Document 14064412

State College News
College Acquires Halls On Western Avenue;
Freshmen Learn State s Secrets
During Weekend O f Damp Fun Construction To Begin Soon On New Dormitory
Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of Women,
and David Hartley, Dean of Men,
announce t h a t two dorms have been
acquired to house State College
T h e Class of 1960 informally m e t and driving rain when they s t e p scene of their classmates, upper- ped off t h e buses a t C a m p Orinsekclarsmen, a n d faculty a t their r e - wa-Sonnikwa on W a r n e r Lake. T h e
spective frosh c a m p s last weekend. heavenly water did stop long enough
Cloi'ds of yellow descended on for a few of t h e scheduled athletic
East House is situated a t 358 WesBrit last Friday in all shapes, forms, events to go off as planned, but in
tern Avenue a n d West Hall a t 366
and sizes as t h 2 girls of t h e Class of t h e long r u n t h e rain won out.
1960 joined t h e r a n k s of Albany however, you c a n read more about
Western. Each dorm will accomevents elsewhere in this i s Staters. Each girl, all 273, w athese
modate 23 women, with dining
whisked away to h e r abode for t h e sue.
in West
Along more intellectual lines, one
weekend by t h e bouncing bellhops
cf t h e highlights of t h e weekend
in red, blue, a n d green.
Kohen, a g r a d u a t e student, is t h e
' r o v e d to be t h e traditional cabin
Frosh Frolic
counselor for both dorms. S h e is
Until old m a n weather -Jecided to •kits. With characterizations r a n g residing in East Hall.
interrupt, everyone was engaged in ing fiom Elvis Presley to President
sports on Dorm field. T h e n it was Eisenhower, t h e frosh showed their
G a m m a K a p p a P h i Sorority h a s
sing, sing, sing you frosh. Evening ability to handle quite well t h e
secured temporary housing at 287
found all cf u s arranged comfort- "serious" drama. Cups were a w a r d ably in t h e lower lounge for t h eed to t h e top three presentations.
and 291 Western Avenue. Twelve
faculty show. I t was soon ascer- State College Confidential
girls will be living In the house a t
Members of the faculty a n d a d tained t h a t t h e frosh do have fine
287 Western while 291 will accomh t a d s when they el.minated all t h e ministration were on h a n d to greet
modate four girls a n d t h e dining
faculty in t h e musical h a t contest. the frosh campers. Several s h o r t
Next came t h e surprise of t h e talks gave t h e incoming college
hall. G a m m a Kap's previous house
weekend—the dance contest—and it generation some idea as to w h a t to
at 293 Western will be torn down to
was go, man, go as the top dancers expect when they reached State.
m a k e way for t h e new dormitory
competed for t h e lollipops. The first W h a t t h e faculty didn't reveal, t h e
day was climaxed by the traditional counselors did.
East House I above) a n d We:.t House I below), new dormitories on which will complete t h e quadrangle
From our view, the weekend was
candlelight service and m a r s h m a l now consisting of Pierce, Brubacha success: we feel J o e Anderson, Western Avenue accommodate forty-six women.
low roast.
er, a n d Sayles Halls. Evan R. Colhis staff, a n d h i s counselors d e £or.hs Beware
lins, President of t h e College, h a s
Saturday morning all tumbled serve t h e highest praise for their
•%•'" :H?i
announced t h a t they expect to bework.
out of bed for a n o t h e r event-packed
- ^ ^ B r
gin construction on this new dormiday. Roarinp games of volleyball award—the traditional dunking in
• 1
tory within three weeks.
and baseball vere held between the the cold, cold waters of Warner
frosh a n d counselors. Extra-curricu- Lake.
lar a n d a c a d t m i c discussions filled
the bill for t h e rsst of t h e morning
and afternoon. T h e counselors' a n d
frosh skit were t h e events of t h e
evening. T h e frosh displayed some
fine talent, so beware Sophs.
In Page Hall Tuesday a t 10 a.m.
Women's F r o s h C a m p was a m a r the freshmen wiill meet for their
velous success a n d o u r h a t s a r e off T h o m a s R. Gibson, Prortessor of
first orientation class.
Ellen C.
tc Marilyn D e S a n t a , h e r officers Safety a n d Health Education a n Stokes, Dean of Women, a n d D a nr.i t h e counselors.
vid Hartley, Dean of Men, will both
nounces t h a t there a r e several vaWet Welcome
address t h e Class oi 19(10.
cancies in t h e driver training a n d
Unlike t h e female members of t h e driver training instructor courses.
The class
S t u d e n t s who desire to learn how
Hungerford a n d Dominic DeCecco
to drive should attend t h e driver
Seniors, will also be present to begin
training class ' H e a l t h 211 Monday
organizing t h e class in p r e p a r a from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in Diaper 14(i.
tion for their various class activiStudents
m a y attend,
ties a n d rivalry events. T h e first
they have not previously registered
social undertaking of Hie freshmen
B a r b a r a Hungerford '57, President for t h e course.
will be their Beanie Ball. This is
of D r a m a t i c s a n d Arts Council, a n Those s t u d e n t s interested in the
:i dance which is exclusively for the
nounces t h a t t h e Council is spondriver training instructor
soring T h e Players Incorporated in
"Henry I V " a n d "Charlie's Aunt."
The Players will present these plays
on October 18th in Page Hall. is t a u g h t t h e full academic year.
"Henry I V " will be presented a t Interested students a r e requested to
2:30 p.m. a n d t h e curtain goes u p apply for t h e course by the end of
on "Charlie's Aunt" a t 8:30 p.m. their Sophomore year.
According to Lire instructor, there
Your s t u d e n t tax card will admit
you to o n e of these productions.are many openings in high schools
F u r t h e r information in regard to throughout t h e state for driving
these plays will be available in the instructors, both full a n d p a r t forthcoming editions of T h e State time. Salaries for several of these
openings range from four thousCollege News.
Class of '60, t h e male Yellowjackets and to forty-six hundred dollare
were whisked away by stiff winds a year.
yellowjackets Begin
Organization O f Class
Instructor Lists
Class Openings
Players Incorporated
To Stage Plays Here
The Mayflower
with an eye to your food & your budget
by Chester Field
" T o c a t c h a m a n , " said V i o l e t t e
" T h e w i s e s t galw p l a y h a r d t o g e t ! "
T o s e e m r e m o t e a n d q u i t e aloof
S h e s a t six y e a r s u p o n t h e roof.
" I t d o e s n ' t s e e m t o w o r k , " s h e said
And so she clobbered t h e m instead
S h e s h r u g g e d , " I d o t h e best I c a n
or not, a man is a rnun!
jUeJ /
MORALI F a i n t p l e a s u r e ain't, o l e a s u r e !
I n s m o k i n g t o o , t a k e y o u r pi ^asure Hid.
S m o k e for real . . . s m o k e C h e s t e r f i e l d .
P a c k e d m o r e s m o o t h l y b y Accu-Ruy
i t ' s t h e smoothest t a s t i n g s m o k e t o d a y .
Omelettes & Hot Sandwiches Our Specialty
VOL. X L I N O . 15
Soccer Team Opens Season Tomorrow Afternoon/
Garciamen Seek Revenge Against Geneseo Squad
Captains Bonesteel, Guglielmone
Lead Pack O f Nineteen Peds
A favored Geneseo squad will provide the opposition
tomorrow as the State Booters under the tutelage of
Joseph Garcia take the field of Bleeker Stadium for a
1 p.m. curtain raiser on the 1956 season.
The Peds will be augmented in their uphill climb
from a 2-7-2 record of 1955 by a t least one freshman,
Joseph Hickey, and Gordon Lazaroff who is playing his
first g a m e for S t a t e a s a Junior.
Leading: t h e kickers t o t h e field
t h r e e days after t h e final p r e - s e a son s c r i m m a g e held last Wednesday,
will b e c a p t a i n s T i t o Guglielmone
a n d William Bonesteel whose positions a r e listed elsewhere in this
Work continued on t h e student- issue.
C aQm
MmmM^J'^^' -^.^^*ij.;,'M^r?ti:,\ -\ '^C'Ji
— „owned
„.,^u ^
, np p jDippikill
j ^ p m i n this
mis past
s t a t e booters t h i s year will h a v e
t h i s year will h a v e
t 0 S t a t3e booters
SET F O R OPENER. Coach Joseph G a r c i a a n d h i s soccer squad pose for a group shot before s e t t i n g ^ m ? ^ ™ J E , ^ S L ^ l ^ f
h " " * 8 * t h e s c r i m m a g e played
t 0 me
down to a rugged workout in p r e p a r a t i o n for their opener tomorrow. Pictured above are, standing, left !£ r „ ^ „ t *
i n t h e privacy of Bleecker S t a d i u m
to r i g h t : Chuck Fowler, Manager, Paul Dammer, Tito Guglielmone, Raymond Castillo, Donald Makeley w 2 J 1 e n s D u r S s " e showed several promising freshmen
and K e n n e t h Kadet. Kneeling: Gordon Lazaroff, J o s e p h Hickey, David Call, Edward Jones, Alfred Leder- .. f > f'
excavated t n e a r e a i n - ^ w e u a s upperclassmen for w h o m
. , William
., U .. V U «W»M, Everett
i . t u t » Weiermiller,
?»nci miner, w
Fowler, Louis Delsignore, W a r r e n D u n h a m , Carlton l
t n e foundation oi t n e i a i m - G a r c i a h a s better uses t h a n bench—e n n e t h Flores, team mascot.
d d i t i o n . Kt.nrt.pri
n (thhoeMaxson. Sitting: K
house aaddition,
s t a r t e d umrlr
work n
foundation for t h e fireplace, s e t u p w a r m i n g . H e m a d e a s m u c h plain
tents on their platfoitns, a n d com- in a n interview with this reporter
pleted t h e p a i n t i n g of t h e farm- after t h e hapless booters repeatedly
lost scoring opportunities d u e to
t h e i r bashfulness i n invading t h e
Six Comprise Work Party
opposing territory.
T h e workers included:
Tills could indicate t h a t G a r c i a
Hampel '58; Robert Levy, David considers n o one's position secure
T h e third convocation of the S t u cause a complete register of s t u Champagne,
students; as rocking c h a i r s a r e available for
d e n t Association will meet this d e n t - t e a c h e r s w a s n o t available
David Hartley, Dean of Men; H u d - those J u n i o r s a n d Seniors who find
morning a t 10 a.m. i n Page Hall. when t h e original list was composed.
son Winn, Associate Professor of t h e sport too tiring a n d scorn t h e
At this time, t h e Sophomore class Seniors a r e urged to check this new
Biology, a n d Mrs. Winn.
bench. I t also Indicated t h e r a n k s
Mai-y Bradley '58, C h a i r m a n of
will hurl t h e traditional debate list, which wiil be posted in several
S t u d e n t s p l a n n i n g a weekend a t ° f fcne J V squad could be depleted
challenge to t h e freshman class. P o l - areas t h r o u g h o u t t h e college.
schedule of receptions t o be held t h e c a m p are reminded by t h e C a m p ^ t h e co^n r a n o u t o f varsity r e g lowing- this, a representative of t h e
by college e x t r a - c u r r i c u l a r o r g a n - Board t h e r e is n o cost involved. u l a r s willing t o t a k e t h e play to
Association of Men's I n t r a - m u r a l Convocation A t t e n d a n c e
izations, next week, from 7 to 9 They m a y sign u p in t h e S t u d e n t their opponent's goal.
Athletics will present t h e AM1A
Last week, a total of 755 students p.m. i n t h e upper a n d lower lounges Personnel Office o r a t t h e desk C h a n g e B r a n d of Oil
S p o r t s m a n s h i p Awards.
A thirty
a t t e n d e d t h e compulsory convoea,
~j L V ^ U U ^ U wic t-uiiipuisury convoca of B r u b a c h e r Hall. A s h o r t sketch in lower Draper. All food is p r o - I n t h e h o p e t h a t a c h a n g e of oil
h e following is a class break of t h e organization will be given vided from funds i n t h e $4500 m i g h t m a k e h i s s p u t t e r i n g m a c h i n e
t e a m displaying t h e greatest a m o u n t down Tof
by one of its members a t t h e begin- C a m p Board
l o o m Hlcinliiiiltin H>o n « » l « n ( « „
' t h a t total. T
—h e first n u m
O u t i n g r u n m o r e smoothly, G a r c i a took
s p o r t s m a n s h i p in a n y sport last t ber
indicates t h e n u m b e r in a t -ning of t h e hour designated. F r e s h year. A second award will be p r e - tendance, a n d t h e second, t h e men a r e invited to meet a n d talk Club h a s provided sleeping bags Paul D a m m e r from t h e line and p u t
sented to t h e a t h l e t e who partici- n u m b e r who have s e a t s : Seniors 34,, with t h e members of t h e organiza- for weekend use, a n d blankets a r e h i m o n left half where t h e P e d
p a t e d in t h e greatest number of 100; Juniors, 169, 200; Sophomores,, tion following t h e sketch. Refresh- available a t the c a m p . S t u d e n t s need s t a l w a r t could feed t h e ball t o t h e
only bring then- iiersonal belongings. forward lines. Similar reasoning h a s
athletic events.
148, 200; freshmen, 404, 450.
m e n t s will be served a t each r e - I t Is suggested t h a t those traveling p u t Lazaroff : n contention for t h e
on Page 3, Column J/J
Students Greet Soccer Team
I Continued
or. Page 6, Column 51
Joseph Garcia, Assistant ProfesPreviously, only one day h a s been
sor of Physical Education and socallowed for t h e freshmen to sign
cer coach, will introduce members
up for t h e various activities. This
of t h e 1956 squad a n d speak on t h e
year u week is being s e t aside to
background. T h e college
give t h e freshmen a better oppor1953. That was the year State set a record in soccer.
cheerleaders, under t h e direction of
tunity to get acquainted with all
Beverly Wylam '57, will lead a pep
the organizations o n State's c a m p - Our team placed second out ol all New York State soccer
Alpha Pi Alpha. Chi Sima T h e t a us.
rally for t h e squad. At this time,
teams, out ranked only by the United States Military
the new school fight song will be and Pierce Hall a r e holding Open Monday Night
Academy a t West Point. That same season we had two
introduced to S t u d e n t Association. House this Sunday. G a m m a Kappa
organizations: All-American soccer players and live players ranked AllT h e song was written by J a c k Ertle, Phi a n d Phi Delta a r e holding Open
the Pedagogue, State College News, State.
Lenore Hughes, a n d J a m e s LockHouses for S t a t e s m e n tonight.
Press Bureau a n d t h e literary p u b hart, Seniors.
1954. Our record that fall was five wins and three
lications, will welcome freshmen in
Alpha Pi Alpha's Open House will Brubacher upper lounge from 7 to losses and two ties. And then came last year with two
All Freshmen To Have Seals
be from 2 until 5 p.m, at t h e fra- (I p.m. From 8 to 9 p.m., t h e Serv- wins, seven losses and two ties. Yet Coach Garcia claims
All freshmen m u s t a t t e n d t h e next ternity
at 765 Madison
Commission, that last year we had a potentially greater team than the
legislative convocation, according to Avenue, announces George Murphy ice Clubs: C a m p u s
Marilyn Leach '58, C h a i r m a n of the '57, General C h a i r m a n of t h e event. S t u d e n t Union Board, Red Cross year before. This statement is inconsistent with the facts.
and Smiles will welcome Ireshmen
Convocations Committee. Members
Everyone is invited. T h e F r a t e r n i t y in Brubacher lower lounge.
Two factors seem to account for this tremendous drop
of t h e class of 1900 Who have not
house h a s undergone extensive r e - Tuesday Night
in our record, a lack of team spirit and a lack of school
been excused, or who were not a s The
Organizations: spirit. Both are equally important for the making of a
signed seals, will have them by next modeling since last J u n e .
D r a m a t i c s a n d Arts Council. Music winning team. The first deficit has been remedied. We
Cln Sigma Theta Sorority is havCouncil, Radio Guild, Debate CounA new list oi Seniors who must ing a n Open House lor Statesmen cil and Forum, will welcome Iresh- are quoted as having a team in excellent condition with
attend convocations will be posted
men in B r u b a c h e r upper lounge the n t h degree of optimism.
next week. Tins is necessitated be- General C h a i r m a n for the event lrom 7 to 8 p.m. From 8 to 9 p.m.,
Pushing against this half-reinforced block we have
Will be Sheila Lister '57, Vice President. T h e Sorority house is located t h e Athletic Organizations: Women's Geneseo, our opposition tomorrow a t Bleecker Stadium.
> Collitiiui (I on Page .1, (.'iiiuiun h
at .'154 Western Avenue
Their coach claims that they can't be beaten and so far
Camp Dippikill
Work Continues
Convocation Meets In Page Hall/ Organizations
Features Rally A n d Soccer Team Plan Receptions
For Freshmen
Dorm, Greeks
Open Doors
News Board Elects
Two New Members
Support Our Team 11
S u z a n n e Liebernuul '58, Vice President, will be General C h a i r m a n for
Pierce Hall's Open House, which will
The State College News Board be from :i until 5 p.m. All rooms
elected at their last Sunday evening will be open h a ' visitors to see.
meeting two replacements to News
T h e r e will be a n 0|K-n House for
Board, slates Marcia Lawrence '57,
S t a t e s m e n tonight from B U> 11:30
Traditional debate challenge by
Editor a n d C h a i r m a n ol t h e Board.
p.m., a t t h e P h i Delta house, 278
Robert K a m p '59, was chosen to
Western Avenue, a n n o u n c e s J o a n
of t h e AMIA
the position oi Sjxjrts Editor ol t h e Van Dtusen '57, President. General
S p o r t s m a n s h i p award, a n d a n
News. K a m p was chosen to replace C h a i r m a n of t h e event is Dorothy
award to t h e individual who
Joseph Swierwjwski '57, who wasAfford '57.
participated in t h e greatest
forced t o resign of t h e
number of athletic events.
Myskaniu ruling concerning t h e
T h e G u m m a K a p p a P h i house a t
Address by Joseph Garcia, Asmajor and minor activity classifica- 287 Western Avenue will be open
sistant Professor of Physical
tion. Swierzowski was named by t h e from 8 to 11:30 p.m, tonight for
Board to t h e post ol Consultant s t a t e s m e n , announces J u n e s t u d Introduction of t h e soccer team.
Sports Eciitor.
ley '57, President.
Pep rally,
this season (hey are undefeated. Their two games this
season against Le Moyne and Buffalo State still see them
victorious. And so judging from what the coaches state,
the teams are an equal match. But Geneseo has a second
half to add to their block. They have a student body behind them filled with pride and energy to push their team
to victory. Tomorrow they will follow their team to
Bleecker and show us what the other half consists of.
They have organized a group of students and a pep band
to come and cheer their team on.
We think our "other half" of the team has a greater
potential but it takes each and every student to prove this
fact. Come to Bleecker tomorrow a t 1 p.m. and help build
the other half of the block. Let's show our team we are
proud that they are wearing the purple and the gold.
New Blood .
, .
. .
,, ,
. . , . , . « ,
i sa uniting
a n d enthusiasm
w a s disturbed with seme of the
characterizations, namely t h a t of a n
runs high now within the class for its college. We should officer exhibiting cowardness in
protect this enthusiasm from destruction by refusing to t h e f "« °* the efnfmy- ^ " E J ^ I
permit it to deteriorate. It must be solidly molded into g S t * ? « ° S S ? Well, 7 was'
C o n s i s t e n t s u p p o r t a n d a l l e g i a n c e t o OUl' C o l l e g e .
I t i s n o t f o r US t o S a y t h a t We d o n o t h a v e t h e i n t e r e s t ,
made anyway. P e r h a p s a s t h e a d m e n claim, i t is a different w a r
m vi
It is for us to say that the opportunity has not been given
for it to grow We have a student body which is teeming
with potential leaders, persons whom have never been
? f™
jJJJJ w i t h R a y MlllaTldi M a u .
ree n o'Hara, ciaude Raines, and
S O U g h t OUt, a n d p e r s o n s W h o m a r e n o t a g g r e s s i v e e n o u g h
I n Naturama
to declare themselves. Yet, we overlook these unknowns 'whatever that is) and Trucoior.
in favor of the old stand bys. It can not be said that these ™e ^ I d "
individuals have not done good jobs, because generally Aiso showing is Bigger Than Life
their work has been unapproachable. However, let us not with James Mason and Barbara
wear their ability thin, let us find persons of new ideas RushL and new imaginations. Let us extend government respon- ™ he r™™ and the Beautiful with
sibihty to create interest. Let us give ourselves more peo- Mjcheie Morgan and Gerard Fiiipe.
pie to choose from at election times, so elections become it's a French movie made in Mexcompetitive races, not uncontested victories.
ico with
English subtitles. This is
The responsibility
pictures where the
. ,,
..v *
m a l e ead, ooking deep into a lush
lies with each and every one of us, especially with our chick . s eyes, whispers a is minute
p r e s e n t l e a d e r s . L e t US a c c e p t t h i s C h a l l e n g e nM.A.D.
o w , a n d MADISON
oration in F r e n c h . Translation i n
P a r d n e r s with Dean Martin a n d
let no more be said that apathy and disinterest exist here, subtitle:
Jerry Lewis.
I n t hnew?"
e first 3 m i n u t e s
cf t h e picture, M a r t i n a n d Lewis
achieve probably
their funniest
scene—a rioteous lampoon of west%
What is a teacher? First of all a teacher is a member Scarlet
srariet with
J o h n Pavne
THE Profession . .
Did you say Linen Service, M i r y ?
"There is nothing new, a n d there's nothing t r u e a n d it don't signify."
Cornish Proverb
Many of the above mentioned we deem a r e d u e to those in this
column, who last week jibed t h e Press Bureau a n d S t a t e College t r a ditions. Editor's note—the same issue carried editorial c o m m e n t on Press
Bureau a n d Myskania's decision for a watchdog c o m m i t t e e on tradition.
Conceit is God's gift to little m e n !
Last week's legislative assembly was exemplary of n o t h i n g ultimate.
Our convocation system is neither completely r e p r e s e n t a t i v e , n o r is it of
the Town Meeting variety
With increased enrollment, to be the Town Meeting type, which in
our estimation it should be, a larger assembly hall will h a v e to be provided for. Albany High School's auditorium would fit t h e bill adequately.
This idea was investigated a while ago—nothing was done.
The more time spent in giving different schemes a t r y is only more
Council gives a n absolutely false time spent in making OUJ- convocation problem obvious Also more time
impression of what happened a t to forget what assemblies used to be like.
of a profession which is dedicated to the education of the
minds of the youth of our nation. A teacher is one who —
seeks to do more than fill students with facts which they GQ4ft0t44M4C€bl4JO4t6>
can parrot back. Rather he must try to develop the inquiring mind of the student. Help him to see that he T o t h e EdUor .
actually knows so little and then introduce him to the y0Ur "7:15" editorial on student
m e a n s Of b r o a d e n i n g h i s e x p e r e i e n c e s .
help Others to help themselves
A teacher
A teacher must be more than a leader he must In- S l o t e ^ a H o u f S S S ^ S S ! «°ABING
S p i r e l e a d e r s h i p . H e m u s t g i v e e a c h S t u d e n t a C h a n c e t o council elected 3 Seniors 3 Juniors
p r o v e h i s l e a d e r s h i p a b i l i t i e s . G i v e t h e S t u d e n t s a C h a n c e a n d 3 Sophomores to I . C . A . We
to exhibit their o w ninitiative
A n o o r t e a c h e r i s o n e w h o also elected t h e c o - c h a i r m a n for
10 e x n i D H M i e i r o w n i n i t i a t i v e . A p o o r t e a c n e r IS o n e w n o ^
. . . _,.
Wlgnt iannc d
e J &e
6 Juniors
p l a n s everything himself.
nominated for I.C.A. a n d 7 J u n i o r s
P o r t n e anxlous
throng breathlessly awaiting t h e first soccer game—
flrSt s o e r a m e
i"®l„ ~ J
f /
° f t h e season is S a t u r d a y against
e ° - T h e games a r e played in the afternoon at Bleecker stadium,
located on t h e indirect route to Hawley library.
T h e band i musical i of supporters from Geneseo, w h o rumor h a s i t
. a. t t.h e .game,
. .m i g.h t be persuaded to stay for s o m e S t a t e formal.
will be
Big Bands, remember? It should be most gratifying to see a big band
of State students a t t h e game—Need we say more?
T h e
With this responsibility to students comes a responsi- were nominated for AH state Night
bility to self and profession. We at State will be working co-chairman
ask t h e writer of t h e editorial BEDLAM
under a unique situation. We are working with the people to I answer
t h e following questions:
At t h e stroke of noon t h e aforementioned breaks loose in our boiswho will be the source for the perpetuation of our own pro- 1. Give the n a m e of one nominee terous
Black Hole of Calcutta or should we say S t a t e . W h a t we're
who was n o t discussed by a t subtly ? referring to is our cafeteria?
fession. When we are out in the field teaching we must enleast two persons.
For those who haven't h a d t h e pleasure of fighting t h e masses in a
courage those who have the capability and interest in our
Give me t h e n a m e of a t least futile atempt to go to or stave off starvation, we suggest choosing
profession to follow it. We should help our alma mater
one catagory (I.C.A. Sr. Repre- up sides a n d making it an i n t r a m u r a l sport. Tackle anyone?
to select these prospective teachers. Help the two with
sentative, I.C.A. J r . R e p r e s e n t a tive or etc.) where t h e r e were- OMINOUS SILENCE
your recommendation and guidance to find each other.
For Whom the Bells Toll. With all t h e modern innovations, including
n't a t least two nominations
electronic wonders like TV t h e sumptuous edifice, Richardson Extension
from t h e floor.
Give me a t least o n e category Annex, lacks only a minor detail. They have failed t o provide for
where a revote was n o t neces- penetrating the intellectual realms of the faculty.
Why not something unique like bells to signal t h e e n d of classes?
sary in order to m a k e t h e final
Who are you to criticize t h e
Plaudits to who have provided us with t h e calendar of t h e
visitors in Council? Council b e day's events posted with the S I S list. This facilitates picking a substilongs to all S t a t e College S t u - tute for evening study.
dents, hence each a n d every
student h a s t h e right to be Speaking of signs, how about t h e gem stating "No sport shorts or
allowed." A fond reminder to those who spent their s u m m e r in
recognized by t h e Chair. O n .slacks
the library a t NYSCT?
the monopoly point you should
criticize those who do not take EXEMPLARY II
part instead of those who do.
How many of t h e 13" listening to t h e discussion on C a m p Apathy.
As c h a i r m a n of t h e Nominations or is it Dippikill, a t last week's convocation, have worked t h e r e ?
Our Sid<
This week is National Newspaper Week and we think
it is a good time to tell our side of the story Every Friday
we listen to complaints like "You misspelled my name."
Sure we make mistakes but so does everyone. We also
work under a time pressure when we write. We spend
every hour between classes at the beginning of the week
trying to find people so that we can get the facts. Then
we try to write the stories before our 11 p.m. deadline.
When we get the story all written someone else rushes committee out * ^JenMsounc l,
in to change the facts. All the time we are writing people unchaiienged.
J o h n Yager '59
are calling out changes. And did you ever try to make a
headline fit a column?
M.M.L. To t h e Editor:
College Calendar
In reference to t h e rousing a r t i cle in the News last week, I find FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5
tliat I must agree with the Tribune's 10:00 i n n . Student Convocation leaturing Debate Challenge, Page Hall.
condemnation of SUNY as u "paper 7:00 p.m. Sorority Open Houses for freshmen women.
l«//.i M B K M 1
organization." I think t h a t here is 8:00 p.m. G a m m a Kappa Phi Open House for S t a t e s m e n , 2H1 Western
one of the basic reasons for t h e
v ntmSn
»• fHE CLA6S OF 1918
a p a t h y t h a t h a s been prevalent a t 8 00 p.m. Phi Delta Open House for Statesmen, 278 Western Avenue
S t a t e for the past few years.
I do not, think t h e cause of this
First Place CSPA
Second Place ACP
10:00 a m . Women's Rivalry Softball G a m e followed by Men'-, Snilball
apathy lies primarily with t h e s t u Game, Dorm Field.
October, 5, 1956
No. 16dents at State. I think it is an a t Members of the NKWh .smlf muy bo rem hi-tl Monday unci Wednesday from 7 to mosphere which inevitably over- SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7
11 pin and Tueodtty from 3 Lo 0 pin ut 2-3326. ftxt 11. Phonttb Lnwriuici; 2-ii\2H
powers each new class a n d which 2:00 p i n . Alpha Pi Alpha Open House lor S t a t e s m e n , 7(if> Madison
Sclilollliuuber 2-11812, Kampl 2DB70.
The undergraduate newspaper of thfl New York Statu Colleye lor Teachem, steins from t h e fact t h a t Albany
published every I-'ritJiiy ut the Collei^i: ,ear u; ti..r NEWS Board lor the Student S t a t e exists unnoticed, as does t h e 3:00 p.m. Chi Sigma Tlicla Open Horse lor .Statesmen, 364 Western
Afit, delation
whole oi SUNV t h r o u g h o u t t h e n a Avenue.
Editor-in-Chief tion, or even t h e eastern seaboard, 3:00 p.m. Pierce Hall Open House lor .Statesmen, 221 Ontario Street.
Public llitlulloiis Editor which fact emphasises t h e little or
5:00 p.m. Lutheran Student Association Reception a t a t . J o h n ' s Church,
Ilu.lursa AdlerllnliiK Manager
JOYCE MfcYl.ltaiA/VN
Circulation Edllur no prestige we carry with our name.
160 Central Avenue.
MAilli: lilC'f "I'M till
rWioelalt Editor However, isn't this us m u c h a N u l l
6:00 p.m. Canterbury Club Dinner, Cathedral Ouild House.
Associate Editor oi our sister a n d brother colleges as
Alt I'll I It I'UITNIK
Feature Editor
Sports Editor It is of ours? W h a t a r e they doing
7:00 p.m. Activities Week begins,
- •
. consultant Sports Editor about this?
JOHN Kl.lNt.Ks
Associate Feature Editor
We a t S t a t e know as little about TUESDAY, OCTOBER 0
Stall Photographer our twenty-seven m e m b e r colleges 10:00 a.m. F r e s h m a n Orientation Meetings.
All communications should be addressed to Hie editor and must be signed. Names as t h e "outside world" knows about 10.00 a.m. Sophomore Class Meeting, Draper 349.
w.'" be withheld on re.|ucsl The STATS COLLEGE NEWH assumes no responsibility
lor opinions expressed In Its columns or communications, as such expressions do not SUNY. Therefore, before we, a sWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10
on Paye >h Column HJ 4:00 p.m. Mu Lambda Alpha Meeting.
necessarily reflect its views.
By A R T P L O T N I K
Myskania m a d e t h e following d e colds a n d smashed noses, a n d it's c i s ' ° n s a t i t s m e e t i n g
also a c a m p . G o t h e r e ; work t h e r e ; night, states S a r a J a n e Duffy '57,
U n h e a l t h y place, this school.
full weekend with n o hoods to speak C h a i r m a n of M y s k a n i a ;
1) A n y f r e s h m a n t h a t does n o t
An unusual n u m b e r of people have of a n d plenty of fresh air a n d exerfree
I u n d e r s t a n d h a v e a beanie to w e a r m u s t submit
h e a d colds a n d I know why. I pass cise;
t h e tennis courts on m y way t othey're building a water tower this a letter t o t h e C h a i r m a n of W a r n school, a n d I see yellow girls a n d weekend, a n d every red - blooded ings, B a r b a r a Hungerford '57, for
purple boys shivering in t h e murky, American should have a n instinctive permission to wear a class ribbon,
wishing t o a p 2 ) Any f r e s h m a n
misty morning. I also see people urge t o build water towers. W a t e r
shivering in classes a n d coughing towers r e m i n d m e of r u n n i n g noses, peal a w a r n i n g h e feels is u n w a r to their neighbor because they a r e which m a k e s m e sorry t h a t I started r a n t e d a n d w h o c a n p r e s e n t j u s t
afraid to go home. If they go h o m e t h i s article with colds, because I cause for i t s a p p e a l m u s t c o n t a c t
they will miss classes, stay u p late wanted to bring a t t e n t i o n t o t h et h e C h a i r m a n of W a r n i n g s .
trying to catch u p , lower their r e - need for workers a t t h e c a m p . This
T h e request for a n appeal m u s t
sistance, a n d catch a cold, which is what h a p p e n s when o n e rambles be in writing to t h e C h a i r m a n of
as everybody knows, is contagious. and such is life.
Warnings. T h e appeal will be c o n The point of this whole mess is sidered i n a M y s k a n i a meeting with
Smash, also.
t h a t you should go to t h e S t u d e n t the two parties involved, namely
Personnel office a n d ask campish the violator a n d t h e Sophomore w h o
Unsafe place as well.
questions. T h a t ' s how you learn. gave t h e warning, being present.
A S t a t e student comes home from Forget colds a n d broken noses. I ' m
Both p a r t i e s will be contacted
an honest night's work, a n d gets his really sorry I ever mentioned them. about t h e t i m e this appeal will be
nose smashed by t h e local hood r e - Get o u t of here a n d go to camp . . . heard a n d both will be expected to
serve corps. I t m a d e headlines in please.
be present.
t h e local papers last week . . .
3) I t is requested t h a t freshmen
Above, members of a weekend work party take time out to relax a t
t h o u g h t you might like t o know
not wear beanies i n class or In t h e the college camp.
about it. Same s t u d e n t also h a s a
cold. Poor kid.
Concerning g y m classes, freshmen
m u s t wear their beanies t o a n d
State's O.K.
from class, b u t n o t necesarily wliile
Tire school lias a way to combat
under class instruction.
(Continued from Page 1, Column h>
4) I t is ruled t h a t a n yJ candidate to t h e site take a raincoat a n d
; " : — . «"••»• to u i e si
Si< if
sor of Music, encourages s t u d e n t s r u n n i n g in any-election within t h e flashlight.
muusstt „ , _ , , „ „ . , „
n vocal music to come S
int.erpst.erl iin
S tt uu dd ee nn tt Association
Association of
Weekends Continue
out for any one or more of t h e vocal check t h e offices for which h e is Work parties will continue until
Classgroups a t S t a t e .
ification P l a n in t h e College H a n d - the weather forces suspension of
work for t h e winter. Until then,
J o s e p h Anderson '57, C h a i r m a n
Collegiate Singers
, ,
groups will leave B r u b a c h e r Hall of Rivalry, a n n o u n c e s t h e following
group is composed of about 60 m e m If a n y of t h e offices for which e a c h Fridav a t ^ n m nnri r e t u r n
bers a n d needs especially tenors a n d
a person is r u n n i n g would cause a QV,„H
~ o p.m., a n a l e t u r n Rivalry.
,ans which h
d f
basses. Anyone who wants to sing *£,.!?
conflict .if, irf^Z?l,S
h e were elected,
h e m u s t Shour
u n a a v a t
approximately t h e s a m e R i v „ l r v
T h e C a m p u s Chest drive begins in this mixed chorus m a y come to m a k e a choice before t h e ur^..Z
T h e traditional Debate challenge
T h e picture above is a view of
n e x t Friday in convocation with Room 390 in Richardson annex a t
to t h e freshmen will be m a d e i n
the traditional skit. I t s t h e m e will 12 a.m. on Monday. T h e r e is no If t h e r e is a conflict between t h e t h e pond located entirely within t h e assembly today by t h e Sophomore
be, " S t u d e n t s Helping S t u d e n t s , " t r y - o u t system for t h i s group. T h e offices, (one held, o n e for which h e boundaries of t h e camp. T h e pond class. T h e Sophomore committee
which fits in with t h e goals of our Collegiate Singers a r e preparing for is a candidate) h e m u s t either r e - is one-half mile long a n d t h r e e - m e m b e r s a r e : J o h n Yager, Corrine
beneficiary organizations. This year, t h e i r C h r i s t m a s concert a n d plan sign from t h e office presently held eighths of a mile in width. A n a t - M a r r o a n d Carolynn Olivio. Priscilla
a goal of $1,500 is anticipated, a n television e n g a g e m e n t s i n t h e fu- or decline t h e n o m i n a t i o n a n d r e - ural horseshoe s h a p e d ridge sur- Herbst will direct t h e class of 1960's
move himself from the ballot b e - r o u n d s t h e pond, with t h e open end
a m o u n t never reached before.
debate. T h e freshmen will have t h e
fore Election
facing t h e Hudson River.
privilege of choosing t h e affirmaLast Monday t h e C a m p u s Chest
5) If a person is r u n n i n g in two
O n T u e s d a y a t 7:30 p.m., t h e r e
tive or negative side of t h e question;
Committee played host to Miss Kay will be t r y - o u t s i n Room 390 for t h e elections a t t h e same titnc ( e x a m t h e debate topic was chosen by t h e
Wallace, a representative
from Statesmen, a select men's group. ple:
S t u d e n t Association S t u d e n t
Sophomores. T h e actual debate will
This They a r e p l a n n i n g a program foi- Council, Class S t u d e n t Council; h e
take place on Friday, October 19,
group receives forty p e r cent of t h e s t . J o h n ' s L u t h e r a n C h u r c h on O c - must submit a preference blank i n in assembly.
money donated.
tober 23. They will also sing for two dicating his preference of office to
Rivalry G a m e s Tomorrow
memorial services a t t h e Elks Club Myskania before t h e election. If
S t u d e n t s a r e requested to check
Mr. J u l i a n K. Robinson from t h e
T h e first event of Rivalry will be
National Scholarship Service a n d in Albany a n d Watervliet.
preference blank, h e is a u t o m a t i c - t h e lists of n a m e s a n d addresses for men's a n d women's softball games.
Fund for Negro S t u d e n t s was also
C h a r l e s Stokes, Professor of M u - ally disqualified from t h e election the S t a t e College Directory during These will take place on D o r m
present to explain h i s organization. sic, a n n o u n c e s t h a t i n s t r u m e n t s a r e and his n a m e will be removed from the coming week, according t o field.
T h e two delelgates helped with a n available for s t u d e n t s in both t h e both ballots. T h i s applies t'j t h e O c - Clarice Coleman '57, Editor - inT h e W o m e n ' s Rivalry
Chief. T h e lists a r e posted in Lower g a m e will be played tomorrow a t 10
intensive discussion t h r o u g h which orchestra a n d t h e band. These o r - tober 12 replacement elections,
Husted Hall a n d on t h e S t u d e n t a.m. I t will be a five inning game,
those present learned a great deal ganizations a r e starting to work on
Myskania a n n o u n c e s t h e a p p o i n t about t h e distribution of t h e funds. their program
two points will be awarded t h e winfor Homecoming m e n t of t h e c h a i r m a n for t h e fol- Council Bulletin Board.
T h e NSSFNS will receive twenty weekend a n d t h e Christmas convoT n e Directory, which is published ning team. Winifred Youngs h a s
lowing rivalry events from t h e
per cent of t h e money.
cation. Strings a r e needed in t h of 1960: S i i g Director, Edythe each fall, will contain the n a n u s been chosen to direct tha S o p h o orchestra, which meets on Tuesday, Ryder, Women's L'occer, C a t h e r i n e a n d addresses of all students. S t u - more team, while Donna Lee H a r r i s
Along with the above two levels
3 p.m. T h e band meets on T h u r s - Antonucci; Men's Football, Owen dents must verily t h e information will direct t h e freshmen.
at which t h e money is allocated,
J o h n Ormsbee a n d T h o m a s Sulliday, 3 p . m . Both groups a r e held Davis; a n d Skit Director, Donald concerning them in order to assure
international and national, ten per
van will c a p t a i n Sophomore Men's
in Room 390.
accuracy in t h e Directory.
cent of t h e money goes to t h e local
Rivalry Softball team. T h e freshAlbany Community Chest. An i n m a n team will be headed by Robert
dividual g r a n t will be given to
Battafy. T h e seven inning g a m e will
Athens University in Athens, Greece,
immediately follow t h e women's
game. Two points a r c to be allotted
the winners.
Umpires for both men's a n d
You think t h e weather has
women's games will be appointed by
been pretty nice, don't you,
iCoiilhuii (IIKIIII I'tujt I, Column Ji
Six new members have been a p the Association of Men's I n t r a f r e s h m a n ? Wait a n o t h e r week.
pointed to teaching positions a t University. Leonard is now in amural Athletics tAMIA), a n d W o Athletic Association, Association of
It should be then t h a t the monS t a t e for the coming year, a n - doctoral program in speech a t Cor- men's Athletic Association (WAAi.
Men's I n t r a m u r a l Athletics, Outing
soon season will be in full swintf,
nounces Dr. Evan R. Collins, Presi- nell. T h o m a s II. Littlcfleld, Assist- Myskania Judges
Club a n d t h e Commuter's Club, will
and each day will begin with
d e n t ol the College. T h e English a n t Professor, who received his AB T h e combined cheering for both
welcome freshmen
in Brubucher
your awakening lo t h e patter of
D e p a r t m e n t receives five new m e m - from D a r t m o u t h a n d his MA from games will count o n e point. Memlower lounge.
raindrops upon your
bers and t h e Psychology D e p a r t - Harvard, h a s previously t a t n h t a t bers of Myskania will judge t h e
window pain.
Rensselaer Polytechnic I n s t i t u t e.
ment receives one.
Wednesday Nifihl
cheering for t h e softball games.
T h e D e p a r t m e n t a l Organizations:
Appointed to t h e Psychology De- Littlefield, a member of Phi Beta
Our advice to you is to purK
FelP a n Amigos, Psychology Club, Bichase a gondola now before t h e partment to Norman Greenfeld, Asology Club, American Chemical Soretail price fluctuates a n d you sistant Professor, a veteran of World lowship, is a candidate for P h D at
ciety in t h e upper lounge lrom »
arc forced to buy one a t a n ex- War II. Greenfeld holds degrees Columbia University. Samuel V. O.
p.m., a n d Commerce Club, Distribufrom Syracuse University and is now Prichard Jr., Assistant Professor,
Central Avenue Near Quail St.
orbitant fee, You will lind t h a t
tive Education Club, Society of
completing his doctorate a t t h ewho received his BA a n d MA at t h e
gondolas have a decided a d v a n University of Redlands, h a s previCritical Thought, a n d d i e I n t e r n a University of Massachusetts.
tage over canoes a n d rowboats,
Oct. 5-fl
tional Film Group in t h e lower
T h e live a p p o i n t m e n t s to the Eng- ously taught at Lehigh University.
which because of their small
lounge from B to 9 p.m., will wellish d e p a r t m e n t a r e a s follows:
size, a r e sometimes drawn Into
come Ireslitnen.
William Dumbleton, Assistant P r o - thesis in Public Address for Univerthe treacherous whirl pools of
sity of Iowa. Harry Slaley, Assistant
the sewer system.
Thursday Night
Albany State, returns
after Professor, who received his AB a t
T h e Religious Clubs: Newman
T h e r e a r e times, of course,
studying one year at t h e University St. J o h n ' s University, Brooklyn, a n d
Club, Student. Christian Association,
when it doesn't rain. It snows
Fri. from (i: 30 p.m.
of Pennsylvania. J a m e s Leonard, his MA a t t h e University of P e n n L u t h e r a n Group, a n d Hillel. In the
Sat. from 1 p.m contin.
too, a n d it gets cold. T h a t ' s
Assistant Professor, who received sylvania, h a s previously taught a t
upper lounge from 7 to H |) in., a n d
usually a l t e r It ruins a n d it his AB from Western Maryland Loyola College. Stalcy has passed
Christian Science, C a n t e r b u r y Club,
College a n d his MA lrom t h e Uni- P h D generals a t t h e University of
affords splendid times to those
Oct. 7-8
and Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowversity of North Carolina i T h e a t r e ) , Pennsylvania.
who desire a skate around Dorm
ship in tlielower lounge from 1 to Field on their double runners.
ti p.m., will welcome freshmen,
Mary FiUpatrick
I riiluy Night
Alan Ludd a n d J u n e Allison
The a n n u a l Activities Week Skit _
presented by t h e Sophomore Class
a n d directed by J o h n Yager '59, will
Oct. 9-lU-U
commence a t 7:30 p.m. in Page Hull.
Following t h e skit will be t h e banGOOD FOOD, TOO,
ner presentation t o t h e Cluss of
53 N. Lake Ave.,
I960, a bonfire on Page Field, a
Near Washington Ave.
Snake Dance to Brubucher a n d it •i,
dance in Brubacher Dining Hull.
Jack Lenanon a n d J a n e t Leigh
We Aim T o Please
These events will occur In t h e
above-mentioned order.
, slst In making. I t seems the a r m y
This drive for interest should begin with this Class of
(•AGE 3
Did You Hear This One Before? Myskania States Dippikill Pond Dominates Scene
Well, It Has A PUNCH Line Warning Rules A t Newly Acquired Campsite
Kafxital KapesU
t h e opportunity exists now for our leaders in stuPALAZZOLO
dent government to begin a drive for more active interest ™ J' WIM, T ,, Ool „,,
in our entire system of government. It is the beginning of J S t e S w t J S h X a S \ £ $ t
a new year, the beginning of a revamped system of gov- the Battle of the Bulge. To my
ernment, and the beginning of the college careers of the knowledge this is the first war
movie thafc t h e a r m y refused to as_
largest freshman class in our history.
m L
Music Groups
Seek Participants
College Camp . . .
Begins Campus
Fund Appeal
Chairman Posts
Rivalry Plans:
Debate, Softball
Editor Asks Studenis
To Verify Name List
Stormy Story a
Activities Wezk . . .
New Faculty Members Offer
Varied Teaching Backgrounds
P0*mf 0«ie* VUe CxcUaHfe
Fall Initiations,
Elections Mark
Greek Events
S, 1 9 5 6
Contests Provide State Students
Opportunity To W i n Cash Prizes
From the Ithacan come wise was taking care of the youngster,
An opportunity to win cash prizes dents may submit as many manuwords of Confucius, "Man who write a TV show called the house and
and renown has been extended to scripts as is desired. Closing date of
for living, may end up eating she was able to answer the quesall college students by Mademoiselle, contest is November 5. Manuscripts
The Greeks on campus are initi- the National Poetry Association, are to be mailed to the National
If State frosh think they have
ating and pledging new members, and the Reader's Digest, through Poetry Association, 3210 Selby Avetrouble with beanies, hear this.
electing new officers, and planning the following contests.
nue, Los Angeles 34, California.
Adelphi frosh must also carry
social functions with other groups,
matches, not cigarette lighters, for
The Reader's Digest is offering
all upperclassmen.
Contest offers a chance at winning $41,000 in cash and scholarships as
Kappa Delta will hold a faculty one of the twenty Guest Editor- prizes in an October contest open
A bit of poetry from R P I :
tea on October 7 from 3 to 5 p.m., ships — a month on the staff of to col'ege students only.
I think that I shall never see,
A girl refuse a meal that's free,
On blanks available at the Co-op,
James Loricchio '58, Lab Assist- announces Elizabeth Ann Staple- Mademoiselle. Those accepted on
A girl whose hungry eyes aren't ant for the mimeograph room, an- ton '57, Vice-President.
the College Board do two assign- entrants simply list in order the six
Mary Lou Meiser '57, President, ments during the college year. As- articles which they consider the
nounces the rules concerning the
Upon a drink that's being mixed,
use of this room by college organ- states that Psi Gamma has the fol- signments give Board members a most interesting in the October isA girl who won't forever wear
lowing new officers: Song Leader, chance to write features about life sue of Reader's Digest. Those with
A batch of junk to match her hair,
Only those students who have Juel Smith; Historian, Dolores on their college campus; to develop listings closest to the results of a
A girl not after boys all day,
completed Commerce 15 A or B are Russell; and Sports Captain, Frieda their creative talents; to win cash survey of readers will receive prizes,
Devising ways to make them pay. automatically qualified to use the Bachman, Sophomores. Members re- prizes and possibly publication for
First prize is $5,000 in cash with
But girls are loved by fools like me, room. For those individuals who cently initiated
include: Anne outstanding work submitted during the same amount to the scholar 'Cause who the heck wants to kiss feel that they are capable to use Burkhard, Virginia Green, S. Gale the contest.
ship fund of the winner's college.
a tree.
the machines a test will be given Kleiman, Mary La Porte, Esther The top twenty Guest Editors will Second prize is $1,000 cash with an
Some gems from the State Signal: Thursday. This test will be posted Murphy, and Dolores Sgambati, all be brought to New York next June equal amount to the school's scholHickory, Dickery, Dock
to help write, edit and illustrate the arship fund. There are ten cash
on the door Monday so candidates of the Class of '59.
The mouse ran up the clock,
August College issue. They will be prizes of $500 with the same going
can see just what they are required
anThe clock struck one,
to know. Instructions will be given nounces that Chi Sigma Theta in- paid a regular salary for their to scholarship funds. Additional
And bashed his brains out.
by Donald Mulkerne, Associate Pro- itiated Sally Clark, Shirley Palmer, month's work, plus round-trip trans- prizes include 100 book credit slips
You can accomplish anything if fessor of Commerce, and Loricchio
worth $10.
portation to New York City.
you have patience. You can even from Monday to Thursday from 3 to and Carole Waldron, Sophomores.
carry water in a sieve if you wait 5 p.m. for those people who wish
College Board Membership is Nountil it freezes.
to refresh their knowledge of the
Sigma Phi Sigma has installed the vember 30. To apply—write a 1500- Myskania Announces
An ingenious Kansas University use of the machines.
following m e m b e r s, announces word critique of the editorial secstudent, seeing the long receiving
President Paula Segal: Carol Leff, tion in Mademoiselle's August 1956 Tradition Offenders
line at a tea, slipped his right arm
Anita Rosenbloom, and Sandra College issue or a later issue. A good
out of his coat sleeve, buttoned his
Schneerson, Sophomores. In a re- critique will tell something about
coat, and stuck the empty sleeve
Barbara Hungerford '57, Chairplacement election, Sheila Strongin your attitudes, interests, how you m a n 0 f the Myskania Warnings
in his pocket.
was elected Vice-President of the express yourself. Give first your Committee, announces that two
From the Clarkson Integrater a
(Continued from Page 2, Column 2) sorority, and Rita Chrisman, Secre- over-all likes and dislikes, suggest- freshmen have received two warnfew pearls of wisdom.
ed changes and additions; then con- ings for the violation of State ColA dog may be man's best friend, SUNY, can expect to be recognized tary. Both are Seniors.
The sorority will hold a faculty centrate on what interests you most lege traditions. The receivers of
but did you ever try to borrow as a strong backboned institution,
we have the duty of recognizing buffet Sunday from 4 to 7 p.m. — fashion, illustration or fiction, these warnings are David Case and
money from a dog?
Discussion may be defined as the ourselves as the whole of SUNY Barbara Swartzberg '59, is General for example. If you feel that the Marilyn Kemp.
critique isn't enough to indicate
and becoming familiar with and a Chairman.
beginning of an argument.
For the first offense, violators reThe following pledges of Gamma your particular ability, send in audi- c e i v e a notice from Myskania; for
It's a funny world. Remain silent, part of our member colleges.
their second offense the names of
and others suspect you are ignorI, therefore, propose that nn an- Kappa Phi will be initiated on Sun- tion something you think will.
ant; talk, and you remove all doubt nual weekend be set up which any day at 3 p.m., states June Studley,
The National Poetry Association such persons are published in the
of it.
and all students would be eligible President: Julie Fink '57; Ann Carl, invites students to submit original State College News. A public apolA bus is a public conveyance that to attend. Thereby unifying SUNY Christine Di Norcia, Isabelle Hughes, verse to be considered for possible ogy to Student Association or the
has just gone by.
into a stronger and more direct or- Helen Paris, Margaret Rochford, publication in the Annual Anthol- Sophomore class must be made by
people who receive three warnings.
A family man is one who has sev- ganization, strength and purpose Juniors; and Muriel Barber and ogy of College Poetry.
eral small mouths to feed and one would be given to the individual Ann Sheldon, Sophomores.
Rules of the contest are: manu- Four warnings constitute automatic
Nancy Louprette, President of scripts must be typed or written in expulsion from office and ineligibig mouth to listen to.
colleges, minimizing the apathetic
A Macalester student took a baby- attitude and banishing "paper or- Beta Zeta, announces that the so- ink; student's home address, name bility to run for an office during the
rority will have a coffee hour for of college and college address must freshman year which includes the
sitting job for $3 and wound up ganization."
(Continued on Page 5, Column 2) appear on each manuscript; stu- Spring semester.
with an extra $70. While the coed
Cecil Blum '59.
Lab Assistant
Releases Rules
FRIDAY, O C T O B E R S, 1 9 5 6
l»AOE 9
College Campus Commission Rules Republicans Base Congressional Religious Clubs
Use O f State's Student Facilities Hopes On Popular President
Slate Activities
Sondra Brill '57, Chairman of
Minor 2. Smoking: is restricted to
Two religious clubs on campus,
Campus Commission, has announced Draper lounge, cafeteria, Commons,
the Lutheran Student Association
the following rules as applicable to and Page Hall vestibule and lower
"Eisenhower!"' Will the name either party seeking control of the and Canterbury Club, are planning
organizations and individuals utiliz- corridors.
spark the Republicans to victory in house.
meetings and social events.
ing the facilities that come under
The country can be broken up
Minor 2a. There is to be no smok- the House of Representatives as it
Edward Van Amerongen, presithe jurisdiction of Campus Commis- ing or carrying of lighted cigarettes, did in 1952? This is the question into three sections concerning the
sion. Warnings will be issued to vio- cigars, or pipes in any other part of that faces both Republican and problem of marginality. They are dent of the Lutheran Student Aslators of regulations by Campus the school buildings.
Democratic strategists in the cur- the East Coast, Mid-West and Far sociation, announces that the group
will hold a reception at St. John's
Commission members and tryouts.
Minor 3. No books or rubbish are rent campaign for control of the West. In the East there are no less Lutheran Church, 160 Central Ave.,
Mailbox Regulations:
to be left lying around locker rooms.
Sunday at 5 p.m. The theme of the
Minor 4. There shall be no eating
Minor 1. Use a note that is at
The Democrats say no but they do in the marginal category. These program is "Kick-off to Autumn".
in any part of the school except in not deny that the threat is there. coupled with the two in Maine com- Supper will be served.
least 2" by 4".
Minor 2. No books are to be put the cafeteria and in the Commons They defend their view by pointing pose one-half of the marginal disMr. Daniel Uzupan from Gettysas stated in rule C-l.
in boxes.
to their 1954 congressional and gub- tricts and over one-third of the
Minor 5. W i l l f u l destruction of ernatorial victories. They point out total seats in the House. The major burg Seminary is the association's
Minor 3. The outside of the note
advisor. Their plans for the semesproperty is prohibited.
must contain the name and date.
that their net gain of 15 seats in the issues in this torrid battleground
Minor 6. No wearing apparel is to House plus the "courthouse control" will be foreign policy, economic ter include discussions on the Bible's
Minor 4. Cards and posters may
meaning today and a square dance
be put on the outside of the mail- be left in Commons, Draper lounge, gained through victories in many policy and segregation.
with the Rensselaer Polytechnic InIn
boxes with the permission of C. C.
local elections should offset any
Lutheran Association. The
Bulletin Board Regulations:
They must be of college level.
advantage gained for the Republirepairing of toys for children at the
Draper Lounge Regulations:
1. All organizations are responsi- cans by having Eisenhower on the two powerful conflicting ' voting Albany Home and a post-Christmas
ble for their own material placed on ticket this year. The Democrats are blocs, the farmer and organized visit to the Home are also on the
1. Smoking is allowed.
basing their hopes for victory on the labor. The Democrats blast Benson calendar.
Minor la. C i g a r e t t e butts and the boards.
with his soil bank program and cry
2. If any organization wishes to superior organization work of regis- that
ashes are to be put into receptacles
the Republicans exploit the
David Goldberg, president of Cantering
l i t t l e fellow. The Republicans terbury Club, announced their propolls.
Minor 2. No eating at any time.
with the theme of peace, gram for Sunday night will include
3. C.C. reserves the right to sup- roots" drive was aptly demonstrated counter
Minor 3. No card playing at any
prosperity and progress. The major round and square dancing. The
question here however is, how will highlight of the evening will be a
4. C.C. will supervise the IPC & election.
Minor 4. This lounge is for quiet
the voter respond to the Eisenhower spaghetti dinner beginning at 6 p.m.
ISC, Rides and Miscellaneous Bulstudy and talk.
The Republicans are pinning their administration?
This will be held at the Cathedral
Minor 5. Committee meetings, play
hopes for victory on the influence of
In the Far West which has been Guild House. Students may sign up
rehearsals or song rehearsals may
the Eisenhower name. They hope it predominantly Republican for years, for transportation on the Canter1. Seniors leave first followed by wil once again bring out a tide of the major battle will concern not bury bulletin board in Lower Husted.
be held here only with the permisthe Juniors and then the Sopho- November votes that will help carry House seats but whether the Adminsion of the Dean of Women.
Commons Regulations:
their congressional candidates to istration has the power to unseat
2. The freshmen leave last by the victory in the dangerous marginal the turncoat, Wayne Morse. Major
Minor 1. Only milk, soft drinks,
and candy bars may be eaten in the two staircases.
districts. The Republicans need a battles for marginal House seats
3. Everyone is to remain in his net gain of 15 seats in order to wrest will be in California.
Minor 2. Ashtrays are to be used seat until dismissed by the mar- control of the house from the
The win or lose decisions conshalls.
for cigarettes and matches.
cerning many marginal districts will
(a) Only cigarettes and matches 4. This dismissal procedure will be
The marginal areas of which there be settled in the urban and suburWith the fall sports hardly under
enforced at all times even if the are 95 are the districts where can- ban parts of these districts. Should
are to be put in ashtrays.
way, States keglers are jumping the
(b) All milk containers, cups, padidates were elected by less than the Democrats win these, there gun a little as they issue the call for
pers and other rubbish are to be put of this procedure.
55'; of the vote in a particular would be trouble for the Repub5. Please obey the marshalls at district. Small shifts percentage- licans no matter who wins the all those interested in trying out
into specified receptacles.
for the varsity bowling team.
3. The commons may be decorated all times.
wise will spell Victory or Doom for Presidential election.
The procedure to be used in se6. The assembly doors will be
by any organization if the approval
lecting the first weeks roster is as
of the Commons Chairman is se- closed at 10:15 sharp.
7. No eating in any part of Page
cured, and if decorations are for a
All aspirants are to bowl two
college function or recognized holi- Hall at any time.
The penalties which follow were
three-game sets at Rices Bowling
voted upon and passed by Student
Alleys before this Monday.
Cafeteria Regulations:
Association. Any violators will be
Scores are to be handed in to the
1. Smoking is allowed.
Minor 2. Refuse is to be disposed subject to penalization by these
Stop complaining about money, college expenses here are primarily manager of the establishment lopenalties.
of in the receptacles provided.
living expenses. Therefore, win this cated on the corner of Western and
1. Three minor offenses or one and listen carefully. There are prize and LIVE.
Quail Streets.
Minor 3. Dirty dishes are to be
major offense in a semester constiBowl Intcrcollegiately
left on tables provided.
intertutes the publication of the offenLost and Found Regulation:
to buy and sell State College. It's esting. Ronson is offering five
Those compiling the highest averder's name in the school paper.
1. Lost and found box is located
2. Two publications of the per- an established fact that college kids thousand dollars for every ounce of age for six games will be selected
in Lower Draper opposite tlie girls' son's name in the school paper are clever, are good judges of human your beard that they shave on their for first week competition in the
locker room.
constitutes removal of a selected nature, and can grow beards. These television show. You must be over Intercollegiate Bowling League.
2. Found articles are to be placed school activity from their tax card. qualifications are all that is required twenty-one, and your beard must be
The remainder of tryouts may
in the box.
3. Three publications of the per- to win this bread floating around. three months old. If you're a female still land a berth on the varsity
3. In case of a lost article, the son's name constitutes reference to
group by continuing to bowl each
loser should list his name and a the Dean with the recommendation prize of ten thousand dollars for not forget the whole thing? To week and handing their scores to
description oi the lost articles on of suspension from school for one anyone who can predict the six enter this contest it is requested the manager. Averages will then be
articles that will be most popular that you send a strand of your compiled cumulatively until a subthe card supplied.
4. The owner of a found article
4. Bulletin boards, posters, or in the October issue. This prize beard into the Ronson Company. stantial number of games are turnwill be notified by the chairman of mailbox privileges can be removed consists of five thousand for your- You'd better insure it if you think ed in.
the lost and found, through Student from organizations who violate reg- self, and five thousand toward your anything of it — five thousand an
college education. This is where we ounce, you know.
Statesmen fool everybody, since our The third contest is sponsored by
Poster Regulations:
Lucky Strike cigarettes, and re1. Any color poster may be used.
quires clever two-word rhymes in
198 Lark St.
2. Posters must be of college level. Greek Events . . .
W A A Obtains Use
answer to your own simple riddle.
No crayon, pencil, or messy jobs
Near Washington Ave.
We stock Cacdmon Records
quently. Twenty-five bills each;
Minor 3. All posters must be ap- Alpha Pi Alpha Monday at 9 p.m. O f Swimming Center
Poetry & Dramatic Readings
twentyproved before they may be put up.
WAA officials have announced
The Poster Committee or the Grand that Phi Delta initiated Jean Nico- that twenty memberships at the five meals, or the mayor of the city.
Marshall shall be the only ones al- lai and Janice Pelicano, Sopho- Jewish Community Center on State
lowed to approve post TS. mores. The sorority housemother, Street have been obtained. State
They are to be put in the C.C. box Mrs. Mitchell, was also initiated as College women interested in swimREMINDING YOU
an honorary member.
in lower Draper.
ming are entitled to go to the JCC
anthat the
Minor 4. C.C. will put up and renounces that Alpha. Pi Alpha frat- on Tuesday from seven to nine and
move all posters.
ernity initiated Richard Shuns last use the pool for that purpose. Life
General Regulations:
saving classes will begin at the end
Minor 1. No necking nn \\\ • Ht.ite
of the
of October,
member of Kappa Delta Rho.
College Campus.
Varsity Kegling
Tryouts Begin
Crazy Contests Offer Cool Cash;
Shave Your Beard O n Television
John Mistletoe 2SS?
Follow the crowd to
The Mayflower
Home of Jumbo Sandwiches
Discover the difference between "just smoking" and Camels!
I 1 How.l'li Tub. Co.. Wlwlou H.lwu. N. C.
You'll find Camels taste richer, fuller, more
deeply satisfying. The exclusive Camel blend
of quality tobaccos brings you smooth smoking.
You're sure to enjoy Camels, the most
popular cigarette today, They've really got it!
Come in and try your favorite
ice cream and candy specials
Fraternity Jewelers
is located in
2nd Moor — 171 Marshall St.
Syracuse, New York
SYRACUSE 75-7837
Headquarters for
Syracuse '37
Open Daily 10:00 to 5:00
Kampl Komme+Ul .
by B O B K A M F F
Before wading into t h e sports of
S t a t e , we'd like t o dedicate a few
lines of this column t o our friend
Joe a n d his Milwaukee Braves. They
m a d e a tight race o u t of t h e N a tional League, J o e . B u t we told you
there would be a n o t h e r p e n n a n t
flag shifting i n t h e breeze a r o u n d
F l a t b u s h Avenue again this year.
World Series Opens
Now t h a t t h e p e n n a n t races h a v e
come to final standings, a n d fourteen t e a m s a r e s t a r t i n g their winter
vacations; t h e classic of baseball,
t h e World Series, h a s opened where
we predicted it would, in Ebbets
Field. By t h e s t a n d a r d s of t h e baseball odds, t h e Yankees m a y be
favorites, b u t we're sticking with
t h e Flock from F l a t b u s h in a t least
six games.
AMIA Opens Football Season
T h i s idea seems pretty good to
us, especially since there a r e only
eight teams. By taking these eight
t e a m s apart, a n d p u t t i n g four in
one league a n d t h e r e m n a n t s in a
second league, t h e round robin play
which results does n o t present t h e
variation t h a t this year's league will
present. Of course, last year's playoffs were r u n exceptionally well, but
this year's play will give us a h i g h ly different type of play, a n d we believe t h e action will be all t h e
greater. One reason for this is t h a t
with this year's setting t h e r e will be
twenty-eight games instead of t h e
eighteen t h a t were played in the
two leagues last year. Include t h e
play-offs of last year a n d you still
only have twenty-four games. So,
you can see t h a t there will naturally
be a lot more action this year.
Bcvcrwick Field Faulty
With schedules planned a n d teams
organized, t h e AMIA is off to a
touchdown s t a r t with its a n n u a l
football league. This year presents
a different picture of t h e league
situation because there is only one
league instead of two. We are inclined to be in favor of this set up
because, though it m a y n o t give
each team a n equal chance due to
lack of material a n d team depth,
it gives each team a chance to meet
all t h e other organized teams, a n d
t h u s determine t h e real college
champs. By having such a league
t h e r e is more chance for upsets and
a greater chance for more interesting play. T h e team with t h e best
record will naturally be t h e college
champion a n d no one will be able
to dispute t h e fact.
Intercollegiate Idea
T h e league this year is set up on
the idea of something like a miniat u r e Intercollegiate conference, such
as t h e Ivy League. Each team meets
one a n o t h e r only once, a n d t h e winner is decided on overall record only,
Intramural Golf,
Tennis Players
Start Fall Play
Football League Opens;
Vets Top College Heights
By N O R M :
F r o m t h e AMIA bulletin b o a r d
this week comes t h e a n n o u n c e m e n t
t h a t t h e fall golf a n d t e n n i s t o u r n a m e n t s a r e beginning t o get u n d e r way. B o t h of t h e s e a r e portions of
a series of i n t r a m u r a l sports t o u r n a m e n t s which will b e r u n off
t h r o u g h o u t t h e year.
T h e i n t r a - m u r a l football league this year is t h e lack of participation.
got u n d e r way Wednesday with t h e T h e r e a r e two less t e a m s t h a n last
Vets trouncing College Heights, 19-0. year a n d only about 30 f r e s h m a n .
Bobby G r a n a d o s was t h e offensive T h i s is in spite of increased enrolls t a r for t h e winners, r u n n i n g for ments. If S t a t e is ever t o h a v e
one touchdown a n d passing for a n - better football equipment for t h e
other. T h e first score came in t h e
first period on a pass from R o n i n t r a - m u r a l program, n o t to speak of
Webb, who equalled G r a n a d o s ' ef- a varsity team, m u c h more interest
forts, to Connie S c h m i d t . I n t h e m u s t be shown.
Schedule for the week:
third period, a G r a n a d o s t o Webb
T e n n i s I s F u r t h e s t Advanced
pass netted t h e Vets their second
Monday—APA vs K B
Tuesday—SLS vs Potter
T h e sign u p s h e e t for all those TD, a n d t h e former r a n for t h e
final score in t h e fourth quarter.
Wednesday—Vets vs Sayles
Interested in fighting t h e i r way t o
Set Up Rules
Thursday—College Heights vs K B
Forest Hills is already u p a n d signOn Tuesday evening t h e commised by some t w e n t y m e n . T h i s t o u r - sioners, Russ Hall, Dave B u r r o u g h s
n a m e n t will be r u n u n d e r t h e lead- and Bob Sisco m e t a n d s e t up t h e Sports Mailbox:
ership of P a u l Erickson '59, a n d league a n d t h e rules. T h e r e a r e
eight teams, Vets, H u m p s , APA,
should get underway very shortly SLS, Potter, K B , Sayles, a n d College
so t h a t m a t c h e s c a n be played b e - Heights, all in one league. They will
fore b a d w e a t h e r sets in. All play each other once with no playoffs. T h e winner will be based on
m a t c h e s will be played o n t h e
a point system; two points for a win, To t h e Sports Editor:
W a s h i n g t o n P a r k courts. A time one for a tie, one half off for a forWhere, o h where a r e t h e v e r d a n t
will b e a r r a n g e d with t h e p a r t i c i - feit or failure to h a n d score sheets f r e s h m a n G I R L S ? T h i s is t h e cry
p a n t s as t o w h a t time a n d day t h e in on time. All t h e games will s t a r t from WAA Council a n d t h e sports
at 4:15 on Dorm Field. T h e forfeit m a n a g e r s . By now you a r e tired of
m a t c h e s will be played.
time is 4:30. T h e coordinator of sitting i n stuffy classrooms so t a k e
officials is Dick Causey.
a d v a n t a g e of a fine opportunity to
Golf T o Be Played On Weekends
Lack Participation
get some exercise. Come o u t for
As soon as enough interest is
T h e chief problem of t h e league hockey or soccer or both. T h e m a n shown a n d all n a m e s h a v e been
agers s t a r t e d having practices this
compiled on t h e sign u p sheet, t h e
week after school on D o r m Field.
golf t o u r n a m e n t will get underway.
These will continue t h r o u g h o u t t h e
All m a t c h e s will be played on weekfall season.
Let's have a t least
ends unless time p e r m i t s o n weekeleven girls t h e r e in case Russell
days. T h i s year's t o u r n a m e n t will
Sage, Skidmore, G r e e n M o u n t a i n
probably be t h e s a m e a s last year,
or S a i n t Rose invites us to p a r t i c i whereby a s t r a i g h t score for h a n d i p a t e in a sports playday.
cap round will be played first. T h e n
F r e s h m a n girls a n d upperclasst h e S n e a d s a n d Hogans will play
women a r e all asked to keep S a t a h a n d i c a p score t o d e t e r m i n e t h e
urday, October 20, a n open d a t e .
winner. Here's a c h a n c e for you
Due to a large t u r n o u t of soccer Frosh Frolic, WAA's a n n u a l recepAMIA members w h o like t h e open c a n d i d a t e s Coach J o e Garcia h a s tion for freshman women (upperair to get o u t a n d enjoy yourselves a n n o u n c e d t h a t a junior varsity classwomen a r e invited to come and.
on t h e fail-ways a n d greens. T h e booter squad will be in operation relax for t h e day) will be held out
sign u p sheet in lower D r a p e r by this season. T h e opening game for a t C a m p J o h n s o n o n t h a t d a y .
the men's locker room awaits your t h e new group will be against Al- T r a n s p o r t a t i o n , food, e n t e r t a i n m e n t
bany Athletic Club immediately fol- —all free. All you girls will have to
lowing t h e varsity g a m e against do will be to sign up on t h e WAA
bulletin board t h e week before
Geneseo tomorrow.
Frosh Frolic. All girls a t S t a t e a r e
Rebel T o Coach
T h e J u n i o r Peds, already having invited.
Nancy Schneider,
t h e schedule below d r a w n up, will
WAA President.
h a v e ex-varsity booter
"Rebel" H o c k m u t h a t t h e helm.
T h e short (five foot five inch)
g r a d who hauls from W a p p i n g e r s
Falls will assist G a r c i a in h i s continuous quest for a bigger a n d bet- (Continued from Page t, Column 5)
ter soccer squad.
center spot opposite Gene.seo's high
Rebel begins his coaching career scoring DiAngelo a n d c a p t a i n Bill
with seven years of soccer experi- Bonesteel opposite center halfback
ence behind him. After donning a Gordon of Geneseo. T h e western
for Wappingers New York t e a m carries a 5-3 record
Central for four .straight years, t h e of last season into the game t o small guy with all t h e hustle a n - morrow.
swered Garcia's call for soccer c a n So t h e final scrimmage is played,
didates. He spent t h e better p a r t the last practice ended. All t h e i n of three soccer seasons on t h e fields gredients of a good, fast club are
of Beverwyck a n d Bleecker.
t h e r e save o n e : A cheering crowd
of S t a t e rooters to till up those
bleak Bleecker stands. T h e r e a r e
times when soccer c a n be like a
cake—all t h e ingredients m i g h t be
October 6—Albany Athletic Club.
there a n d mixed in their proper
proportions, b u t if you don't a d d
October 13—Orange County Com- the baking power t h e cake will be
munity College.
a flop. Maybe t h a t ' s all this t e a m
needs is t h e push of a colorful crowd
October 20—Albany Athletic Club.
to m a k e everything click for the
Purple this year—but tomorrow will
October 27—Albany Soccer Club.
tell t h a t tale.
Bench bits: All t h a t ' s ailing t h e
November 3—RPI.
spirited J.V. soccer team is a n epiAway—2:00
November 10—Albany Soccer Club. demic of colds . . . t h e fledgling
Peds are h o t on the heels of some
S t a t e regulars . . . promising frosh
include Greg Pryor who did a great
job in his s h o r t s t i n t during Wednesday's scrimmage . . . six r e t u r n ing lettermen including t h e most
valuable player a n d highest scorer
will make the trip with t h e western
!I7 Wenteni Ave. Albany, N. Y.
hooters tomorrow . . . t h e Geneseo fi-8610
record for '56 Is 1-0 as a result of
a 7-2 victory over LeMoyne.
Heads Of WAA
Ask For Participants
Another factor which proved d e t r i m e n t a l last year was t h e playing
field on Beverwyck. W h a t with a
h a r d baseball diamond extending o n to t h e playing area a n d t h e Amazon
s w a m p regions t h a t t h e teams played in on t h a t field, it is n o wonder
t h a t n o t more t h a n one player went
to t h e hospital with a broken nose.
Dorm Field, of course, h a s its faults,
but it is not nearly as faulty as
Beverwick. So, we wish good luck
to this year's league a n d for all
those participating in it.
Junior Varsity
Soccer Squad
Slart Tomorrow
A P o i n t About Referees
T h e guys who are giving up their
time to officiate a t league games a r e
not professionals. T h e r e will be bad
calls, no doubt, but let's n o t a d d to
their troubles by climbing on their
backs too much.
Softball For '59 a n d '60
Tomorrow morning opens t h e season on rivalry contests, so let's see
all you Gremlins and Yellow Jackets
out on Derm Field bright a n d early.
ooccer . . .
The Stuffed Animals
Are G - o i - n - g
Gerald Drug Go.
at the C O - O P
Crepe Paper — Paper Party Goods — Tempra
Colors — Poster Paper — Etc.
313 Central Ave.
Below Quail St.
5. 1 9 5 6
Records Show Growing Success O f Soccer Squad;
Bonesteel, Guglielmone Lead Peds As Co-Captains
Former Serves
As Leader For
Second Season
W h e n talk c e n t e r s around sports
at State, it becomes h a r d n o t to
mention soccer a n d w h e n soccer is
mentioned it's inevitable t h a t t h e
names of Bill Bonesteel a n d Tito
Guglielmone will p o p up. For all
practical purposes all three a r e synonymous.
Coming to S t a t e as a n all-around
high school a t h l e t e (3 years each
of soccer, basketball a n d track, plus
4 of baseball) Bill m a d e his initial
soccer a p p e a r a n c e in t h e fl
p p e af rr ae ns hc m
e a ninyear
t h eagainst
game of ahis
game of his f r e s h m a n year against
Queens S t a t e fans first saw Bill in
the inside r i g h t a n d left positions,
His Sophomore year h e switched to
right half back. I n his J u n i o r year
Bill m a d e t h e final change to r-en
ter half in w h i c h position he will
start tomorrow.
wv,^. the
fvio Purple
Pnrnio and
anH Gold
cin\<\ clad
nifjfi soccer
sorter players
nlavers take
the field against Geneseo tomorrow they will be taking
with them a highly r e s p e c t a b l e reputation built up
throughout the last six years. For Coach Joe Garcia and
for elder Statesmen alike it will be the start of the seventh
year of varsity soccer here at State,
Past records and harder schedules year by year indiFORWARD
cate the building up of the Ped's power on the soccer field.
The Peds started their soccer career early in 1950 on
their game j . h e w r o n g f00^ a s ^ey dropped their opener to Brockport
S t a t e by a 4-0 count. After t h e
season w a s over however
proudly looked back a n d pointed to
C o - C a p t a i n s Bill
this as their only loss In their i n itial season. T h e five wins included
B o n e s t e e l and
wins over such weak t e a m s as S i e n a
Tito Guglielmone.
a n d ABC. Their toughest win was
p e r h a p s t h e conquest of P i a t t s b u r g .
Sophomore S l u m p
T h e inevitable sophomore slump
T h e success story d u e to chive, again made its h a t e d a p p e a r a n c e i n
drive a n d more drive may be a 1951 a s t h e Peds found themselves
story often told b u t it's blueprint struggling a t season's e n d t o a t
has been p u t to a successful use by least a t t a i n a .500 average. I n this
an instructor h e r e a t S t a t e with they failed by one as t h e final tally
more h e a r t t h a n height.
showed a 2-3-1 mark.
T h i s drive of Coach Joe G a r c i a Brockport S t a t e again s h u t o u t t h e
h a d its s t a r t back in East St. Louis locals a n d t h e Black K n i g h t s of
High School where as a school boy West P o i n t also h a n d l e d t h e Peds
t h e soccer m e n t o r took a liking to as if they owned t h e m . T h e best t h e
w w ~ » w i
^ V I U M I ^ V M I
„ 1 H 1 W ) 1 t u l m cl l l l u i , e „„ ™
Lne soccei
. .
. .
« * . . „ „ , ,
. a. • ,L
> .,
wrestling and landed a berth o n Peds could accomplish w a s a w i n
A t e a m l n all
s 3 o r t l s m a d e U J o f f r o m C o l o n i e a n d flt
>' l
" B h t into t h e t h e v n l . s i t y s q u a d
r e l i a b l e p i a t t s b u r g a n d down
individuals, though t h e saying is soccer picture. Bob spent one of his
newcomer on their slate —
H i s a b m t y w a s s o o n p r o v e d at, t h e the
t h a t individuals usually work as a two years on t h e soccer field over University of Illinois. Here he C h a m p l a i n .
t e a m Certainly, soccer fans here at a t R P I before transferring to State, wrestled
a n dhis
By tights
t h e time
he switched
for Show
G a r c6-4
i a aRecord
g a i n found reason t o live
S t a t e will be cheering for our team.
his wrestling
a e a i n f(as h i s now experiahpcsu-it,ch<>ri
a p a n d gown
U. of 111. tights
fans hfor
a d t hnea nr ce ixat season
, . .
. .
One Year Men Return
seen t h e scrappy athlete win t h i r t y - enced crew went about building
but in order to promote more intern Empire
A S 101 inose r e t u r n i n g lor m e n seven
seven out
out of
01 forty
lorty matches.
maicnes. He
n e was
was themselves
themselves u
p as
as a
* . . . I . . . . U I „ ..—... < i „ , „ „ , !
„ „ . „ , , , . AHVwiiitrh IVio rpprvrHs
in t h e aguys
who are
h e Ssecond
As forC rthose
their .named
n d doing
t h ewearing
playing t on
h er e1I1UIIIU1
mt uernnt ionrg h
s talent
a n d Su vOuccer
t h e records
a U l l U Jyear,
t l , tL1IC
U tam
. . . . . . . . valuable
— - j - ~ . .-~
aa nn dd tthird
the soccer field, we'd like to delve
,„ all
..,, positions.
„„..,,.<„.,„ At
»» halfback
u„,<-i,„..i. there
.•,„..„ P
; \ v e in
" *t hh "e JnSa"- ^0 n l v ?show
, ^a 6-4
A ^record,
h v alosses
r m fsruZs tinto the back' round of some of tt h
h ee
tional wrestling meets for his Soph- t a m e d mcluded three by a one point
s t a t e s m e n you will be seeing on t h e l s E d K ° u b e k from East Islip, W a r - ) ( m o r e ftnd J u n i o r y c a r s . F o r t h r e e tally. T h e presence of newer colfleJd
a ] K ] g " i v e V()U s o m e i d e a w h o l s r e n ]-> un ham of Melrose, Louis Del- years only one grappler h a d a r i g h t leges such as Queens, Syracuse, O s „•. .
-=... s l
a n d Ray to claim superiority over t h e wiry w e g 0 a n d Geneseo m a d e t h e playre from
Castillo who lives in Middleburgh. G a r c i a In t h e Big T e n C h a m p i o n - e r s a little m o r e e n t h u s i a s t i c as
they sweated out new conquests.
Weiermiller, Lederman in 4th Year All of these saw a good share of
T h e s u n shone even brighter on
ul\r ^
h a t nl ei t s M
h oi uu Ji ud u
W i l d i InI IeCvVi It Ua IbUl IeC t U11UK
action' last
*""" year,
•'"'", a n"d will be
" " 'returnbecome assistant wrestling coach a t t h e soccer picture a t S t a t e t h e n e x t
Two men on this year's team a r e
out for their fourth year along with l n g n o t o l l l y w i t n a y e a r o f e x l ) e i ' i - Ohio where h e a t t a i n e d his M a s - year as t h e G a r c i a m e n were to carry
co-captains Bonesteel a n d Guglie- e n c e > b u t i n hopes of playing more ter's Degree.
State's soccer fame all over New
lmone. One is a 5 foot 8 inch for- often a n d helping t h e Peds improve
W h e n 1950 h a d rolled around York a n d play second fiddle only
ward from Wayland bv t h e n a m e of ] a s t v e a r ' S 0 7 2 record A , , . „ , „
Garcia found himself inking a c o n - to t h e invincible West P o i n t Cadets.
Everett Weiermiller. Ev h a s been •
. '
. .
t r a c t with this a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a s a
After a n opening 3-0 loss to
an asset to Coach Garcia's t e a m s l n g r u l l b a c k l s Patchogue, Long S 0 C cer a n d J u n i o r Varsity basket- Queens t h e Peds went o n to show
for the past three years a n d should Island's share of t h e club. I r a Gold- ball coach. For S t a t e G a r c i a was t h e i r foes footwork t h e likes of
receive a starting assignment this stein. Don Makelv of Oak Hill a n d n o t t n e o n l v n e w addition. Soccer which they h a d never seen. T h i s
year. Look for the smiling blonde J i m B ailey of Ellzabethtown
a h a d ,'T
l^,-^, °?n * S a V a r S i t y W a S £ e 8 " 2 w ° n - l o ! , t 5 e a s ° n ; , T ^ f
at one of the forward positions in t r a n s f e r f r o m R P I , r o u n d o u t t h e sport for t h e first time.
was t h e year w h e n G a r c i a let loose
tomorrow's game.
returning veterans of this y e a ' s K , W ' t h m T
V ^ V J T ^
" ^ T " ' „*„• B
f ^ L 1
blood in t h e P h y s E d d e p a r t m e n t form behind Ins familiar cigar a s
Also in his fourth
with t h e
began to push n o n e other t h a n h e saw J o h n Linberg m a k e t h e All^ ^
,g A ) L e d e r m n n
wrestling. Last year through his ef- American squad along with t h e Alltfiam
T a i e n t
hails from Colonie where lie was a
forts it was a d d e d as t h e fourth S t a t e honors. Also given lam-els
four letter m a n at Roessleville High
There is quite a variety of new varsity sport.
were J o h n ' s older brother, Bill, J a c k
School. With three years of booting talent on this year's squad. Among
Garcia's biggest thrills come when Hughes, Al Lederman,
a n d Al
experience behind him, Al will be them are Joe Hickey, who h a s h e finds h i s m e n listed o n t h e All- Roeclein.
almost a sure bet to hold down his shown up exceptionally well in S t a t e
and All-American
As t h e 1954 season rolled a r o u n d
fullback spot of last year.
scrimmages so far, a nveteran
d will beout
remem- G
i a beganuiscratching
of- ber
his Upperclassmen
two most famouswillstudents—
nea r clearneu
wic n ™ huiis "h e~a'd" ™
to knock r asome
of ber
two most Lindberg
famous students—
of ttehaem loss
Gordon out
Lazart h e his
brothers, he
key learned
m e n The;
. c a m of
e , t hseveral
Numerous Two Year Men
^ ° starting
n k s veteran
*»" " '
" ^
^ Edmboroltale
H i s ' b i g g e s t ' d i s a p p o i n t m e n t ocJ i n ' g o o d fasWon with a 5-2!-3 m a r k .
Coach Garcia has a ilock of two ^ ;
| ^ « J
Pennsylvania, curred last year with t h e inability Tire only losses they sustained^were
year men on his squad this year, , " ' , " , '
,.,...,,, v e r v w e U a n d w i l l 0 f his talent laden soccer squad to a t t h e h a n d s of R P I , ^ e n e s < ; 0 aim
v ri A goaHe who come through a s well as might be Panzer. J o h n Lindberg again dtau]d
off w i t h
with Geneseo a r e
Drive Key In
Coach Garcia s
Soccer Success
Bonesteel, t h e five foot, eleven
inch blonde from Cairo, N. Y., dons
a Ped uniform for h i s fourth successive soccer season a n d for t h e
second year h e wears t h e purple
and gold as c o - c a p t a i n .
Record S/ieefs Reveal Varied
Abilities On Soccer Continaent
Oswego G a m e Best
The o u t s t a n d i n g game as Bill sees
it was
was tt h
e Oswego-State
Oswego-State battle
battle with
the locals c a u g h t on t h e short end
_, _ . o
T „ thic Hit f o n r n e n Peds' record book
T h e big Senior, w h o took t h e
marital vows this summer, looks
forward to a highly successful year.
"Man to m a n we're better t h a n any
of our opponents a n d with enough
teamwork t h e squad will be better
t h a n last year," s t a t e s Bill
His feelings a r e shared by h i s
t e a m m a t e T i t o Guglielmone T h e
other c o - c a p t a i n w h o finds his
home in t h e soccer cage as goalie
says, " T h e r e isn't a n opposing team
we can't beat. We're ten times b e t tor i k o n i, c * „„or in rpairrtK (n
n l i i Hi»nt I n T L L L n i n T "
spiru, l a i e m a n a conuiumiins.
T h e d a r k haired Mastic Beach
product w h o finds time to have his
name included on t h e Dean's List,
can well remember the Geneseo
game three years ago when a n i n jury to J o h n Pengelly allowed h i m
to crash into t h e lineup. From t h e n
on"Tlto"ne7er' wandered away from
the nets.
Remembers Geneseo
&«SFr «H i ^ E H s =1 ai-M-A-. »-tt.WS= «£™Sf=E
one inch Senior T h e game—a vietorv for t h e Peds bv all s t a n d a r d s
excent one ( t h e score) - was a
h e a r t b r e a k e r t h a t was lost because
of a fluke shot a n d two penalty
.i uuke snot a n a two p t n . i a y
For Tito also this will be his last
year. Besides relying on his tliret
years varsity experience in tomorrow's battle for revenge the Long
island booter
booter will
win be
ue out
uui, there
"•>.»»- with
ill t h e fight t h a t Center Moriches
High School saw him display in
three years of baseball, track, bas
ketball, cross country and soccer.
*7/tc J!Ute**fi>
Clothes Driers - Molding Hooks
Study Lamps
Left Forward—Lederman
Center—Backer or Uwaroff
Inside Right—Fowler or Jones
Outside Right—Hickey
;es, is hinged on the low spirit displayed ed a t a w s u r s t iviuai, , « , . „ » , . . . . . .
uuards by both t h e team a n d the s t u d e n t or. B r o t h e r Bill teamed u p with h i m
" -..-.~ « ! * M . ^
A l 1_ A m o r i r f l n
la.llwhere he was a four letter num. He " ( , I J VJ l ua
~ « » *—
--w i t h
i.s aiming for a forward spot on the u , e s c o n n « i m ' » llkl-' a n l j l d l j r o - H e budymany familiar faces as both gained Ail-American l a u Purple a n d Gold. Bob Backer a n d l l i K l 1 , ) U r V e n r s experience in soccer back this year a n d with the t e a m rels.
Ed Jones, both Long Island prod- ' " H a m m o n d s p o r t High before com- spirit a t a high ebb Garcia strongI t was t h e n t h a t t h e disappointnets are two more reasons why '»B to S t a t e last year, which can ly hopes t h a t t h e other element ot ing season was to befall Garcia.
U L I ^ jiu ^ ^ ^ r(1 uncled squad of byear.
accredited for his showing this picture.
spirit will also crowd itself into the With potentially t h e most talented
forwards this year. Bob came to
group ever grouped on t h e fields of
s t i l U , f m m West limy a n d Ed hails
Beverwyck the team a n d the fans
h i t a new low in spirit. T h e result
.o.v., little bi-spectaded athlete,
was a miserable 2-7-2 record.
md should live up to his o u t s t a n d T h e future? T h e r e ' s only one pering play ui lasl year. Jonesy h a s
son needed to give t h e team t h e
mn i<">.> •
• ,
spirit it needs. See YOU a t t h e
b e e n l l s c d steadily at l o i u a u l , a n d
g a m e tomorrow.
attraction 111 ^roundinu
i s „ bright
out Coach Garcia's forward line.
Besides Al Ledennan at fullback,
there are two other outstanding
fullbacks, Call Maxsmi and Paul
Carl, as upperclnssmen
will recall, was named to the AllS t a t e soccer team last year, though
it was his ttrM year on .Slate's squad.
However, Carl participated on T r u x ton Central's High School soccer
team for four years, a n d learned
the ropes of the game pretty well
before coming to Albany.
Paul probably picked up quite
a bit ol hi^ soccer experience over
in Berlin, Germany before coming
to this country because he h a s certainly proven his worth in his two
year's on the State team. Paul now
resides in Herkimer.
T H A T ELUSIVE BALL. Goalie Tito Guglielmone makes a diving
a t t e m p t to stop t h e sphere (again eluding t h e NEWS camera) as Bill
r;s,r= s r .rai sstrj-JwrwraTsa w * .*-
Bob Pfeilfer who
Octolier (>—Geneseo
1 p.m.
October 13—Adelphi
i p.m.
October 17—R.P.I.
1 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
October 27—Oswego
Z p.m.
November 3—Bridgeport
2 p.m.
November 8—Union
2 p.m.
November 10—Panzer
Away 2:30 p.m.
FRIDAY, O C T O B E R 9 . 1 0 8 6
Student Council:
Cast For Play
Four Campus Sororities Slate O p e n
Houses For Freshman W o m e n
Asks Potsdam State To Exchange
The cast has been tentatively
Kappa Delta, Chi Sigma Theta, women to become impartially acselected for the State College Thea- p ^ Gamma, and Beta Zeta will quainted with the various sororities,
tre's production of "Dr. Knock." iuM
• • • •t h• e•l r
- -Wednesday's S t u d e n t Council
Lorraine Kozlowsld '58, was ap- ^ - X ^ t a Paul B ^ ' M Petti?"As'
T , h 22 8 ?J,™ ,treShl
t" C M n p ! £ Jours o f ' t h e " ^ ^ ^
meeting produced new committees to pointed the chairman of State Fair, %S*%&££
' T t e J Z ™ *° * *****
investigate procedures for organizaCouncil decided that some action niav * Prpnrh ( » ™ h» THIPB P
memoere ior tne iresnmen. Keiresntions to come under Student Asso- should be taken against unwanted F & a i n i f scheduled for perform!
These sorority open houses offer m e n t e w U be servedtothe partlcciation's budget and to look into c r o w d l n g o f t h e student Union by J ^ A S J S ^ l ' ^ t ^ E - *» <*«*»»* f<* a 1 1 f r e s h m f t n J S r S S S E ^ t o J & S * ° "
nounces Barbara
Barbara Wi.n«»rf™-H
Hungerford '57,
the prospects of a Parent's Week- members of other colleges. The dis- nounces
eraercamea oy eacn sorority,
and Arts r* . 1 C •
At 7 p.m. freshmen whose last
end here a t State.
cussion was aroused by Siena's re
name begins with A-E GO to Kappa
that cent
but the general
t t r t n DCICflCC V.OUTSC
has '57
sent to Potswas visit,
the problem
of all discussion
outsiders. council.
Delta at 380 Western Avenue; F-L
-.- John •-*-will direct
the Professor
play and O n . n i N . v *
D r pettit
dam State Teachers College to parYager '59, moved to table the Ja meB
Assis ant
ticipate in our Exchange Program, motion to recommend that the Stu- u„fl E n g l i s h w i l [ b e K n f c a l d i r e X ^ P e n S N « * « O t m e s t C r to the Chi Sigma Theta house a t
354 Western Avenue; M-B go to
n„*^^„.„ rf„„
. , m » t--u„
„ J *_
wui ue
If Potsdam
doesD „„t
not naccept
the i«
in- A*~t
dent TT„I™
Union u„
be „i
to _n
all .outside
NorPsi Gamma at 113 South Lake AveOscar
vitation, it will not be necessary for colleges except with specific invita- man Chancer and John Ertle, Junnue; S-Z go to Beta Zeta at 389
g a
10Unc es
E a r t h Sci
Statetoask another college withia tions. This motion was passed. The I""" S ^ ^ i M m i i . ' S o»V"
f iH
, **»*
" state " f i w AV r ^ T t
the State University. Those eligible, main motion will be discussed at £ ? i r E r Z h l f h r r n t r i ^ r „ „ ' ^
J ' P h y s ' C a l G ! ° l o g y ' w111 b e 5 f t e r £ l
t h L P ' ^ m l * f**
f f e r e d S e C d S e m e s t e r o f t h i s co1
announced Miss Carbone, to take next week's Council meeting. Also, S ' r i S P
S n t?c L f ' ?
" ? 4 - S f L ^ S T™^ J"**
part in this program will be upper- at that time appointments will be £ ? ? £ ? „ ^ e r e ^ r e n a " £ " » » ' • Ann ege year. The course, which is an ^ * W *
2 ? r . m « ! « * fTo
classmen well versed in curricular announced to t h e Remodelling of j £ ! S ^
P c°n
' , a ^ m * ro f uc " on to t h e st«dy °* rock J ^ ^ , ™ L ? f ™ T I f ' „ A t 9
and extra-curricular activities with Admissions Program Committee and = , ? X P f™ vn K ™
1« i*"* " ^ l a ? d « t r u c t u r e s a n d toe P r °" £ ? . ' »"?
! K ^ , P i ^
u t n
aro y
H eta man
a scholastic average of C. If the the Centralized Publication Com- Mead,
? , I ° 'and
. ? iThomas
J l _ . Myers,
' Nejson
in John
their formation,
™- "Delta;
to Beta
fresh- will
taught by
J. Stur^i,' Kappa
and S-Z
to M-B
Chi Sigm a
efc a
a t
p m
ter, It may be possible to carry out headed by Marcia Lawrence orar
0 - ^Jt? *
two such programs, instead of the
,^ „
„ l n ° : s e , c a s t , a s P atier »ts are Janice prerequisite for the course is high to Chi Sigma Theta; F-L to Psi
'57.t .
traditional one.
_. A ™ I A , S inventory and the Outing Garatt '58; Charlotte Nindl, Shirley school chemistry and physics or Gamma; M-B to Beta Zeta; and
S-Z to Kappa Delta.
Margaret Carr '58 was elected bv
> S i n , v e n t o r y w l U b ° "viewed Raymond, Clyde Albert, and Gra- their equivalent.
Last night Gamma Kappa Phi,
Margaret uarr OB was eiecteci oy next week. A new committee to in- ham Zeh, Sophomores; Elizabeth
i t will ho „ t i „ w h„„„ 1o u„.„
Council to the Constitution Beview vpstientp Parpnt'= WPPIIP^H «,m w„ R ™ , ™ „ h^u^-t u„..„i„ J-"""lL":l"1 " win oe a truee-nour labora- Phi Delta and Sigma Phi Sigma
ad A
held similar open houses.
Committee. Mary Bradley '58, and elec Id at the same time
t h o n ? M i ^ J fL^n3'
" " tory c o u r s e ' w i t h f i e l d t r i ' > s t o fche
Michael Maxian '57, were elected to e i e c t e d a t t n e s a m e t l m e -^ S * ^ ^ ^
Miano, fieshmen.
interesting regional deposits.
the Inter - Collegiate Association
Bobert Levy, Graduate Student,
will serve as chairman of the College Camp Board until February.
In his report to Council, Levy urged
that Council members visit the Dippiklll Camp before Thanksgiving.
William Schwager '58, is the new
member of the Camp Board.
The College Directory should be
available to students in early November, reported Clarice Coleman
'57. Lists will be posted on >Tnnday
with all names that will go in the
All students should check these
lists and make any necessary corrections.
Council voted to approve the Class
of 1958's quorum as 40. A quorum
of 15 was approved for the Senior
Freshman Groups
M e e t Tuesday
The third freshman orientation
meeting will be held at 10 a.m.,
Tuesday, announce Ellen C. Stokes,
Dean of Women, and David Hartley,
Dean of Men.
Freshmen, who are asked to bring
their college catalog , should check
the Student Personnel Office bulletin board for room assignment.
They are the same as last week.
The freshmen will be broken up
into groups with a faculty leader
and a student leader. The student
leaders were selected for then' ability and interest in the Student
Guide Program which helped show
prospective students around the
college during their interview for
At this meeting the faculty leader and the student leader will discuss the requirements for the various degrees.
Committee To Complete
Pedagogue Publication
The dummy of the 1956 I'edegoguc
has been obtained from Carol Luft
'56, Editor, states Beth Beehler '57,
Editor of the 1957 Pedagogue.
The Senior section is the only
part of the yearbook that has been
printed. The other portions have
been worked on however, it will be
another two weeks before they are
suitable for publication. John Stefano, President of the Junior Class,
will appoint a committee to complete the unfinished work. Nancy
Monto '58, has been named chairman of this committee.
Miss Beehler reveals that the
Progress Publishing Company is
willing to continue under the 195556 contract and. agrees to help with
any work necessary to help put the
overdue yearbook out.
Because of the delay, the delivery
date of the 1956 Pedagogue will be
approximately six to eight weeks
after the final page proofs have
been returned to the publisher. A
copy of the publication will be sent
to each member of last year's Senior
class when the book Is completed.
Activities Night To Feature
Skit, Bonfire, Snake Dance
D & A Council
In Page
©A. T. Co, PRO DUCT 01' ( / t e , ^ * w a «
Judicial Body
Requests Change
Luckies Taste Better
Campus Chest Opens Annual
Appeal For Scholarshi p Fund
Chinese Auction; Culminates Friday W i t h Dance
Fall Enacts Underwater Drama;
Views Life Through Falling Leaves
to taste
Week-Long Drive T o Include Personal Solicitations,
Includes Student
they will be meeting in future weeks.
A L B A N Y , N E W Y O R K , FRIDAY, O C T O B E R 12, 1 9 5 6
VOL. X L I NO. 16
Immediately following the skit,
the Class of 1960 will be presented
their banner by their sister class,
the Juniors. John Yager '59, Chairman of this event, states that all
classes will be represented on the
stage during the presentation by
their banner and coenmittee. The
•song of the Class of 1960 will then
be sung, and the Page Hall program
Dramatics and Arts Council prewill finally close with, the singing
of the College Alma Mater.
sents Players
Incorporated in
A snake dance beginning at Page "Henry IV" Part I, and "Charley's
Hall will end at Beverwyck Field
where a bonfire will be held. The Aunt," in P a g e H a l l Thursday,
bonfire is to take the form of a rally announces Barbara
for our soccer team for their game President. "Henry IV, which is an
tomorrow against Adelphi College, historical pi ly, will be given at 2:30
The rally will be led by
the cheer
Campus Chest, a week-long fund- men of the dance. Two stuffed an- will be auctioned off to sing at a
' " """ "J. """ Y'""?zo P-m-> a n c l "Charley's Aunt," an Engraising campaign, will commence at imals, donated by the State Co-op, group dinner.
is _
is the chairman of the bonfire.
h farce,
will be given at 8 p.m. today's legislative convocation with will be auctioned off.
In previous years in keeping with Students may attend one of thea skit directed by Barbara HungerMore than one hundred and ten
the single Saturday morning that performances by having their stu- f o r d a n d James Smith, Seniors.
The goal this year has been set students have volunteered to solicit
*£L up for rtvTties t n e ' S h m a n S ^ b o o f h ^ - n m ^ n ? ^ 4 ° ^ CR h' VG aSIt r y WS °i n g bS e^ S'U n^g " ^i c ct o0r d i l 0&mu'U8 at $1500. Last year, i record of the dormitories, .sorority and fratclass had received their banner in S ! ,
J , ! l ', , f
' "
^ * $1200 was collected. A chart, U> re- ernity houses, the faculty, and coma morning ceremony. This year's , t0 ? ? , u n t l 1 P ^ l ^ - ^ L I 0 ^ ? e r I G «.v le P e " y » n d L l o >' d Seymour, cord the progress of the drive, will muters. Everyone living on campus
weekly program gives a better op__
. . „ .. _„to meet
_. , . .
-•• ——••- be placed in the Commons. This will be contacted personally, and a
a the „ freshmen
for the
to mpet l n u s r 'l ) a v u " o n e - i n e admission The theme of the drive is "Students chart denirts n *hirlpnt In his ,-nr, i,™n, ,„HI K„ <•„, ,,„ ,
the members
of freshmen
an organization,
IOI tneacquainted
riesnmen with
to meet
depicts a student in his cap booth will be set up to uccommoand
to become
its fQ] . t h e a f t e r n o o n performance is Helping Students"
$1.00 or $1.50 for college students
' 8 ° w n al "i d a diploma which date the commuters. Members of
and the public and $.75 for high
Margaret Rochford '58 is secre- moves
a scale fromincrease,
0 to $1500.
Council will solicit the facthe on
the y
schools. For the evening perform- tary of Campus Chest. Also serving diploma
^ s n,o »™wi«,n™.
*>-is moved nearer to the I 'n Brubacher, all solicitors will
ance the prices are $1.50 and $2.00. are Anne King '59, Treasurer; Pat
turn in their receipts to Mary CrawGearing and Robin Roy, Juniors, , , ,, , ,
,58; S a y ] e S i J J o h n Y e a £ e r ,59;
Players Incorporated was started Publicity; John Yeager '59, Con- students hand.
Chinese auctions, at which a time Pierce, Anne King '59; and College
by Father Gilbert V. Hartke, a Do- tributions; and Sally Harter '58,
Richard Ronconi '59. All
mmican priest, in 1949 by assem- Chinese auctions. Edwin C. Munro, limit rather than a financial bid oHeights,
bling a group oi the graduates of Associate Professor
of Modern determines the winner, will be held t - h «' solicitors will turn in their
his Drama Department at Catholic Languages, is faculty adviser.
throughout the week in the main funds to Anne King at the Student
Sara Jane Duffy, Chairman of University in Washington, D. C.
cafeteria from 11 am. until 12 noon, Personnel Office every day of the
Myskania, announces that My.skania The Players are now making their
The drive will culminate Friday, and in Milne cafeteria from 12 noon drive between 11 a.m. and 12 noon.
will recommend a motion for a eighth tour around the United October 19, with an annual dance u l U i l
The fluids are distributed on an
change in the nomination of candi- States, o p e r a t i n g
t h e year- ui the Brubacher Hall dining room (;le
1 p.m. Schedules will be postColleges
to Stu- The
taken its
shows mission
is 15 until
cents stag
and 25 cents
be put up
dates for and
Who in American
round troupe
with two
from 8 p.m.
12 midnight.
Ad- ^ will
each arti- international, national, and local
scope. Tlie World University Servdent Association today. The motion abroad on lour occasions under the per couple. Ami Sheldon '58, and
Items for auction include late iL'e 1_>''IS been allotted fifty per cent
was discussed by Student Council (Continued on PWJI; 3, Column 21 Marcelline Waggoner '59, are chairpermission slips for girls, a com- of the income; National Scholarlast Wednesday evening.
plete Spanish dinner for eight, ancl ship and Service Fund lor Negro
The motion reads: "Myskania
sorority and fraternity members to Students, twenty per cent; the Unimoves that a committee be set up
wait on tables. The talents of the versity of Athens, Greece, twenty
consisting of the three Deans and
Saylesmen, a quartet on the State PeI" cen t-; and the Albany CommuPresident Collins, two Juniors who
compus who have recorded for RCA, nity Chest, ten per cent.
will be the Vice-President of
Student Association and the JunThe World University Service
ior Class President and two gradbenefits students all over the world
uates who were in Who's Who At 10 a.m. in Page Hall, a comFollowing the challenge Campus
on a co-operative basis. Miss Kay
last year or in recent years. This pulsory convocation will be held for Chest will officially open its drive
Wallace, a representative of the
committee will have the power to all Student Association members with a student skit. The lund-raisorganization,
addressed tthe Campus
recommend and to suggest lists of who have been assigned seats by the mg drive will continue for one week
Chest last week and spoke of a
nominations for Who's Who which Convocations Committee. Business in an effort to raise the $1,500 goal,
German boy who has one dollar to
will be added to by the Student to be conducted is tlie reading of Council Replacement Election
live on for three days. This must
Discussion of Myskania motion
Association in convocation."
the election procedure rules and At the close of the .session, Mysinclude the college boy's food, room,
The criteria for the committee to balloting by those in attendance for kania will conduct the election of reon Who's Who in American
and books.
use in suggesting and recommending Student Council members-at-large. placements to Student Council and
Colleges and Universities.
Seniors will be: a 2.0 cumulative Announcements from the chair and Publicity Director lor the Class of
Julian Robinson, a representative
average, good character, valuable the floor will conclude the legisla- 1957. All those persons whose names
Nominations for Who's Who.
of the NSSFNS, outlined the purrepresentative of the college, loyalty live part of the meeting.
appear on the compulsory attendposes of the group to Campus ChestTraditional sing challenge by
to the college, leadership ability, Sophomores Offer Challenge
ance list must vote at this time. AbHe said that the organization counand participation in S.A. activities.
Members of the Sophomore Class sen tee voting will be conducted for
sels students while still in high
Miss Duffy also states that if will challenge the Class of 1960 to those who are not required to attend
school and that it grants financial
Skit to open Campus Chest
Student Association votes to waive a Sing Contest. Tile Sing will be assemblies in Lower Hosted from 9
aid to help Negro students in their
the constitution November 9 will be held in Convocation on Friday, No- a.m. to 4 p.m. today.
college education. He emphasized
the freshman election date: nomi- vember 2, and shall be worth three Attendance Regulations
that the work of tlie NSSFNS is
Passing out of ballots for Stunations open October %\.
points in the Rivalry competition.
especially vital in these times of the
A new list of Seniors who are to
dent Council
.segregation problem.
attend legislative convocations has
Election and announcements.
been posted in s e v e r a 1 spots
Campus Chest is the only fundthroughout the college, according
Collection of ballots.
raising drive of the year at State.
to Marilyn Leach '58, Chairman of
the Convocations Committee. This
list goes into effect today. All freshmen now have Convocation seats.
All iipperclassmen are to enter
It's the high-point of fall, and bends so that at best he hangs in P"Ke Hall through the main doors,
tlie college is under an old sea. The a precarious position from the top, and the freshmen will use the
.sea is the |x;rceptual presei ic of Then 1 think of the wild oat that Richardson entrance. Campus ComAutumn, and when the repetitious is college life and it Is soothing to mission will close the Page Hull
smogs of school life and worries stand high above the grasshopper doors at 10:15 a.m., and no one will
be allowed to enter after that lime.
choke in*', f fill my lungs with this and merely watch.
sea and drown in it
The nostalgic autumn winds (loud
I see a tidal wave in the rippling my eyes with their cargo of fallen
ivy on tlie walls, and the kaleide- fragments, and all my .senses are Apartment
scopic colors soak me with an mini- ecstatically submerged in the deluge.
tional impact as strong as a moun- Times like this are when one isTo Meet
Ellen C. otokes, Dean of Women,
lain of water.
obcessed to express his feelings at
I see within the whirlpool of full- any time, unafraid of appearing announces there will be a meeting
ing leaves a spray of spinning over-emotional or unrealistic. And ol all women undergraduates who
seeds carrying out tlieir sexual iunc- thus 1 recall these things Unit I are not living at home or in a coition of perpetuating the life of the have late perceived, taking almost lege residence hall. The meeting
sea, and it is a beauty that is un- as much joy in the expression as will be held in Draper 349 Tuesday
the perception.
at 10 a.m. All are requested to
I see an underwater drama take
As 1 emerge from the surrealistic attend,
place, one which so duplicates the sea of autumn, I find it as pleasing
This is tlie first meeting of this
drama of life above the sua, that to return to everyday life as it is kind due to tlie fact that one iiunit is pitiful to behold. A grasshop- for a seafarer to touch land, for dreci sixty-seven women underper climbs a yellowed wild oat, and the fall waters have cleared my graduates are living In apartments
with no goal In mind tries to reach lungs of the smog, I have seen life's this year. This is un increase ol
Heated above is the executive board of the Campus Chest drive.
a secure position on the tottering concise drama objectively, and the sixty-nine compared to last year's Left to light, they are Anne King, Margaret Rochford, Llo. i Seymour
summit. As he struggles, the oat solidity of the shore is good.
residence figures.
and Gayle Petty.
STICKLERS ARE TICKLERS and a mighty soft way t o m a k e money!
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enjoying a Lucky, because Luckies taste better. Luckies' mild, goodtasting tobacco is T O A S T E D to taste even better. Fact is, you'll say
Luckies are the test-tasting cigarette you ever smoked!
Activities in Page Hall will bring to a close tonight
the newly initiated Activities Week. The evening will begin at 7:30 with a skit, and culminate with a bonfire
on Beverwyck Field, announces Mary Bradley '58, Chairman of the Activities Week program.
The Sophomore Class will present the skit as is the
tradition at State. The show will be approximately onehalf hour long, and is being directed by Ella Mizell. This
skit affords to the freshman class an excellent opportunity to see just what type of competition in this field