• Question Papers Exa mCod e: RA_CEO_I 62015 _ _ _ _ __ is generally referred as dust storm in North India. I) Tract~ wind ,_trTornado 3) Jt!t str~am 4) Cold wind I. 2. In summer highest temperature recorded at Rajas than in the month of June is about- 3. Which one is con ·ect. The W estern disturbances comes from _ _ _ __ to _ _ _ _ _month. ~Dec~mber to February 3) October to December ~. Which one is the Northern border of Malwa Plateau? ~Aravalli 3) Bundelkhand 2) Yindhyan Range 4) Deccan Of the following , in which period, large scale vulcanicity occurred in the Deccan Trap. 5. / cretaceous Period 3) Precambrian Period 6. 2) March to May 4) September to November 2) Carboniferous Period 4) Quaternary Period Whicb one is correct. The Lowest rainfa ll in India is recorded at1) Gujarat 2) Tamil Nadu / Rajasthan 4) Madhya Pradesh 7. Identify the place which is located in the windward side of South West monsoonal rainfall. I} Coimbatore 3) Shillong ~umbai 4) G ulbarga M. Identify the incorrect statement from the following. I) A llahabad is located in the confluence of river 2) Betwa is a tributary of Yamuna Ganga and Yamuna ~River Mahi is located to the West of Sabarmati 4) Gairsoppa waterfall is located on river Sharavathi 9. T he Konkan Coast stretches from mouth of _ _ _ _ _ to Goa. ~Tapti 2) Narmada 3) Sindu 4) Cauwry 10. The largest fres h water fish producing State of India is: I) Kerala 2) Andhra Pradesh 3) Gujarat ttl'fwest Bengal 11. C hoose the incorrect statement from the following with rega rd to m a rine fishing in India . I) Preservation offish is costly since the c limate in India is hot 2) India lacks in na tural fishing harbours ~ Fishing in East Coast is higher th<m the West Coast 4) Strong Winds during monsoon season makes the fishing seasona l • Of the following, the yield per hectare of Sugarcane is highest in1) Uttar Pradesh 2) Karnataka / fTam il Nadu 4) Andhra Pradesh 12. IJ. Identify the d ra ught breed of India from the following: I) Gir 3) Deoni 2) Sahiwal ~ Nagori F rom the given s tates, identify the o ne in which the ave rage size of land holding is la rge. 14. 2) Bihar ~ Nagaland I) Kerala 3} West Bengal 15. T he part of India which benefited much from the initia l phase of g reen r evolution was: 2) South and SouthEast I ) South 3) West 16. r orth and NorthWest Among the following the region ofvery low sheep po~ lation in India is: I) Tempe rate Himalayas ,r) Ganga Plain 3) NorthWest India ....,. 4) Semi-arid Deccan Comma nd Area Development Programmc(CA DP) la unched in India during 1975 ma inly aimed at the development of: 2) Dry farming ~ Irrigation projects 4) Rural electrification 3) Land reforms 17. 18. The Centra l Ins titute of Fisheries Nautical and Engineering Trading is located a tI) Goa 3) Mumbai 2) Kolkata ~ Koc hi Asscrtion(A): North East Indian States produce 75% of tea in India. Reason(R): Tea is grown in estates of ove r 100 hectares. 2) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct A s oth A and R are true a nd R is the correct explanation of A /e~planation of A 4) A is false but R is true 3) A is true but R is false 19. 20. ::VIatch the following Mines/Area S tate a) Sirigao 1. Nladhya Pradesh b) Rowgbat 2. Goa c) Kurband 3. Bihar d) Noamundi 4. Orissa a b c d A. 4 3 1 2 4~ C. 2 1 4 3 3 2 1 4 D. 1 3 4 :! ..... • 21. High grade Mica is known as- 1) Ruby Mica 3) Potash Mica ~oney Mica 4) Phlogoplite Mica 22. Most of the Coal seams in India are located along the banks of the river- !) Brahmaputra , ro amodar 23. 2) Godavari 4) Ganga Match the following Manganese ore mines a. Ram kola b. Tu·odi District 1. BalaghaL 2. Bhandara c. Tumsar d. Ramtek -l. Cbhindwa t·a 3. Nagpur a b c d A. 3 1 -l 2 B. 4 2 3 1 C. 1 4 2 3 " 4 1 2 3 24. The largest Lignite reserve in India is located at- 1) Ram pur in Orissa 3) Bandala in Andhra Pradesh 25. Leading producer of lron ore in India is: I) Karnataka / 'O rissa 2) Jharkhand 4) Goa is the first Coal forming stage. 26. 2) Lignite 4) Anthracite I) Bituminous Peat ,If 27. 2) Ramkho la in Madhya Pradesh , Neyveli in Tami l Nadu ~latch the following State 1) Madhya Pradesh 2) Bihar Mines a) Palamau b) Durg c) Kolhapur 3) Karnataka d) Belgaum 4) Maharashtra a b c A. , 3 2 4 1 B. 4 1 2 3 2 1 4 3 D. 1 4 3 2 d 28. Major Iron ore reserves in India occur in the peninsular plateau within _ _ _ __ _ of Dharwar and Cuddapa systems. ~Crystalline schist 3) C rystalline diorite 2) Crystalline granite 4) Crystalline basalt • 29. Arcording to Central Mine Planning and Design Institute (CMPDI) estimate total Coal reserve of the country is about- 162,359 mi llion tonnes 3) 182,459 million tonnes !) 2) 172.259 million tonnes ~ 192,359 million tonnes 30. Indian Iron and Steel company was setup in the state of- 1) Maharashtra 2) Gujarat 4) Karnataka _;~{West Bengal In which part of the Earth, earthquakes are frequently occuring? 31. Circum- Atlantic Belt Circum- Pa~:itic Belt I) / 2) Circum- Artie Belt 4) Circum- India Belt 32. Which of the following property of Iron and Steel is used in all durable goods like machines, automobiles, locomotives, tankers, ships etc? Strength I) ~lasticity 3) Ducti I ity 33. I) Luck now is known as Manchester of North India. 2) Allahabad ~Kanpur Varanasi 3) 34. 4) Alloyabi lity ~latch the following Iron and Steel lndustn· al lndtan Iron and Steel compa nv bl v~,.•,vara)"8 Iron and Steel wor k• d Rourkela Ste•l Plant dl Bokaro Steel Plant f- · Sour ce of Limeston e 1 Bhund1gunda ~ Bhag\\antpur 3 Pa t aghat 4 Hauban a b c d ~~ B. 3 1 4 ~ 4 3 1 ~ c. 2 1 D. 1 .j ":3 3 .01111 ~ 35. Steel authority of India was established in the year- 1)1970 3) 1972 2) 1971 ~1973 is one ofthe most important textile markt>ting centres of India. 36. I) Ahmedabad ~ Mumbai 2) Aurangabad 4) Surat 37. Which of the following is corre,·tly mMched? I. Tata Iron and Steel Compan~' - 1957 II. Bhilai Steel Plant- 1960 Ill. Durgapur Steel Plant- 1907 IV. Bokaro S teel Plant- 1964 I) I 3) Ill 2) Jl ~I V 38. A hmedabad, the leading cotton textile manufacturing centre of India is kJtown :1s- ~Boston of East 3) Boston of West Boston of South 4) Boston ofNorth 2) • 39. The Southern Pesticides Corporation Limited is located at1) Chennai 2) Bengaluru 3) Kottayam ~yde ra bad 40. The growth rate of population in India is listed. ~1a tch Lis t I with List II List I a) 1891- 19 21 h) 19 21 - 1951 c) 1951 - 1981 d ) 1981 - 20 11 Listll High growth with definite signs of slowing down 2. Rapid growth 3. Staanaut population .J. Steady growt h l. a b c A. 2 1 4 d 3 " 3 4 2 1 C. 4 2 1 3 D. 4 3 2 1 41. Which one of the following is not related to National Population Policy 2000? I) Universallmmunisaton ~To promote the welfare of fi shermen and their households in the coasta l belt 3) lncentiw to adopt two-child small family norm 4) Health Insurance Cover for those below the poverty line who undergo sterilisation after having two children 42. Which of tht: following state has the highest Urban Population oflndia in 2011? I) Tamil Nadu 2) West Bengal 3) Uttar Pradesh .,..,Maharashtra ~1a tch the follo\vi.ng Chemical Company a) Union Carbide I ndia limited b) National Organic Chemicals limited c) Udex Plam d) Indian Petroleum Corporation limited a b c d , 3 1 4 2 4 3 1 2 c. 2 4 3 1 D. 1 2 4 3 A. -14. Place 1. Koyali 2. Vadodara 3. Thane 4. Trombay Consider the following pairs: J. Hindustan Copper- Debad II. The Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore Limited (FACT)- Alwaye III. Hindustan Zinc- Khetri Which of the pair given above is/are correct? I) I Only 3) II and Ill 2) I and II ttl"ll Only • 45. The Schedule Ttibes in India are listed in List I and List II. Schedule Tribe State 1. Gujjar a) Nagala.nd 2. Rawat bl Jhark.hand 3. Sema c) Rajasthan 4. Munda dl Jammu and Kashnm d a b c A. 3 1 2 4 B. 2 3 4 ] c. 4 1 2 s ~ 3 4 2 1 46. The Metropolita n region of Delhi is linked with the urban core of- ~ haziabad, Gurgaon, Faridabad 3) Kanpur, Mathura, Ambala 2) Modi Nagar, Saharanpur. Yamuna Nagar 4) Yamuna Nagar, Lucknow, Ludhiana 47. Which one of the following is the four leading populous states in India based on census 2011 ? I) Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Bihar, Tamil Nadu }!Uttar Pradesh. Maharashtra, Bihar. West Bengal 3) Maharashtra. Bihar. West Bengal. Andhra Pradesh 4) Uttar Pradesh. Andhra Pradesh. Bihar, Tamil Nadu 48. T he houses constructed by private la nd lords for the indust rial worker s in Calcutta a re called as- l ) Chaw is 3) Ahatas 49. / sustees 4) Cheries Union Carbide India limited- giant pl'trolcum factory was established in1) 1956 jlli!ft966 3) 1976 4) 1986 so. The Border Road Organisation was esta blished in1) 1940 3)1975 51. , 1960 4)1965 W hich of the dis tr ict is noted fo r the lowest literacy rate in Tamil Nadu? I) Karur 2) Ariya lur Dharmapuri 4) Puuukkottai /J 52. / Eutrophication isAbnormal growth of water plants 3) Leaching of water 2) Excess growth of fish 4) Endangeri ng urbanisation 53. Nationa l Ship Design a nd Researc h Centre (NSDRC) was se tu p at- Chennai 3) Kolkata 1) ~Visakhapatnam 4) Cochin 54. W hich po rt ofl ndia expo rts Iron ore? I) New Mangalore ~ M ormugao 2) Kochi 4) Chennai • S5. Vayudoot Airlines was set up in I) 1971 3) 1961 ~981 4) 1991 56. T~ southern railway was formed between- .lf l4.04. 1951 and 14.04.1952 3) 14.10.1951 and 14. 10.1952 2) 05.11.1951 and 05.1 1.1952 4) 15.01.1951 and 15.01. 1952 River Navigable by Brahmaputra distance is_ _ _. I) 1290 km ~1 384 km 3)1190km 4)15l2km S7. 58. The oldest artificial harbour in East Coast of India is ~Chennai 3) Kolkata 2)_M _u_n_1b-a""""i 4) Visakhapatnam 59. The National Highway No.3 passes through the Pass of- 1) Bhor ghat 3) Pal ghat , rThal gh<~t 4) Shipki Ia Rolling plans in India was introduced first by: 60. ~anata Government 3) Bharatiya Janata Government Rolling pla n bas- 61. Two tier system 3) Four tier system I) 2) Congress Government 4) Janata Dal Government ~Three tier system 4) Five tier syst~:rn l. Growth rate of ninth plan was lower th~1n the eighth plan. II. Growth rate of ninth plan was lower than the target fixed. HI. There was a marginal decline in the growth of service-sector than the previous five year plans. IV. Formulation and approval of the ninth plan was d elayed by 2 yea r s. 62. C hoose the correct answer in respect of the following statements: I) Only I & II are correct ~nly I. II & IV are correct 2) Only II & Ill are co rrect 4) Only Ill & IV are correct 63. C hoose the one from the following which is not ::1ssociated with the Pove r ty Alleviation and Employment Generation Programmes. lnd ira Awaas Yojana 3) Va lmiki Arnbedkar Awaas Yojana l) 2) Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana ~ ational Capital Region Plan 6~. The obj ective which is not a part of Swa•·najayanti G nmJ Swarozgar Yojana is: I) To promote se If emp l oy m~:nt 2) To eradicate poverty in three years 4) The inco me of the assisted family should be >2000 / To concentrate on command areas per month 65. Identify the programme which does not come under Integrated Rural Development .P rogramme (IRDP)- I)NRDP 3) TRYSEM 2)MNP /J CAD • 66. T he numbe r of districts in the country where National Food for wo rk progra mme im plemented is: I) 125 3) 175 ~50 4) 200 67. T he Integra ted Rura l Develo pme nt Progra mme in India was la unched in the year~ 1972 2) 1975 1977 4) 1979 /> 68. P ick o ut the one fro m the following whic h is not s ponsored by sta te governmen t unde r T ribal Area Development Progra mme!) 3) Triba l developm ent blocks Pre-matric sc holarships 2) Drinking water supply ~ Post-matric scholarships i de ntify the correc t stateme nt in rt>spect of the VInth five year pla n. 69. I) Growth rate in the initial period is higher than its later part 3) Industrial sector registered a high growth during 1991 -92 70. T he dry southe rn pla ins of Ta mil Nadu includ es- !) Coromandal plains covering Chengalpattu & Vellore 3) Tiruchirappalli and Karur districts ~ 996-97 emerged as one of the best years in food grain production 4) The current account deficit was reduced ~Pudukkottai, Madurai. Ramanathapuram and Tirunelveli districts 4) Dharmapuri and Sa lem stretch 71. T he Kolli hills in Ta mil Nadu is located in the dist rict of: I) Sa lem 3) Vilupuram J" Narnakkal 4) Cuddalore In South India, Tamil Nadu is th e la rgest producer of _ _ __ _ ~Tea 2) Cotton 72. 3) Coffee 4) Rubber 73. T he range of annua l rain fall of the Tamil Na d u state _;.pa tially varies between : I) 240- 1000 mm " 3) 360 - 800 mm 640 - 1910 mm 4) I 000- 1500 mm 74. O f the following, w hic h river is known as Poruna i- 1) Bhavani 3) Thenpennai 2) Manimuthar ~ Tamiraparani 75. Which one of the foll owing river o f Tamil Nadu typically gets largest a mount from Southwest monsoon show H? I) Palar ~ Tamiraparani 76. 2) Pennaiyar 4) Vaigai 'The Pa lghat Gap' in the Wes te rn gha ts between Tamil Nndu and Ke ra la is a bout: ~ 25 km 3) !Okm 2) 50 km 4) I krn • 77. The traditional indigenous variety of cotton known for black cotton soil in th e regions of Tamil Nadu is: ~Tinnys 2) Cambodia 4) Uppam 3) Karunganni 78. 1Jtc first railway tnu-k in Tamil Nadu was laid between: ~ Royapuram and Walaja 3) Chenna i Egmore and Vi llupuram 2) Chennai Central and T a mbaram 4) Cht:nna i centra l to Katpadi 79. The required temperature for sugarcane cultivation is: ~0-35°C I) 20-25°C 3) Below 20°C 4) Above 40°C 80. The test which is used to identify that the two population samples drawn are normally dis tributedI) t-test 2) Chi-square /1 F-tt:st 3) Z-test 81. Match the Minerals with their Districts Minerals a) Talc b) Titanium c) Dolomite d) Tungsten Districts 1. Tirunelveli :::!. Dindigul 3. Vellore 4. Kanyakumari a b c d ,Jj~ 3 4 1 2 B. 2 3 4 1 C. 1 2 3 4 D. ..1 1 ,., 3 S2. Tuticorin thermal power station star·ted- 1) June 20th 1978 3) July 20th 1979 SJ. 84. ~ uly lOth 1979 4)June lOth 1980 In 1986 Tamil Nadu consh·ucted the first wind mill at: 1) Tuticorin 2) Tirunelveli r anyakumari 4) Theni Arrange the thermal power stations of Tamil Nadu on the basis of the installed capacity in ascending order- a. Mettur b. Tuticorin c. North Chennai d. Ennore I) Mettur. Tuticorin, North Chennai, Ennore 2) North Chennai, Ennore. Mettur, Tuticorin 3) Ermore, North Chennai. Tuticorin, Mettur ~Tuticorin, Mettur, North Chennai, Er111ore • 85. :\~la tch t he sugar Factory with theu· district I. Tha njavur al Sakthi Sugar Factory b\ Subra.maniya Siva S uaar factory c) Na tiona l Sugar Factory d) Thiru Arooran Sugar Factory c b a 2. Madurai 3. Dhannapuri 4. Erode d A. I 2 3 4 B. 2 3 4 1 ~ 4 3 2 1 3 4 1 2 D. 86. Of the following, districts of Tamil Nadu which one is not producing wind energy- 2) Kanyak umari 4) Thoothuk udi Coimbatore ~Pudukkottai I) 87. Assertive (A) : The centre Kancheepuram is expert in the production of silk t.ex tiles. Reason (R) : The district Kancheepuram is noted for sericulture that s upplies silk yarn. I) Both A and R are true 3) A is false, R is true /(A is true, R is false 4) Both A and R are fa lse 88. India n oil and natural gas corporation found petroleum potential at Ca uvery river basin in: I) 2009- 20 I 0 3) 20 I I - 20 12 A 2o ro - 2011 4) 201 2 - 20 13 89. Only _ __ _ _ of the total weight of Copper ore is converted to Copper. ;!(2 to 3 % I ) I to 2 % 3) 3 to4% 4) 4 to5 % 90. The total net area irriga ted in the Tamil Nadu in 2012-13 is: I) 20. I 5 lakhs hectares 3) 24 .44 lakhs hectares 91. ~1atch the following statement as: a) Crude B1rtb Ra~ I Total numbor of dutb per year. per tbow.and popula h on 2 ~umber of !J,.•, btrtb dun ua year per tbousa.nd populouon 3 ~u mbel' of women of reproduetl\'o ago d''Uig 4 1\:uwbor o( eluldnn born to women dunna M r ent1n: bl Crude Death Rate tl Tot al fe rtility rat@ d) Maternal ruort W t)' ra~ ,.. ~producbon a b c d 2 1 4 3 4 B. 3 2 1 C. 4 I 3 2 D. I 2 4 3 ,i"f26.43 lakhs hectares 4) 29.64 lakhs hectares 92. The period of eleventh five year plan w~ls- • 2) 2005-20 I 0 4) 2002-2007 ti'f2007-20 12 3) 20 12-2017 93. Which of the following is not correctly matched in Rural and Urban population of 2011? Rural U1·ban Kane hip uram 63.5 36.5 B. Salem 49.0 51.0 C. Chennai 0.0 100.0 D. Trichy 50.8 49.2 ~ The Tamil N<ldu state achieved and received Krishi Karman award from Government of India during the yt!ar- 94. 1) 2007-2008 ~ 20 11 -2012 2) 2009-20 I 0 4) 2010-2011 95. Find the correct answer· in S upt!r National Highways? I) SN H 1..-. Patna- Guwahati 3) SN H3 ...... Delhi - Kanyakumari ;if SNH2+-+ Chennai- Kanyakumari 4) SN H4+-+ Pathankot - Jalandhar 96. Railway system started between Chennai and Arakonam in _ _ __ I) 1840 2) 1846 ""'1856 97. 4) 1890 The highest number of Scheduled Caste recorded in India in 2011 census: ~ U ttar Pradesh 2) Bihar 3) Orissa 4) Tamil Nadu 98. The number of districts which are identified as backward districts in India by the planning commission to implement the drought pr·one area programme is: I) 145 ~ 238 2) 206 4) 321 The Scthn-Samudram S hip Channel Project (SSCP) place located at _ _ _ _ __ 99. / I) Arabian sea Adam's bridge or Ram setur 2) Bay of Bengal 4) Rameswaram 100. The distinct feature of graded strea m is: ~e ither eros ion nor deposition 3) Intensive depos ition 2) Intensive erosion 4) Both erosion and deposition 10 I. In cycle of erosion theor-y, the active factors structure, process and time are termed as: I) Endogenic process 3) Exogenic process tJ'f'rrio of Davis 4) Natural agents • 102. A relatively smooth surface, low relief with inselbergs is known as: ~ediplain 2) Peneplain 3) Panplain 4) Alluvial plain 103. 'Oust-well' is a surface feature associated with2) Karst Ji"G lac iers I) Marine 3) Fluvial 104. Pick out the correct order of karst landform from larger to smaller in size: I) Do lines, Polje, Sinkho le, Uvala Uvala, Dolines, S inkho le ~ Polje. 2) Do lines, Uvala, Polje, Sinkhole 4) Polje, Dolines, Uvala, Sinkhole 105. :Vlatch the following : Erosional process a. Frost action b. Exfoliation c. Crys tallization d. Chemical weatherin"' a b c ~ 106. 3 Climate Region 1. Dese1·t areas 2. Arid climate 3. Cold climate 4. Hot and humid climate d 1 :.? .t B. 3 1 .t :.? c. 4 3 1 -~ D. 2 1 3 4 'Sheeting' is a physical weathering process associated with!) Stocks ~atholiths 3) Si ll 107. Which one of the statement is NOT true as in the case of mature stage of cycle of erosion? I) Lateral eros ion and valley widening ~ F lood plains 108. 4) U neroded relief feature 4) Pediments In the fluvial processes, rejuvenation indicates: I) Decreasing erosive power 3) Increasing depositional power 110. 2) Graded main river In the mature stagt' of Pediplanation lnselbergs are weathered into: I) Regoliths ~oppies 3) Debris 109. 4) Dikes ,(J"ncreasing erosive power 4) Decreasing depos itiona l power Which one of the following is NOT true'? I) Tropopause shows a gradual s lope from equator to 2) Height of the tropopause varies according to the po les seasons 3) The tropopause is the upper Iim it of most c louds 41There is no temperature inversion and storms , , . • Ill. :v!atch the foUowing and pick the con-ecr option a. D- Layer 1. Ultraviolet photons 2. Appleton layer b. E. Layer 3. Low frequency radio waves 4. Free electrons c. F. Layer d. G. Layer a b c d 3 1 2 4 B. 2 3 4 1 c. 4 1 2 3 D. 3 4 1 2 ~ 112. The atmospheric layer lying between 50 and 80 km is called _ _. I) lonosphl!re Mesosphere 2) Exosphere 4) Tropopause /J 113. Conduction is the process of heat transfer through matter by: A'Mo lecular activity 3) Movement of a mass 114. Atmosphere absorbs large part of the terrestrial radiation and conserve the heat energy of the earth is called: I) Black body radiation 3) G lobal warm ing I IS. 2) Straight lines 4) Movement of a s ubstance ~ reen house effect 4) Energy cycle 'Squall line' related with!) Dry weather 3) Clear sky ; {Heavy showers 4) Fog line 116. Match the following : a. Cold front b. Warm front 1. Friction effect 2. Precipitation is Likely to be prod uced 3. Colder dense air c. Occluded frout mass d. Starionat-y front 4. Rapidly moving cold front a b c d , 3 1 2 4 1 3 4 2 3 1 4 2 D. 3 2 i 4 A. B. 117. The destruction or dying of a front is: I) Fron to genesis 3) Orogenesis ~Frontolysis . 4) Morphogenesis • 118. C hoose the correct order of principal zones of frontoge nesis based on their importa nce. I) Atlantic polar front, Mediterranean front, Atlantic- 2) Atlantic polar front, Atlantic-Arctic front, Pacific Arctic front, Pacific Arctic front Arctic front, Mediterranean front ~tlantic polar fron t, Atlantic-Arctic front. 4) Atlant ic po lar front, Med iterranean front, Pacific Arctic fron t, Atlant ic-Arctic front Mediterranean front. Pacific Arctic front 11 9. Which one of the following is a n indicator for frontolysis? 2) Increasing temperature contrast 3) Convergent movement of air mass 4) Occlusion of air mass ~Diminishing temperature contrast Cos mogenous ocean sediments a re of _ _ _ _ origin. I) Volcanic 2) Tectonic ~Extra terrestria l 4) Continental 120. 121. G ulf stream is the largest current of ______ ocean . I) Pacific ~North At lantic 3) South Atlantic 4) Arctic 122. The highest salinity is found between: ~20° N to 40° N 4) 5° S to I 0° S I) 5° N to I 0° N 3} 20° S to 40° S 123. i\Jatch the following : Deeps/Trench a. Roma nche Trench b. Nares Trench c. Aldnch Trench Location 1. Central South Pacific 2. South Atlamic 3. East Indian Ocean 4. ~E>a r West IndlE'S Island d Sunda Trench a b c d ~ 2 4 I 3 B. 2 1 4 3 c. 2 4 D. l 2 3 3 4 1 Sediments which a re of extra te rrestria l origin: I) Terrigenous / f Cosmogenous 124. 125. A dense fog produced a long the Newfoundland coast that restricts navigation due to the meeting of kurile cold current with warm current. I) Hwnholdt current 3) West wind drift 126. 2) Biogenous 4) Hydrogenous T_je other name for Humboldt current is: 'i Peru current 3} Kurile current / Kuroshio current 4) East Australian current 2) Cali fornia current 4) Kuroshio current • The desert of Kalahari is largely inOutmced by this ocean current: I) Falkland current 2) South Atlantic drift ; (Benguela current 4) Peru current 127. The gradients of continental slopes varies between: I) 1-3 degrees 2} 1-10 degrees ~ 2- 5 degrees 4) 1-2 degrees 128. The percentile share of Pacific ocean in the Ea rth 's ocean a rea is: ~48% 2) 40% 3} 45% 4) 43% 129. 130. ~e term 'NRDMS' stands / ) National Resource Data Management System 3) National Resource Data Manipul ation System 131. 2 ) Nodal Resource Data Management System 4) National River Data Manageme nt System Northwest Atla ntic provides a good breeding ground for fis h which lies nt the la titude: ~5°N to55°N 2) 20° N to 30° N 4) 60° S to 70° S 3) 20° S to 30° N 132. Of tbe following, which is the recycla ble natura l resource: I) Coal ~Gold 3) Oil 4) Gas 133. Fill in the blank: Maharas htra is second largest producer of _ _ _ _. I) Iron-ore p anganese 4) Aluminium 3) Bauxite 134. ~atch the fo llowing ; Hy dro power station a. Pykara b. Kadamparai c. Suruliyar d. Periyar PH a 135. Dis trict 1. Theni ~. Tiru nelveli 3. Coi.mbatore 4. Nilgris b c d A. 3 4 2 1 11' .t 3 2 1 C. 1 2 3 -t D. 2 3 l 4 Ra nk the countries on the basis of their rice production : 1. Vietnam 2. Indo nesia 3. C hina 4. India I) Vietna m. India, Indones ia, China 3) India, Indonesia. Vietna m, China ~China, India, Indones ia, Vietnam 4 ) Indones ia, India, Vietnam. China 136. Arrange the following countries from th e highest to the lowest in suga rcane production : C hina, India, Thailand, Brazil I) China. Thailand. India. Brazil 3) Thailand. India. China. Brazil 2) Brazil, China, India, Thailand J'fBrazii. India, China. Thailand 137. Of the following countries, which one is the largest producer of wheat: I) C hina ,j/fEuropean union 3) India 4) Russia 138. Rank the countries o f the basis of their Sheep/Goat meat export. a. Austra lia b. United Kingdom c. Irela nd d . New Z eala nd l) Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom 2) United Kingdom, Australia, Ire land, New Zealand / u nited K ingdom, l reland, New Zea land, Austra lia 4) Ireland, New Zealand, Austra lia, Un ited Kingdom 139. T he world's most extensive continental shelves a re loca ted in the: ~Mid latitudes in Nonhern Hemisphere 2) Tropical latitude in Northern Hemisphere 4) Equatorial region 3) Polar in Northern Hemisphere 1-'0. 14 1. ~1atch the following : Pollutant Effect on human Health a . Oxides of 1. Chest troubles. mtrogen headache. \"Onllti~ 2. Respiratory b. Oxides of Sulphur ailments luna d.iseases c. Ammonia 3. Bone cancer d. Benzopyrene 4. Inflames upper respira~ry svstem a c d b A 3 2 4 1 B. 4 3 2 1 lji' 2 1 4 3 D. 1 4 3 2 Benzidine polluta nt causes: I) Blood cancer 3) Bone cancer ~latc h a . Urea b. Ammonia c. Ammonium sulphate d. Calcium ammoruum n.itrate a b c 2 3 4 143. 4) Breast cancer the following : F e rtilizer plant i' ~ladder cancer Dust emitting p:u·t.icle 1. Limestone dust 2. Coke dust 3. Coal dust 4 . Sulphur dust d 1 B. 3 2 1 c. 4 1 3 2 D. 1 4 2 3 4 Radioactive pollution comes under : I) Air po llution 3) Therma l po llution / 2) Noise po llution Water pollution • • Metallic pollutants are the sources of: 144. 2) Agricultural po llutio n 4) Noise po llution 1) Water pollution ~ Soil pollution 145. ).latclJ thP followmg : 1\ormal composition of dean air at or near s.>a Gases Percent (by volwne) 1. 20.9476 a . :\iu"Ogen 2. 0 .0314 b. Oxygen c. Carbon dioxide d. Hydrogen , A. B. D. 3. 0.00005 4. 78.084 c d 2 1 -l 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 1 4 a b 3 4 -l 2 146. Match the following : Composition of polluted air l. G•·o a . co~ 2. 52°o b. S01 c. >Jiu"Ogen 3. l2°o oxides d . Hydro carbons 4. 18% , a b c d 3 2 4 1 2 4 1 3 c. 1 3 2 4 D. 4 1 3 2 A. 147. ~atch the following : River a. Yamuna b. Gomti Source of pollution 1. Paper mills a b 2. Sewage, tanneries, distilleries 3. DDT factory. sewage. power s ta tion 4 . Paper a nd pulp uulls sewa~e c d c. Godavari d . Kaveri 148. A. 1 3 2 B. , -l 2 3 1 c. 2 3 l 4 3 4 1 :! 4 How many people were affected at the time of Tsunami 2004, according to World Food Programme? ~More than 1.3 million 3) More than 3.2 million 149. 2) More than 2.1 million 4) More than 4.1 million "Siri Siri" bags usage is a threat to urban environment which is related to1) Leather bags 3) Denim bags ,..rPolythene bags 4) Jute bags 150. The E uropeans emigration is tropical coastal lands of America after 17th century was caused for the: I) Political instability in Europe 2) Insecurity caused by religious group High previlage of commercial production of exotic 4) Seeking of high techno logy crops /J The fifth stage in the demogra phic transitio n theory of population is: I) High birth rate and declining death rate and rapid 2) High and fluctuating birth and death rate and slow population growth population growth ~ Birth and death rate approximately equa l, which 4) Low birth rate and high death rate and low result in zero population gro\\1h population growth 151. 15Z. The "Mobility Tra nsition Model" was propounded by: I) Everett lee ~elinsky 3) Ravenstein 4) Thompson 153. T he positive checks to control popuiMion growth indica ted in Malthusian theo ry of population growth comprise: /J War. disease and poverty 3) Technology and Socio economic development 2) Postponement of marriage and Birth control measures 4) Industrialization and Urbanization 154. The demographic transition theory was given by: I) Lee and Zelinsky 2) Spencer and Sadler 3) Ricardo and Dumont ~ W .S. Thompson and Frank W. Notestein 155. A country is said to have au optimum population when the: umber of people is in balance with the available 2) Birth rate is equal to death rate resources 3) Demand and supply of labour are equal 4) Food supply is balance with population p 1!'6. The migration of s killed workers to seek better jobs in other co untries is: I) Chain migration ~rain tlrain 4) Voluntary mi gration 3) Compulsory migration The tia·st gro up of lndian labo urer s emigration in 1815 consisted of (.' Onvicts a nd criminals were transported : I) From Bombay to Mauritius 2) From Chennai to Malaysia 4) From Calcutt a to Malaysia ~ From Ca lcutta to Mauritius 157. ISS. Cons id er the following statements and choose the correct a nswe r: Asse rtion (A): Western ma rgins of continents a long Tropic of Cance r and Tropic of Capricorn are sparsely po pulated regions. Reason (R): High mounta ins arc located in these regions. I) Both (A ) and (R) are true and (R) is the co rrect explanation of(A ) ~ (A) is true but (R ) is false 159. 2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of(A) 4) (R) is true but (A) is false Popula tio n explosion took place in this stage of demographic trans ition: I) Stage - I .,ilfStage- II 3) Stage- Ill 4) Stage - IV • • Compleh.' diffusion of farmsteads over the entire agricultural land (Mauza) are characterized in: 160. I) S~:attered settlements ~ Dis persed settlements 2) Compact settlements 4) Hamleted settlements The term "Central place" was first coined by: 161. I ) Harris and ullman Jlwalter Christaller 2) Mark Jefferson 4) Von- Thunen The concept of rural-urban fringe was proposed by- 162. 1) Alice cole man 3) Mark Jefferson 163. 4) Walter C hristaller Historical town ofPahlliputra was built by1) Chandragupta Maurya Ajatshatru /f 16-4. ~Von- Thunen 2) Ashoka 4) Purosothaman Accor·lling to the cens us of India, n metropolitan city is one which has the population ofI) 50000 or more 3) 500000 or more 2) I00000 or more Jlf'l000000 or more Towns located on the river estuaries is a common feature in the region of~ Western Europe 2) SE India 165. 3) South Africa 166. As per the classification of towns by Cens us of India, the settlement with the population of20000 to 49999 falls under the category ofI) C lass I town C lass Ill town /1 167. 2) Middle class residence 4) Wholesale business Which is wrongly matched? I) Anaximander- Prepared first map of th~ world 3) Hipparchus - Compi led table of latitude 171. 2) Northl!rn Canada 4) Southwes t Asia As per the multiple nuclei model, the land use which is not lol·ated adjoining to CBD is: J (High class residence 3) Low class residen~e 170. ;I{Lower Himalayas 4) Rajasthan Desert Identify the region which has ('Ornpact settlement from the following- !j,Central Australia / > Nile Valley 169. 2) Class 11 town 4) C lass IV town Nebular pattern of settlement in India is seen in the region of1) Indo-Gangetic Plains 3) East coastal plain 168. 4} Northern Australia #-tecataeus- Wrote the second book of geography 4) lonians - Deve Jo pme nt of scie ntific thought in cartography The principles of mathematical l'artognlphy and methods of r·e presenting a spherical surface on a plane s ur·face deals was postulated by· I) Eratrosthenes ~ C laudius ptolemy 2) Hippa rchus 4) Pliny J12. The famous orbis Terra rum of 'Survey of the world' prepared by Marcus Vipasanians Agrippa in 12 BC was the contribution or· I) Primitive Cartography 3} Greek Cartography 2) Indian Cartography Roman Cartography /J 173. Who discovered the relative movement of the earth and sun , before Copernicus? I) Vara hamihira 2) Bhaskara 4) Aitareya Brahmana ~ Arya Bhatta 174. _ _ _of a map is usually placed in a corner enclosed within a line. I) Title 3) Source / 2) Direction Legend 175. :\1arch !he follo-w·mg : ~1"1' p lac~ Map c omponent!II L. b sbo\\ n m on~ oft he a Ta le corners by an • uow pomt101 to the north 2. Shou ld be lr\\"OD outnde frame of the map on the bottom rll!bt 3 Should be placed at b Du-ectton c Source proounent place d SCAle 4 Gen er•ll>· placed in tho rop n oht of the map frame a b 2 1 c 3 B. 1 3 4 2 " 4 1 2 3 3 2 l 4 A. D d 4 176. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.is based on the principle of similar triangles and squares. I) Projectional method 3) Photographic method 2) Mechanical method ~ Geometrica l method 177. In which method, Proportional compass is used for reduction or enlargement of maps? l) Photographic method 3) Projectional method ~Mechanica l method 4) Geometrical method 178. Which is wrongly matched? I) Photosat - Photographic method 3) Sim ilar triangles method- Geometrical method 2) Pro portiona l compass- Mechanical method ~ Pantograph - Projectional method 179. In which method, an e pidioscope has a built in mechanism to reduce or enlarge an image- I) Mechanical method 3) Geometrical method ~Projectional method 4) Photographic method 180. The sampling tec hnique in which the rese~ucher can identify additional res pondents fr·orn existing respondents known as1) Q uota Sampling 3) Judgement Sampling / snowball Sampling 4) Double Sampling • • 181. Choose the one from the following which is not a scale of me:lsurement of geographical datal) Nom inal 3) Internal 182. l) Observation Unrestricted rando m sampling J) System atic Sampl ing A 185. ystematic Sampling 3) Multi stage Sampling ~ inimum oftwo inde pende nt variables 4) One variable from each In a case ·w here the values of both the d c.pendent and independent va riables decreases s imultaneously, the kind of correlation exists is: 2) Multiple Corre lation 4) Negative Corre latio n T he statistical technique which is not a measure of central tendency is: l) Mean 3) Mode 188. 2) Strati fied Sampling 4) Area Sampling For multiple correlation, the number ofvariables required is : I) Partial Corrdation ~Positiw. Corre lation 187. 2) Stratified Sampling 4) Cluster Sampling The method of sa mpling in which the smnpling units are selected at fixed inter-val is: I) Minimum of two depende nt variables J) M ini mum of two from both the Categories 186. 2) In terview / f Schedu le Pick out the method of sampling in which each item of the population s btuds equal chance of selection- A II!~. /> Frequency The method of data collection in which the profo.r ma containing a set of questions is filled by the enumerators is: J) Questionnaire 183. 2) Ordina l 2) Median J /Range The correlation co-efficient in Pearson's product moment correlation is indica ted by- ~r 2) rs J) p 4) s 189. Data collected from the internet sea rch engines rightly classified as1) Primary Sources 2) Secondary Sources ,~'!Tertiary Sources 190. Tbe inve nto r of 't' test1) S .M . Rattiullah 3) B.L.J. Berry 4) Q uarternary Sources ~W.S. Gosset 4) M.C. Kendall • 191. :v!atch the following : Mode h a Binary b. Index Uses 1 Vulnerability analysts 2. Sitting Analysis c. Regression 3. Quantifying the phys1cal process -1. Prediction d Process ,. a b c d 2 1 4 3 B. 2 4 1 3 c. 2 1 3 4 D. 1 2 3 4 192. In which five year plan e mphasis was laid for Area Development Programme- ~Fifth five year plan )) Fourth five year plan 3) Thi rd five year plan 4) Seventh five year plan 193. NRSA was esta blished in _ _ _ _ _under the Department of space, Government of India. ~1974 2) 1975 4) I 972 3) 1973 194. What is the ra nge of diffe rent intensities of radiation the sensor able to distinguis h? As 2) 0- 5 bits 4) 26- 30 bits to 14 bits 3) 20- 25 bits 195. Match the following : Mappin( a b Analysill 1. Hydrological studies 2. Vector DE~ f TI~ c Terrain mapping d Surface curvature " 3 Raster .j Z scale a b c d 3 2 4 1 B. 3 2 1 4 c. 3 1 2 4 D. 2 3 ] 4 196. A local operation of Raster D~lta set that creates a new simplified raster is called- I) Spline Rec lass ification /J 2) Masking 4) Autocorrelation 197. Which one of the following is NOT a Data component? I) Attribute 3) Raster 2) Vector SYMAP /J • 198. Match the following and pick the correct code a. Discrete feature b. Continuous featw-e c. TIN 1. Data model 2. Node 3. Dwells d. Point 4. Rainfall d 3 b 1 c A 4 2 :jl' 3 4 1 2 C. 3 4 2 1 D. 2 4 1 3 a 199. Based on the Rank-Size rule, the descending sequence of the selected metropolis of India will be- l) Chennai. Kanpur, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Nagpur ~Chennai, Ahmedabad, Kanpur. Nagpur, Jaipur 3) Ahmedabad, Chennai, Kanpur, Nagpur, Jaipur 4) Ahmedabad, Nagpur, Chennai, Kanpur. Jaipur zoo. Name the model which integrates existing knowledge about environmental process in the real world into a set of relationship and equations for qualifying the processes. I) Binary Model 3) Statistical Model A Process Model 4) Regression Model