s Day was celebrated in our College on 14th March 2015. The programme was arranged by Women IEEE along with Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC). The function was graced by the presence of Guest of Honour Shri S.M.Acharya, Chief Executive of Gokula Education Foundation and was presided by Principal, Dr. S.Y.Kulkarni . Students participated in in various competitions namely Logo Design, ‘without exhibition in which girl students of MSRIT displayed their handicraft articles. The chief guests for the programme Ms.Bhuvana Suresh, Chairperson, Research & Resource Centre & ISO, Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Karnataka (AWAKE) and AdWords spoke on ‘Women Empowerment’. 31 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL Entrepreneurship & Intrapreneurship Development Programme Entrepreneurship and Intrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) This programme is one of the different event among the events of EDC-MSRIT. This was the faculty training programme for the teaching staffs of the MSRIT and the faculties of the other college’s as-well. In this programme entrepreneurship awareness among the faculty was the main motto thereby getting awareness among the students through teachers. It’s an initiative programme by EDCMSRIT to encourage other college faculty to start E-cell in their respective colleges. college across bangalore and other places nearby. The Entrepreneurship Development Cell was proud to host such an event which turned out to be a successful event. The event was attended by many faculties and college representatives of various different 32 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL FEB 14 TO FEB 21 2014 A WEEK LONG EXTRAVAGANZA 33 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL NEN E-WEEK 2014-15 14TH FEBRUARY 2015 E-WEEK is a national level competition held every year , conducted by NATIONAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP NETWORK (NEN). Entrepreneurship development cell of MSRIT also celebrated this entrepreneur week from 14th February to 21st February 2015. The event aimed to create and spread awareness among students and general public regarding entrepreneurship and various other social issues keeping “CREATING JOBS FOR MILLIONS” as the theme ,to identify the potential in students (colleges and schools) and provide them the platform where their entrepreneurial skills could be amply showcased. Day 1: E-WEEK celebrations was officially Competitions such as art wreck (painting), biz quiz and tap the scrap were held on this day. Fun games like Pictionary and Tug of war helped spread joy and happiness. ceremony was inaugurated by Dr Pallab Talukdaar who was the former Chief Executive officer at Fujitstu Technology Solutions. Dignitaries Mr S M Acharya, our principal Dr S. Y. Kulkarni, EDC coordinator Dr Lingaraju G.M also graced the occasion. 34 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL E-WEEK DAY 1 35 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL 15TH FEBRUARY 2015 Our E-Week volunteers spread the message of sustainable environment and showcased various steps to mitigate our surroundings and surveyed the general public regarding entrepreneurship. We received overwhelming response from the energetic and enthusiastic citizens of Bengaluru which marked the end of day 2. E-WEEK DAY 2 36 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL 37 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL 16TH FEBRUARY 2015 The 3rd day of E-WEEK was a big success. Speakers from various elds such as U-25 startup summit and career guidance specialists from Byju’s classes shared their knowledge. Our agship Rs 50 event had a lot of participants. The teams attracted the crowd with their innovative ideas and earned a lot of money. Simultaneously there was paper presentation competition that tested the creative skills of the smart students of MSRIT. E-WEEK DAY 3 38 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL 39 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL 17TH FEBRUARY 2015 The 4th day of the E-WEEK attracted a large group of public towards “Walkathon”, a rally to promote and support entrepreneurship. The rally was from MSRIT campus to Sankey tank. E-WEEK DAY 4 40 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL 18TH FEBRUARY 2015 5th day of E-WEEK attracted a lot of enthusiastic students and staff of MSRIT, very interesting events like “Personality”, “Evolve” , “JAM” and others fun events were held. E-WEEK DAY 5 41 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL 19TH FEBRUARY 2015 This was the day where Entrepreneurs got their chance to exhibit their talent through “Case Study”. Here the students were given a case and were asked to make a suitable brief business plan or a solution to the problem/case. E-WEEK DAY 6 42 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL 43 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL EDC MSRIT WINS THE HONOR ROLL AWARD AT THE GRAND FINALE OF THE nen e-week competition 44 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL THE FINALE 45 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL A TWO DAY OPEN PROJECT EXHIBITION 46 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL PRADARSHANA 2014-15 10TH MAY 2015 A Press Meet Was held in order to promote the Pradarshana Event in the Press Club on 10th May 2015. Selected students from every department displayed their Final Year Project to the Media Representatives. The Media Representatives also interacted with the students very well. OPEN DAY PRESS MEET 47 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL 13th May 2015 PRADARSHANA 2015 - DAY 1 Pradarshana 2015 was an open day project exhibition held on 13th and 14th of May 2015 displaying projects made by the final year undergraduate students of MSRIT, Bengaluru, as a part of their final year curriculum.The event was organised and handled by the EDC in association with all the Departments of M.S.R.I.T ABOUT THE EVENT The exhibition displayed a variety of hardware, software, and fabricated projects from various engineering disciplines under one roof. The two-day event started with an inaugural celebration where the 48 chief guest Mr. Dwarka Das, Principal Dr S.Y. Kulkarni, Registrar (Admin) Sri. Ramesh Naik S and Chief Executive Sri S.M. Acharya lit the auspicious lamp embarking the opening of the exhibition for public, parents, industries and other stake holders. There were about 150 counters displaying over 300 projects by the students like smart medical coat, smart ambulance, drowsiness detector, ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL automatic waste segregation, energy production from waste water by microbial cells, remote-controlled drones, affordable 3d printing, alphabet to Braille converter, solar vehicles, smart city design etc. The event showcased various projects made and the endeavors taken by the students with an aim to improve our life style and move society towards achieving sustainable development. 49 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL The event had nearly 100+ EDC volunteers spread across the quadrangle area where the exhibition was held. The volunteers of EDC made sure that the event was a Grand Success. 50 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL