Change and Issues of International Trade under World Economic Crisis ―Point of White Paper on International Economy and Trade 2009- July 16, 2009 Koji Ito Ⅰ Worldwide Recession and Change of International Trade 1.Change of Trade after Financial Crisis ○ The world trade rapidly decreased after last September. ○ IIP and retail sales also show the same trend. Trade of Goods, IIP and retail sales are decreasing rapidly. IIP Trade of Goods (SDR) (Year on Year, %) Retail sales (Year on Year, %) (Year on Year, %) Emerging Market Emerging Market 11.7 World ‐0.1 Amount World Value Developed countries 備考:1.先進諸国とは、米国、カナダ、英国、ユーロ圏、日本、韓国、台湾、香港、シンガポール、豪州、 ニュージーランド、チェコ、デンマーク、イスラエル、 ノルウェー、スウェーデン及びスイス、の計 17カ国・地域。 2.新興諸国とは、中国、インド、パキスタン、インドネシア、マレーシア、タイ、アルゼンチン、 ブラジル、ブルガリア、チリ、コロンビア、エストニア、 ハンガリー、ラトビア、リトアニア、メキシコ、ペルー、フィリピン、ポーランド、ルーマニア、 ロシア、スロバキア共和国、南ア、トルコ、ウクライナ及び ベネズエラの26カ国。 3.貿易額はSDR換算。 資料: IMF「World Economic Outlook, April 2009」 Source : IMF World Economic Outlook, April 2008” Developed Countries ‐5.2 2 2.Change of Import ○ In US and EU countries where financial institutions faced bankruptcy, personal consumption and investment decreased to a large extent, and the decrease of domestic demand made import decrease. ○ Import of Europe countries and US decreased in all items. The main factor of decrease is durable consumer goods such as automobiles and electric machines and capital goods such as general machines. Contribution by Countries to Change of World Import Contribution by Items to Change of US and EU27 import 米国及びEU27の財輸入(前年比)の (except resource import) 品目別寄与度(原油等資源輸入を除く) ($, year on year %) ($, year on year %) Other Countries Latin America General Machine ASEAN+6 Electric Machine Total Import Transport Machine Chemical Other 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2008 Source : IMF “Direction of Trade” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2008 2009 Source : World Trade atlas 3 3.Change of Export ○ The most drastic decrease of export happened in Japan. The decrease of export of China is the second-largest. ○ Countries which exports durable consumer goods and/or capital goods experiences decrease of export as well as countries in Europe and Asia which form production network. Change of Export by destination (Difference from year-ago Period) (million USD) Middle East Mexico Contribution by Destination to Change of German Export China East Europe Canada US Russia US Other EU countries Asia US Japan EU15 East China Asia Europe Japan EURO Area Middle Russia Canada Mexico East Source : IMF “Direction of Trade, World Trade Atlas Source : Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland, Deutsche Bundesbank 4 4.Comparison with Great Depression in the 1930s ○ At Great Depression in the 1930s, the decrease rate of trade gradually got worse and worse. ○ The trade in the first quarter 2009 decreased more rapidly than that in the 1930s. Trend of trade at Great Depression and After Financial Crisis 1st Quarter of 1930 ~1st Quarter of 1933 4th Quarter of 2008 ~ 1st Quarter of 2009 Note:The data from 1st Quarter of 1930 to 1st Quarter of 1933 is a total of import of 75 countries. The data from 4th Quarter of 2008 to 1st Quarter of 2009 is a total of import of WTO member countries. Sourace:Kindleberger (1984)「The World in Depression 1929-1939」, WTO. 5 Ⅱ Background of Decrease of International Trade 1.Reason of Deacrease of International Trade ○ The direct factor is World economic crisis. ○ The enlargement of the housing market in US (Housing Bubble) caused financial crisis. ○ Furthermore, the increase of investment funds such as pension, insurance and investment trust, which are caused y aging in developed countries and economic growth of emerging countries, and lack of good asset for investment made the housing bubble in US (The mismatch of good asset made the long term interest rate in the low level. Investors invested in US, the only supplier of good asset and the housing market grew swiftly). Structure of the housing bubble in US Emerging アジア新興諸国 Countries in Asia Protection for currency 通貨危機再発防止 crisis Emerging Countries in Asia, Middle East , Japan アジア新興諸国、中東産油諸国、日本 Growth of 輸出主導型の Industry led 産業発展 by export Restriction of lending 銀行借入の抑制 from Bank Exchange Intervention 為替介入 Depreciati‐ on of local 自国通貨安 Currency Increase of Foreign 外貨準備の急増 Reserve Increase of (短期的)所得拡大 Income Unstable Political 市場環境(政治的安 Situation, lack of 定性、法制度、ビジネ legal system, etc ス慣行)の未整備 Asset Market in 米国資産市場 USA 米 国 USA Good Business 市場環境 Environment (政治的安定性、法制 (度、ビジネス慣行)の Legal System, etc) 整備 Aging, 進展、 高齢化の housing ベビーブーマーの住宅 acquisition 取得、移民の流入 lack of 内需不足と Domestic 貯蓄率の上昇 Demand Lack of 良質な国内資産市場 Good Asset 形成の遅れ Market 良質な資産市場の Good Asset 形成 Market 401k等 Preferential 各種個人資産優遇 Tax for 税制の整備 Personal Asset Excess 貯蓄過剰 Saving Increase of Demand for 海外優良資産への Foreign Good 需要拡大 Asset Skewed 優良資産の Distribution of 米国偏在 Good asset 年金・保険・投資信託 Investment 資金の急増 決済通貨としての USD as a key ドルの魅力 currency 米国資産への Concentration 内外からの of Invest fund 投資集中 to US Housing 米国住宅バブルの Bubble 発生 Increase of Fund Increase of 優良資産への Demand for 需要拡大 Good Asset 6 2.Increase of World Investment Fund ○ The world investment fund such as pension, insurance and investment trust, got 2 times in five years from 2002 to 2007. ○ Especially the amount of pension, insurance and investment trust in US is as large as that of other developed countries. Pension , Insurance Investment Trust of Developed Countries (End of 2007) Trend of World Investment Asset (Trill $) 2 times (Trill $) Other Personal Asset US 35.5 Pension Investment Trust Other Developed Countries 38.6 Pension, Insuranc, Investment Trust Insurance Foreign Reserve Source : IFS, CBS Fund Management 2003‐2008 US Japan UK France Germany Nether‐ Swiss Other land Source : IFS, CBS Fund Management 2003‐2008 7 Ⅲ Worldwide Recession and Trade of Japan 1.Japanese economy after Financial Crisis ○ After October 2008, export and import, which had a trend to enlarge for a long time, turned to decrease. Especially, the change ratio of export made a worst record from November 2008 to February 2009. ○ Because of the swift decrease of export, trade balance moved from surplus to deficit, first in 26 years. Trade deficit continued till January 2009, but even after February, the trade surplus is in a low level. Change Ratio of Japanese Export and IIP Trend of Japanese Trade Balance Real effective exchange rate Export IIP Export Source : METI”IIP”, World Trade Atlas Trade Balance Import Source : Ministry of Finance , Bank of Japan 8 2.Background of Export Decrease(1)Development of Production Network in Asia ○ In the 2000s, Japan enlarged export of intermediate goods to Asian countries, in addition to export of final goods to Europe and US. In Asia, China increased export of final goods to Europe and US. ○Because of recession in Europe & US, not only Japanese export to Europe & US but also export to Asia decrease. (On the other hand, Asian countries’ exports to Europe & US decrease but their imports from Japan also decrease.) 2000 Japan Trade Structure of Japan, Asia, Europe and US 2007 (Mill $ ) Material 11.4% Intermediate Goods 57.1% Final Goods 31.5% Japan 349,891 206,696 238,325 230,777 191,368 253,546 NIEs NIEs Europe & US ASEAN Europe & US ASEAN 178,678 121,163 China China 172,213 Source:RIETI‐TID 626,853 9 2.Background of Export Decrease(2) Increasing Value-Added of Export Goods ○ Japanese main export goods, Automobiles, electronic machines and general machines, are durable consumer goods or capital goods, which have a tendency not to be sold in recession. ○ In addition, because Japanese exporters have been trying to increase the value‐added of export goods, they became more vulnerable against recession. Contribution to Change of Japanese Export by item (%) (円ベース、前年比、%) 20 Index of Value‐added of Export Goods Of Japan and Korea After October, all items 10月以降全品目が減少。 decreased 日韓輸出高機能化指数【総合】 10 (2000年=100) Other ▲13.9 0 (参考)鉱工業生産指数 ‐10 IIP その他 ‐13.9▲13.9 General その他 輸出総額 一般機械 ‐9.4 一般機械▲9.4 Machine ▲9.4 Export Value ‐20 09/4 (月次、原数値) 140 Japan 日本 130 韓国 Electric Machine ▲7.3 120 Automobiles 自動車 ‐14.8 ▲14.8 自動車▲14.8 110 電気機械 ‐7.3 電気機械 ▲7.3 ‐30 ‐40 09/3 45.5% ▲45.5 ‐50 100 (資料) World Trade Atlas Source:World Trade Atlas 09年3月 09年2月 09年1月 08年12月 08年11月 08年10月 08年9月 08年8月 08年7月 08年6月 08年5月 08年4月 08年3月 08年2月 08年1月 ‐60 (年月) Korea 90 80 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 資料:三菱UFJ証券 Source:Mitsubishi UFJ securities 10 Ⅳ Policy Issues after World Economic Crisis 1.Policy Issues for World Economy (1)Efforts to solve overconcentration of investment fund ○ Because of aging and growth of emerging countries, it is highly possible that the world investment fund increases. The mechanism of “ Bubble → Collapse → Recession ” will happen again. ○ As the bubble collapsed in US, which collected investment fund from all over the world, the negative impact also became worldwide. To escape from the same situation, it is needed to solve overconcentration of investment fund. ① Developed countries:increase of profit rate of its own asset through sustainable economic growth by enlargement of domestic demand ② Emerging countries: Increase of political stability, Upgrading of legal system, modernization of trade practice, Increase of good domestic asset (2) Prevention of Protectionism ○ WTO makes its member countries hard to adopt trade measures incompatible with WTO Agreements. ○ It is important for each member country not to adopt protective measures compatible with WTO Agreements. 11 2.Policy Issues for Japanese Economy (1) Reconsideration of Export Strategy ○ Japanese export of final goods heavily depends on export to US. Exporters of final goods succeeded. But they can not take the same action any more. ○ They have to change export and/or FDI strategy based on the change of sale in each local market. (2) Create of new goods and services ○ The economic growth of emerging countries means of the growth of industries in emerging countries. Products made in emerging countries such as China show its presence in the world in the 2000s. ○ It is hard for Japan to compete with emerging countries by producing products emerging countries can produce. It is inevitable to seek and advertise new attraction Japan‐China Trade Specialization Ratio by Item Total Trade General Machine Electric Machine Auto Parts Computers Communication Device Engine Electronic Components Note : Trade Specialization Ratio = (Export ‐ Import) / (Export + Import) Source : Ministry of Finance “Trade Statistics” 12