FACULTY EVALUATIONS COMMITTEE 2014-2015 MINUTES October 17, 2014 VV, Room C428 Present: Ida Gonzalez, Jan Eveler, Carmen Attar-Castillo, Luz Taboada, Bill Clarke, Dr. Carol Kay, Dr. Carina Ramirez, Susana Rodarte, Dr. Nader Rassaei, Paul Hotchkin, Dr. Gertrud Konings-Dubin Dr. Ramirez also stated about students that don’t have a smartphone nor tablet how they will do the evaluation. If students are not encouraged, they will not submit the evaluation. Resource: Sylvia Castro Dr. Ramirez also stated that facilities on the back of the faculty evaluation survey should be addressed to the appropriate people. Dr. Kay responded that we are working with that. Absent: Laura Gonzalez, Dr. John Nelson, Dr. Christian Servin, Dr. David Raley Resource: Arturo Gonzalez, Bonnie Prieto, Ralph Silva Agenda items: New Student Orientation, Faculty Evaluation procedure revisions, proposed of new link to conduct faculty evaluations on smartphones, tablets etc. and cut paper version. New Student Orientation: Carmen Attar-Castillo stated that she will ask Ms. Jenny Giron, Liaison of the Tenure committee to take care of the deletion of the NSO on the Tenure policy and procedure. Dr. Kay stated that she will talk to IT to check for those areas without connectivity. Dr. Kay also commented that IR department has money to purchase tablets to lend to students who don’t have access to a device. Dr. Ramirez asked how these devices will be handled. Ms. Luz Taboada volunteered her non-credit classes to do the pilot testing. Ms. Rodarte remarked that she prefers to see the number of evaluation responses increase than decrease. That is going to happen if we go all online. Don’t sacrifice faculty evaluation results by going online. Dr. Nader Rassaei commented if we go for online evaluations, we will lose feedback. Faculty Evaluation Procedure: The TV courses will be deleted from the faculty evaluations policy and procedure. Those courses no longer are evaluated. Ms. Jan Eveler seconded by Carmen Attar-Castillo suggested to make a pilot test in the summer 2015, by sending to all campuses the paper version as always and the online link at the same time to compare and see the response rate. Smartphones, tablets proposal: Dr. Carol Kay explained that paper evaluations are becoming cumbersome and she is suggesting to move to online. She mentioned that a new instrument was created for both versions: online and face to face. Dr. Carina Ramirez, asked who will train the students on how to conduct the evaluations. Does IR has the capability to do pilot tests? Dr. Kay responded, yes. Dr. Ramirez, asked what is the capacity of the network? Just talking about the Valle Verde campus, we don’t have very good internet connections due to concrete walls and a lot of areas with interference. Dr. Ramirez stated that she talked to IT people about areas that don’t have availability and their response was- there is nothing they can do. Mr. Gertrud Konings-Dubin stated that instructors can’t offer extra points to students because then students will feel compromised. Dr. Ramirez also recommended that no instructor can handle any other instructor’s evaluations. Ms. Rodarte will take care of this issue happening at the early college. Members requested the link be sent to them for testing. Also, they requested to invite someone from the IT department at the next meeting – someone who has an answers for questions about connectivity. Adjourned: 4:35 p.m. Z:/FACULTYEVALUATIONCOMMITTEE\FACEVALMINUTES EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 3/27/15 1 FACULTY EVALUATIONS COMMITTEE 2013-2014 MINUTES Minutes for the 2013-2014 academic year were not provided by the committee. Z:/FACULTYEVALUATIONCOMMITTEE\FACEVALMINUTES EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 3/27/15 2 FACULTY EVALUATIONS COMMITTEE 2012-2013 MINUTES April 9, 2013 Present: Carmen Attar, Oscar Baeza, Marta de la Fuente, Dr. Richard Falvo, Dr. Carol Kay, Elsa Lopez, Dr. Carina Ramirez, Maria Ramos, Susana Rodarte, Dr. Hilda Taylor, Dr. Naomi Waissman, Dr. Normina Wolff-Porras Absent: Muhammad Akhtar, Frank Lujan, Maria Ramos, Fred Torres Resource: Sylvia Castro, Bonnie Prieto Math Emporium Classroom Performance Evaluation The Math Emporium Classroom Performance Evaluation form was brought to the committee for final approval. The only recommendations were to correct the spacing on some questions and have more space available for comments. It was pointed out that preliminary considerations for an evaluator were stated in the first page since the course is a self-pace and students are in different chapters. Also, instructors must attend training before teaching a math emporium class and the instructor is notified that they are going to be evaluated. Before approving the form, the committee recommended that the form be used as a pilot this semester to see if additional changes need to be done. Classroom Performance Evaluation Ms. Susana Rodarte commented that the Deans would like the committee’s approval to add the Instructor ID, Evaluator ID, Course, Prefix and Title to the form. This data will be in a database being created which asks for this information. It would be easier to have this information on the form than to go to the system and look up the information. Dr. Ramirez mentioned that she has the form electronically so she could make the changes to the form. Bonnie Prieto recommended that the month and year be added to the form. This would help in filing the form and will serve as a reminder each month when the next evaluation needs to be conducted. Dr. Ramirez will make the change to the form and send to Susana Rodarte so she can send copies to the Deans. Classroom Performance Evaluation for Counselors Ms. Carmen Attar let the committee know that the counselors are currently evaluated three ways. Students evaluate the counselor after one-on-one advising. The second evaluation is the Classroom Performance Evaluation which is done by the dean. The third evaluation is the New Student Orientation Evaluation which is completed by the new students who attend a session. Ms. Attar conducted a survey between the counselors and they all agreed that the New Student Orientation was not needed. To them, it is similar to the classroom observation and they all see it as an extra form. Also not all campuses are using the form. Counseling would like the committee’s approval to remove this evaluation. The committee didn’t see any problems with removing the survey, but it was mentioned that the procedure would have to be modified. In the procedure for tenure requirements it only mentions that there needs to be documentation of New Student Orientation, but it doesn’t state specifically what documentation. The agenda or sign in sheet could be used as documentation and not necessarily the New Student Orientation Evaluation form. The committee agreed to remove the New Student Orientation Evaluation form. The Faculty Evaluation procedure is going to be reviewed for modifications to remove the evaluation form. Team Teaching Packet Distribution Training Ms. Sylvia Castro mentioned that there are still problems with the distribution of the team teaching faculty evaluation packets. She mentioned that Mr. Frank Lujan had contacted her with some problems with the packets. For the team teaching courses, the staff in the dean’s office, not Faculty Evaluations, prepares the packets because of non-standard beginning and ending dates for individual faculty. It seems that training is needed because the packets are not being prepared correctly. Dr. Kay stated that this problem would be taken care of by her office. It was suggested that a workshop should be considered during Faculty Development. The discipline coordinators and the instructors should attend the workshop. The Faculty Evaluation department will meet with Mr. Lujan to see what solutions are possible. Online Faculty Evaluation Form for the Math Emporium For the Math Emporium classes, since students finish at different times during the semester, the faculty evaluation form cannot be handed out at the end of the semester. The Math Emporium would like to use the online faculty evaluation in paper format and hand it out to the students when they complete the course. The committee did not see a problem with this process. Z:/FACULTYEVALUATIONCOMMITTEE\FACEVALMINUTES EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 3/27/15 3 FACULTY EVALUATIONS COMMITTEE 2011-2012 MINUTES October 12, 2011 Present: Oscar Baeza, Barry Bogle for Kathy Lopez, Dr. Carol Kay, Emmanuel Moreno, Dr. Carina Ramirez, Rafael Ramirez, Susana Rodarte, Dr. Hilda Taylor, Dr. Naomi Waissman, Dr. Normina Wolff-Porras Absent: Muhammed Akhtar, Raul Arizpe, Frank Lujan, Sandra Padilla, Maria Ramos Claude Mathis requested that the on-line dual credit classes receive paper copies which hopefully will result in a better response rate. A short time frame for survey completion is going to be given so the instructors don’t forget to complete the evaluations. Dr. Kay asked the committee to review the memos that will be included in the packets and email any suggestions. Resource: Arturo Gonzalez Hybrid Courses (Better Response on Paper) Selection of Chair Committee motion and second to keep Dr. Carina Ramirez as chair of the Faculty Evaluation committee. Review the Credit Faculty Evaluation Form and Data Art Gonzalez distributed a report that shows the number of responses to each question for the Student Evaluation of Instructor Performance. Results were for both face-to-face and on-line. The questions with less than 90% of students responding were shaded. The first question which asks if the instructor provided a course syllabus at the beginning of the semester is one of the questions that is below 90%. It was noticed that the question on the form is not really visible. Everyone agreed and suggested that the question might need to be moved. As the evaluation form was being reviewed, modifications were made to make the questions more noticeable. Under the facilities section, the lab is being evaluated. It was brought up that a lab survey is already conducted by the Office of the Vice President of Instruction. Members suggested looking at the lab survey and seeing if it meets the College’s needs. Maybe the lab question could be removed from the evaluation form. The Office of Institutional Research will send the lab survey and results to the members for them to review. It was decided to bring this item to the next meeting once everyone had a chance to review the lab survey and results. In the past there have been problems with the completion of the Hybrid classes. Some instructors do the face to face survey, others the on-line survey. To avoid this problem and improve the response rate, Hybrid courses will be receiving paper copies only. Dr. Kay asked the committee if it was fine just to have the evaluation on paper. The committee did not see any problems with this. Second copy of results will be sent to Deans as PDF Paper copies of the faculty evaluation results are sent to the faculty and deans. Several requests for additional copies are being requested which is causing a lot of printing and using a lot of paper. The Faculty Evaluation office would like to send a paper copy of the results to the faculty and send a PDF file to the Deans office. The Deans office will have a copy on the computer to use when ever needed. Dr. Kay would like the committee approval in sending the reports to the Deans office as a PDF. Susana Rodarte agreed with the idea and the committee didn’t see any problems with this method. Transparency for ESL levels I &II courses should be revised in the procedure. This item was put on hold and will be discussed in the Fall semester. Dual Credit Issues Team Teaching A group was developed to see what could be done to get better response rates on the dual credit faculty evaluations. For this semester, the large school districts will be receiving the evaluations at the Super-Intendant office. The packets for the smaller schools such as the private schools will be sent to each school. Distributional Services will deliver the packets. Also, A group with team teaching was formed to discuss a better method in handling the evaluations for these classes. The team-taught classes are those that have several instructors teaching one class. Since these classes are different from the other classes, the group is reviewing the form and determining Z:/FACULTYEVALUATIONCOMMITTEE\FACEVALMINUTES EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 3/27/15 4 if another form needs to be created to be more appropriate for these classes. For the mean time, it was decided that the Deans that have team teaching courses will have to provide a roster to Institutional Research so they could make the evaluation packets. The Deans will be producing this roster for the next Fall semester. Another issue is the labs that are associated with these courses. Since it is separate from the class, the group is thinking of creating a new form pertaining more to the labs. The committee did not see any problems with this and agreed to review any new forms that are created, but recommended that the new forms be developed by those that are involved with team teaching. Pilot of SNAP new features for on-line surveys SNAP is a program used to collect data for the online surveys. It seems that there are more enhance features that will help us with the online surveys. It is going to be tested with the Student survey which is currently conducted only on paper. The class Art Gonzalez is teaching will be used as a pilot. Half of the class is going to be asked to complete the form online. This program will have the ability to verify if the student is register for the class and email a reminder if a student has not filled out the form. If everything is fine next semester, Institutional Research will be conducting a pilot with the Faculty Evaluations surveys in certain classes. Dr. Kay hopes these new features will increase the response rate. It was recommended that the section on TV courses be deleted from the procedure since TV courses are no longer offered. Dr. Carina Ramirez will take care of revising the procedure and making sure all the letters and numbers in the procedure correspond. In the procedure there is a section on a Peer Collaboration Option. There was a question as to whether or not this relates to team teaching and if the College even has it. It was suggested that it needs to be reviewed to see what it is referring to. Dr. Carol Kay will take to the Team Teaching group for them to review and see if it needs to be modified to reflect team teaching or just delete the section. Z:/FACULTYEVALUATIONCOMMITTEE\FACEVALMINUTES EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 3/27/15 5 November 16, 2011 Present: Oscar Baeza, Dr. Carol Kay, Sandra Padilla, Dr. Carina Ramirez, Rafael Ramirez, Susana Rodarte, Dr. Hilda Taylor, Dr. Normina Wolff-Porras Absent: Muhammed Akhtar, Raul Arizpe, Kathy Lopez, Frank Lujan, Emmanuel Moreno, Maria Ramos, Dr. Naomi Waissman Resource: Sylvia Castro Minutes were reviewed and approved. Review the Revised Faculty Evaluation Form The modifications that were requested from the last meeting were brought for review and approval. A few more modifications were requested at this meeting. The committee was also trying to determine whether to keep the lab question on the form. It was informed that the lab survey that is already conducted by the Office of the Vice President of Instruction is for the open labs that are run by a lab assistant. The student evaluates the lab not the course. It is not like Biology for example where the instructor teaches at the Biology lab. It was determine to leave the question there, but be more specific to target the academic aspect. The question for the lab will read: This particular course uses labs which adequately support the course Update committee on the team taught meeting that was held on November 8th Dr. Kay updated the committee as to what was decided at the team taught meeting that was held on November 7th. The evaluation of instructor performance for the team-taught classes is going to be handled like the evaluations for Continuing Education. A roster and several copies of the form are going to be sent to the Dean’s office that has team-taught courses. It will be up to the Deans office to distribute the forms to those classes. The Deans office will notify the Institutional Research office of the counts. They are going to try this for two semesters. If this process works, modifications to the procedure will need to be done to reflect this process. Create Lab Faculty Evaluation Survey A task force will be created to develop a lab evaluation for instructors. This form will be used for labs that are connected to a class. People familiar with these course labs are going to be needed in this task force. The committee recommended that the Deans who have these courses should recommend the people for the task force. It was asked if the instructors that are in the lab are being evaluated now. Dr. Kay answered that they are, but are using the same form as the one in class. This form is not really appropriate for the lab. The committee agreed that a different form needs to be created. It was also recommended that Dr. Hilda Taylor be a member of the task force since she is an instructor of Biology which has a course lab. Dr. Kay will be meeting with the Deans at Dr. Brown’s leadership and will ask them to recommend people for the task force. The committee would like an update for the next meeting in February. Library Survey Dr. Jaime Farias is the Dean who oversees the VV library. He brought up a concern to Dr. Kay that he wanted her to bring to this committee. Dr. Farias area is receiving too many evaluations that are being conducted in the library. These evaluations are the ones the students fill out when they go as a class for a library tour. Mr. Oscar Baeza is the librarian representation for this committee. He was asked to check with each of the librarians to see how the evaluations are being handled. It was also recommended that Mr. Baeza meet with Dr. Farias to discuss this concern he has. Coordinators meeting with Deans A concern was brought up that the evaluation of Math Emporium is not appropriate for their area because the questions do not apply. The committee recommended that faculty of the Math Emporium department make suggestions as to what questions should be on the form. This committee will then review the form. It will also need to be added to the procedure. Susana Rodarte will contact Lucy Michal who oversees this department and let her know what this committee recommended. Z:/FACULTYEVALUATIONCOMMITTEE\FACEVALMINUTES EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 3/27/15 6 FACULTY EVALUATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2010-2011 The committee did not meet during the 2010-2011 academic year. Z:/FACULTYEVALUATIONCOMMITTEE\FACEVALMINUTES EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 3/27/15 7 FACULTY EVALUATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2009-2010 The committee did not meet during the 2009-2010 academic year. Z:/FACULTYEVALUATIONCOMMITTEE\FACEVALMINUTES EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 3/27/15 8 FACULTY EVALUATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2008-2009 Minutes were not taken at the one meeting held during the 2008-2009 academic year. Z:/FACULTYEVALUATIONCOMMITTEE\FACEVALMINUTES EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 3/27/15 9 FACULTY EVALUATIONS COMMITTEE 2007-2008 MINUTES September 7, 2007 Present: Aggie Becker, Manny Carrasco, Rudy Esselborn, Mary Hill-Shinn, Lesley Pullen, Dr. Carina Ramirez, Gabriela Schwab, Normina Wolff-Porras Absent: Elizabeth Carrillo, Mary Beth Haan, Dr. Carol Kay, Jim Lambrinos, Gabriel Mendoza, Susana Rodarte, Margarita Trimble, Trish Winstead has been moved under the Vice President of Instruction. Mr. Esselborn stated that the whole section on counselor evaluation for Full and Part-time Counselors has to be reviewed all over again. They have to make sure that this change is reflected since they are currently reporting to a Dean. Dr. Ramirez agreed that it does need to be reviewed and it would be good to have response from everyone regarding whether they approved or not; even those who do not have an opinion should respond. Resource: Sylvia Castro, Art Gonzalez, Ana Martinez Review and Approve Minutes The meeting started with the introduction of members. Then the minutes of the last two previous meetings were reviewed. Mr. Rudy Esselborn will work in updating the section of counselor evaluation. This item will be brought to the next meeting for review and approval. Traditional Classrooms with Computers There was a motion to approve both minutes and second. Dr. Carina Ramirez started the meeting by notifying the members that a chair and co-chair needed to be selected. Dr. Ramirez has been chair for the previous years and would like for someone else to take over. She would be willing to continue this year if someone would be willing to be co-chair. Due to many members being absent, it was motioned to decide at the next meeting and have Dr. Ramirez as acting chair for this meeting. Counselor Evaluation Dr. Ramirez remembers having one item pending which is reviewing the PT counselor evaluation from the procedure. Mr. Rudy Esselborn explained that he had sent this section to the coordinators and counselors for them to review and asked to return any feedback they may have. He was able to apply those recommendations to the procedure for this committee to review and approve, but since then, the counseling department Aggie Becker mentioned that there had been discussion at previous meetings about whether to use the traditional classroom or the on-line evaluation form for a classroom with computers. In the procedure on page 5, item D, it states that it will be done in the computer. The problem is that it doesn’t seem correct for the evaluations to be affected just for the purpose of saving paper. The biggest concern is that many students are not familiar with computers. This item will be brought to the next meeting. Blended/Hybrid Student Evaluations Another clarification that’s pending is the difference between the Hybrid and Blended courses. Dr. Ramirez will ask Ruth Pena for some information that will help clarify the two courses and bring it to the next meeting. Z:/FACULTYEVALUATIONCOMMITTEE\FACEVALMINUTES EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 3/27/15 10 November 16, 2007 Present: Manny Carrasco, Rudy Esselborn, Mary Beth Haan, Mary Hill-Shinn, Gabriel Mendoza, Dr. Carina Ramirez, Susana Rodarte, Lucretia Thomas, Trish Winstead, Normina Wolff-Porras Absent: Aggie Becker, Elizabeth Carrillo, Dr. Carol Kay, Lesley Pullen, Gabriela Schwab, Margarita Trimble, Trish Winstead Resource: Sylvia Castro, Art Gonzalez, Ana Martinez The meeting started by going around and each member introduced themselves. Lucretia Thomas explained that she will be replacing Jim Lambrinos. Minutes were approved with the one correction that needs to be done. Faculty Evaluation Procedure As the procedures were being brought up in the projector for review, Dr. Ramirez commented that she received en email from Jim Lambrinos. He was under the impression that the evaluations were going to rotate so that one year it will be in the Fall and the next year in the Spring. There was a discussion to see if this would work for faculty. A concern that came up by using this method was that faculty on tenure track would not be evaluated. Another concern was that it would be difficult to keep track of. After thinking about it, Mary Hill-Shinn commented that it would work out. Selection of Chair and Co-Chair Dr. Carina Ramirez stated that she is willing to continue as chair as long as there is a co-chair to help her. The co-chair will help her in keeping track of what is going on, what is pending and run the meeting when she is not able to attend. Dr. Ramirez asked for volunteers, but it seems that most members are busy as well. It was agreed that a name will be drawn at the next meeting for a co-chair. Review and Approve Minutes Minutes were reviewed. One correction had to be made. Trish Winstead was counted as absent, but she was present at the last meeting. It was decided for all members to think about this and see if it will work for faculty members. It will be discussed at the next meeting. The full-time and part-time procedures were put up in the projector for comparison. The only section pending was the counselor evaluations. The members made sure that both procedures corresponded. As they were reviewing, an issue came up as to how the evaluations were being handled by the counselors. Once everyone was in agreement, the procedures were corrected to reflect the decisions they made. Mr. Rudy Esselborn will take the changes made to the counselors back to them for their review and approval. Z:/FACULTYEVALUATIONCOMMITTEE\FACEVALMINUTES EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 3/27/15 11 March 14, 2008 Present: Aggie Becker, Rudy Esselborn, Mary Beth Haan, Lesley Pullen, Dr. Carina Ramirez, Susana Rodarte, Lucretia Thomas, Normina Wolff-Porras Absent: Elizabeth Carrillo, Manny Carrasco, Mary Hill-Shinn, Dr. Carol Kay, Gabriel Mendoza, Gabriela Schwab, Margarita Trimble, Trish Winstead update from the Distance Education Committee. Dr. Carina Ramirez also asked the committee to look over the procedure and find the areas of Hybrid and Dual Credit and see if any additions or changes need to be made. Early College High School Resource: Sylvia Castro, Art Gonzalez, Ana Martinez On the agenda there was an item to add the Blended and Hybrid courses to the procedure. The committee thought that it was decided at the last meeting to use a regular classroom evaluation and has been added to the procedure. Susana Rodarte mentioned that she is a member of the Distance Education committee and the committee is working in changing the evaluations. She did reassure the committee that whatever is decided at the Distance Education Committee, she will bring it to this committee for review. Aggie Becker also mentioned that she hadn’t heard anything about the evaluations this semester. Dr. Carina Ramirez was under the impression that they were not going to be offered. Susana Rodarte confirmed that they are being offered and Sylvia Castro mentioned that about 302 evaluations were sent out. Dual Credit Sylvia Castro mentioned that a meeting was held with Gail Shipley and in the meeting it was decided that the long term and 2nd mini-mester were both going to be conducted in April. This will eliminate frequent long trips in delivering packets. Sylvia Castro also mentioned that a different color of envelopes will be use and the instructions were changed. Sylvia Castro will email the instructions to the committee members for review. She also mentioned that she gets requests from instructors where some of them want them done on-line and others in a classroom. Lesley Pullen mentioned that those that want online have to make sure that students have access to a computer. Another issue brought up was for video conferencing. How is this taken care of? Does it work like the Hybrid courses? Since the committee still had several questions in reference to the on line evaluations, it was decided to invite Ruth Pena to the next meeting and ask her for an Sylvia Castro mentioned that there were problems with the evaluations. For one thing it became difficult for the instructors to get the packets. They didn’t like the idea of going to the ISC’s and picking them up. The Principal was contacted for any suggestions, who recommended that the Deans should take care of the distribution. Mary Beth Haan brought up a point that the College is the one who receives accreditation so it should be the College’s responsibility to make sure the packets are received. Susana Rodarte will take this issue to Dr. Brown’s leadership meeting for discussion and will come back to this committee with any feedback. Sylvia Castro also notified the committee that Dr. Lujan, Dean of Nursing, requested for the Nursing Program to be evaluated every semester. Susana Rodarte commented that it was probably because of accreditation purposes. The committee did not see any problems with this. Counselor Section on Procedure The procedure was brought up in a projector so everyone could see. Rudy Esselborn went over Section VI of the Full-time Faculty Evaluation which is the student evaluation of counselor performance. He explained that the grey shaded were the changes. After explaining the changes, the committee approved and went thru the Part-time Faculty Evaluation to make sure it reflected the changes made. The procedure will be sent to all members one more time to make sure everything is fine. Z:/FACULTYEVALUATIONCOMMITTEE\FACEVALMINUTES EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 3/27/15 12 FACULTY EVALUATIONS COMMITTEE 2006-2007 MINUTES September 29, 2006 Members Present: Aggie Becker, Ruth Esselborn, Elizabeth Carrillo, Mary Beth Haan, Mary Hill-Shinn, Antonio Juarez, Dr. Carol Kay, Jim Lambrinos, Gabriel Mendoza, Lesley Pullen, Dr. Carina Ramirez Absent: Susana Rodarte, Gabriela Schwab, Manny Serrano, Manuel Torres, Max Veltman Guest: Art Gonzalez, Bob Jones, Claude Mathis, Ruth Pena with faculty and there are so many that need to be checked that no one has time to verify which survey belongs to a particular faculty member. All staff are doing is cleaning the surveys for the scanning process. If the surveys are not cleaned and will not scan, then the survey does not count as a response. The committee voted for the staff to continue cleaning the surveys so the forms can be scanned. Resource: Sylvia Castro and Ana Martinez Progress of Regular Evaluations Online in Computer Classrooms Results of On-Line Student Evaluation Pilot Mr. Bob Jones explained that an evaluation was developed for the on-line courses since the paper survey didn’t apply to these courses. A pilot was conducted with on-line courses where the actual instrument was send on-line with an announcement to the students that they needed to fill out the evaluation form. Some students were slow to respond back, and only one or two students responded per class. The instructors were cooperative. Claude Mathis commented that probably there is a better response rate for evaluations done in the classroom because everyone present completes a survey form. Dr. Carina Ramirez clarified that the on-line instrument and process did operate correctly. The problem is with the response rate. Dr. Kay commented that students need to be reminded to log-in and fill out the form. It was recommended that an email may need to be resent to on-line students encouraging them to fill out the form. Mr. Mathis suggested the on-line survey be managed like the classroom survey where students log on to the class and fill out the form before doing class work. Art Gonzalez explained that there are some courses that are being held where students have a computer in the classroom. These are not on-line courses, but students can fill out the evaluation on-line to save paper. The procedure is the same as the face-to-face evaluations in the classroom. The instructor writes the URL on the board and students are asked to log in and fill out the form. Dr. Kay mentioned that this will also increase the accuracy. A pilot has been conducted already and the instructors for these courses like the process. Mr. Gonzalez has talked to the web master and he is ready to start on-line evaluations as soon as this committee approves the process. One question was brought up concerning log-in problems. Mr. Gonzalez explained that the evaluations are on an internal server so there wouldn’t be a problem. Committee approved evaluations conducted on-line for those regular classes that have computers. On-line Classroom Evaluation Art Gonzalez was assigned to find out if emails can be sent to students about the online survey. Scanning Process of Evaluations There has been an issue brought up concerning violation of privacy when cleaning the surveys. There is nothing in the form to identify the faculty member that is being evaluated. The problem is that many surveys are returned with the bubble checked marked or the section number not entered. The staff bubbles in the circle so it can be read by the scanner. The section number is filled out according to the section number of the packet. Also, any extra marks are erased because that causes problems with the scanning. The staff is not familiar Ruth Pena and Mr. Claude Mathis were invited to the meeting since they are asking for approval of the On-Line Instruction Performance Evaluation form. Ruth Pena mentioned that the form is being used in the English department and is working well. As everyone was reviewing the form it was noticed that it asked for a log-in and password. Mr. Bob Jones requested for a note to be added that they must contact the Distance Learning Dept. to get a log-in. Because of security issues, it’s not safe to use Banner log-ins. In section B, under preliminary considerations, it states that the faculty mentor must be oriented towards the process. It was suggested that an option be added for WebCT training or training with a WebCT instructor. Ruth Pena also mentioned that she would like to rephrase some of the questions and add additional questions that might fall under Z:/FACULTYEVALUATIONCOMMITTEE\FACEVALMINUTES EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 3/27/15 13 those categories listed in the survey or a new category. Another concern was brought up as to the length of the access that the evaluator has to one survey. It was suggested that there should be a time limit. Ruth Pena will work on the modifications as suggested in the meeting and add the additional questions that she would like to include. Claude Mathis will check with Bob Jones to see if a log-in can have a time limit of one day only. Dr. Kay will work with the TV instructors to develop an evaluation instrument that will be appropriate for the TV students to use. Changes/additions to Current Procedure Dr. Carina Ramirez and Mary Beth Haan made modifications to the procedure during the summer break. Their modifications were color coded on the procedure so that members can review and approve the changes. The committee reviewed the procedure page by page and they either approved the changes or made additional changes. Due to time, the committee only got to page 5 of the procedure. TV Student Evaluations There are some instructors that are of the assumption that TV evaluations are being conducted but never get feedback as to the results. Dr. Kay mentioned that TV evaluations have never been conducted. She also stated that there isn’t a form developed for TV courses. A form needs to be developed and the TV instructors need to be contacted to review and add questions to one survey form. The TV evaluations will also have a low response rate since it has to be a mail out. In past experiences, a mail out usually has a low response rate. The committee will continue to review the procedure at the next meeting. Next Meeting: Thursday, October 19, 2006 Valle Verde Campus Room: C 428 Z:/FACULTYEVALUATIONCOMMITTEE\FACEVALMINUTES EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 3/27/15 14 October 19, 2006 Members present: Aggie Becker, Rudy Esselborn, Mary Beth Haan, Mary Hill-Shinn, Antonio Juarez, Dr. Carol Kay, Lesley Pullen, Dr. Carina Ramirez, Gabriela Schwab Absent: Elizabeth Carrillo, Art Gonzalez, Jim Lambrinos, Gabriel Mendoza, Susana Rodarte, Manny Serrano, Manuel Torres, Max Veltman Guest: Ruth Pena Resource: Sylvia Castro and Ana Martinez Review and Approve Minutes The minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed. In the minutes, it states that Gabriela Schwab was not present at the last meeting. She indicated that she was present, but forgot to sign-in. There was also a misspelled name of one of the committee members. Minutes were approved with modifications to be implemented. Online Instruction-Performance Evaluation Ruth Pena was invited to this meeting to review the modifications that were requested at the last meeting to the Online Instruction-Performance Evaluation form. Ms. Pena mentioned that the coordinator was not able to attend, but he typed his modifications and notes on the form. As the committee was going through the notes, they would either approve what the coordinator suggested or make corrections on the form. After going over the form, Ruth Pena and the committee were satisfied with the form. A question was brought up to see if this was going to be done for all the other disciplines that are on line since this is only for the English department. Dr. Ramirez answered that it might have to be done for the other disciplines. It was also suggested to use this form as a pilot for this year and use any feedback to finalize the form for the 2007/08 academic year. Ms. Pena will make the modifications and send it to Dr. Carina Ramirez who will send it to the members for final review and approval. Continuation of Modifications to Current Full Time Faculty Evaluation Procedure The committee continued to review the procedure where they left off at the last committee meeting. As they were working on the section of non-credit evaluation, Aggie Becker commented that she has not seen an evaluation for continuing education (CE). Ms. Sylvia Castro stated that there is a survey. She explained that the surveys are send to the CE directors for them to distribute to the faculty. Ms. Becker also mentioned that she has never been given a report by the CE director as stated in the procedure. Dr. Carol Kay mentioned that there have been problems with the CE evaluations. She also mentioned that they are trying to have program review for the CE programs which will make the evaluations mandatory using the CE evaluation forms. Ms. Castro handed out copies of the CE evaluation form for the members to see. It was noticed at the top of the survey that there is a line for the instructor’s name. A concern was brought up with this line since it was understood from the previous meeting that there was nothing on the forms to identify the instructor. The committee approved for this line to be removed from both the credit and non credit forms. Ms Castro explained to the committee that the instructor name is needed for the team teaching classes. There are some team teaching courses especially in the health occupations area. Although there is a team teaching box to fill out some do not fill out the box correctly. By having the instructor’s name, it makes it easier to determine which instructor is being evaluated. Dr. Ramirez asked if there was another method where the instructor’s name didn’t have to be in the form. Dr. Kay suggested inviting a team teaching instructor and a Dean at the next meeting to come up with something else other than the instructors name on the form. It was also mentioned that Americana Language Programs might have some team teaching courses. Dr. Carina Ramirez recommended for Dr. Kay and Sylvia Castro meet with the team teaching Deans and have some recommendations for the next scheduled meeting. Ms. Castro also commented that many students bubble in the course number instead of the section number. By having the instructor’s name on the form, it helps them know to who it belongs to. It was suggested to include in the instructions that the instructor must make sure the correct section number is filled out before leaving the class. Ms. Castro mentioned that it is stated in the instructions and it still doesn’t work. At the next meeting, the instructions will be reviewed by the committee. The committee continued reviewing the procedure and made any necessary revisions. After the procedure was completely reviewed, it was agreed to send to all employees for review before it is send to the Cabinet for approval. Next Meeting: November 17, 2006 Valle Verde Campus Room C 428 Z:/FACULTYEVALUATIONCOMMITTEE\FACEVALMINUTES EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 3/27/15 15 November 17, 2006 Members present: Elizabeth Carrillo, Rudy Esselborn, Mary Beth Haan, Mary Hill-Shinn, Antonio Juarez, Dr. Carol Kay, Jim Lambrinos, Gabriel Mendoza, Dr. Carina Ramirez, Susana Rodarte, Max Veltman Absent: Aggie Becker, Lesley Pullen, Gabriela Schwab, Manny Serrano, Manuel Torres Resource: Sylvia Castro, Art Gonzalez, and Ana Martinez Review and Approve Minutes The minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed and approved. Online Instruction-Performance Evaluation The topic of the on-line faculty evaluations came up. Committee members were wondering how it is being done at other institutions. Dr. Carol Kay mentioned that there are some institutions that are giving extra credits, but this method is not anonymous. She also mentioned that most of the institutions have a low response rate. It seems that the College has been getting a better response rate. Ms. Sylvia Castro has been sending e-mails to the on-line instructors encouraging them to conduct the survey. It was also stated that the method of New Mexico University will not work for the college. Art Gonzalez mentioned that there is one institution that doesn’t allow students to do anything until the evaluation form is filled out. The only thing is that the system they use is home grown and not WEBCT. He also mentioned that he checked on having a pop up message come up when students log-in. He was told that one already comes up and reminds students. Mr. Rudy Esselborn suggested in having a message pop up until the survey is answered. Dr. Kay mentioned that the only problem is that it would make the evaluations seem mandatory and the President hasn’t approved for the evaluations to be mandatory. Ms. Susana Rodarte commented that the on-line courses are increasing. Dr. Kay commented that the College has been getting a good response rate by using the process that is being used now. Ms. Castro explained that she sends an email to the instructor letting them know about the evaluation dates and includes the link the students need to have. She also added that the report and comments are the same as the paper process. Full-time Faculty Evaluation Procedure Dr. Carina Ramirez mentioned that the counselors had some feedback on the procedure. Mr. Rudy Esselborn brought the comments from the counselor’s. The modifications that Mr. Esselborn brought were made on the actual procedure form since an LCD projector was brought for the meeting. Dr. Ramirez also mentioned that there was no feedback from faculty when it was sent for review. Procedure will be cleaned and put in the right format for final approval. Review Faculty Evaluation Instructions Copies of the instructions that are printed on the envelopes of the faculty evaluation forms were handed out. The committee made some modifications which consisted of bolding a sentence, moving a text box from the middle to the top and placing a note in reference to ESL to the bottom. This brought an issue with ESL levels 1 and 2. Mary Hill-Shinn requested for the TM levels 1 and 2 to have some English forms included. There are some students from other nations that prefer English version. Ms. Castro said that it wouldn’t be a problem. Ms. Susana Rodarte suggested having a note on the instructions about allowing time to conduct surveys because there are some instructors who wait until the end of class and students do not have enough time to fill them out. Mr. Jim Lambrinos brought back the issue of Spanish version for levels 1 and 2 on ESL. He strongly believes that there should be some English forms also. Dr. Carina Ramirez commented that this has always been an issue. After several considerations, it was decided to include 5 extra copies of English forms for levels 1 and 2. Next Meeting: January 26, 2007 Valle Verde Campus Room C 428 Dr. Ramirez recommended in having an email send to the on-line instructors to see if they have any ideas. It will be discussed at the next meeting. Z:/FACULTYEVALUATIONCOMMITTEE\FACEVALMINUTES EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 3/27/15 16 January 26, 2007 Members present: Aggie Becker, Elizabeth Carrillo, Rudy Esselborn, Mary Beth Haan, Mary Hill-Shinn, Antonio Juarez, Dr. Carol Kay, Gabriel Mendoza, Dr. Carina Ramirez, Susana Rodarte, Max Veltman and percent of surveys returned by semester. Dr. Kay did mention that although the response rate is not that high, it has been better than previous semesters. Team Teaching Absent: Jim Lambrinos, Lesley Pullen, Gabriela Schwab, Manny Serrano, Manuel Torres Resource: Sylvia Castro, Art Gonzalez, and Ana Martinez Review and Approve Minutes The minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed and approved with some grammar corrections. Dr. Kay mentioned that at the last meeting, they were instructed to meet with the health programs deans to check on the concern the committee had in putting the instructors name on the form. After talking to the deans, it was decided to leave the instructors name on the form. A copy of the email from Anita Kelley and Dr. Paula Mitchell was handed out to the committee confirming their approval. The committee agreed to have the instructor’s name on the form. Full Time Faculty Evaluation Procedure Instructions to the Faculty Evaluation The procedure was reviewed by the committee for final approval. Some changes were made in reference to ESL courses to reflect the decisions made at the last meeting. As the committee was about to vote for final approval, a question was brought up in reference to blended courses. Ms. Aggie Becker just wanted to make sure that on the blended courses, it was up to the instructor to decide if the evaluations would be conducted in paper or online. Dr. Carina Ramirez agreed that it would be up to the instructor. Ms. Sylvia Castro explained that she sends out paper survey packets to Mr. Bob Jones area for distribution. The facilitators collect the packets then ensure the instructors received them. This means that the instructors should be receiving the packets with surveys if they wish to use them. Ms. Castro also added that Dr. Brown at the end of the evaluation period receives a summary as to how many surveys were sent out and received by each area. Dr. Carina Ramirez recommended that Bob Jones be contacted and see how the blended courses are combined and handled. Based on the information gathered by Bob Jones a section might be needed in the procedure. This was an item discussed at the previous meeting. The committee requested some changes to be made to the instructions. Ms. Castro handed out the current copy to the members. Members were asked to review and bring any changes to the next meeting. Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) Copies of two surveys were handed out in reference to student course feedback and classroom observation forms from CCSSE. Dr. Carina Ramirez mentioned that Mr. Saul Candelas send them to her for consideration since these questions were more involved with SACS requirements. Committee members are to review the questionnaires to see if any questions can be incorporated into any of the College’s current surveys. On-Line Survey Dr. Carol Kay brought a sheet containing information on the number of online courses and seats. It also showed the number Z:/FACULTYEVALUATIONCOMMITTEE\FACEVALMINUTES EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 3/27/15 17 FACULTY EVALUATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2005-2006 Minutes for the 2005-2006 academic year were not provided by the committee. Z:/FACULTYEVALUATIONCOMMITTEE\FACEVALMINUTES EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 3/27/15 18