How It Could Have Been

How It Could
Have Been
No. 33
Stata Ualvanlty of Naw York at Albany
Tuaaday, Saptambwr 26, 1972
SUNYA of the Furore
by Diana Cyanovich
1974 would have been a very good yea*. Originally it meant an Olympic sized swimming pool, a
hockey and pleasure skating rink, new graduate
dorms, married student housing, an extension to
both the east and west ends of the podium, and a
number of other grand constructions.
The large master plan, at the east entrance of the
administration building, impresses those who happen to glance its way as they hurry by. Upon closer
examination it becomes obvious which buildings are
not completed and may not be for a number of
The first thing that catches ones eye, upon glancing
across the plan before us, is the proposed east and
west extensions to the podium. The plans for the
west podium extension were all completed a year
ago. This area would have included, amongst other
things, enough room for the humanities and social
science departments to expand and breathe more
freely. An extension of the library and campus
bookstore und eating facilities would also have been
included. This enlargement of the library would
cater primarily Lo graduate studies. Two or three
lecture rooms were proposed. Although the university is not being pressed Tor lecture center space, it
may be in the future.
Across the podium on the east end another
extension was planned. An expansion of the space
for chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics and
others would then have been possible. Highly
specialized laboratories for these fields is still one of
the basic dreams of the physical science departments.
Off the southeast end of the podium a field house
may someday be placed. This building would serve
many interest groups. The three main features
include an olympic sized swimming pool, a combination hockey and pleasure skating rink and a large
indoor arena. The arena could be used for track,
basketball, indoor football, as well as for speaking
engagements and musical programs. Ten thousand
spectators could have been accomodated.
Graduate dorms for the uptown campus were also
included in the plan. This proposal was made wiLli
the thought in mind of a large expanding graduate
student population.
Between these dormitories and the undergraduate
uuiids is i. parking and recreational structure. Park
ing for students would be on two levels. One would
be one half a flight above ground level and the other
one half a flight below. On top of these structures
would be tennis courts and an open lawn for general
use and informal Across Puller Road, on a large
tract of land owned by the University, was a
planned construction site for students. Close to liO'll
apartments for undergraduate and graduate students
was proposed. Since many students marry before
they finish their college studies, the University feels
a need o make apart men is available u> these
students. Mimed students will be more apt to
at tend a school which offers ho jsing at rents
affordable to students than those without such
Last on our search for missing buildings
uilthngs is (he
continuing education building. Conferences L>f M
most any variety would have been able u meet
here. The structure would include conferenc
and motel-type rooms for participants a
liy now most students are prooably wondering
why all these proposed buildings will not be
anything more than wishful thinking for a number
of years. The answer is simply a lack of funding to
go through with the plans and u reorientation of
academic objectives. As the University stands pre
gently, phases one and two are completed, There is
even the added extra of a health center Before any
more construction could occur the stale's austerity
budget stopped all work.
The conditions of the present ar not necessarily
permanent. Walter Tut dale of Campus Planning
explains the situation as possibly a "temporary
moratorium which might last for a decade, more or
less." Once the University Is given the go-ahead
through state funding some of these lost buildings
may come out of hiding
Gridders Smash Stonybrook ]
14-Zip;Booters Lose 4-0
Stories on Pages 13 and 14
The campus model located in the Administration Building lobby contains many buildings which were
never built, and which probably will not be built here for some years. They include new graduate dorms,
a conference center, planetarium, and a field house.
According to Walter Tisdale of Campus Planning, the halt in SUNYA construction may not be
permanent. If the state fiscal crisis cases somewhat, it is conceivable that funds could be alloted for
building some of the structures recently slashed.
Central Council Chairman Ken Stokem
Student Association President Mike hampert
This year's Central Council has been called the
perhaps, be one of the most controversial.
Whatever else it is, one thing is clear; it is one of the
and most independent
Central Councils
Last year Council and the Executive Branch ot the Studei t
Association were closely entwined and able to agree on
several important questions.
This year, however, Central Council's relationship with
the Executive lias been of a somewhat different
Under the Chairmanship of Ken Stokem (above, right) the
Knock Heads
legislative branch has taken a strongly independent position.
(above, left) Council
named Stokem chairman and apunsuccessful
Steve Cerber to head the crucial finance committee. In
other actions, Council turned down Lamport's choice for
Assistant Political Coordinator, unfroze the Torch budget
and passed a special "use of income" bill for the Media
Shown above is the site for the West Podium extension, a project which is dead for at least the next
few years. The extension would have included, among other things, enough space for Humanities, Social
Sciences, ti larger bookstore, another cafeteria, and mi enlargement lo the library.
Croups, all over Lamport's objections.
Lampert tried to close the fissure by not vetoeing the
Torch bill. Apparently, his efforts to improve relations
have not been successful
Council news, turn to
politicized" Council in Student Association history. It will,
so far.
page 3,
For the latestCentral
ft 11 .. J V. . ' ' • I I I 1 H J P
Paint Job to Impress Communit
It's All Greek to Meit
by Glenn von Nortitz
b y Claude Weinberg
Last Friday at t h e Interfraternity Council S m o k e r , this fall's
fraternity rush officially began. For s o m e , these n e x t few weeks
n i g h t b e t h e best w e e k s o f their college years highlighted b y their
icceptance into a F R A T E R N I T Y . For others it is t h e realization
h a t Greek is n o t for them. However, m o s t p e o p l e either d o n ' t
m o w , d o n ' t care, or are totally biased against fraternities.
Rushing is divided into t w o sections, informal and formal, each
•sting about t w o weeks. Informal rush consists o f a series o f events
pou m a y have seen advertised, such as kegs with sororities, dinners,
vine a n d cheese parties, a n d drinking in t h e frat section. T h e
>urpose is t o have interested males m e e t the fraternities and their
»ay o f life. T h e first bid session is then h e l d , at w h i c h formal
n o t a t i o n s are given t o basically a n y o n e s h o w i n g interest in Bier
fraternity. Then, formal rush begins, and in t h e n e x t t w o w e e k s the
ushees start their personal evaluations and d e c i d e w h i c h fraternities
h e y like best. On October 2 2 , this year, t h e final bid session will b e
leld and t h e individual fraternities will decide t o w h o m they w a n t t o
pve bids. That night t h e rushees can pick u p their bids and decide
whether or not t o accept the bids.
J o h n B u c k o H , Director of t h e
Physical Plant here a t S U N Y A ,
yesterday answered w m e recurring questions about the painting
presently being d o n e inside academic buildings and the reside n c e quadrangles.
• According t o Buckoff, all o f
the Academic Podium buildings
are slated for a c o m p l e t e repainting this year. Work inside the
Social Science building has already been c o m p l e t e d , and t h e
Humanities building was originally scheduled t o b e painted
But, according t o both Bucko f f a n d Campus Center director
Gary Jones, a change in schedule
has been made. I t h a s been
decided t o paint t h e Campus
Center before Humanities in an
effort t o give a "better impress i o n " o n C o m m u n i t y University
D a y , which is scheduled for October 23rd. Hundreds o f visitors
from t h e surrounding c o m m u nity are expected here then, and
it has been the desire o f t h e
administration to make the campus l o o k "as good as possible."
Receiving t o p priority, according t o Jones, are t h e "more
public areas" which are e x p e c t e d
t o b e seen most b y the visitors.
Funding Revealed
T h e funds for doing the latest
painting, are coming o u t o f the
regular maintenance a n d repairs
budget o f t h e University.
A fraternity's function is primarily social and although only about
10% o f all university m e n belong t o fraternities, they are among the
most active participants of campus events such as H o m e c o m i n g ,
Holiday Sing, Telethon, and intramural sports. Fraternities also play
a large part in c o m m u n i t y affairs, sponsoring b l o o d drives, helping
charities, and fasting for Biafra, t o name a few. There is also a major
representation of Greeks in student politics. In short, the fraternity
is an organized group of guys pooling their talents and abilities in
order t o achieve a spirit o f pride and brotherhood.
Originally, fraternities were started because o f t h e lack o f special
interest groups o n campus. Today, with their proliferation, fraternities, e x c e p t for a few, are o n the decline. One of the reasons is that
first semester freshmen are not allowed to rush; many feel that their
enthusiasm dies if they have t o wait for t h e n e x t semester. This fall
there was a proposal t o annul the rule. It is n o w in the hands o f the
Student Affairs Committee and a decision should b e reached very
Last semester, a story on fraternities was written b y an independent and was obviously biased against Greek life. I, being in a
fraternity, have written this story biased toward fraternities.
However, like the weather,, people complain about the social life at
Albany but no o n e does anything about it. Come around t o t h e rush
functions; there are n o c o m m i t m e n t s at all. You'll have a g o o d time
and, w h o knows, m a y b e you'll like it!
hllgajiVHlfm I
Ki:ni:imiKR « I
T h e Plant Director w e n t o n In
explain h o w t h e p a i n t i n g crew is
divided i n t o t h r e e g r o u p s . On**
crew c o n c e n t r a t e s o n t h e academic
s t r u c t u r e s , a n o t h e r is
Q u a d , a n d t h e o t h e r c r e w is o n
call. It is e x p e c t e d t h a t t h e
painters will begin work o n S t a t e
next year, c o m
pletely r e p a i n t i n g all interiors
A s winter moves in, the crowds disperse ... to the tunnels.
[)f fo
BF BROUGHT TO rHb «' r ( N WI1 ,J
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L Stutnpliy b|5littlit»Ctlln ' OirittidbfCiwgi Hoi Hill fiwhKid b| f»nl MwwiJi
ll*I •
In a n y event, m o s t of t h e
painting is needed, a n d w h e t h e r
or n o t it is being d o n e lor
Day is
n o t t h e i m p o r t a n t m a t t e r . Never
many students
w o n d e r e d w h y t h e University
administration h a s s u d d e n l y deei
ded t o s t e p u p p a i n t i n g activities
when m u c h of t h e c a m p u s wenl
u n p a i n t e d for years.
* Preparation for tests required tor
admission to graduate and proles
siorml schools
' Six and twelve session couisos
* Small groups
"Voluminous material for home study
prepared by experts in each fiultl
trie quintessence of
T h e reasons for p a i n t i n g Dutch
Quad a r e still u n c l e a r . It has
been suggested t h a t D u t c h is
used as a " s h o w p l a c e " for t h e
c a m p u s , a n d t h a t visitors arc
usually t a k e n t h e r e r a t h e r than
t o o t h e r q u a d s . W h e t h e r this is
why Dutch Quad is being p a i n t
ed n o w is unclear.
starring ALBANY'S own
As a result of the staff c h a n g e s ,
and m o d i f i c a t i o n
work will be s o m e w h a t c u r t a i l e d
due t o staff s h o r t a g e s . However,
Buckoff does n o t see
this as a serious p r o b l e m . Asks
Buckoff, " W h a t t a k e s p r i o r i t y ,
a l t e r a t i o n and m o d i f i c a t i o n or
p a i n t i n g and m a i n t e n a n c e ? We
feel t h a t p a i n t i n g is m o r e i m p o r
t a n t a t this t i m e . "
After t h e C a m p u s C e n t e r has
been c o m p l e t e s o m e t i m e in Dec e m b e r , t h e S U N Y A painting
s q u a d s will tackle t h e H u m a n
ities Building, a n d t h e n t h e
Physics a n d C h e m i s t r y buildings,
Dutch Quad Work
T h e painting crew, w h i c h normally consists o f 1 0 full-time
m e n , has been beefed-up t o 1 6 .
T h e extra m e n were taken from
0 ther departments,
carpentry, the electrical s h o p ,
and dormitory maintenance.
The possibility has been raised
that t h e reason behind making
the staff changes is t h e upc oming
Day a n d a desire t o m a k e the
campus l o o k as good as possible.
But Plant
claims that *'most o f t h e academic buildings haven't been
painted y e t since they first opene d , " and that many o f t h e buildings badly need work d o n e o n
them, particularly t h e C a m p u s
Relive with us the fun-filled days of
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Lampert's Truce Ineffective
by Ellyn Sternberger
The score s t o o d 3 t o 1 with
Central Council leading S A President Mike Lamport last w e e k .
What could have been a lengthy
and possibly interesting " b a t t l e "
between the Executive and Legislative b r a n c h e s e n d e d last week
w h e n L a m p o r t called an abrupt
" t r u c e , " b e c a u s e , " t h i s kind of
s e m a n t i c self-reflective r e a c t i o n
t o each o t h e r ' s e m o t i o n s , attitudes a n d actions will o n l y e n d
in h u r t i n g t h e s t u d e n t s a n d t h e
week, the Appointments Reviewing C o m m i t t e e l o o k e d into
the matter. In its report t o t h e
Council, this c o m m i t t e e recomm e n d e d that B o b Harris n o t be
a p p o i n t e d t o t h e position. A
Council m o t i o n t o accept t h e
r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s defeated 8
in favor and 9 o p p o s e d . When
this v o t e was r e c o r d e d , L a m p e r t
was c o m m e n t i n g t h a t t h e v o t e
was " c l o s e r t h a n I feel comfortable
w i t h . " Lampert has
called for a t h e Council
T h a t w a s p a r t of a message
from Lam-pert t o C e n t r a l C o u n cil explaining w h y t h e bill t o
unfreeze t h e Torch b u d g e t w a s
n o t vetoed as h a d b e e n e x pected. T w o w e e k s a g o , C o u n c i l
passed t h e Torch bill after L a m pert v e t o e d a similar bill. Lampert said t h a t if h e h a d vetoed
this bill, "1 w o u l d have b e e n
reacting m o r e from m y r e a c t i o n
t o y o u r passing it over m y
k n o w n dissent t h a n m y perc e p t i o n of t h e g r e a t e r g o o d of
the s t u d e n t s . My guess is t h a t
this hill was passed in r e a c t i o n t o
veto m o r e than o n its
m e r i t . " L a m p e r t called for an
end t o " p e t t y , a n n o y i n g tactics,"
b u t t h e Council
appears t o b e o p e r a t i n g with
c o n s i d e r a b l e a n t i - L a m p e r t sentiment.
C o u n c i l discussed t h e parking
situation on campus. A motion
was passed t o urge University
C o u n c i l t o c o n s i d e r t h e Proposals of t h e A d H o c C o m m i t t e e
t o Investigate Parking Regulat i o n . D a n Williams, c h a i r m a n of
the c o m m i t t e e , explained the
c o m m i t t e e ' s p r o p o s a l s , w h i c h include: ( 1) r e d u c i n g t h e parking
fine from $ 6 t o $!J; ( 2 ) e n d i n g
t h e d i s c r i m i n a t i o n b e t w e e n comm u t e r s t u d e n t s and faculty in
tht D u t c h a n d S t a t e l o t s ; ( 3 )
paving t h e Colonial a n d I n d i a n
l o t s ; ( 4 ) p u t t i n g t h e lots near t h e
traffic circle on a l o t t e r y basis;
and ( 5 ) calling for c o n s u l t a t i o n
with ail s e g m e n t s of t h e University C o m m u n i t y , especially stud e n t s , before changes are proposed in parking regulations.
T w o w e e k s ago, L a m p e r t proposed t h a t B o b Harris b e app o i n t e d as Assistant Political C o ordinator. T h e Council
postp o n e d t h e q u e s t i o n a n d last
C o u n c i l ' s d e b a t e o n t h e s e proposals c e n t e r e d a r o u n d " e q u a l i t y " in t h e University
comm u n i t y . It w a s p o i n t e d o u t t h a t
F a c u l t y s h o u l d n o t be granted
Brunches In Mu|Qf Clt
Sthuoi uilh (hr Null
Media g r o u p s were still h o p i n g
for plus u s e of i n c o m e as introd u c e d in a bill last week. T h e
Finance Committee's recommend a t i o n was t o defeat t h e bill, b u t
after s o m e discussion, t h e C o u n cil passed use of i n c o m e bill b y a
large margin.
A b u d g e t for t h e A m a t e u r
l l a d i o C l u b , a fairly new organization on c a m p u s , was also considered a t t h e meeting. A c o m m i t t e e bill a p p r o p r i a t e d a little
m o r e than $ 1 0 0 0 for e q u i p m e n t
and a t e l e p h o n e in t h e Livingston Tower penthouse station.
T h e club president, Howie Berns t e i n, defended
the appropriation for a t e l e p h o n e , a n d
after s o m e discussion t h e a p p r o priation was passed.
A hill w a s i n t r o d u c e d b y Barry
Davis and Barry Sloan p r o p o s i n g
t h a t Council urge for a u t h o r i -
( a b o v e ) , President
o f the Amateur Radio Club,
appeared before Central Council last week t o request funds for t h e
zalion to use t h e g y m for an
a p p e a r a n c e of J a n e F o n d a , T o m
H a y d e n , Holly Near, and a form e r POW. Use of t h e g y m was
r e p o r t e d l y refused by athletics
d i r e c t o r Albert Werner because
the g y m is reserved for a t h l e t i c
use on w e e k n i g h t s a n d m a y b e
used for o t h e r p u r p o s e s only o n
w e e k e n d s . After recalling previous violations of this alledged
rule, t h e Council passed t h e bill
by a u n a n i m o u s voice v o t e . Presi d e n t Benezet, W e r n e r a n d Dean
for S t u d e n t Affairs Neil Brown
will receive c o p i e s of this bill.
urging t h e m
t h e gym.
t o allow usage of
T h e Council rejected t h e rec o m m e n d a t i o n of t h e A p p o i n t m e n t s Reviewing C o m m i t t e e t o
reject B o b Harris as Assistant
Political C o o r d i n a t o r . A c c o r d i n g
t o p r o c e d u r e , Harris w o u l d have
a u t o m a t i c a l l y assumed this position a t t h e e n d of t h e C o u n c i l
m e e t i n g if n o f u r t h e r a c t i o n
were t a k e n . Sorry, B o b . T h e
Council voted 11 t o 9 t o reject
appointment...are you
listening, L a m p e r t ?
Record Turnout for Activities Day
Activities Day 1 9 7 2 w a s a success far b e y o n d t h e h o p e s of a n y
of t h e g r o u p s r e p r e s e n t e d t h e r e .
A typical activity d a y at A l b a n y
S t a t e usually d r a w s f r o m 2 0 0 t o
300 students to t h e Campus
C e n t e r Display areas. B u t last
S a t u r d a y , w h e n Activities Day
7 2 closed its d o o r s , well over
1000 students had participated.
ested s t u d e n t s an o p p o r t u n i t y t o
j o i n t h e m a n y clubs, c o m m i t tees, a n d councils of t h e Univers i t y . Each o r g a n i z a t i o n is req u i r e d t o s e t u p a small b o o t h ,
a n d t o have officers of t h e organization
on hand
1 0 : 0 0 a n d 3 : 0 0 t o m e e t prospective m e m b e r s a n d offer information.
T h e basic i n t e n t of activities
d a y , held d u r i n g a S a t u r d a y at
the beginning of t h e fall semester, is t o offer various c a m p u s
o r g a n i z a t i o n s a c h a n c e t o draft
new m e m b e r s , a n d t o offer inter-
A p p r o x i m a t e l y 6 0 g r o u p s part i c i p a t e d in this y e a r ' s activity
d a y , t o u c h i n g on all of t h e various a s p e c t s of t h e university
community—academic, cultural,
media, mass-programming,
itics a n d recreation.
In a d d i t i o n t o t h e usual displays
and literature,
groups held special d e m o n s t r a tions. A popular booth was set
u p by t h e Physics S t u d e n t s Orga n i z a t i o n , a n d included a fasc i n a t i n g d e m o n s t r a t i o n of holog r a p h y , or 3-D p h o t o g r a p h y .
Theatre Council's booth was set
u p in front of t h e C a m p u s (-'enter, a n d h e l d c o n t i n u i n g perf o r m a n c e s for m o s t of t h e four
h o u r s . A n d after lunch J u d o
C l u b held a black-belt d e m o n s *
tration in t h e main plaza in front
of t h e C a m p u s C e n t e r f o u n t a i n .
Outing Club had a rope-climbing
d e m o n s t r a t i o n a n d Sailing C l u b
h a d o n display o n e of their
T h e success of this y e a r ' s activity d a y was, it s e e m e d , partially
d u e t o t h e fact t h a t it was t h e
first weekend in which large
n u m b e r s of s t u d e n t s djd n o t
leave for h o m e . Most s t u d e n t s
stayed o n c a m p u s , a n d were
looking for s o m e t h i n g t o d o .
card was
lEpiscopal community on Campus.
Starting Sunday, October!, the Celebration of t h e i
(Holy Eucharist will take place each Sunday at 10:15 am J
jin the Chapel House.
Chapel House: 489-8573
Home Phone: 462-2728
The Rev. Harold Baum,
^wmmmmJoin the celehratiorimmmm
WSUA radio, which b r o a d c a s t
live from t h e C a m p u s C e n t e r
Balcony. A n d Wild Wild Weekend s p o n s o r e d a free ice cream
social c o m p l e t e with half h o u r
Why t h e Success
On Wednesday, September 27, Episcopal students|
fare invited to gather at 12 noon in the Campus Centerjf
poom 370, to discuss the formation of a witnessing|
11A.'., IV1MNQS W I I M N l n
H . lulmi.i/i
parking privileges at t h e e x p e n s e
of t h e s t u d e n t s and that Administrators should n o t b e the o n l y
ones with a chance t o park in
the coveted lots at the main
entrance and along t h e main
traffic circle. A plea was made
for the "car-owning resident student"
w h o is automatically
d o o m e d t o t h e far-end of the
larger lots (an idea w o r s e than
allowing t h e m t o " m o n o p o l i z e "
the f r o n t ) . T h e general sentim e n t w a s n o t with t h e r e s i d e n t
s t u d e n t s a n d s o , b y being " p r a c tical," t h e Council adopted the
t h a t e v e r y o n e is
e q u a l b u t s o m e are m o r e e q u a l
than others.
t h e only
heard Saturday concerned t h e
J a z z Band which played in the
Main Cafeteria. A l t h o u g h m a n y
p e o p l e found it q u i t e e n j o y a b l e ,
a few c o m p l a i n e d t h a t it was t o o
loud and nearly impossible t o
communicate without
T h e J a z z Band was s p o n s o r e d by
For those w h o missed Saturd a y ' s festivities—it w a s a g r e a t
event, and t h e r e are still a few
h a n d b o o k s left a t t h e Inform a t i o n Desk for t h o s e interested. T h e y describe each g r o u p
t h a t participated, a n d p r o v i d e
i n f o r m a t i o n for those i n t e r e s t e d
in joining.
to all
in the
219 Western Ave. store
Book Mark
Plaza 7
Shopping Ctr.
Route 4
Not Real Peace:
But the Absence of War
by MkhacJ Putzd
Associated Pics Writer
H i e focal point o f d i e Indochina w a r has m o v e d again i n t o a
region where t h e names are obscure, t h e objectives unclear and
t h e o u t c o m e uncertain.
F o r more than a m o n t h North
Vietnamese regulars have been
striking a t t o w n s a n d military
o u t p o s t s s o u t h o f D a Nang, an
area that many military analysts
believed w a s overdue for its
share o f t h e n a t i o n w i d e North
Vietnamese offensive.
Q u e S o n a n d Fire Base Ross
were overrun and retaken. T i e n
Phuoc fell. T h e n determined assaults were m a d e against M o D u e
and Ba T o .
A couple o f hundred militiam e n , with heroic help from an
American adviser, held o u t in
Mo Due though outnumbered 1 0
t o f l . The t o w n o f Ba T o fell, but
the nearby c a m p is holding, surrounded and under siege.
Harrassing attacks have been
building against D u e Pho.
All t h e towns are district capitals in t h e three southern provinces o f military region 1 •
Quang Nam, Quang Tin and
Quang Ngai. T h e Viet Cong
spent years booby-trapping and
and infantrymen w h o tried to
clear o u t elusive guerrilla forces
from the jungled mountains in
the west and the rice-rich coastal
plain in t h e east.
Intelligence reports
my t h e
North Vietnamese have roared
t w o reinforced d m s o n s with
supporting tanks and heavy artillery - perhaps 2 0 , 0 0 0 m e n - i n t o
the region n o w defended by
South Vietnam's 2 n d Infantry
Division and reorganized elem e n t s o f t h e hapless 3rd Division, t h e unit routed
Quang Tri.
"If there is any province in this
c o u n t r y where t h e people would
rise u p in support o f t h e Viet
Cong, Quang Ngai is i t , " says
o n e ranking pacification expert
in Da Nang. "They haven't d o n e
it, a n d I don't think they will,
but if it could happen a n y
where, that's where it would
Hanoi's original s c h e m e for t h e
offensive, according t o o n e analyst, was t o seize Quang Tri in
the north, K o n t u m in t h e central
highlands, and Binh Dinh o n the
central coast. T b e n they could
have closed on t h e provinces in
b e t w e e n and taken the northern
half o f t h e c o u n t r y .
That didnt't happen, but it
c o u l d explain w h y Quang Nam,
Quang Tin, and Quang Ngai are
only n o w beginning to feel that
crunch o f t h e offensive, nearly
six m o n t h s after it began.
It also is possible that the
North Vietnamese, having suffered severe fosses in other areas,
prefer t o fight here now. They
can keep the available government forces thinly spread and
vulnerable at an acceptable cost.
by Paul Jacobs
Imagine a flock of sheep, foll o w e d by three camels, crossing
the busiest intersection of a large
U.S. city at 5 P-m., and you have
a little sense o f Cairo—one of the
noisiest and most crowded cities
I've ever seen.
Multiply by a thousand the
excavations for new buildings
that mark downtown San Francisco or Philadelphia, and you 11
have s o m e sense o f h o w Tel Aviv
and Jerusalem look today.
These images are but a hint of
the cultural gaps that separate
countries like Egypt and Syria
from Israel, and all three of
them from t h e United States.
They make nearly impossible
what is already a difficult task:
to Americans
the tenuous and shifting realities
of life in the Middle East.
Even n o w , many American
Jews take the slightest criticism
of Israel as a sure sign of antiSemitism, while many American
Arabs view any disapproval of
Arab policy as proof o f a Zionist
Quite apart from these obsta
cles to understanding, however,
I m handicapped by my o w n
feelings. Part of me—and an important part, too—is in Israel,
where some of my oldest and
best friends live.
I go back there again and
again, a t t r a c t e d and repelled,
loving it a n d hating it, at ease
there in certain ways I am never
[comfortable^ here, a n d equally
uncomfortable there in ways 1
[never experience here.
In the past few years, however,
i have also m a d e new friends in
|the A r a b world. I've come to
u n d e r s t a n d s o m e t h i n g of their
^extraordinary c u l t u r e a n d I have
Id e V e t o p e d
feel i ngs of
for t h e Palestinian
Arabs w h o o n c e lived in what is
n o w Israel.
Bear all this in mind then as I
try to m a k e a political judgment
km the Middle East t o d a y t o
»$f.jw wr mn re. r mjtff
compress the reactions o f a
month's trip into a few words:
The whole area, it seems, is
moving to the right. The Arab
nations are shifting in that direction and the influence o f Islam is
growing among the Arab peoples. Israel, t o o , is shifting
towards the right as the viewpoints held by Israeli expansionists and hawks become more and
more acceptable to those in the
center of Israeli life.
I do not think any immediate
danger of full-scale war exists in
the area. N o Arab nation or
combination o f Arab nations is
capable of successfully conducting a war against Israel and
neither are the Palestinians. And,
at the moment, Israel has more
than enough Arabs to deal with,
for today Israel is in fact a
bi-national state—except that the
million Arabs w h o live within it
and the borders of t h e occupied
territories are and will remain
Israeli leaders recognize the implications this large Arab population holds for the future of a
Jewish state; others, unfortunately, do n o t . Abba Eban has
complained that when he raised
the question of Israel's future
demography if the state had
more than a million Arabs in it,
one of his fellow cabinet members jeered at h i m with " D e m o graphy, s h e m o g r a p h y . "
Arab leaders are still reluctant
to criticize publicly what they
believe to be incorrect policies
and actions of other Arabs, thus
maintaining a formidable barrier
to real peace.
Meanwhile, the voices of dis
sent in Israel have become m o r e
isolated from the mass of t h e
population ar.d more susceptible
to suppression with t h e assent of
the majority. T h e conflict grows
forces and those w h o are demanding a relaxation of the tight
hold the religious c o m m u n i t y
has on such matters as marriage
and divorce. T h e fight has been
postponed temporarily, b u t . in
the words o f D e p u t y Prime Minister YigaJ Allon, it is a "time
b o m b " which will e x p l o d e in the
Still, despite t h e pessimism I
feel c o m p e l l e d t o e x p r e s s . I also
feel a little s e n s e o f h o p e for the
future. N o Arab with whom I
talked believes Israel will give up
any of t h e o c c u p i e d territories
m o s t Israelis feel t h a t w a y . tuo.
But I did h e a r a few influential
Israelis speak o u t in favor of
returning the territories, and
s o m e o f them are n o w intent
upon entering political lift- and
changing t h e country's fossilized
leadership. A n d , for t h e first
t i m e , I heard Palestinian Arabs
use the word " I s r a e l i " insb , ( | .,(
just " Z i o n i s t . "
For t h e first t i m e , t o o , I •:. :nl
American Jews express th<- vtt-v.
that p e r h a p s t h e American -U-v,
ish c o m m u n i t y has been v,r .;,L
in its t r a d i t i o n a l l y a u t o m a t i c en
d o r s e m e n t of every Israeli ;,.,|i
cy, If n o t h i n g else h a s hap|i.-' .i]
to cause this shift, tin- .»;>.- •.
expressed h o p e of s o rn.r.\
Israelis t h a t N i x o n will he n
elected has c r e a t e d -some <! >
quiet a m o n g A m e r i c a n J e w
I found Israel m o r e p r o s p e r
than ever before a n d tin- \-.<?,
countries only a little better •>••
than t h e y have b e e n . But 1M
prosperity is based on ib • •
panding defense e c o n u n v .
its inflationary c o n s t r u c t a •:
dustry—and o n having avail..!.!•
large-scale, c h e a p A r a b l.tb<.'
force. Neither Israeli pro- •
nor Arab depression can
tinue forever, for both enn!
within themselves t h e seedtheir own internal d e s i r u n . i . :
T w o years a g o , when I » >m<
back from t h e Middle Ea>i I
no real peace was possible
i m m e d i a t e future, Nov,
years later, I a m even m<
convinced t h a t w h a t exists n, n..
Middle East is n o t real \f ••• ••
but only t h e a b s e n c e of war 'I! •
real test of a future will '••
what policies are a d o p t e d dm
the hiatus.
*7/??7? T~^TMA'K7 rm
Get Away front ft All I I
by Barbara Fischkin
The city of Albany is n o t
nestled at the b o t t o m of t h e
fountains, nor is it hiding in the
tunnels or lecture center seven.
It is o u t there in s o m e indiscernable fog, and the p r o b l e m of
every d o r m resident is t o get t o
it and reaffirm his belief t h a t
t h e r e is m o r e t o life than quadrangles a n d towers.
When t h e " I ' v e got t o get u u t
of here or the si girt of white'il kill
me b l u e s " hit t h e best place t o .
be is a r o u n d lots of green. If y o u
d o n ' t have t o o m u c h time and
y o u ' r e d e s p e r a t e for a park atm o s p h e r e , a quick ride on t h e
SUNY bus t o Draper Hall will
t a k e y o u a block away from
Washington Park. It is a small
replica of Central Park, and although night time safety is n o t
o n e of its key features, it is still
a place where trees are left alone
and not s y m m e t r i c a l l y aligned.
T h e r e are also s o m e beautiful
houses in and a r o u n d t h e park
that are worth jealously admiring.
If y o u have a car, or a friend
with o n e , take a ride s o u t h along
route 8 5 t o Thatcher Park. This
State Park is open all year and
has a beautiful overlook area o f
Albany and her surroundings.
During the warmer seasons, picnic areas and s w i m m i n g facilities
are available and there are scenic
trails for hiking. In t h e winter,
the park has a twelve mile area
set aside for s n o w m o b i l e s . ( D o e s
a n y o n e have o n e , here?). There
is a five t o seven mile area for
cross-country skiing a n d snow
shoeing and a towless ski slope
For those among us w h o believe there is more to e d u c a t i o n
than the classroom, there are
places in Albany which provide
more than pure entertainment.
The Albany Institute o f History
and Art, 1 2 5 Washington Avenue, will have a folk art exhibit
October 5 through 3 0 , entitled
with portraits, silver and china.
When y o u tire o f a t t e m p t i n g t o
study in our library's second
floor lounge y o u can remind
yourself that there is an Albany
Public Library S y s t e m . T h e Harmanus Bleeker Branch a t 1 9
Dove Street sponsors a n o o n
book review every Tuesday and
a film program Tuesday afternoons. There is also a discussion
of great books o n the third
Wednesday of every m o n t h .
However, if y o u get y o u r fill o f
education all d a y long, then
"Fabric o f t h e State". If diam o n d s are y o u r bag, then t h e
gem exhibit w h i c h is currently
being s h o w n at t h e N e w York
State Museum, located in t h e
State Education Building, should
prove interesting.
Starting in January the legislature is in session; then y o u can
get y o u r education and entertainment in o n e package b y
watching your favorite State
or Assemblyman in
action. In addition, tours of the
Capitol are given all year round
during t h e week and o n Saturday mornings. While at t h e Capital, a visit to the nearby Schuyler Mansion is also worthwhile.
Along the same vein, but less
k n o w n , is Cherry
a t 5 3 2 ^ S o u t h Pearl Street. This
building is over 2 0 0 years old
and is the last of the V a n Rensselaer h o m e s in Albany. It was
occupied by the family until
1 9 6 3 and n o w contains many o f
the original furnishings along
parking on t h e
S U N Y A c a m p u s is a difficult
lask. T h e r e are 3 0 0 0 spaces for
over 4 5 0 0 cars a n d s o m e m e a n s
of c o o r d i n a t i o n
is obviously
necessary. New directives issued
by C a m p u s S e c u r i t y were sched u l e d t o go i n t o effect o n Monday, September 18, b u t student
c o n c e r n over t h e way they were
established c o m p e l l e d t h e University Council t o defer a c t i o n
until t h e p r o b l e m c o u l d be studied m o r e t h o r o u g h l y .
E n f o r c e m e n t in t h e past has
been a d m i t t e d l y s p o r a d i c a n d
ineffective. T h e Personnel Policies Parking C o m m i t t e e of t h e
University S e n a t e s u b m i t t e d a n
extensive report a t t h e Senate's
January 3 1 , 1972 meeting. The
report disclosed t h a t for t h e Fall
'71 s e m e s t e r 1 6 % of t h e fines
issued t o students were paid, and
only 8% o f the faculty/staff
penalties were c o l l e c t e d . According t o their report, " T h e conclusion is that the present fine
system lacks the 'teeth' t o make
it effective as an e n f o r c e m e n t
munity into this preliminary
phase. John W. Hartley, VicePresident for Management and
Planning was named chairman,
and the members included John
F. Buckhoff, Director o f t h e
Physical Plant, Robert G. Nuriiberger, Professor in t h e College
of General Studies, James 11.
Williams, Director of Campus
Security, and Richard A. Liese,
Chairman of t h e Central Council
of the Student Association.
In March of this year a parking
c o m m i t t e e was formed with the
goal o f establishing guidelines
for the S U N Y A c a m p u s . An
effort was made to incorporate
representatives of all t h e constituencies o f the university com-
Most of t h e proposals w e r e
acceptable t o all members o f t h e
c o m m i t t e e but t h e r e were several that were particularly irritable in the eyes o f student
F o r m e r l y the registration fee
had been s e t a t $1 for t w o years
a n d t h e c o m m i t t e e increased it
to $ 5 for o n e year. T h e r a t i o n a l e
behind this decision w a s t h a t
funds were n e e d e d for t h e maint e n a n c e of the lots, a n d s t a t e
funds were n o t f o r t h c o m i n g .
F u r t h e r m o r e , t h e yearly registra
tion would facilitate planning,
since Security would be able t o
have a n a c c u r a t e c o u n t of t h e
a m o u n t of motor vehicles operated on the campus.
* Book Sale
cUAH: THf ct4IM " " •
CQMfAVNlST t-Of-if- '•
25 thousand books
10c each
viimm A** w n. ' "
y/n(Rf THfY tt_0
li itrriliftv
used and rare b o o k s
one areudia at Western
(just beyond Dunkin Donuts)
Wed., S e p t . 27... 10:30-4 : 3 0
Thurs.,Sept. 28... 10:30-9.00
KrL.Sept. 2 9 - 1 0 : 3 0 - 4 : 3 0
Sat.,Sept. 3 0 - , 1 0 : 3 0 - 4 : 3 0
Muwr College
Student Association P r e s i d e n t
Michael Lam p e r t argued t h a t the
$5 charge a m o u n t e d t o a " p a r k ing fee," which was illegal, a n d
he stated in a letter t o John
Hartley t h a t , "While 1 c a n a c c e p t
$1 o n c e every t w o years as being
a r e a s o n a b l e fee to cover t h e
cost of printing and d i s t r i b u t i n g
the decal, the $ 5 . 0 0 fee y o u
*f* ^S M* *1^ *T* *T* ^n ^r* ^ * ^r* ^r^ ^^ ^r* ^r* ^r* ^T* ^T^ *r* ^r ^ ^ ^r* T ^ *f^ ^f^ ^^ ^S ^f* ^S T * ~I\ *F* * i * ^r* ^f^ ^r**F* * ^
U.C.B. presents
p r o p o s e crosses t h a t thin line
i n t o becoming a parking f e e . "
Plans were made by t h e committee t o segregate t h e big lots
at Dutch and S t a t e Quads between faculty/staff, c o m m u t i n g
students and resident s t u d e n t s .
and staff
would be assigned spaces closest
t o the podium, followed by
commuting s t u d e n t s a n d t h e n by
resident s t u d e n t s . T h e underlining a s s u m p t i o n s
were the
s a m e as t h o s e in t h e r e p o r t of
the Personnel Policies CouncilParking C o m m i t t e e :
" F a c u l t y a n d Staff, b e c a u s e of
irregular h o u r s a n d in o r d e r t o
avoid financial loss t o t h e University a n d t h e loss of class t i m e
t o large g r o u p s of s t u d e n t s require d e p e n d a b l e parking near
the P o d i u m .
" C o m m u t i n g s t u d e n t s , because
of t h e necessity of driving t o t h e
c a m p u s , s h o u l d receive first consideration
Faculty and
they live n e x t t o t h e P o d i u m a n d
jn m o s t cases u s e their cars
primarily for r e c r e a t i o n a l pur[M>SL\S, have t h e least reason t o
require parking s p a c e s near t h e
Podium.", the s t u d e n t m e m b e r , objected t o this e n t i r e r a t i o n a l e . He
had originally o b j e c t e d t o it on
the S e n a t e floor, w h e n t h e report was s u b m i t t e d in t h e form
of a m o t i o n t o s e n d t h e r e p o r t
back t o t h e Personnel Policies
Council t o investigate a first
come-first serve policy lor park
ing on t h e u p t o w n c a m p u s .
In a m e m o r a n d u m t o J o h n
Hartley he again raised his criticisms of t h e policy. He would
agree t o divide t h e lots i n t o
J ^ *f* 3f* ^p ^ ^ *Q>*J> 3fc ^fc JJC
facu I t y / s t a f f / c o m m u t i n g
stu* dents a n d resident s t u d e n t s , b u t
* c o m m u t i n g s t u d e n t s face t h e
* same pr<J blems as faeulty a n d
* staff m e m b e r s in finding places
* close t o t h e p o d i u m . " W h y
* should faculty a n d staff have a
* preference over c o m m u t e r stu
* dents in this u r e a , " s t a t e d Liese,
* "unless it is t o k e e p o n e of t h e
lew remaining vestiges of faculty
sUit us al i ve'.' T h is co nee pt ru ns
totally against t h e idea of .1
community' and
treats s t u d e n t s as n o t h i n g m o r e
than 'second class c i t i z e n s . ' "
Saturday Sept. 30
General A d .
$6 w/out
Reserved Seating:
$7 w/out
Door open at 9:00 for Reserved
r»«> rm euKnr »^»on IIII I I M I I
& a t 9 : l 5 for General A u d .
,,.,,. *
funded by student tux
be far, but it's still off-campus.
Washington Park
Parking Policy Presenting Problems
by Ted Lilian
there are still places dedicated
just t o fun. T h e Varsity Inn o n
route 56 in Colonie o p e n e d last
Spring and has b e c o m e fairly
popular. On Wednesday night all
wine is half price and a t w o
dollar cover on Thursday will get
y o u an endless supply of beer.
And remember, even if its four
o'clock in t h e morning and t h e
urge to leave c a m p u s suddenly
strikes, there is a place t o g o .
The Hyatt House c o f f e e s h o p is
o p e n 2 4 hours a d a y . It m a y n o t
The committee recommended
that s t u d e n t * s h o u l d have their
transcripts w i t h h e l d as a penulty
for n o n p a y m e n t of fines, a n d
this was the policy until t h e e n d
of 1 9 7 0 . At t h a t t i m e S t u d e n t
Neufeld p r o t e s t e d t h e practice
on t h e floor of t h e S e n a t e . T h e
S e n a t e v o t e d t o e n d this p r o
Lampert had objected t o t h e
$5 registration c h a r g e , calling it
an "illegal p a r k i n g f e e . " S e c t i o n
5 6 2 ( c ) 3 of t h e a d o p t e d p o l i c y
s t a t e s , " P a y m e n t o f fees for t h e
registration a n d p a r k i n g of vehicles...such registration a n d parking fees w h e n c o l l e c t e d shall b e
d e p o s i t e d in t h e S t a t e University
Income F u n d . " S'JNYA now
had t h e legal a u t h o r i t y t o levy a
parking fee.
In a recei.t interview L a m p e r t
'expressed reservations as t o
the wisdom of t h e $ 5 fee. A c cording
to Lampert,
" p e c u l i a r i t i e s " c a n n o t be d e a l t
with. T h e r e are n o provisions for
s t u d e n t s a t t e n d i n g S U N Y A for
only o n e s e m e s t e r . S h o u l d t h e
fee for t h e m be only $ 2 . 5 0 ?
Many faculty m e m b e r s have t w o
cars. Must they register b o t h for
$5 each? L a m p e r t is n o t s u r e if
is really
needed for s m o o t h a d m i n i s t r a tion, a n d he believes $ 5 is t o o
Section 5 6 2 provides for t h e
a d o p t i o n of parking r e g u l a t i o n s
by t h e council of each s t a t e
c a m p u s . On S e p t e m b e r 8 t h e
S U N Y A University Council was
scheduled t o m e e t t o discuss t h e
proposed policy. In a letter t o J.
Vanderbilt S t r a u b , C h a i r m a n of
the University C o u n c i l , L a m p e r t
requested a delay. His a p p e a l
was based on p r o c e d u r a l questions.
In a p r e c e d e n t s e t t i n g m o v e
President L a m p e r t a p p e a r e d at
the University Council m e e t i n g
to raise his c o n c e r n s . T h e C o u n cil agreed t o defer a c t i o n o n t h e
plans t o allow t h e c o m m u n i t y t o
suggest changes.
the Senate E x e c u t i v e C o m m i t tee declined t o act a n d t h e m a t ter wus referred t o t h e University C o m m u n i t y Council of t h e
Senate. Thai b o d y m e t S e p t e m ber 20 and will forward its suggestionti t o the University Council. All m e m b e r s of t h e university were urged in a m e m o r a n d u m to t h e university c o m m u n i t y from J o h n Hartley t o
forward a n y ideas t o his office
no later than 5 p . m . S e p t e m b e r
22. T h e University Council will
meet on S e p t e m b e r 29 t o discuss
these a n d a d o p t a c a m p u s park
ing policy.
At a later m e e t i n g with Hartley, L a m p e r t r e i t e r a t e d his objections. T h e E x e c u t i v e C o m m i t tee of the Board of T r u s t e e s of
the S t a t e University h a d scheduled to muet over t h e s u m m e r
to discuss guidelines for t h e est a b l i s h m e n t of r e g u l a t i o n s a t t h e
individual c a m p u s e s . Discussion
at S U N Y A was s u s p e n d e d until
the Executive C o m m i t t e e h a d
••cached its decision.
Halfway House Needs Help
To the SUNY Community:
If One Condones War,
One Cannot Curse
Environmental Bond Issue on Nov. Ballot
Vote to Clear
the Water
Your air, water, and land are at stake this November 7.
The environmental bond issue, SI.15 billion in funds for
environmental projects, is on the ballot.
The bond issue must be passed. The Pure Waters bond
issue of 1965 is running dry. More money is needed for
projects that will be increasingly expensive if delayed any
The bond issue covers air, water, and land:
- $650 million towards new sewage treatment facilities,
-$150 million for fighting air pollution from schools,
hospitals, and municipal incinerators,
$175 million to help communities begin recycling their
Frost Sees the Light at the End of the Tunnel
by Mitchell Frost
President Nixon's "Vietnamization" program has so seriously
limited his options that once his
re-elction is secured he will have
no choice but to cease the
bombing and withdraw the remaining troops from Southeast
In a rather comical turn of
events it was the President's very
own Vietnamization program
which forced him, in the end, to
abandom our commitment to
South Vietnam. Vietnamization
is founded on the assumption
that the United States can safely
withdraw its troops from the
conflict while the ARVN (the
South Vietnamese army) takes
over more and more of the
combat role resulting eventually
in a totally "Vietnamized" war.
However, by gradually withdrawing U.S. support on the
ground, the President has been
forced to protect the allied effort from the air
Pentagon estimates vary
as to how long air coverage will
be needed in the war but it is
generally admitted that such
support will be vital for at least
two years. But the President
cannot wail for two years; he is
tired of the war and wanU to
throw in the towel now. This the
President has made "perfectly
clear." So the case will go to
Hanoi. The Communists can
press cither for what they need
or for what they want. If they
are satisfied with the mere necessities required for their takeover
then they will simply return the
captured American P.O.W.s and
wave goodbye as the last of the
American ground and air forces
leave. If they want more than
just that-if they demand, say,
that the. U.S. pull out first and
topple the Thieu government before our prisoners are returned
to us then well come to the final
No Options
Gradual withdrawal was an obviously absurd policy to pursue.
To pull out 95% of our troops,
substantially undermining our
bargaining position and then,
from this weakened position to
get tough with the enemy seems
entirely illogical. But recent
events have made our continued
presence in Vietnam not only
impractical militarily but unjustified morally now as well. As
Mr. James Burnham, a one-time
Trotskyite, pointed out nearly
four months ago, the entire character of the war has changed.
'"Hie United States intervened in
South Vietnam with the objective of preventing its takeover
by organized Communist power
based locally in Hanoi and supported by Moscow and Peking.
The U.S. opposed the takeover
(a) because it was judged to
endanger major U.S. interests
and, ultimately, global peace and
stability; (b) because the U.S. is
against the forcible imposition
of a regime on a people or
nation counter to their own will,
(c) because in the case of IndoChina the U.S. had specific
treaty commitments as well as
implicit obligations from its role
as victor in the war against
Japan. These considerations,
which motivated and justified
the g e o p ol i t i c a I o bjective,
seemed and seem to me convincing.
"Now, however, the President,
as commander in chief and chief
executive, has abandoned the
objective. Moreover, by his [enthusiastic cooperation with
Russia and China] he has abandoned the political and moral
considerations thai justified the
objective. To exchange fulsome
toasts with Chou and Brezhnev
at the same time that you are
dropping square miles of bombs
on junior camp followers of
Chou and Brezhnev is a political
contradiction and a moral offense.
"When fighting no longer has
political meaning, it becomes
butchery. Commenting on President Roosevelt's failure to bring
the war with Japan to a close
following the battle of Leyte
Gulf, General J.F.C. Fuller
writes: 'What the scalpel is to
,the surgeon, war should be to
the statesman, and whatever the
causes of the war may be, should
the aim of the stateman be
purely destructive, then the activities of the soldier will become
those of the slaughterhouse...To
be a sane political instrument,
war demands a sane political
end, and to be attainable that
end must be strategically possible.'
"In the present case it is not
necessary to discuss whether the
end is or was...strategically possible. Since the e\u\ to which the
military action was the means
has been renounced, it is now
irrelevant. 'The game is losl in
Vietnam,' Servan-Schreiber sums
up. 'It's time to quit.'"
The President has, by now,
resigned himself to this. Stewart
Alsop, in his Newsweek column
(May Tl) writes: "For more
than a year now, the President
has been asking from the North
Vietnamese only a translucent
fig-loaf to cover a total American
withdrawal from Indochina. Me
has been asking for an agreed
exit that could be made to look,
if not exactly honorable, at least
not downright indt'centT It appears the war will be over shortly regardless of who wins in
November. The American surrender in Indochina was drawn
up four years ago and its too late
to change course now.
solid wastes; and
- $ 1 7 5 million to acquire park lands, wetlands, and other
unique lands.
The money is for local use in your own towns and cities.
Municipalities and the federal government will provide
matching funds; the expenditures will soar past the $1.15
billion provided in the bond issue.
'['he bond issue should pass, if people are as environ
mentally concerned as they seem. But dozens of citizens'
groups that are now campaigning for your vote feat
apathy. Their message is, in part, to go to the poll mil
look for the issue on the ballot. Don't assume it will p;iiss
There is popular r e s e n t m e n t against a n y big e x p e n d i
tures. But voting d o w n this b o n d issue w o u l d be .in
e c o n o m i c b l u n d e r . It is going to cost a lot m o r e t h a n $ 1 . 1 5
billion to protect and restore o u r state's e n v i r o n m e n t . T h e
bond issue is a crucial, but small d o w n p a y m e n t , on an
enormous problem.
To the Editor:
I was amused by Mitchell
Frost's analysis of fanatics and
terrorists ( September 8, 1972),
especially by his suggestion that
Israel invade Syria and Lebanon.
Mr. Frost's complaint appears
to be that terrorists are not
governments. Governments can
destroy human life in wholesale
lots and escape punishment.
Governments can decide who is
dangerous (or who might be)
and take immediate action;
people cannot.
Doesn't Mr. Frost realize that
terrorism is simply "individual
initiative" applied to war (which
"every civilized society" engages
in sooner or later)? How can a
conservative hold briefs for the
actions of the collectivists in
government and condemn the
highest expression of individualism—the right to kill one's enemies?
One cannot have it both ways.
If Mr. Frost wishes to condemn
terrorism, he cannot endorse it.
If a sniper who is a law unto
himself is anathema, so is the
government, so is the society
which uses B-52's to destroy its
enemies or the enemies of its
If one condones war, one must
not curse terrorism. The terrorist
lacks the muscle of a civilized
society but his morality is no
worse nor even any different.
When Mr. Frost is ready to
execrate the President of the
United States and any other
leader who engages in massive
acts of terrorism, I will be willing to listen to denunciations of
less powerful killers.
Yours truly,
Lester Heverling
ASP "Faggotales" Unfair
to Gays on Campus
To The Editor:
We, as members of the gay
community on campus, wish to
Lake this opportunity to sLate
our objection to the irresponsibility demonstrated by the
Albany Student Press in presenting the article "Faggotales"
in the Friday issue, dated
September 22, 1972.
The ASP, as the official student newspaper, has shown extraordinary carelessness in not
even printing a byline in an
article of comment. This newspaper has a certain responsibility
to the University community,
including its gay members. If is
painfully evident that, without a
byline, the typical reader will
associate the article with the
opinions of the university gay
community. We demand that the
ASP never again present a gay
article of comment to the University without a byline.
bandies about the pejorative
label "faggot." The ASP would
not present articles about other
minority groups on campus
using the common and highly
offensive put-downs associated
with Blacks, Jews, Puerto
Ricans, Women, etc... Furthermore, the ASP would not treat
any of these communities on
campus with the apparent lack
of concern with which it treats
the interests of the gay community. As Student Tax payers,
we object most strenuously to the
offhand treatment we have received.
In the future, we expect t h e
Albany Student Press to exercise its
journalistic responsibility with
more care, and we will take
J appropriate actions to insure this
We object particularly to the
ASP publishing an article that
Kenneth Marc Levy
Taut Travis
Irwin Kravitz
Richard Carman
Mary Guhin
The A Ibany Student Press welcomes mail from its
readers. Communications should be typewritten and
addressed to: Editorial Page Editor, Albany Student Press,
SUNYA, Albany, New York 12222. Unless there are
extenuating circumstances, all letters must be signed.
There have been several projects in Albany aiming at the
reform of prisons and parts of
the judicial process (which are
systematically discriminatory,
therefore unjust,). One of the
most recent, a half-way house,
is prospectively a fantastic program. Known as the Garnet
House, located on First St. in
Albany, it will serve as a home
and growing center for people
whose societal assigned roles and
lifestyles have led them to be
victims of our prisons (supposedly rehabilitation centers).
This could lead us into a terribly
rhetorical or completely esoteric
discussion of anything from the
I'.e.i.-v. M i N . i
i Umxhifl Ail MHIIW
< iM-uJalion M«ii»n»
K«i'lt»l>Hr t.ililoi
We have e v e r y t h i n g to gain from the b o n d issue and a lot
t o lose if it fails. So even if you are not interested in the
candidates, go t o the polls a n d vote for the b o n d issue. Out
New York State e n v i r o n m e n t is w o r t h the e x t r a effort.
i ul til* til*l* Uiu
nditii H I m Huutn 110 ul Hi* C.inimi CfliMr. slid uui ulioi-t *
Mid 7 I M l-iiiluiml polity ii linnimiiwil UIIIIKJ Uuwd Uuoiiby »
ul Idiluit wild Liiiiijiiii* ll>» t iliKmsl tiuaiu in •.untulltliuti *>
llioh in P U M .
I'li.iinKtmtliy EillU*
An exciting and fortifying concept is that of people taking
control of their own lives rather
than being pawns in overwhelming, monstrous systems which
lack a human and personal element. The Garnet House is the
former-, planned, initiated, and
in the process of establishing
existence through the caring of
community people in Albany. A
case of people developing an
alternative to prisons, the looming archaic institutions, the unsuccessful attempts to resolve
problems by treating people as
though they are not.
The request is help in painting,
cleaning, carpentering, generally
getting the building in shape and
suitable as a dwelling. Everyone's aid is appreciated (to say
the least). Work is done every
evening from about 6 PM on and
all day on weekends. For directions and address, < call us at
Community Referral Center466-7046.
EBBIfTHEjFjl^ZWI^ D*y fTt niN m men<HcuiB AHOTKS
To the SUNYA
From talking to various people
I've found that few of those
wearing P.O.W. - M.I.A. bracelets
realize they can write to the
families of the men whose names
they wear. To do ae simply
address the letters: "To the
family of" followed by the
man's rank and name and send it
to V.I.V.A.; they'll forward the
For those unaware of P.O.W. M.I.A bracelets, here's the information. By sending to V.I.V.A.
(Voices in Vital America) you
may request either a nickel
($2.50) or copper ($3.00) bracelet inscribed with the soldier's
name, rank, and date of loss. It
is to be worn until the Red Cross
is allowed to see the prisoner
and can assure his family of his
status and humane treatment.
The bracelet's importance is
varied. First, in writing to the
family the wearer may give them
some comfort in knowing some
one, a total stranger, is concerned for their son's or husband's welfare.
Secondly, by allowing others
to see the bracelet and ask about
it, people are constantly reminded of our prisoners of war
and men missing in action.
Hopefully, this is one way to
prevent their becoming a forgotten group of men.
Third, for one's own self • in
the middle of a seemingly awful
problem, just seeing the bracelet
is a reminder of how lucky we
all really are merely by being
alive and well.
Fourth, the bracelet transcends
political ideologies in these Hepublican- Democratic times. It is
an expression of concern for one
human being from another, out
side the realm of man-made poli
tical systems.
The address of
•177 Madison Avenue
New Yurh, N.Y. 10020
Lynn Axelrod
Good Day!
T h u s the I in porta m e ol your vote-, the student vole. Tin
Luge number ol s t u d e n t s in the state can exeri a m.i|o!
influence on the o u t c o m e . Must s t u d e n t s , it is certain,
favor repaii and m a i n t e n a n c e of the e n v i r o n m e n t . Tin
bond issue, il passed, will p r o d u c e i m p r o v e m e n t s surcls
needed. Cleaner and larger c a m p i n g areas and u n p o l l u t e d
beaches are c o n c r e t e results.
present concepts of rehabilitation to a complete analysis of
society in any of the social
science disciplines. I would prefer that each of us approach and
travel through an analysis with
which we're comfortable...Now
that we're back together and in
some agreement on the need for
changes, I would like to make a
few more statements about Garnet House and end with a request.
To the Editor
In reading the Sept. H ASF, I
noted that Jack Anderson's column will be appearing in the
Friday issues. Good!
In one of his columns he
wrote: "One of the least likely
men in America to shoot a presi
dent or seek to overthrow the
govenment is Paul Harvey, the
voice of the status quo. Yet the
Secret Service considers him a
menace to the President because
he 'once climbed over a security
fence to get a story."
my, BHo*kLYNesE„ -
I see where the United States
Supreme Court rendered a decision that the Army has a right to
spy on civilians.
On I n d ependence Day, I
phoned the call-in program of
the local radio station here in
Ellenville. In keeping with the
spirit of July 4, I made the point
this country was born in Revolution and what we need is the
Socialist Revolution as advoc a t e d by t h e SOCIALIST
The moderator said Revolution
should not be discussed on the
St) Paul Harvey is considered a
menace, the Army can spy on
civilians, and Revolution should
not be discussed on radio!
Nathan Pressman
Member of the SOCIALIST
Terrorism Illegal
To the Editor:
Mr. Lester Heverling, whose
reply to my article of last week
appears elsewhere on this page,
misses a very important point
when he argues that it is a
contradiction to condemn the
individual terrorist while granting to governments the right to
wage a defensive war. Civilized
society demands that the indivi-
dual who wants something from
another be prohibited from
using force to get it. He cannot
hold up his neighbor at gun
point to steal his money. If he
does, government is granted the
right to use this very same force,
through the police and the
courts, to punish him. Such
force in the hands of government has been legitimized by
tradition ,
On the international sphere a
similar rule applies. Countries,
under international law, are prohibited from using force (waging
war) for some nationalistic gain,
Wars of aggression are not al
lowed on an international scale.
As laws are necessary on a na
tional scale, so they are necessary on an international scale. As
they are enforced through the use
of legitimate force on the national scale, so defensive wars
are generally recognized as legitimate means of rebuking an aggressive war-making country.
This is precisely the nature of
our involvement in Vietnam, (f
Syria and Lebanon do not control the terrorists who attack
Israeli citizens within their own
countries, than Israel is certainly
within her rights to defend herself from such attacks through
the waging of a defensive war
against the countries responsible.
The contradiction does not hold.
Mitchell Fru$t
The Good, the Bad, & the Promising
Airplane LPs). But the left wing-singer/
songwriters Grace Slick and Paul Kantner
blew it. Paul relapses into the unfocused,
off-the-wall science fantasy o f the Blows
Against the Empire album and Grace is
shockingly bad. Her singing is harsh, erratic,
off-key and wobbly, and her lyrics are
insane-filled with hatred and defiance past
all bounds of reason. She picks some good
targets to attack, but her attacks are just
by Bill Brina
" O Wow, m a n , y o u mean y o u reviewers get
all o f those records f o r free?"
" Y e a h , D'ya wanna be a reviewer? Here,
take a pile, give them a listen, write something, and come on back next week."
" H e y , man, that pile of junk was only the
worst, most terriblest shit I've ever heard.
What kind of a joke was t h a t ? "
The joke, of course, is that it wasn't a joke
at all.
Music might save your mortal soul, as Don
McLean claimed (though I doubt it) but to
get to that y o u have to work through the
recording industry, most of which is owned
either by Kinney Parking Lots (now renamed Warner Leisure Services, so that the
tail wouldn't appear to wag the dog) or the
G u l f & Western Oil Conglomerate. As you
might expect, the over-all corporate philosophy (to which there are a few happy
exceptions-but not nearly enough) of such
conglomerates has a great deal to do w i t h
"product"altogether too much of which turns out to
be " t h e worst, most terriblest shit..." T o
much of a reviewer's job winds up being
plowing through the shit looking for the
pearl or two to recommend...not that there
weren't pearls, just that there's a lot of the
other stuff. So herewith:
Without any doubt (though they had stiff
competition to overcome) the year's worst
bummers were the debut albums of two
Southern bands on the Capricorn l a b e l Captain Beyond and White Witch. Captain
Beyond features rejects from Deep Purple,
Johnny Winter's loudest and least musical
band, and the late, unbeloved Iron B u t t e r f l y ,
and the noise they produce bears more than
a passing resemblance to the racket of a
boiler factory. They have the dubious honor
of being the only band I know of to have
been physically uffed by a disgusted audience at the Wollman Skating Rink this
summer. White Witch, their companion in
p r o m o t i o n , is a Tampa-based commune
supposedly heavily into white magic and the
power of the mind. The LP had some of the
most inane Moog work on record; weak,
erratic, vocals; a couple of maniacal laughs
and shrieks; an atrocious rip-off of the
Hallelujiah chorus, and other goodies of that
ilk. Yes synthesizes; White Witch merely
steals...and not too well at that.
A few newcomers have received the hype
and publicity
i normally attendant to the
releases of superstars, even though their
material seems as tired and hackneyed as
that of more established performers. Bonnie
Koloc's Hold On TO \k; sounds like an LP
Carol King might have made, were she
feeling exceptionally tired and uninspired.
It's pleasant, yes, bui there just doesn't seem
to be any spirit there. Another instantly
over-familiar LP was the debut release of the
Eagles. Eagles might make it yet, but they
w o n ' t do it o f f this LP, I he single's good but
too much of the rest ol the album sounds
like stuff that McGinn would have had the
taste to leave o i l those country-oriented
Byrds LPs.
It's a good season for artistic la/iness; any
" n a m e " artist can release an LP with utter
confidence that, no matter how uninspired it
might be, his name will sell...and sell. Van
Morrison threw bits and pieces of stuff that
was probably originally written for Moondance or Astral Weeks together and came up
with ,S'(. Uomenic's Preview, the album isn't
that bad in itself, and if you don't have the
other two you might like it, but in terms of
what Van could and should do, it stands as
an enormous disappointment.
Airplane's Long John Silver is an even worse
disappointment. The 'Plane's right wing guitarist Jorma Kaukonen, bassist jack Casady,
and fiddler Papa John Creach pound, thunder, and soar in wondrous fashion-their
playing on this ablum is probably the ultimate in slam-bang heaviness, and the
drumming is decent (a welcome change lor
A n d now, dear reader, having saved y o u r
precious $$$ by avoiding most o f the
aforementioned, let me present y o u w i t h a
few good reasons for parting w i t h those
same. $$$. The best Dead is live Dead, but
since y o u can't keep the Grateful Dead in
your living room, their LPs will have to d o .
Fortunately, there's lots of those. T w o more
came o u t this summer. Second guitarist
Bobby Weir put out his " s o l o " debut, titled
ACE (Warner Bros. BS 2627). The " s o l o " is
in quotes because the only difference
between ACE and an " o f f i c i a l " Dead LP is
that all of the material is Weir's. Everybody's
here except Pigpen, including new pianist
Keith Godchaux, and everybody's good. The
material varies-two cuts are throwaways and
two ("Black-throated w i n d " & "One More
Saturday N i t e " ) sound a hell of alot better
in concert than they do here, but there are
four real gems-including a re-make of
"Playing in the B a n d " (off the live LP— and
the over-all effect is quite nice.
liagles tails clown Ihematically, as well as
musically. " I know a woman can do to
your s o u l , " warbles one I doubt it. The time
to score cheap points for manhood by
putting down women is long past, but these
boys haven't found out. They're still
A 'inian-as-magical-evilforce-that-man-musi Kiitrol that was the
slock-in-trade ol e\en drugstore cowboy
and inept stud in lluli.ivood twenty years
ago. Worncn-don'i v. isit) your time attacking the sexism in tin i nusic; it's merely a
sign of their own pa tin t c inadequacy. More
than anything else, lie i triors of their lyrics
were badly in need ol i urod lay.
A n d speaking ol tneihplye, let's not forget
the obligatory lesti\,il LP set. This one,
courtesy ol Atlantic, unjie from the Mar Y
Sol pop festival in Puerto Rico. It does
feature excellent pcilurtnances by the J.
Geils Band on " L o o k i n 'or a L o v e " and by
Emerson, Lake, & Kilmer on "Take a Pebble" & " L u c k y Man, nut the rest is bad
news. B.B. King & I In Allman Bros, turn in
what might have been good performances
hut this recording is h«i poor to tell, and
assorted baddies--' acini. Long John Baldry,
Nit/inger, and then ill get it on w i t h a
resounding thud. I otal lone J. Geils freaks
will pick this up |usi to have " L o o k i n " ;
Mahavishnu freaks m,r, want this (Mahavishnu has a thirteen minute extended jam)
but be warned -tins pellicular cut ( " N o o n ward Race") will destiny the m y t h that
Mahavishnu can do 110 *rong, McLaughlin's
guitar is harsh, abiupl mcl out of place, the
ensemble woik is lagged and the solos don't
lit together. Blame n on the tropic sun.
A bit weirder but just as nice is Rolling
•thunder (Warner BS 2635), the solo effort
by the Dead's ex-second drummer, Mickey
Hart. Mickey went off the road in '71 to
start work on this and other projects, and
results are decidedly peculiar. There's yet
another version of "Playing in the Band"
and one of Weir's "Greatest Story Ever
I o l d " (here called "Pump Song"), and yes,
Weir, jerry Garcia, Dead bassist Phil Lesh
and Iriends arc prominently featured...but so
is ex-Quicksilver (now with Copperhead)
guitarist John Cippoina and ex-Quicksilver
Freiberg. There are a lew weird percussion
tracks, a Big-Brother styled bouncy rocker, a
cut that revives the feeling that Jefferson
Airplane used to be able to summon ("Blind
J o h n " ) , some really innovative horn work by
the l o w e r of Power horn section on six cuts,
and an invocation by Rolling Thunder
(Hart's Indian friend). What more could you
ask? (Answer: the Dead's multi-record livein-Lurope set, due out any day now).
Maxayn is an ex-lkette out on her own...
Maxayn is a tight, funky black hand that
lays il down and keeps il going...Maxayn
(Capricorn CP 0103) is a debut album by a
talented lady, and ,1 talented hand. It's
lresh;both the singer and the band avoid the
cliches ol soul alburns, dnd both can make
the familiar seem Iresh and vital. I he album
isn't perfect, but it's immensely enjoyable
nonetheless. So's the debut of Peter Kaukonen, Iliad: Kangaroo (Grunt F T R I 0 0 6 ) .
Pete is jorma's younger brother but he
doesn'l cop Jorma's style; in fact, he sounds
more than a hit like Hendrix. He bit off
more than he could chew by writing, singing,
and playing all the guitar lines on his first
album, but the talent embedded in even his
more derivative stuff is evident. "Postcard"
and " T h e Prisoner" are the standouts real
embarrassment - " D y n a m o Snackbar," which
is one ol those disasters that find themselves
on record when you're only doing your own
siulf A bit more maturity and some more
mateiial, and j o r m a ' d belter watch o u l little brothel might upstage him.
Alpha Pi Alpha is showing flicks
with Gamma Kap on Thursday, 9/28
In Clinton Hall at 9 PM. Plenty of beer
and chips. All university men invited.
Russian dub presents "Alexander
Ncvsky" to be shown Thursday, September 28. For time and place call
Roy Lewis.
Geography Club meeting to discuss
H elderberg field trip and other
, Undergrad Psych Assoc, meeting
October activities. All students are
Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1972, 8:00PM in
invited. In SS 134 at 7:30 on WednesSS 251. Topics to be discussed: tenday Sept. 27.
ure, grad schools, job opportunities,
new curriculum, etc. Be there.
Attention Med. Tech. Majon-The
first meeting of the Student Medical
, SPANISH CLUB MEETING Technology Association will be on
THURSDAY - September 28, in HuThursday, September 28 at 8:00 p.m.
manities 354 at 7 PM. All those
in Bto 248. Plans for the year will be
Spanish Culture are
discussed, the Freshman Vice-Chairurged to at tend... WITH SUGGESman will be elected, and our Guest
Speaker will be Miss Helen Crowley,
our Educational Coordinator at AlLe Cercle Francais -meeting at
bany Med. Refreshments will be
8:00-HU 290-all interested people
are welcome.
Italian Club meeting to discuss upAttention History Students: There
coming events. All are welcome! Rewill be a meeting of the History
freshments will be served. Wed. Sept,
27 HU-290.
Student Association Wed. Sept. 27 at
7:30 in SS 145.
Biology club meeting (facultystudent reception) September 26 at
7:30 p.m. Bio-248. Everyone welWHAT TO DO?
Pre - Med Pre - Dent Society, Very
Important Meeting Tuesday October
3, at 7:00 PM in Bio 248. This
meeting is not connected with "Information Clinic"Ue\d by Dr. Winn.
, Experimental Theatre presents:
David Epsteins's "They Told Me That
You Came This Way," directed by
James Leonard. Friday at 4, 7:30,9,
and Sat. and Sun. at 7:30 and 9:00 in
the PAC Arena Theatre. Free!
Not when
Jack Anderson goes
fishin'. He's reeled in
some of the prize
catches in journalistic history:
• •••«
All students who are Interested in
selling jewelry or handicraft Items on
consignment should get in touch with
Mr. Seidenberg at Seidenberg Jewelry,
264 Central Ave.
• •...
Tri-Beta Meeting Tues. Sept. 26,
1972; Distribution of membership certificates and planning for 1972-1973.
Sailing Club Meeting every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. in the library, room
B-43. Everyone is welcome!
League I Bowling Meeting Vied.
Sept. 27 at 7:00 p.m. Campus Lanes.
4 man hdcp. Any questions call Alan
Zaback 489-0937.
There will be acheu tournament on
Sept. 30. Every participant will play 4
games at: 9:00 a.m., 12 noon; 3:00
p.m.; and 6:00 p.m. Entry fee is $.25
to students with tax cards and $.50 to
all others. All the money is returned
in prizes. For lurther information call
Jack Uppal at 785-7888 after 6:00
p.m. The cheu tournament will be in
roornCC 315.
University Art Gallery.
Coming Exhibitions:
New York Women Artists-October
I-November 5,
Photography Canada-October 1November 1.
Gallery Hours: 9-5 Monday through
I riday, 1-5 Saturday, Sunday.
Albany State Outing Club is alive
and well. Meetings are held every
Wednesday night at 7 30 in CC 315.
Be there lor this week's.
, rite Urban Allans Committee (if
the Council ot Community Services is
sponsoring a series of six (61 town
Mall Meetings beginning Hhursday,
September 2tt. rhe purpose is to elicit
community participation in our assessing of community needs. We encourage parents and teens to tell us
what we can do to better our community. Their views are indispensable
for satisfactory and comprehensive
The first ol these meetings will be
held at the Artjot Hill Community
Center, 50 North Lark Street in
Albany on Thursday, Septembet 'M.
,.t 7 30 I'M.
• ••••
Interested In having a tea and conversation place to go on weekends?
We at the Receptive Earth would like
to use our facilities on weekend
evenings for just such a project. We
have just one snag a very overworked
crew who does not have the time to
devote to such a project and we
welcome all suggestions and volunteers to staff and manage the project.
Come on in and ask for Dorinda and
we can discuss the idea further. 30
Central Avenue in Albany. We also
need volunteer help in our restaurant.
The newly established Pierce Hall
parent's cooperative day care center
located at SUNY's downtown campus
is in need of donations of cribs,
highch3irs, mattresses, toys, playground equipment, diapers and volunteer helpers.
People interested in volunteering to
work with children between the ages
of nine months and four years or in
donative items to the center are urged
to contact Pamela deLyra at
Psychiatrist Ronald Filippi will open
Albany Public Library's fall series of
Noon Book Reviews with a discussion
,of Father Eugene C. Kennedy's (rank
and timely book, "The New Sexuality, Myths, Fables, and Hang-Ups" on
Tuesday, October 3. The lunch hour
programs, sponsored by the Friends of
the Library, will be held each Tuesday
from 12.15 to 12:45 p.m. at Hal
manus Bieecker Library, 19 Dove
Those attending are invited to bring
lunch. Coffee will be provided by the
Friends ol the Library.
A Pulitzer Prize winner with a staff
of five ace investigative reporters,
JACK ANDERSON plunges into
the murky political waters to snag
the big ones-the ones that make
headlines in the world press.
FRIDAY in the
Volunteers needed to tutor high
school students in Math, English, History, Languages and the Sciences. If
you have time to share your skills and
abilities with others, come to Room
340 Draper Hall, State University of
New York at Albany, 135 Western
Avenue, Wednesday, September 27,
1972 at 7:30 p.m., or call 434-0888.
The tutorial program is sponsored by
United Black Parents of Albany and
the Urban Educational Department of
the Albany Public School system.
CCGB meeting tonight, 6:30 in CC
All quad board chairmen, treasurers,
and advisors. Meeting Tuesday, Sept.
26 at 8 p.m., CC 375.
Roorganizational Meeting of
PARSEC Science Fiction Magazine.
Monday October 2, 3:00 in the Fireside Lounge. Editors, writers, artists,
Expers needed.
Choir members needed. Mcknownville Methodist Church. 1565 Western
Avenue, just west of the Thruway.
Wednesday nights, 7:00-8.15 p.m.
Call 438-4358 lor a ride.
Attention Officers of Association
for Computing Machinery, Biology
Club, Camera Club, Friends ol the
Day Care Center, Girl Scout Campos
Gold. Grass Roots, History Students
Association, Homecoming, Modern
Greek Studies, Mosic Council, Observation, Parents Weekend, PARSEC,
Speech Pathology & Audiology
Club-come lo the S.A. office to pick
up information packets prepared for
your group,
Starting Oct. !) 1 hi; Monday Night
Re-elect the President meeting TuesTV Football Special in the Rathday 7 30 it) CC 373. For further info
skeller. Check the Oct. 5 issue ol the
oil) Dan Duncan ai 482 2230.
ASP loi details.
Applications for Student Association Supreme Court, Parking Appeals
Degree applications lor December
Committee, and Faculty Student
1U72 graduations must be filed ,t\ thu
Association Membership Board are
Registrar's office, decjree clearance,
now available. They may be picked up
B 3 by September 29, 1972. Applicij
in the Student Associaiton Office, CC
& wurksheelS may be pickfjd up
346, between 9 a.m. 5 p.m. weekdays.
al this office.
Yuu really should tie Involved.
1973 May graduates: Your Itiui
chance lo h.jve your ye.jibuuk pur
taken will be on Moo, Oft. l b Hi Wed.
Oct. 18 U iuri, I f u n . ,.nd 2 (i
p.m. On lues. On. ]'/ horn 1 p.m. b
p.m. and o' p.m. 10 p.m. I or further
information '.til the lurch office ai
4!J7 21 lb. Appoint ments must be
made .ii tin) CC info dusk durinfl the
week of Oct. 10.
J State Quod Elections
for 1 University Senate Representative
j Indian Quad Elections
for 1 University Senate Representative
I Commuter Elections
for 1 Central Council Representative
I All University Referendum
to vote on Constitutional Amendment
J Sept. 26 10 -2 * Sept. 27 10 -2 * Sept. 28 10 -3
Clarinet player needed for short
film soundtrack. 472-9538.
Drummer, bass player & singer
wanted to form band. Call Ron
Electronics expertMinor
2 0 3 Van
BMW Motorcycle. Will trade
factory sport magaphones, R75,
for stock mufflers. 399-4273.
1967 Mustang 2 + 2 fastback.
steering, power disk
brakes (brand new). 3-speed
4 new tires (fiberglass),
, niany extens. MUST SELL. Call
1482-4568 3-6 p.m.
'66 Pontiac Tempest. Very good
Ten-speed bicycle. Compagnolo
Equipment; center pull brakes.
speed. Compagnolo and all j y equipment. 2 2
lbs. (approx.l. Excellent condition, 5 weoks old. cost $300,
asking $ 2 f 0 . 4 7 2 - 6 1 9 2 .
new and used available.
Contact Jeff Rodgers or
Wanted: male to clean floors,
garage, windows etc. Home off
Western, flexible hours-$2/hr.
482-4844 or 482-8183.
Senior or Grad student to live in
my home to help out with 2
girls. Room, board & salary.
Must have own car, like cats,
dogs, & horses. Can be full or
part time student. Please call:
time. Monday thru Friday. See
Mr. Gleason at Twin Towers
Garage-99 Washington Ave.
Is your old car Why not try a VW, both
1 driving
Blues singer looking for good
band. 472-9538.
This year skiing In France on the
2nd annual S U N Y Ski Tour.
December 3 0 , 1972-January 8 ,
Travel, meals, room,
skiing-$299. Contact:
John Morgan 4 5 7 - 4 8 3 1 .
Avon products. Kyoko 7-4033.
Fuller Brush dealer for all your
personal or household needs.
CallJaik 457-5234.
San Francisco. (518)
S U N Y A Judo Club accepting
new members. All interestedmeeting Tues. 9/26 at 7:00 in
wrestling room-third floor of
"Airplane Rides" Turn on, to
flight. Aerial photography. Cary
Wanted: Girl for single room in
furnished apt. on SUNY busline.
Sierra Whitney D o w n Parka,
Large Red, 1 year o l d , $25, Pete
Female roommate wanted, o w n
room in furnished apt. State St.
location. Call 462-9463 evenings.
Beautiful White Turkish Afghan
Coat. Was G i f t . Must sell. Need
money. Call 482-3177.
Lost & F o u n d : T o the person
who lost a (spiral) notebook for
Social Psych; I have it. Call
7-5231 or visit 107 Onondaga.
Ask for Joel.
A recent
purchase left in cafeteria. Call
457-6249 to claim items.
Roommates needed for house in
Averill Park. Male or female,
own room. Need a car. Call
W E D D I N G RINGS. 3,000 ring
selections in all styles at 5 0 %
discount to students, staff, and
faculty. Buy direct f r o r r leading
manufacturer and S A V E ! 1/2
carat $1 79, 3/4 carat only $ 2 9 9 .
For free color folder write: Box
42, Fanwood, N . J . 07023.
Roommate wanted: $65 a month w/utilities, o w n room, 132
Chestnut. Call 472-9838.
16 pound bowling ball. Good
condition. Call Phil 457-2190.
Ave. / U n i o n
College Area in
Schenectady. Will help pay expenses. Call 372-1553.
. I H I . M . . . . . . I '
It's Our Last Chance
Ride needed to Colonic Center
around b p.m. Mondays and
Thursdays and/or back to Uptown campus al 'J:J0 p.m. Will
pay. Gail: /-S002.
Bumperstickers For Sale
2 for S1.25, 5 for $2.45 postpaid
Prompt Return Mail Delivery!
Ride wanted from Philrnonl,
N Y. (near rt. ?\ I exchange to
l a r o n u ) 01 vi( triity to S U N Y A
daily Must aiuve MWI by H
Call M.ii l b / 1444 01 J/0-2GVJ,
Box 333X
Chatham, N.Y. 12037
Karen: How did we manage for
two years, without you? Happy
Birthday! '
Vic, Son, & Ron
Five beautiful .kittens
homes. 372-0678. Free.
Free! Kitten. Gray. 8 weeks old.
L i t t e r trained. Call Marie:
4 5 7 - 3 9 2 1 . After 5: 237-7153.
vote for
for Central Council
Sept. 26,27,28
use your vote
************************,****** .
Wanted to
see pur
hut couldn't
get * ride?
Dear Hotass
Thanks for a beautiful weekend, even if you did make me
Love ya always,
Many thanks t o all our Wild Wild
h elpers-especially
Sheila Ryan.
Sue and Jim.
Mona, you d ive me "bananas"
1 love y o u .
you blew it again.
Psi Gamma - he best reason in
the wor Id lo go Greek!
to spend
weekend on
( rancesca found your brush in
the car from Ir ip.
$ 1 . 5 0 discount
with a meal card
Now you can on joy Elegant Dining and
drinks in one of the Finest Restaurants
in the Albany area.
CAIJ. 457-IH33
)|)in H|)in
a Classified Ad
in the
section of the
Classified Ads
produce results/
\mw* *************************
funded by student tax
Campus Center Main Lounge
| id and tax card required to vote
There will be a general Information
meeting held for students Interested in
the study abroad program sponsored
by the Instltuto da Culture Puertorrlquana In San Juan, Puerto Hko. The
meeting Is scheduled for Tuesday,
September 26, at 7:00 p.m. in Social
Science 133. Applications for the program will be available at this time..
Don't lorgel to keep the FSA discount coupon in today's ASP worth
$.50 on a $3 ordei at tile Snack Bar.
I lie Junior Leagues ol froy will
huld a rummage sale at the R.P.I.
Armory on 15th Slrixn froy. I eatui
ing are auctions of ustxj furniture,
antiques, etc. & boutique.
Stalling Sunday, Oct. 1 all Lpisco
General sale hours Sat. Sept, 30
paliaus are invited to celebrate the
1-10 p.m.. Sun. Oct. 1 11 a.m. 9 p.m.
Holy Eucharist each Sunday at 10 15
Auction Sat. Sept. 30 7 p.m.
III Chapel House. The Hev.
Pre sale 20% mark-up-Sal. 10
Harold Hauin. Chaplain. Phono
a.m. 1 p.m.
489-8b73oi 462-2728.
• Bernard Goldfine
• Dita Beard
• Tom Dodd
• Adam Powell
• Martin Sweig
• India-Pakistan Papers
• Vietnam Peace Papers
/IMlaHty Student
, JWin Schoolfield, the Executive Editor of Knickerbocker News-Union
Star will speak on the City Editors
point of view at the PAF 360 Seminar
in Journalism at 7:30 PM Tuesday in
LC 14.
There will be a meotlnfl of faculty
rr.mbers interested in llnmutttlca on
Monday, October 2, at 7 p.ra In HU
290. Items for discussion include a
proposal for an undergraduate major
In linguistics, organization of a series
of colloqula, and the introductory
linguistics course. Anyone Interested
PocaSt Gun Hill Rd on Sunday
"There's j u t a little bit of
magic in t h e country music that
we're playin'," sings POCO's leader, R i c h i e Furay, and indeed
there was. Furay's b o u n c y enthusiasm, Rusty Young's jumpy
steel guitar, Tim Schmitt's solid
and the talents o f drummer George Grantham and guitarist Paul C o t t o n ( w h o replaced
J i m m y Messina) m i x e d i n t o o n e
magical w h o l e the last time they
were u p this way—almost t w o
years ago at the Union Chapel.
With any luck, they will again
Saturday nite at the S U N Y A
gym. We'd be less than honest,
though, if w e didn't note that
the band hasn't exactly broken
any new ground in the past t w o
years, and that more than a few
of their shows in that interval
have been marred by a very
harsh, unbalanced sound system.
All-Audio s o u n d of Boston is
handling Saturday's show, and
t h e y are o n e o f the best, so let's
h o p e that the magic will work
again. If it doesn't, the Concert
Board's advertising slogan, " Y o u
asked for it," may take on connotations that the Board might
not have intended.
The warm-up act, at least, promises t o be worthwhile. Gun Hill
Rood's c l u b sets d o w n in the
by Mike Igoe
Folk Dances Up & Kicking
c i t y b a n been very well received
by critics and audiences alike. A
very y o u n g folk-rock act with a
surprising degree o f polish, they
seem headed for a fairly bright
9 t Step Nwus
by Rose DeSantis
Last Saturday was a marvelous,
.,.„ .
OF THIS? IT'S Jems. .
magnetic, maneuvcrous, master-
ful, melodious, mischievous, and
non-monotonic evening of enter-
Gridders Rush To Victory
tainment with the Star-Spangled
at the liigilh
Step Coffeehouse. They filled a
completely full house with their
blend o f music and
theatre. The mem-
bers o f the band include Don
Dworkin - wash tub bass and jug;
by Susan Leboff
T h e tunes of Serbian kolos,
Slavic basket dances, and the
strains of Greek bouzouki music
emanate from the gym every
Thursday night from 6:00 to
8 : 3 0 as S U N Y A ' s International
Folk Dance Club conducts its
weekly session. The club, under
the direction of folk dance enthusiast and S U N Y A senior
Debbie Bayley, is a place where
both novices and experts in the
art of folk dance learn, teach,
practice and socialize.
Members of the club also perform in the Albany area; the
group's first engagement this
semester will be at Hudson
Festival of Nations on October
According to Debbie, folk
dancing got its start as a social
activity in the United States in
the 1930's, when V y t s Beliajus,
America and started folk d a n c e
groups all over the country.
There are several groups in Albany. The o n e here at the University draws about thirty participants a week, from Renssalear
and the c o m m u n i t y as well as
from the student body.
In addition to regular groups,
folk dance camps and workshops, where experts in the field
teach and introduce new dances,
meet periodically, Debbie notes
that while folk dancing exists all
over the United States, it has
practically disappeared from the
peasant societies where it originated, and where the radio has
now replaced folk expression
with rock and roll.
Debbie's background in folk
dance includes a year she spent
on Cyprus researching authentic
folk dances (quickly before they
disappear). She also has taught
folk dance at the Albany Jewish
Community Center, and she assistant teaches the folk dance
course that is in the University's
physical education curriculum.
Debbie teaches mainly dances
from Eastern Europe and the
Middle East. She says that
dances from Serbia, a part of
Yugoslavia, are very popular.
"Yugoslavia has a
style-nervous. People seem t o
like Serbian dancing. Everybody
likes to bounce around."
Right now the group is also
trying out a few English dances,
which they will perform at their
Hudson Valley engagement on
October 29.
T h e ground game was the order of the day Saturday as the
State football
dumped S t o n y Brook, 14-0.
Carvin Payne, Lonnie Davis,
and Marvin Perry were the key
m e n as the Great Danes racked
u p 2 7 1 rushing yards. In fact,
the running game was so effective that quarterback John Bertuzzi a t t e m p t e d only four passes, all of which were incomplete.
T h e Danes started to move
early in the game and took their
first possession of the football in
for a t o u c h d o w n after 11 plays.
Those critics w h o immediately
ruled out Albany's chances in
the game because o f the presence of freshmen in the starting
lineup should look at the performance of Marvin Perry. Perry
netted 8 2 yards in 11 carries and
also scored the first t o u c h d o w n .
Despite the strong ground
game, Albany was unable t o put
any more points on the board
until the fourth quarter. Five lost
fumbles wiped out the chances
for further scoring. Then, in the
tS C
final stanza, Lonnie Davis tallied
the clinching t o u c h d o w n for
T h e defensive unit w h i c h was
e x p e c t e d t o carry the Danes also
had a g o o d day despite s o m e
s l o p p y play. T h e return o f Jeff
O'Donnell t o the safety s p o t
after a brief quarterbacking stint
was highlighted b y t w o interc e p t i o n s for the safetyman.
Tim Myers s t o p p e d a S t o n y
Brook drive by grabbing a pass
in the e n d z o n e and bringing it
back t o the 3 7 . In addition,
Frank Villanova had a hand in
numerous tackles.
Coach B o b Ford was pleased
with the victory but was a bit
a n n o y e d with s o m e of the mishaps o f the contest. "Our offe n s e has made
progress," n o t e d the third year
pilot o f the Gridders, "but those
fumbles really hurt!" "Bertuzzi
did a g o o d j o b reading defenses,
though, and our offense was able
t o m o v e the ball consistently for
a change."
A real story
millions of people
refuse to believe
Ford also expressed disapp o i n t m e n t with s o m e o f the
defensive work. "There were a
few plays when w e had five or
six s h o t s on tackles and we
still had a hard time. I h o p e we
can get these problems cleared
up because my scouters tell me
R..1.T. promises to be a tough
"or* this Saturday."
-siring banjo, auloharp,
Albany State
team upped its record t o 5-2
with a split of a doubleheader
last Saturday at LeMoyne.
State won the first one, 4 to 3,
when Terry Kenny drove; home
Dave Bentley with the winning
run in the top of the seventh
inning. LeMoyne took the night
cap, 4-0 when Albany could
m a n a g e just three
allowing the Dolphins to score
three runs, t w o of which wen*
unearned, in tin* first inning.
Jam Factory - Great Sound
supplemented and enhanced by
the hilarious use of c o m e d y routines, impersonal ions, improvisations
a lot
of just
fooling around. The antics and
Willi the c o / i n e s s of the coffeehouse was plcasanl change from
the large, impersonal nick conc e i l s . If you weren't there Satur-
day, yon missed a great
Take a Train,
Come to the Horse
to be a
opened with a few
really good songs, among them
"Slave Boogie" and "Midnight
Rider," their o w n compositions.
They aren't a large band, but
they all played well, especially
the twelve-string and lead guitars.
The vocals in Harlot were fair,
but by no means outstanding.
T h e drumming was good, and
the organ was good, but not l o o
noticeable in this part of the
concert. Harlot
which was a very good song with
a strong beat, probably their
best for the night.
After a few minutes, Jam Fuc
lory came on. This is a large,
horn band with ;i sound very
similar to that of Chicago, and
SEPTEMBER 26, 27, AND 28
It n hereby proposed that the following be enacted:
1. that Arttcle V I I , Section 2 ot the Student Association Constitution be amended to read:
"Impeachment proceedings may be instituted by •> written petition of at least % of ihn constituent uiomhuo u f thu
group represented. Impeachment may also be instituted by a % vote of Central Council, a quorum fur this (juruuse
being 8 0 % . A meeting of the membership of Central Council shall try impeachments of Student Association of) .curb
or Central Council members, a % affirmative vote of the total membership of Central Council shall be needed fur .>
verdict of guilty. These proceedings shall be conducted by the chief judge of the Supreme Court and rulus of
evidence shell apply in all casus."
2. that Article V I I , Section 3 ot the Student Association Constitution be amended to read:
"Recall proceedings may be instituted by a written petition of at least one fifth of the constutients of an officer of
Student Association. Recall proceedings may be instituted by a written petition of at least one quarter of (he
constituents of a representative of Student Association. A t least two thirds of at least 15% of the conituiiunt
members of the group represented voting shall be necessary to carry out the mandate of recall."
15 Colvin Ave.
3. that the referendum on these amendments be held during the week of September 2 4 t h , and be carefully and extensively publicized as it possible.
Alt Legal Beverages!
4 . t h a i this bill shall take affect immediately upon apprr *al in accord w i t h the Constitution.
funded by ttudent tax
though they're obviously n o t as
well k n o w n , they're probably
just as g o o a r i f not better. Consisting of seven regular musicians, specifically band members
on lead guitar, organ-vocals,
drums, trombone, trumpet, bass
and rhythm guitars, this group
achieved one of the best sounds
heard from a non-"super-group"
in a long time. (The members are
Marc Hoffman, Gene McCormick, Joe English, Earl Ford,
Steve Marcone, Kent DeFelice,
and Jerry Sorn, respectively in
order of their instruments listed
above.) The band had with them
two musicians sitting in, Sam
Brook on sax, and Roger Madison on Conga drums. They
played several songs, all outstanding,
g ood
though, were "Talk is Cheap,"
and "Everybody Wants to be a
Rock and Roll Star."
A few minutes after Jam Factory went off, Harlot came back
on. There was general disappointment
audience, because they had enjoyed the other group so much.
They began with "Early in the
Morning," a song with a good
heavy heal. They did u few more
songs, none really fine, e x c e p t
for one in which the bass player
and drummer played alone. The
guitar was quite exceptional, and
the drummer, alter playing his
drums, played the guitar with his
drumsticks, his belly with his
hands, and his zipper, right up
next to the microphone (not
much talent needed for T H A T ! )
Nice stunt. Like when the bass
player sang into his guitar ear
lier. So?
All in all, the concert was
entirely enjoyable, with much of
the cause going to the girls
Harlot brought to dance, which
reminded me of a claque, but
most of it to the greut Bound and
lack of "gimmicks," of Jam
Kevin Quinn ran his pitching
record to three wins without a
defeat in the first contest. He
allowed only four hits, struck
out 4 and walked 4, while giving
up three runs, t w o of them
earned. Albany trailed LeMoyne,
.'( to 2, going into the top of the
sixth inning. In the sixth, State
9 Splits
put runners on first and second
with two men out, and sent up
Dan DcKorest to pinch hit. Dan
delivered the tieing run with a
single up the middle. Dave Bentley led off the seventh with his
second hit of the day, a double,
moved to third on T o m Lavigne's sacrifice bunt, and scored
the winner on Terry Kenny's
single of
game. In the second
LeMoyne scored all the runs
they needed in the first inning
two double steals.
La Roe, now o n e and o n e on the
pitching slab, with runners on
first and third, picked off the
runner at first and State got the
runner in a "run-down." While
this was all happening, the man
on third decided he would try to
score- and did, when Dan De
Forest's throw to the plate was
high and wide. LeMoyne scored
one lone run in the fifth on Bill
Starner's h o m e run.
Albany is hosting seven of the
best baseball teams Sept. 29 &
3 0 at the Albany Invitational.
One of the match-ups pits Albany against S U N Y A C champs
Oneonta. CCNY plays Scranton,
Central Connecticut versus Long
Island U., and Springfield is
matched against Ithaca. This is
Albany's last time at h o m e , and
they would enjoy s o m e supporters at the games. If you haven't
seen the "new look" Great Dane
Baseball team, you're missing
quite a hit. Came Time on Friday is 12:30, Albany versus
Oneonta. Hope to see you there,
You've never
seen a movie
like it
Produced irrrd Dun lucl Dy Howard Srnrtn .iri.l Srrr.ili Kernpclum
£ aotulivu l'.odur:ur Mu« Pulo.bky • A CnwVual MJ«''«l Production • A CmuM 5Rolewu
5-2 in yesterday's h o m e opener.
by Richard Yaiiku
and Paul 'Jazzbo' Jossman • five
The music performed was also
a Mt. H o l y o k e o p p o n e n t . T h e female netters trimmed Mt. H o l y o k e
Bill I'olchinski - lead guitar and
electric gargle, (Jreg l l a y m c s -
V a n i t y tennis player Katie Bennett delivers the winning serve against
This coupon and a valid student ID entitles the bearer
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provided to the students at SUNYA.
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Fri. & Sat.: 8 pm
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- : 3 pm - 9 pm
Reda Leads Danes; Harriers Avenge Loss
by Ken Arduino
by Nathan Salant
On Saturday afternoon, the
Albany Soccer team opened
their season on an unhappy foot,
losing to Geneseo, 4-0. Albany's
booters played two different
games; a very poor first half due
to lack of aggressiveness, and an
excellent second half due to a
totally different aggressive, fighting style of play. You would not
have believed that the same team
played both halves, and continued to battle despite a three goal
deficit of which none should
ever have scored. One was accidentally scored via a defensive
crossup, and the other two
thanks to the referees.
by Ralph Mohr
Joe Murphy must have felt like
a duck in a shooting gallery as
the Albany JV soccer team
played host to Cobleskill in their
first regular season game last
Saturday. Joe, normally a fullback, took over as goalie for the
JV team when Rod Fortran was
injured early in the first half.
Despite his fine effort, Albany
was crushed 1 0-2.
The main culprit was George
Sayward who scored 5 of the
opposition's goals. This star
freshman wii.. the spark of
Cobleskill and Albany could not
contain him.
The two Albany goals came
late in the second half when
Louise Gmaro stunned the opposition as his bullet shot zoomed
past the goalie. Later Ivan
Buschman maneuvered between
Cobleskill's defense to record
the final goal.
Although playing well individually, Albany lacked the cohesion necessary to display a
fine team effort. As they become more experienced a great
improvement should be noticed.
The opening minutes of the
first half showed Albany's booters afraid to go out and play
offense. They seemed to hold
back; fearing making a mistake
and allowing a Geneseo breakaway. Wings were playing as if
they were halfbacks, halfbacks
as fullbacks, and fullbacks even
closer to the goal. This resulted
in a spotty offense, and three
Geneseo goals, the first scoring
at 10:20 on a 10 footer by
center inside Ed Usinger. Usinger
scored again several minutes later
on a fluke goal that rolled in
just out of the reach of goalie
Henry Obwald who was partially
screened on the play. On the
opening kickoff following the
goal, Albany made a sudden rush
at Geneseo but failed to score
when Alvarez's shot hit the
At 32:05, the first questionable play occurred after a
corner kick by Geneseo. A shot
on goal was taken, and goalie
Henry Obwald reached back to
his right to make what appeared
to be a beautiful, one hand save,
only to have the referee signal
goal. He claimed that the ball
had crossed the line in the air,
and that Henry had merely batted it out afterwards. The ensuing argument was to no avail,
and the score was 3-0 as the half
ended. This reporter was there,
and cannot help but wonder
how the ref could have seen the
play, considering he was out of
position - to the right and rear of
the goal mouth, and screened by
several players. He probably did
not see it, but being a loyal
Geneseo resident, he saw
through the wall of players well
enough to call it a goal.
In the second half, Albany
came out like bats out of hell.
The Danes brought the game to
Geneseo, missing several scoring
opportunities by some nice defensive work by Geneseo's fullbacks. Then, at 3:35, a Geneseo
breakaway was broken up by a
sliding tackle by fullback Bruce
Michaels. To Albany's consternation, the ref called a penalty
shot. The sliding tackle is legal,
providing the tackier makes contact with the ball. The ref
claimed Bruce never touched it.
I wonder! The penalty shot was
made, as are most of this type,
and this put the game out of
The Danes continued to battle
on, outshoot'ing Geneseo 10-8 in
the second half, but to no avail.
Final score—Geneseo 4, Albany
Although the loss was a huge
disappointment, the players have
not lost faith in themselves. Captain Larry Herzog summed it up,
"Sure we're disappointed and it
was a tough loss. But we're not
going to get down on ourselves.
We're going to beat Hamilton
this Wednesday and we'll be
coming home at .500."
rose n berg
by Scott Mazzarella
Tower East Cinema
£5&e&&J&tt &tt&&&^
ulbany coalition for peace and justice
albany coalition for soviel Jewry
arab club
art council
beta beta beta
biology club
bridge club
campus bible fellowship
chi alpha
Chinese club
christian science organization
colonial quad board
committee for christian renewal
committed reach
commuters club
dance council
drum and bugle coips
e.o.p. student association
fencing club
friends of the day care cenlei
forum of politics
gay alliance
geography club
geology club
india association
Italian club
le cercle liancais
library students association
marketing club
modern greek studies
modern musicians
new democratic coalition
newman club
republican Irom
uon violent action group
pi omega pi
polish club
proteel yoiu environment
sailing club
science fiction society
sigma alpha ela
-1 s
s ssu
Spanish dorm
speech pathology and audiology club
sludent faculty committee to end the war in
student faculty committee to support the war
in Vietnam
students for a democratic society
students for mc govern
student international meditation society
student mobilization committee
sunya students against tuition
table tennis club
the word
undergraduate anthro association
undergraduate political science association
ukranian student organization
walden association
women's recreation association
young aiiiencans for fieedom
young people's socialist league
young republicans
zen group
Because these groups have not recorded officers in the Student Association office, if you are an officer of any of the above groups, please
come to the Student Association office, Campus Center 346, not later than N o o n , Wednesday, October 1 1, 1972 A l l of the above groups
and their members are warned that each group's recognition is subject to revocation if no officer responds.
Pursuant to Suction VI, Procedure for Organizational Rocotjnltlon (Central Council bill / l 72-21).
Michael A. Lamperl
Many people ask, "Just what is
Judo?" It's simply using one's
body leverage along with the
opponent's momentum.
The SUNYA Judo Club is instructed by Master Robert Fountain who holds the honors of
having a second degree black
belt in Judo, a first degree black
jn Karate, being the president of
the empire State Judo Confederation and the owner of his own
club in Troy.
There are 25 members in the
SEPTEMBER 29 and 30
7:30 and 10:00
just finished at SPAC with Chuck Berry
Friday and Saturday Night
9:30 - 2 am
$1 w/o
Plus: Busier Kenton
and Fatty Arbuckle shorts
$2.00 admission and 1 mixed drink or 2 beers
Stote Judo Club
Now accepting New
MembersTuesday, Sept. 26 at 7 pm|
3rd Floor Gym
Retycle cans,
bottles and paper.
Men's and Women's Classes
Anyone interested in participating in the following
sports must attend these meetings:
Golf • Thurs. Sept. 2H, 3:30 PM • CC 370
Cross-Country - Tues. Oct. 10,-1 PM - CC 31 5
Tennis • Wed. Sept. 27, 8 PM • CC 356
Team and individual entries. Rosters can be picked
up in CC 35(1.
There will he a League I bowling meeting Wednesday, September 27 at 7 00 al the Campus Center
Lanes, 1 man handicap league.
Notice for Wrestling
There will be a meeting of all interested wrestlers
on October 10, al 1:00 in the third floor lounge at
the gym.
Funded by Student Tiixl
$.50 w/state quad card
proudly presents
SUNYA Club; 15 guys and 10
girls. By rank there are five
brown belts, 1 1 green belts and
nine white belts.
The club meets once a week
with Master Fountain and also
has two other informal practices
a week.
Last year RPI had a team
tourney with Albany placing
All people who are interested
in joining the SUNYA Judo Club
can come to the meeting Tuesday September 26 at 7:00 on
the third floor of the gym.
) -, AS&
Albany State avenged last
year's defeat at the hands of
Montclair State by walloping
them and Coast Guard in a home
cross-country meet last Saturday. Tile score of the meet,
which was the fastest in Albany's history, shows Albany's
complete domination. Albany
had 24 points, Montclair State
65 points and Coast Guard had
60 points.
The Albany team which lacked
aggressiveness last week, came
right out from the start this
week. The first mile was run in
five minutes with only two
Montclair State runners being
able to stay with a pack of
Albany runners. At this point
Albany only had to hold position to win even though the
Montclair State runners were
As Ihey broke into the clear
with only .9 miles to go Albany's Vinnie Reda was sandwiched between the Montclair
runners. Behind them there was
a sea of yellow as Albany had
seven of the next eight runners.
The Montclair runner, Vim
O'Donough held on to first with
Reda second and a Montclair
runner third. Jim Schrader, Nick
Demarco, Bill Sorel and Carlo
Cherubino and John Koch took
the fourth through eighth spots.
Phil Doyle and Scott Aber-
crombie took tenth and eleventh. Except for Abercromble
who was expected to start (lowly and John Stanton who finished twenty all the Albany runners broke twenty eight minutes,
an outstanding performance this
early in the season.
Coach Muiuey was quite
pleased with the times by all the
runners. At the beginning of this
year's training Munsey slowed
down practice to prevent the
team from peaking too early in
the season as the SUNYAC
championship and the Albany
Invitational are late in the year.
Even with the runners about ten
days behind in training as compared to last year, their times are
three to four meets ahead of last
For Vinnie Reda this was the
second time he has led the Albany team. Though he has not
won a race, it took a super effort
by the Montclair runner to win.
It was the first time that three
runners had broken 27 minutes
in a race at Albany.
The most pleasant surprise was
Nick DcMarcpwho finished fifth.
Nick had an off meet last week
but came back with a strong
performance. He showed no sign
of the injuries that kept him out
last year.
Next Saturday Albany takes
on its toughest opponent, Army.
It is going to take a super effort
to beat Army.
Last years SUNYAC chumps, Albany State, continue on their winning wuys as they defeated the
University of Buffalo 5-4 last Saturday.
Some of the winners for Albany included Steve
Taylor, Leo Sternlieht, Harold Forest, and Chris
Albany now stands 2-0 for the full season.
Guerrilla Theater
at the
City Cracks Down On Student Apartments
Zoning Violations Cited
b y Stave Aminoff
T h e c o m b i n e d efforts of t h e S U N Y A Peace
Project and the " Schenectady Clergy and L a y m e n
Concerned," staged a small b u t persistent d e m o n stration against t h e use of a benefit screening o f t h e
film version of Kurt Vonnegut's "SlaughterhouseFive" at the Hellman Theater last Thursday night.
T h e group sponsoring the benefit w a s the Albany
and Colonie League of Republican Women Voters.
The demonstration took the form o f members o f
the S U N Y A Peace Project setting up still dramas
depicting the horrors of massive aerial warfare, as
people from the SCLC handed o u t leaflets. As o n e
participating person in the Guerrilla Theater put it,
"We wish t o illustrate the lunacy of sponsoring a
pacifist film whose purpose is t o point out the
horrors of devastation of civilian populations ( t h e
infamous Dresden fire-bombings) by a group w h o
would re-elect this decade's bomber himself."
b y Ed Deady
City Hall Correspondent
If y o u are living in an apartment off-campus and
•baring it with other students or friends, y o u r
landlord could b e forced b y the city of Albany t o
evict y o u .
Under the zoning ordinances of the city of
Albany, many sections of the city are zoned against
multi-family housing and consequently, d o not
allow t w o or more unrelated people to live under
the s a m e roof. A t Mayor C o m i n g ' s w e e k l y press
conference held y e s t e r d a y , t h e m a y o r explained t o
the ASP t h a t t h e city is cracking d o w n o n s t u d e n t s
w h o s h a r e a p a r t m e n t s in one a n d t w o family
residential areas because of n u m e r o u s c o m p l a i n t s b y
n e i g h b o r h o o d groups.
T h e r e have been r e p o r t s t h a t as m a n y as eight t o
twelve s t u d e n t s are sharing a single a p a r t m e n t in
s o m e s e c t i o n s of t h e city.
Look Elsewhere
A c c o r d i n g to t h e m a y o r , city officials are focusing
a t t e n t i o n o n t h e area a r o u n d M y r t l e , Morris, Park
and Main A v e n u e , from which t h e greatest n u m b e r
of c o m p l a i n t s originate. He advised s t u d e n t s w h o
a r e r e n t i n g in areas z o n e d against multi-family
residences t o look elsewhere for housing.
A c c o r d i n g to C o r n i n g , t h e university was n o t i f i e d '
last spring t h a t t h e city would be enforcing t h e
z o n i n g o r d i n a n c e s on a strict basis starting in the
s u m m e r m o n t h s , a n d t h a t s t u d e n t s should be
advised of this policy before they began selecting
a p a r t m e n t sites for t h e new school year.
S o m e s t u d e n t s have already been c o n f r o n t e d with
eviction n o t i c e s by landlords faced w i t h t h e possibility of high fines for n o t c o m p l y i n g with t h e city
Billy Pilgrim in the S n o w . A still from "Slaughter-House F i v e , " shown at
for the edification
of Albany
and Colonie
League o f
Republican Women Voters.
Kurt Vonnegut was contacted in his Manhattan
h o m e and asked if he knew about h o w the film was
being used. When he said that he did n o t , and was
told, the phone allegedly went silent for a few
seconds. His c o m m e n t was: "Well, I'm flabbergasted. In a way, though, I think it's hilarious that
they would use that film. But I wouldn't be t o o
concerned about' it, this is just more Martha
Mitchell—3000 young republican rooting section—
T w o of the area's pacifist groups were very
concerned about h o w the film was being used, in
w h a t promised to be driving ruin, a small group of
people brought the required props for stage theater
depicted on this page. Ed Hayes, a member of the
S U N Y A contingent and teacher of the Peace Studies
courses here this semester noted that, "We feel it's
basic not to let people coming to the theater have a
nice evening tonight because millions of Indochinese
aren't having a nice evening. They're being murdered by an air war."
Continued Hayes: "We feel that people should b e
confronted with the fact that Nixon isn't the peace
candidate he pretends to be, but instead is the man
the ki|ling wounding or making homeless of six
million Indochinese since he has taken office,"
Albany's Mayor Erastus Corning
F.S.A. Operating Cash Shrinks
by J . S t e p h e n Flavin
Guerrilla Theater Tactics. Crucifixion enacted during Harrisburg 7
trial. Photo taken April, 1 9 7 2 .
All went smoothly at the Hellman until three
persons who had paid the five dollar admission price
got bored with the politics of the film and, spurred
on by the alcohol in their systems, decided t o
articulate their o w n political feelings with s h o u t s
and threats. Cool heads on the part of the d e m o n strators prevented any unpleasantness that might
have occurred. One of the three was asked what h e
thought of the message of the film, and replied, "I
didn't see it, I came here to get drunk."
Our F a c u l t y S t u d e n t Association lives on b o r r o w e d m o n e y t o t h e e x t e n t of
T h e $ 6 0 0 , 0 0 0 is n o t a loan b u t
a line of credit for F S A t o d r a w
u p o n as n e e d e d , from t h e S t a t e
Bank of Albany. Lines of credit
are u n s e c u r e d ; n o t h i n g is mortgaged. Until this year t h e n e t
w o r t h of F S A has been e n o u g h
to cover loans a n d lines of credit.
FSA, sustaining losses for t h e
third c o n s e c u t i v e year, lists its
worth at approximately
$.H;n,()O0 Losses for fiscal year
I'.tVJ totaled $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 , a n d lust
year net losses a d d e d u p to s o m e
$;UH,()00. T h r e e years ago t h e
iit'l c o r p o r a t e w o r t h of FSA was
over $1 million.
Norbert Zahm, FSA executive
rlirector m a i n t a i n s t h a t t h e n e t
w o r t h of t h e c o r p o r a t i o n s h o u l d
have been $ 3 million, b u t ineffective m a n a g e m e n t (or as o n e
observer of t h e Board of Directors t e r m e d " m a n a g e r i a l stup i d i t y " ) has c o s t t h e c o r p o r a t i o n
and t h e s t u d e n t s w h o s u p p o r t
FSA dearly. T h e s t u d e n t s s u p port F S A t h r o u g h profits realized o n t h e various q u a d food
S t u d e n t s for o p e r a t i n g cash or
collateral. All of these p r o p e r t i e s
c o u l d be m o r t g a g e d or sold, a n d
are w o r t h s o m e $'100,000.
Z a h m does n o t see a n y real
p r o b l e m s in o b t a i n i n g F S A ' s line
of credit, claiming t h a t , " w e
$ 6 0 0 , 0 0 0 , b u t we m a y n o t need
all of it. This year w e used a n d
paid back $ 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 . We need
less m o n e y for s h o r t e r periods of
T h o u g h n o t c u r r e n t l y in need
of large a m o u n t s of o p e r a t i n g
cash (a result of i n c o m e from
hook sales a n d c o n t r a c t meal
siiles), FSA s h u e o f credit with
the S t a t e Bank of Albany ex
pires in O c t o b e r . F S A m a y t h e n
be forced to m o r t g a g e its re
Mohawk C a m p u s , Wavedy Place,
ii. ) Highland Drive, a n d several
houses rented to I n t e r n a t i o n a l
Even if FSA does retain its
credit line, t h e c a m p u s c o r p o r a
lion c a n n o t afford a n y m o r e
financially " r e d " years. C o n t i n u
ing losses in major program
11 e m s , t h e P a t r o o n
B o o k s t o r e , a n d Faculty Housing,
as well as " b e n e v o l e n t
l i o n s " will have to be phased out
it t h e c o r p o r a t i o n is to reach a n y
level of financial security
F.S.A. Executive Director Norbert Zahm
Three Prisoners of War Come Home
As people left the theater, the light drizzle had
b e c o m e a torrential downpour. Nevertheless, the
c u s t o m s of the benefit screening were greeted "by
another still drama. On o n e side were t w o " d e a d "
people and a sign over them which said "Dresden
1 9 4 5 : 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 dead." On the other side were t w o
"dead Vietnamese" with a sign over them that read
"Indochina: 6 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 killed, wounded or m a d e
refugees under N i x o n . " In the center was a figure
dressed up as Nixon holding a placard in one hand
and the victory sign. T h e placard read, "Who Me?
Learn from the mistakes of the p a s t ? "
As the leaflet they were handing o u t explained,
"We are here t o challenge the morality of massive
attacks on civilian populations u military strategy,
and to challenge y o u t o see this specter of mas*
murder face t o face and know i i i m i of the horror o f
a strategy of terror."
ordinances. Investigators are presently canvassing
many areas where residents have complained o f
zoning violations and there are expected t o b e s o m e
evictions in c o m i n g weeks. T h e Mayor stressed that
this is n o t an anti-student m o v e m e n t o n the part o f
the city and that h e is n o t against students w h o rent
off-campus, but that h e d o e s feel zoning ordinances
must be enforced. Corning also stated that students
living under family-like conditions (unmarried people living together) would probably n o t b e affected
by the renewed enforcement o f the zoning rules.
Other Business
In other developments at the conference, Mayor
Corning explained w h y he was not working officially as an upstate co-ordinator for the McGovern
campaign. "Co-ordinators 1 responsibilities involve
very detailed and t i m e consuming work," the m a y o r
explained, c o n t i n u i n g t h a t h e felt this would conflict with his duties as mayor. He also s t a t e d his
opinion t h a t George McGovern is slowly gaining
ground on R i c h a r d Nixon d e s p i t e w h a t t h e New
York Times poll indicated o n M o n d a y .
In a r e s p o n s e to a q u e s t i o n c o n c e r n i n g T h e r e s a
Cook a n d t h e Albany T a x p a y e r s Association a t t a c k
on t h e city school b o a r d ' s allegedly extravti,fent
e x p e n d i t u r e s over t h e past few years, the m a y o r
could say o n l y h e h a d n o t h a d t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o
analyze t h e figures involved, a n d thai Ms. C o o k
tended to exaggerate s o m e of t h e figures she h a d
presented in past e n c o u n t e r s .
As for t h e c o n t i n u i n g feud b e t w e e n t h e m a y o r a n d
the city firemen over an increase in salary and
benefits, C o r n i n g s t a t e d t h a t neither side seemed
likely tci c o m p r o m i s e a n d therefore, n o progress can
be e x p e c t e d in t h e c o m i n g weeks, T h e
have recently received an increase in pay b u t are still
d e m a n d i n g m o r e j o b benefits.
Uncle Sam beats his drum to rune of Viet Cong kazoos. Demonstration of Guerrilla Theater at SUNYA during Nixon's spring
bombing raids. Photo taken April, 1972.
by J o h n V i n o c u r
Associated Press Writer
American pilots released from
North V i e t n a m e s e prison c a m p s
(lew h o m e T h u r s d a y night and
o n e said t h e American people
must beat t h e " r e s p o n s i b i l i t y "
for bringing t h e remaining 4 0 0
m e n o u t of captivity.
Relaxed after a lunch on steak
and s c h n a p p s a n d a visit to a
royal palace changing of t h e
guard, L t . j.g. Mark G a r l l e y , Lt.
j.K. Norris Charles and Maj. Edward El hi* left C o p e n h a g e n for
New York after their first hours
o u t s i d e t h e C o m m u n i s t world.
T h e y h a d arrived in D e n m a r k on
Thursday m o r n i n g from Mos-
c o w , en r o u t e h o m e from Peking
and Hanoi with their a n t i w a r
A Defense D e p a r t m e n t s p o k e s
mmi in Washington said arrangem e n t s h a d been m a d e for u t e a m
of military officials, including
physicians, to m e e t the pilots
u p o n their arrival at K e n n e d y
Airport in New York.
T h e remark a b o u t responsibility c a m e from C h a r l e s . Il was t h e
toughest, mosl politically oriented s t a t e m e n t t o c o m e o u t of an
news c o n f e r e n c e b u t
n o n e of (he three pilots w o u l d
e n d o r s e a U.S. presidential cand i d a t e or offer criticism or supp o r t for American tactics in
"II was m y belief a n d the
belief of tlie m e n with w h o m 1
lived in H a n o i , " said ('buries,
" t h a t if t h e war is t e r m i n a t e d
their r e t u r n h o m e will he cur
tain. I have c o m m i t t e d myself to
d o e v e r y t h i n g in my power to
work for their r e t u r n h o m e . "
Addressing himself to Americans, Charles said: " I p o n d e r e d
tin- q u e s t i o n w h o can h e l p m e or
is responsible for bringing tiiese
m e n h o m e . It d a w n e d u p o n me
t h a t jl was y o u , t h e American
p e o p l e . If y o u really want t^>
bring those m e n h o m e y o u can
do it. If y o u really want t o end
t h e war y o u can d o il.
"1 a n d s o m e of the m e n I left
have a ureal deal of faith ' a n d
h o p e in y o u , the American people, I call on y o u to help me in
he! pi u g to b ri ng these m e n
Charles hud been in prisoner of
war c a m p s for nearly a year.
A question on h o w tlie men
might try to influence American
o p i n i o n wus replied to by Gartley, w h o h a d been held for four
years until his release 12 duys
Referring t o a s t a t e m e n t by
actress J a n e Fonda t h a i she
found t h e POWs backing the
presidential candidacy of Sen,
George M c G o v e r n , t h e filer said:
"Miss Fonda is not qualified t o
speak for t h e general o p i n i o n of
all t h e prisoners of war. T h e
n u m b e r of opinions a m o n g tlie
prisoners of war are as m a n y as
the n u m b e r of prisoners themselves, and 1 personally c a n n o t
speak for d i e general o p i n i o n of
all t h e prisoners a n d I'm sure it
just c a n ' t be done."
Asked about his own choice,
Gartley said: " T h e issues and
policies are not completely clear
to me. What is clear to me is that
the men w h o are still there m u s t
c o m e h o m e and whichever policy is the o n e that can bring t h e m
h o m e is t h e o n e I can support