Document 14064385

State College
VOL. X L NO. 14
All-College Reception To Welcome Verdant Freshmen
Tomorrow Night At Page Hall; Dance Follows At Bru
D /• •
iPedcats To Entertain A t Dance;
editor To Allot Religious Groups Plan Receptions, r
, w/
#- c n J
D• c
c L TL- \A/ I j rrosn
Io Reception
nave will
The Annual
toAs the first week of State begins,
of the college's' religious asso55 Pedagogues four
For rrosn
and refreshments
are on the entertainment and conclude with a dance in the Brubacher
are announcing
receptions singing
Copies of the 1955 Pedagogue will for those interested.
agenda for those who wish to come, dining room from 9 p.m. to 12 midnight, announces Marie
be distributed
nightly starting toTo
Newman club extends an tnvita- Carbone '57, General Chairman of the event. Freshman
The Canterbury Club will hold a
night from 7 to 9 p.m. in Room 7,
Brubacher Hall and Saturday from
12 noon to 2 p.m. Student identification cards must be presented to
receive a book, states Carol Ann
Luft '56, Editor-in-Chief.
Those Seniors and sorority and
fraternity members who were not
photographed in May for the 1956
Pedagogue will be given nn opportunity to do so in October. The sitting fee will be two dollars. This will
be the last opportunity for anyone
to be photographed or to have a
re-sitting if one was scheduled.
The Edward Vantlne Studios,
Hamilton, New York are doing the
portrait work for the 1956 yearbook.
The Pedagogue has contracted with
Progress Publishing Associates, Albany, New York, who will publish
the book.
varied program, including an evening prayer, a welcome to freshmen
and transfers, with dancing and refreshments also scheduled, this evening between 8 and 11 p.m. Joan
Van Dusen '57, President, urges interested students to meet at Pierce
Hall at 7:45 p.m. and from there,
Only students who were regularly they will convene at St. Andrew's
enrolled as undergraduates during Church. The faculty is also cordi
the school year 1954-55 are entitled ally invited to attend.
to a copy of the '55 yearbook. This
The Inter-Varsity Christian Felincludes members of the Classes of
1955, '56, '57 and '58 only and not lowship has slated a greeting meetmembers of the Class of 1959.
ing at Brubacher this Sunday at
Faculty members and students not
Included in the above classification
may procure a copy at cost by contacting either Dorothy Rasmussen
'56, Business Manager, or Miss LufD
via Student Mail.
Chairman Sets
Rivalry Schedule
tion to all interested state students women will have 12:30 hours, states Ellen C. Stokes, Dean
to attend a reception at Newman of
Also there are a number of
church receptions tonight: St. John's
Lutheran Church will open at 6
p.m.; Trinity Methodist, First Presbyterian, Emmanuel Baptist, Unitarian, and the First Reformed
schedule their receptions at 8 p.m.
First Assembly
Convenes Today
At 10 a.m. this morning in Page
Hall the year's ii t assembly will
be called to order by Robert Betscha,
President of Student Association.
Hail, Sunday,Cecontrary
to the preEntertainment, under the direction of Maurice Boute
s SsLeTwiu meet th2 suSy' vjer '56, will include talent from both freshmen and upperfor the reception between 3 and 5 classmen. Emcee for the evening will be Alan Werner '56.
p.m. for refreshments and enter- After the entertainment at Page there will be a dance at
Brubacher which will continue the All-College theme by
The Student Christian Association will hold a picnic at Thatcher
Park this Sunday. Frances L. Colby,
Associate Professor of English, announces that Draper Hall will be
the meeting place. Buses will leave
for the park at 2:30 p.m.
Librarian Lists
Annual Schedule
The agenda for this first meeting
will consist of the introduction of
Evan R. Collins, President of the
College, Oscar E. Lanford, Dean of
Mary Elizabeth Cobb, College Lithe College, David Hartley, Dean
of Men, and Ellen C. Stokes, Dean brarian, has announced that Mrs.
of Women. Dr. Collins will address William Campaigne has been appointed to the College Library Staff
the assembly.
for the coming year. Mrs. CamBesides the Introduction of these paigne, an alumni of State College,
administration members the offi- matriculated with a B.S. in Library
cers of Student Association and Science and an M.S. in Education.
members of Myskania will be pre- She was Assistant Librarian at
State in 1947-48.
sented to the assembled group.
Judicial Society
Submits Motion
Myskania, at its regular Tuesday
night meeting, approved the following resolution submitted by Robert
Betscha '56, President of S.A. Theresa Barber '56, Chairman of Myskania, will announce the resolution
in assembly this morning.
WHEREAS, the present constitution of the Student Association vests
the legislative power of the association in the hands of the assembly of the association, and
WHEREAS, Page Hall auditorium,
the only meeting place available for
the assembly of the association, will
not be available for regular assemblies from October 1 to January 1,
it is therefore,
RESOLVED, that for the first
semester of the academic year 195556, the legislative power of the association be vested in the hands of
the following: the president, vicepresident, secretary, and the parliamentarian of Student Association
who shall be the officers of the legislative body; one member of each
organization receiving support from
the budget, with the exception of
Student Council and Myskania; 15
members from each class, freshman
members to be elected at the time
for their regular fall elections.
RESOLVED, that Myskania members and Student Council members,
with the exception of the officers
of Student Association, shall be
non-voting members of the legislature.
RESOLVED, that two unexcused
absences on the purt of any voting
member of the legislature will cause
(Continued on Page it, Column l)
Alice Hastings, Assistant LibraAlso on the agenda will be the
presentation of a Myskania resolu- rian, will be away on a leave of abtion by Theresa Barber '56, Chair- sence for the year. She will study at
man of Myskania. (Full details of
this resolution are to be found else- Columbia University.
Sigmund Smith '56, Chairman of where on this page, i
All freshmen and new students
Rivalry Committee, has announced
As in the past the class ol" 1959 are urged to visit the library, ask
a tentative Rivalry schedule of the
annual Sophomore-Freshman com- will be required to sit. in the bal- for a borrower's card, a copy of the
library rules, a pamphlet on how to
petition. The main purpose of Riv- cony.
use the library, and a list of other
alry is not only to bring forth class
library facilities available in Alleaders, but also to unite the membany.
bers of the incoming' class.
The College Library is open MonThe competition begins with Men
day through Thursday, 8 a.m. to
and Women's Softball Games on
5 p.m.; 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.; Friday,
October 5. On October 7 the frosh
8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday, 9
are challenged to a debate which
ii.m to 5 p.m.
will be held October 21. The Sing
A Book Exchange Committee unChallenge is presented October 14.
The two-hour Banner Hunt is der the direction of Horace Crundall
scheduled for October 29. The ban- '57, is set up at the desk located in
ners, a part of which must be visi- Husted Peristyle. This will continue
ble at all times, ore hidden by each to operate Monday through Friday
class. November 4 the Sing will be of next week.
held and the program is concluded
The committee was formed by the
on Campus Day, November 19. After
Campus Chest, a fund raising for the Community Chest of Albany.
the track and field events have been Student Council. Any upperclassmen
held, the Rivalry Cup will be award- who have a free period on any of campaign which aids needy college Marion Sterns is chairman for Comed to the class totaling the most the days that the Exchange Is open campuses in the United States and muter Solicitation and Barbara
and who would like to assist the abroad, will continue throughout Davis, Juniors, is chairman for
committee at the desk are to con- the week of October 10, climaxing Faculty Solicitation.
with All State Day, October 16. It
tact Crundall.
The theme for this year is "U.S.S.
is scheduled to begin with a film In Good Will." D&A Tryouts and AfThe
assembly on October 7, announces filiates will be given hours for helpDriver Training Class
benefit of those who wish to sell, Betty Van Vlurk and Patricia Hall, ing with publicity for the drive.
rent or purchase books. Students Juniors, Co-Chairmen of the drive, Anyone interested Is urged to conW i l l Organize Today having
books to sell or rent are re- Other ol fleers are Betty Sigety '57, tact Lillian Ferrara '57, Chairman
quested to fill out a curd stating Secretary, and Henry Aceto '68, of Publicity via Student Mail.
All those Interested in Driver the title, author, course, instructor, Treasurer.
A dance, under the chairmanEducation are urged to attend the and approximate price.
Door-to-door solicitations, under ship of James Lockhart and Sheila
regular Safety and Driver Education
class which will commence today at
Students wishing to purchase or the chairmanship of Bruno Rodgers Lister, Juniors, is scheduled for Sat10 a.m. In Husted 150, announces rent books may inquire at the desk '57, will aid In reaching this year's urday, October 12. Chinese Auctions
Thomas Gibson, Professor in Safe- for names of students having the goal of $1500. The money will be ore to be held dally between 11:30
ty and Health Education.
book they wish. Contacts will be distributed as follows: 60% for the a.m. and 12:30 p.m. in the Commons
made through student mail or dor- World University Service; 10% for and Cafeteria.
The support of each and every
The course is designed to in- mitories. No actual exchange of National Negro College Fund to
"segregated Negro colleges"; 10% student Is needed to make Campus
struct drivers In the problems of books will be made at tin; desk.
for National Scholarship and Serv- Chest a success this year. In supdriver safety, training, and care of
the automobile. Admission is with
"Students will find that they will ice Fund for Negro students to in- porting Campus Chest, we are helpthe consent of the Instructor. Ap- be able to obtain books that they ter-racial colleges; 10% to be sent ing students like ourselves and glvplicants are not restricted to any need at a reduced rate," states to a selected foreign college which ing them opportunities that we enhas not yet been selected; and 10% Joy.
particular class.
Council Provides
Book Exchange
having decorations in the four class
colors. Chairman of decorations is
Lillian Ferrara '57. Music for the
dance will be provided by the "Pedcats," Clyde Payne's six piece band.
In charge of publicity is Elizabeth
Ann Stapleton '57. Sara Jane Duffy
'57, and Enid Vigilante '58, are cochairmen of the dance reception
committee. Clean-up committee is
headed by Robert Burns '57.
Entertainment for this annual
event will consist partly of the following performers: Alan Weiner '56,
will serve as master of ceremonies
of the event which will feature a
French song by Marie Devine '57,
an appearance by Marilyn Erter '56,
and Martha Ross '58, will sing "Blue
Moon." Also on the program will be
a piono solo by Bruce Norton '59,
who will play "Clair de Lune" by
The evening's entertainment will
also bill monologues by Clyde Payne
and Janice Champagne, Juniors.
Ed Students Plan
Financial Program
The representatives from the Education 20 and 21 sections of the 19541955 school year have devised a
method of distributing the surplus
money collected from the students.
This proposal will affect, those students who were enrolled in Education 20 or 21 last year, according to
David Kendig '57, Chairman of the
The committee has adopted the
following procedure for the disbursement of the finances;
books will be
Movie To Kick Off Campus Chestsold(in toThethisEducation
year's classes for approximately one-half of lust year's
Tills has been estimated as
Fund-Raising Campaign October7cost.
their present value,
<bi The money obtained, together
with any surplus from last year's
Education fees, will be distributed
to all students, proportionately as
soon as it Is possible utter the money
is collected—probably in the beginning of the second semester.
lei One week will be set aside
when the students will be able to
obtain this money. After the week
Is over, all money remaining will be
turned over to the Education Department for use In any way that
they see fit, preferably for the establishment of some sort of research
id) A committee has been formulated consisting of Kendig, Chairman, Michael Max Inn, John Rookwood, June Frunkland, Theodore
Peterson and Annnbelle Persioo,
Juniors, n i l s committee will undertake the responsibility of administering this plan.
News Views:
From The Editor's Desk:
Emergency Measure . . .
Dear Gremlin
Today Myskania will introduce a resolution to you, the Student Association, concerning a temporary form of representative
government to be in effect during the time
that Page Hall cannot be used.
Some people think t h a t this temporary
measure is necessary and should be given
a fair trial—not condemned immediately.
The people who drew up this resolution feel
that it is necessary as long as Page cannot
be used for assemblies and as long as there
is no other place large enough to meet.
They see it as the only solution to the problem at the moment. In their eyes it is the
best possible thing for the Association and
should be voted through. If non-compulsory assemblies were held somewhere else,
there would not be a representative group
.present and the opportunity for one group
to pack the assembly would present itself,
On the other hand, although Page, the
traditional meeting place for assemblies
will not be available, It may be that there
Dear Frosh . . .
Just between you and us and 1,400 upperclassmen—welcome to State College. You
have been to Frosh Camp, gone through
registration and experienced one day of
classes and are probably thoroughly confused by this time. However, you have had
come to love ana respect tne traaitions 01
the college
as we do
want to uphold
them during
Don't let Rivalry and traditions get mix
up in your minas—tnere is a distinct
difference between the two. Wearing your
beanies, for instance, is a tradition which
s part of the college and has nothing whatsoever to do with Rivalry. Don't disregard
or violate these customs, thinking you are
a r e O t h e r p o s s i b l e l o c a t i o n s f o r t h e AsSOCia-
g e t t i n g a h e a d Of t h e S o p h S i n R i v a l r y .
Harry Cain's Attack On Security
Program Confuses Public Opinion
"Tis a tale told by an idiot,
Full of sound and fury—signifying
Tn othe^ar-rnother" job well done. A certain gentleman, who
t i m e t o m e e t t h e u p p e r c l a s s m e n a n d f a c - W i s n e s to remain anonymous (but whose initials are I.B.M.) has done it
U l t y a n d r e a l i z e b y n o w t h a t S t a t e C o l l e g e again! Need we say more? Yes! He has again astounded the college
IS a p r e t t y w o n d e r f u l p l a c e .
with an exemplary display of confusion. Help! Stop the machine! I
As you progress through your first year m l s s e d my station!
and the succeeding ones, this will become TESTIMONIAL . . .
m o r e a n d m o r e e v i d e n t t o y o u . YOU w i l l
r o m p t.n lnvp a n d rp«!r»ppr the t r n H i t i n n Q nf
tion to meet and SA may wish to discuss
You are now a member of State College
and investigate these before this represent
i " 1 ? *}$}} . S C h 0 0 1 * ? * a r i n t h ? P a f t . YOU Will
ative government is voted through. Our De tOld t n i S m o r e t h a n o n c e i n t h e n e x t f o u r
present form of government is the most y e a r s — " R e m e m b e r W h o y o u a r e a n d W h a t
democratic form of government possible— y o u r e p r e s e n t ! "
We wish you the best of luck in your cola town meeting type in which every member of SA has a vote. If the resolution is l e g e C a r e e r — y o u ' l l n e v e r b e SClTy y o u Chose
passed, everyone but the representatives to S t a t e !
this new legislature will lose his individual ————
vote. Many people will resent this loss of b o t h Sides Of t h i s q u e s t i o n a n d Vote U p o n
voting power. The resolution states t h a t i t i n a s s e m b l y n e x t w e e k . G i v e i t c a r e f u l
this new legislature will last only until consideration—remembering that we must
January, but there are those who feel t h a t h a v e SOme S y s t e m Of g o v e r n m e n t , b e i t r e p once it is established we will never go back r e s e n t a t i v e Or a s s e m b l y t y p e a n d t h a t
to our present system.
something must be done immediately to
You will be given a chance to discuss remedy the situation.
Peas In A Pod?
Tritely, but truly, in our tetrasyllable tongue, 'tis terlffic to take
tend to t n e
tenderfeet a tribute:
thls tlme to
NATCH! . . .
We had high hopes for Frosh Camp, but . . . Sam and Elaine have
our most
optimistic expectations.
has it the frosh
are loaded.and fun, tops!
e s t the sophs
clammy? . . . The milk machine in the
cafeteria. Great! well miss the bar though.
" " ^ n V m i M the Aii-coiiege Reception tomorrow night. Top talent
followed by Payne's inimitable rhythms, and free goodies.
J e r ^ u H o n - i d e r c a s t t w o votes of approval on the faculty participation at the Junior Guide Reception. We sincerely hope this is an
indication of increasing integration between faculty and students. A
special Oscar to Dr. Sargent for taking a giant step in the right direction.
A word to the wise should be sufficient. The janitorial staff has once
again presented us with a spotless Commons and cafeteria. Without
gonig too far out on a limb we would like to state our belief that each
and every one of you is capable of placing your empty coke bottles in
their cases, and keeping your cigarettes off the floor. Previously, this
nPPears to have been too much to ask. Now, after all
We want a darkroom. It has been promised to us. All we want to
k n o w ls w h e r e
It Is. The News, Ped, Press Bureau and a legion of other
r a n l z a t l o n s n e e d a s ot t 0 deveI
°P t h e Pictures so vital -to
their efficient operation.
Go!!!!!! Where????? Page!!!!!!
Pedagogue. We hear there's a pretty good chance that at long last
By PAUL F. WHEELER, Assistant Professor of Social Studies
we'll be able to find out who graduated. We advise freshmen to sign
To tn
Registration time is upon us, as 2,839,000 students descend this week
c Editor:
up for their yearbook pictures now. This will insure speedy delivery
on campuses all over the country. Two thousand of these, more or less,
The State University of New York by the spring of 1960 (With luck).
have arrived at State College at Albany, more than five hundred of ^ £ ™ * £ * £ & * £ g * t t a
*& NOW IS THE HOUR . . .
whom are experiencing their first taste of college life. Two thousand university it is also the newest
Beware the witching hour at Bru. We offer a free second hand to
appears to be a small fraction of all college men and women, but the and perhaps, because of this latter the first person who finds two tallying timepieces. Warnings, anyone??
statisticians tell us that it is probably a fairly representative sample, fact
widely-separated QUESTION OF THE WEEK . . .
as college people tend to be alike in many ways.
campus and the student relations
Anybody wanna buy a slightly used student teacher?
between the member units have
Although nearly three million students sounds like a lot of people, heretofore been sadly neglected,
it represents only a small proportion of the total population, and not T n l s v e a r a radically new and clif,
„ , „ . „ , , , . „
, . ferent type of organization has tormuch more than one-fourth of all individuals in the same age brackets. n u u a t e c l a multitude „f activities
Tills means that a college group is a very select group. Not all of those described in part elsewhere in the FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 211
who are entering school this fall will graduate, which will make those paper, to try to correct this sadly 6:00 p.m. St. John's Lutheran Church Reception.
who do finish members of an even more select group.
neglected problem. The organization 8:00 p.m. Canterbury Club Reception, St. Andrew's Church, Madison Ave.
is the Now Inter-Collegiate AssociaChurch Receptions: Trinity Methodist, First Presbyterian, Emer.s
and York
the rotating
steerLess than 10 per cent of the adults in America have completed tion College,
of the New
State Tenchmanuel Baptist, Unitarian, First Reformed.
college. To be counted among this group implies that you have the ef- this year is Albany State.
fective intelligence necessary for successful college work, that you probThe work lacing the committee is 7:30 p.m. All-College Reception, Page Hall.
ably can pay for at least a part of your expenses, and, most important,
9-12 Dance, Brubacher Dining Room.
that you wanted to come to college. It is estimated that for every qualified individual in college, there is at least one other young person, fully overwhelming, in detail and in pur- SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25
as capable,
who did not
choose tend
a college
College students,
of course,
to beeducation.
similar in nge and training, pose. Perhaps, if you nre a frosh, 2:30 p.m. Student Christian Association Picnic, Thacher Park.
and at State most of you are further alike in that you probably prepared you are not even aware of the exist- 4:00 p.m. SMILES Reception, Brubacher Upper Lounge.
for college at a public school in New York State and that you have ence of the State University, let 3:00 p.m. Newman Reception, Newman Hall.
alone ICA. But, if you take inter- 7:30 p.m. News Board meeting, Publications Office, Brubacher.
expressed a desire to become a teacher.
est and pride in State College, it Is
not long before the realization takes
All of these factors by no means indicate that all college students Place that an organization is vitally
are peas in the same pod. The "typical" student, like the "typical man- needed to represent the ideas and
on-the-street" is n statistical abstraction. A wide range of individual opinions of the students in the
differences may be observed on any campus. Students at State repre- teaching units of the University,
sent every creed, color, and national'origin group found In New York. All professional groups, to the LegislaESTABLISHED MAY 1916
shades of political and economic opinion have their spokesmen on cam- turo, and to the Board of Trustees,
pus. Student Interest groups range from those interested In Existentialism One that, benefits each individual
to those who prefer nothing more than discussing the world series over a college by providing a media for
glass of beer. (Sometimes, more often than you think, the same people discussion of the many extra curmay be found in both groups.t
ricular and social problems con- First Place CSPA
Second Place ACP
fronting all of us—the New InlerVOL.
No. 14
This Is what the Informed student might have expected, for one of Collegiate Association is this organthe characteristics of a college person Is his tolerance of different ideas. Untion, and is doubling its efforts
Members of the NEWS staff may be roaohod Tuesday and Wednesday from 7 to
This is not Just a statement of things as they should be, but a real this
year to producethenotable
results, 11 p.m. at 3-3320, Ext. 11. Phones: Cochrane, 2-7630; Luft 2-0612; Swloraowskl 2-3744:
measure of the way college people everywhere think and feel. Com- on the ICA Committee, here at Al- Ooldsteln 2-26126; Laokey 3-0277; Moore, 2-3326.
pared with the rest of the population, college people are the least bany, must, of necessity be limited.
The undergraduate newspaper of tho New York State College for Teaohors;
prejudiced (that Is, less apt to prejudge others) than any other type Now set at thirteen, a large number, published every Friday of tho College year by tho NEWS Board for the Student
of group. This does not mean that .some college students are not preju- it. finds that the work and plans
diced. Some are very much so, but the great majority tend to judge greatly exceed the amount, of time AlhKKN COCHRANE
others on the basis of individual worth, and not by any stereotypes that can be given to ICA by thirteen CAItOI, ANN I.UIT
Managing Editor
I s i l l 1:IC GOLDSTEIN
they may have happened to pick up.
Strangely enough, while college students are "liberals" in this re- people, taking academic courses as DAVID
Co-I'ubllo ItelutlotiN Editor
l l l l V LAMI10UMA
spect, they are apte to be "conservatives" in other ways. Politically,,
IMAKV ANN S( IIU)1 l l l A l l l I l l
Co-IIIIKIIU'HN-Advertising Editor
college students are not the "radicals" they are sometimes accused of
We need student, help, and we are JOVCIi MIVIIIMAN
Circulation Editor
being by the popular press, but tend to lean towards a conservative proud to ask for It. II you have MAKOIA LAWRENCE
Asioolale Editor
Aisoolate Editor
IKilitlcal position, becoming, in fact, more conservative, the longer that never done anything before In stu MATTHEW
Associate Editor
they remain In college, This does not Imply that they affiliate with a dent government, we welcome your JOSEPH SWIERZOWSKI
Sports Editor
specific parly or program, but does Indicate it basic attitude toward active Interest as eagerly as it you ARNOLD NEWMAN
Junior Sports Editor
methods of dealing with problems In a changing society.
were an old hand In the field. Our
meeting ls next Tuesday night at JOHN KNAPP
Staff Photographer
College people themselves change. II, would be alarming it they 7:;t<) [n Brubacher. I! is a chance All communications should be addressed to Uie ciliiur unci must bu alumni Names
didn't. College ls a place where they are exposed to new ideas, and are l o i o a r n m o r e UU(Hlt I C A t(1 Wlll . k will bo withheld on request. The STATE OOLLBQB NEWS assumes no reap* slblllty for
"' 0 0 " " m " " c » t u » " ' . " »»«» expressions do not
expected to put these Ideas to work In their own lives. One of the things f0|. strong University ties and com- n Sces^arlly > '?. r K Its' view.
that they may bo expected to learn Is a way of testing new ideas, and n ,on settlement of ijroblesus
either accepting or rejecting them on the basis of reason, In tho light of
evidence which, supports or discredits them. Perhaps more than anything
lH\e Kendig,
else, this is the mark of a college educated person.
President of ICA.
College Calendar
The New York Times this week U.S. from the Pacific; the second,
featured an article on the Tenth for a declaration of all-out war on
National Conference on Citizenship, China, both highly incompatible.
currently meeting in Washington.
Cain, now repudiates his former
Specifically, the article detailed the conservative stands. The New Reremarks of Harry P. Cain, a mem- public and Nation, which hailed him
ber of the Subversive Activities heretofore as "reactionary," now
Board. Cain delivered a blistering terms Harry P. Cain an outstanding
attack on the current security pro- liberal.
gram, laying special emphasis on the
Attorney General's list of subversive organizations, which he termed
"a blunderbuss of insecurity." It was
one of many such attacks he has
delivered of late, starting off with
the administration's handling of
the Ladejinsky case, and continuing
State College's chapter of the
in full force for many months. This
Association has apis noteworthy, not for the speech Inter-Collegiate
pointed Marilyn DeSanta '57 as comaterial, but because it illustrates ordinator
of the group's annual conone of the most remarkable changes ference to be held in Albany early
in an individual's political thought in November.
in some time.
Representatives are expected to
Cain was elected to the Senate in attend from all the State Teachers
1946, where he soon achieved dis- Colleges. A preliminary planning
tinction of sorts. Time labeled him meeting will be held by the Board
one of the worst men in the Senate, of Directors of the Association next
and hit out at Cain's hammy the- month. Pinal dates or this meeting
atrics and wild filibusters, calling and the November meeting will be
them cheap; his motives, sordid. He announced at a later date.
was proud of being the strongest
State College has also been chosen
real estate lobbyist, at a time when to publish the ICA Newsletter, a
the public housing shortage was monthly review describing work curacute. Cain explained the shortage rently being done by ICA. David
characteristically in a twelve hour Kendig '57, is in charge of its pubspeech he delivered on the subject. lication.
There was no problem, he said; the
Members of the local branch of
people weren't just distributed prop- ICA are: Kendig, President; Joseph
Taggart '57, Vice-President; Jane
His voting record was rather pe- Anne Loman '56, Secretary; Joseph
culiar. He voted for the Marshall Szarek, Public Relations DirecPlan, although he said it frightened tor; Marilyn Leach, Marie Dettmer,
him. One other time, during the Sophomores, Beatrice Englehardt
Macrthur controversy, he introduced '56, Marie Carbone, Clyde Payne,
two consecutive resolutions. The first Marilyn DeSanta, Joseph Anderson,
called for the withdrawal of the Juniors.
State To Host
ICA Conference
Student Council:
Council Discusses Judicial Society
Resolution O n Government Crisis
Student Council met for the first
time Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in an
attempt to meet the present government crisis. Robert Betscha '56,
President of Student Association,
presented the first items on the
agenda which included: tax cards,
rivalry. Homecoming Weekend, AllCollege Reception and Stale Fair,
and then presented his resolution.
Homecoming Weekend was tentatively scheduled for October 21 and
22. The general chairman for the
weekend, Dominie DeCecco '57, was
Dean Revises 5 5 ' 5 6
Gym Requirements
Oscar E. Lanford, Dean of the
College, releases the following memiorandum to the faculty and students
concerning physical education requirements for this term.
Due to limitations of stall and
facilities, the physical education
requirement for the year 1955-56
will be as follows:
1. All freshmen will complete two
semesters of physical education.
2. All Sophomores will complete
two semesters of physical education, except those who have a grade
of "B" or higher, in physical education for the spring semester of 1955.
3. Those Sophomores who completed two semesters of physical education as freshmen last year and
who received a grade of "U" or "A"
for the .second semester have fulfilled the requirement.
For the Class of 1957, the physical
education requirement is as follow.'.:
a total of 3 semesters satisfactorily
completed or two semesters with a
grade of "B" or better, in the second
For the Cla.s.s of 1U5H, the requirement is: lour semesters satisfactorily completed or two semesters with
a grade of "B" or belter, In the .second .semester.
Gerald Drug Go.
217 Western Ave.
Albany, N. Y.
Phone 0-8610
allotted $220.
At 8:30 a.m. Betscha proposed his
resolution for a representative government (which is printed on page
1 of this issue 1 to meet the new
government, crisis. Last night, Myskania approved Betscha's resolution
which is an attempt to meet the
lack of a meeting place for the
present town hall type government.
Page Hall, the former meeting
place for Student Association, will
be under construction from October
1 to January 1. Joseph Anderson
and David Kendig, Juniors, opposed
the resolution and offered the alternate proposal that special assemblies be called in the Brubacher
game room or another suitable
After the resolution had been analyzed by Council, Kendig proposed
a secondary resolution which was
approved by Council and will be
presented to S.A. if the first resolution is passed. This secondary
resolution demands a meeting of the
entire Student Association for a
constitutional change.
Green Gremlins Bombard Frosh Camp;
Freezing Temperatures Enliven Spirits
Draper was not receiving bundles from Britain last
Friday but a new crop of frosh women on their first
trek into the wilderness, better known as Camp Van
Srhoonhoven, the site of the females' hideaway for
the weekend. The pile of duffle bags, blanket rolls and
suitcases might well have indicated that over two
hundred young women had decided to leave home
en masse.
Seven musical bus loads got under way early in the
afternoon. The confusion at Draper continued later
at camp when everyone tried to find her belongings
and the cabin to put them in .When the dust settled
the first thing tested by all was the lake down the
mountain. Some of the counselors tested it by various
means—not voluntary. They were either dunked or
missed their footing while trying to brush their teeth
early in the a.m. After supper in the chill of twilight
two hearty faculty members took the plunge on a dare
and were none the worse for the venture.
Sub-zero temperatures at night brought a run on
the blanket supply. Short-sheeted beds were only a
part of the bedtime routine. Of course, the most
bothersome part of the schedule was the little bugle
that chorused "You gotta get up" at seven in the
Friday night the counselors entertained; and the
frosh took over Saturday night exhibiting lots of
potential. A real Indian performed some traditional
dances for the campers to keep them from going on
the warpath and scalp-hunting.
Such fun! The fellows who attended Frosh Camp
last weekend surely know what the word "fun" means
in its fullest significance. It all started last Friday
afternoon as song-filled buses traveled to Warner's
Lake and Camps Orinsekwa-Sonnikwa. After we got
half way settled, a maddening scavenger hunt was
annonuced. Oh!—by the way, whoever found the
article on the old rusty nail?
A "Go! Go! Go!" faculty-frosh Softball game was
sparked Saturday, with Prof Olson on the mound. As
tradition rules, the Green Gremlins bowed, the score
being 5-4. "Hoot"—our ump—got the raspberries at
times from the underdog frosh because of his calls,
but maybe he'll make the Dean's list next semester
to compensate. (No hard feelings, "Hoot.") Coach
Hathaway placed a grand slam into right field, and
a homer was in the offing, but It seems that second
base was a little inobvious; it involved a little looking.
Acquaintances were rapidly made as everybody
eagerly put himself into preparations for the skits
on Saturday evening. They really went over with a
bang. And, of course, some of the faculty were around
to judge, thus making the competitnon that much
The hours of sleep were few and far between, but,
after all—there's only one Frosh Camp! Nobody
dropped off to dreamland before at least one a.m.
in our cabin on Friday night; on Saturday night (I
should say morning), it was even later!
All told, it was truly the most
fun-packed "gaudeamus"
U N Collegiate Council Delegate thrilling,
that we've all had In a long time.
was tops — everything
Reports On Summer ConferenceEverything
from the Chinese Auction (which
I represented the Forum Board of
Politics of Albany State at the Tenth
Annual Intercollegiate Leadership
Institute on the United Nations,
held at Finch College, New York
City, June 12 to 18. Together with
sixty other students from all sections of the United States, many of
whom were foreign students, we
entered an intensified study of the
workings of this international organization and attempted to create
a national and local policy for the
Collegiate Council for the United
Nations for the coming year.
The week was divided into three
major groupings: tours of the U.N.
buildings, lectures, and committee
work. At the U.N. buildings we were
greeted by members of the Secretariat and then briefed on the workings of the Trusteeship Council and
on the U.N. policy of Technical Assistance.
We visited the Yugoslavian and
Indonesian delegations. The former
iivoided the pertinent questions
about Yugoslavian-U.N. relations
and stressed the physical problems
of his country and the difference
between Yugoslavian Socialism and
Russian Communism.
The Honorable Peter Rasbotham
of the United Kingdom gave a brilliant interpretation of Britain's
U.N. policy. He interpreted the colonial policy of the U.N. to lead nonself governing countries to independence and this to be left to
those concerned and U.N. intervention is a violation of the charter.
Ambassador Lall of India antagonized the student group by stressing a policy which reflected Russian
policy and differed from collegiate
opinions. Other speakers during the
week included Eleanor Roosevelt
and Dr. Frank Grahm.
wasn't oriental) to the freezing seven o'clock a.m. polar bear dip. The
scratched knees and chilly nights
were also quite memorable. Most of
the tired gang of one-hundred-fiftysix fellows made it back to State,
Sunday, about 3:00, leaving, as luck
would have it, thirty-nine of us
waiting for a long lost bus which
broke down a half-dozen times en
route to the camp. Well, any way,
we made it in time for the Junior
Guide Dance, even though we did
miss the SUB Buffet Supper.
During the week we spent several
hours in committees formulating
resolutions on pertinent political,
economic and social world problems
which will serve as a guide for the
policy of the Collegiate Council for
the United Nations this year. State,
as a member of the C.C.U.N., is affiliated with 325 member groups on
college campuses throughout the
United States whose purpose is to
Frosh Camp '55—the ideal way
promote a fuller understanding of
the U.N. and of world affairs.
to begin an eventful frosh year!
Comer Ontario & Benson
DIAL .1-112')
('ollcfic h'lui'iil for
.i 1.1 Central Avenue — Below Quail Street
— OI'liN I'VliRY NIGHT "I'll. 9 —
"Mary Lou, next time tell your
young man to use tho telephone!"
You can use nil sorts of gimmicks to keep in
(ouch with your dolly
carrier pigeons, smoke
signals, guided skyrockets, two tin cans with a
long siring hoi ween them. However, if you want
to make sure she gets your message, do your
cooing on the telephone! And Long Distance
doesn't wallop your wallet, either. You get Bargain Hates nights alter (i and any time Sundays.
So before she starts longing for some close-by
clown, call her Long Distance and bring her
Hi'ur. . . hem - ? New York Telephone Co,
Thirty Upperclassmen Turn Out
For Start Of Soccer Campaign
Swiff Scufi
We noticed a young looking guy
at frosh camp and we couldn't figure out whether h e was an older
frosh or a transfer student. The
good looking individual struck us
as a nice easy-going guy. It came as
quite a pleasant surprise to us when
Richard Sauers w a s introduced at
dinner as the new addition to the
Physical Education department and
coach of State's basketball and baseball teams. Later as we approached
t h e navy vet for an interview and
from our talks with a few of the
varsity athletes he'll coach, we
found out our judgments of Coach
Sauers were all true. The young
Slippery Rock Graduate (Class of
'51) and P e n n State Graduate
(Class of '55) is the kind of guy you
c a n approach to talk to, feeling at
ease and knowing that if you ever
have troubles with the game you
c a n sit down and talk it over with
h i m . To quote a varsity eager, "he's
a young guy with good ideas." From
all of us concerned with sports
around State, Coach, it's a hearty
welcome—and we wish you and the
"Sauersmen" all the luck in the
who have any interest at all to
get out there and place your name
on Garcia's growing list of candidates. Even if you've had no high
school experience it's no reason to
sit on the sidelines if there is any
potential in you. In digging through
old scoop sheets of the soccer squad
we've noticed many top notch hooters actually got their start at the
game at Beverwyck under Garcia's
tutelage. There's only one way t'o
show the Coach and yourself whether it's in you or not and that's to
get out there and find out.
Garcia also h a s a n appeal out
for men to become managers and
publicity men for the squad. The
importance of publicity men should
not be under-estimated as no team
can gain a following without men
to spread the word of their feats.
For managers there's also a big
prize in store for your efforts as
they are eligible for the coveted varsity "S" letter.
Eight Missing
From Garcia s
Previous Team
With eight big booters missing
from last year's powerful soccer
squad, Coach Joe Garcia stopped
scratching his head early this week
and began putting a group of a p proximately thirty upper class candidates through daily workouts. A
few new frosh reported but Garcia
expects to see more after the registration and freshman tests are over.
Lindbergs Out
Heading the list of those familiar
faces State fans will not be seeing
this year are John and Bill Lindberg — the
brothers. Bill donned the graduation
LOOK WHAT I GOT, DEAN. Dean Hartley and Bud Smith look cap and gown last June while John
Little Mascot
was lost for academic reasons. In
on as Horace Crandall brings in a boat at Men's Frosh Camp.
John's case—State's loss is Rome's
In case some of you soccer folgain as the younger Lindberg will
lowers are wondering who the dark Penn State Graduates:
be kicking them for the western
complexioned little kid with the
school this season. Last year's other
brown shorts and white T-shirt is
graduates included Don Canonica
stopping those soccer balls at the
Soccer Begins
and Ralph Adams—a couple of topAt present all the State sports post, he's none other than Ken
notch booters. In the case of anenthusiasts are ready to witness the Flories whose back for another seaother pair — Phil Billings and Al
opening soccer game of the year. It son with t h e booters. At the rate
Rocklien—it was a case of Uncle
certainly must have been a long Ken's going now he's going to be
Sam intervening while the loss of
rough summer on Coach Joe Gar- quite an asset to any team he may
The Physical Education staff be- season. S a u e r s ' athletic ability is not
cia as h e waited to see what sort play for. Watch for him before and came enlarged by one recently when limited to t h e cage game however Bob Liermoe and John Pengelly was
of team h e could salvage from last during time outs at State's opener. Richard Sauers began his duties as as evidenced by S.R.'s tennis and due to academic reasons.
year's powerful team which was torn You'll see what we mean.
instructor at State. Sauers, a prod- baseball scorebooks.
Bonesteel Captain
apart by three "S's"—senior, service Varsity Status?
uct of Irwin, Pennsylvania, will also Joins Navy
Heading t h e list of those availand studies. As it turned out the
For all you bowlers and wrestlers assume the job as coach of varsity
After completing his four year able for m u c h soccer action this
score read 3-2-3 respectively. The
and all others—look for the kegling
stay t h e r e he traded his c a p a n d year a r e C a p t a i n Bill Bonesteel a n d
picture seems to be getting a little
and grappling games to become Graduate of Slippery Rock
gown for t h a t of a navy uniform. All-State Honorable Mention T i t o
brighter daily however as last year's
State's fourth and fifth varsity
An u n d e r g r a d u a t e of Slippery Lt. J r . G r a d e Sauers continued his Guglielmone. Several others who
vets and a flock of upperclassmen
status sports this year. You track- Rock T e a c h e r s College, h e g r a d u a t - basketball playing as he coached drew s t a r t i n g positions at one time
have begun getting the kinks out
men also will be pleasantly surpris- ed from t h e Pennsylvania school in a n d played for t h e men in blue.
or a n o t h e r t h r o u g h o u t the season
of their arms and legs after a long
ed to hear- track will be run on a 1951. While a t Slippery Rock h e
After serving forty months with are Al Lederman, Ev Weiermiller,
summer lay-off.
club basis this year and may hit played four years of varsity hoop, Uncle S a m , h e then returned to his "Rebel" Hockmuth, Hollis Tibitts
being elected c a p t a i n in his final home state, enrolling as a s t u d e n t a n d Ed Jones. J o n e s is the booter
At this point we'd like to urge all varsity status next season.
of P e n n State. T h e Class of '55 lists who showed very much promise a s
the young bachelor as one of their a Sophomore a n d r e t u r n s co S l a t e
long list of graduates.
after leaving a semester.
Hathaway to Coach J.V.'s
Merlin H a t h a w a y , Director of Scott Transfers
Another m a n of experience t h a t
Physical Education, will continue his
basketball m e n t o r s h i p as head of the G a r c i a m e n will have is G e n e
State's J.V. cagers while Sauers a s - Scott, a transfer from Hamilton.
O t h e r s out to help a t t e m p t to
sumes his new responsibilites.
duplicate or better last year's fine
5-3-2 record are F r a n Nancetti, Bill
Mason, Bill Gropp, Eric Kippert,
Paul Dammer, Wendell
W a r r e n D u n h a m , Wayne Harvey,
Paul Sloand, T o m Morgan, Carl
Joe Garcia, coach of soccer a t Maxson, Bob Backer, Leo Legault,
soccer a t State, once again h a s put Don Butler, R a y Castillo, Ira Goldout the call for all those interested stein, Bob Bailey, Nils Briska, Bob
to try out for soccer. Besides the Davidson, Larry Culver, Eric Buck,
need for players Garcia finds h i m - Bill Phi tier a n d Wendell Fowler.
self without a n adequate n u m b e r
Scrimmage Williams
of m e n to handle the managerial
T h e squad itself, p u t through two
and publicity end of the squad.
workouts daily prior to the s t a r t of
Workouts arc held daily from yesterday's classes will somewhat
four to .six a n d lockers will be issu- unofficially open their season t o ed to all those interested. Experi- morrow as they travel to Williams
ence in t h e game is not necessary. for a scrimmage tilt. Last year t h e
Follow the lead of your Upperclassmen...Use
"If you have the interest, we have teachers played the Williams squad
the patience," states Garcia. "As of to a 4-4 tie as Al Lederman, Al
now all positions are wide open." Roeklein and J o h n Lindberg a c He also stresses the importance counted for all four goals.
and t h e need of managers a n d also
T h e Peds officially open their
asks those interested to report to c a m p a i g n October 1 as they take
him. This year likewise Garcia h a s on F o r d h a m on a road trip. They
need for publicity men.
r e t u r n to play R P I a t Troy on O c tober 6 and then open a t home in
a tilt with Plattsburg.
Sauers Joins Physical Education
Staff As Cage, Diamond Coach
8:45 - 4:30
9:00 - 12:30
Resolution .
Pennants — Banners — Books
State College Jewelry
— Paper —
Sweat Shirts
Garcia Issues Call
For Players, Aides
School Supplies
Discount On Books Given For Cash Sept. 22
Sept. 28
(Continued from Page 1, Column 5J
his n a m e to be brought up for consideration to t h e legislature for replacement.
RESOLVED, t h a t meetings of the
legislature be open to all o t h e r
m e m b e r s of S t u d e n t Association as
non-voting participants.
RESOLVED, t h a t all nominations
a n d elections bo absentee, unless
o t h e r a r r a n g e m e n t s are made at the
p a r t i c l u l a r time bv the president
of S.A.
RESOLVED, t h a t on petition of
200 m e m b e r s of the S t u d e n t Association, or a t the discretion of the
president of S.A., there shall be an
assembly of the association, at
which each member present will
have a vote.
RESOLVED, t h a t special n o n compulsory, non-business meetings
of assembly of the association.
RESOLVED, that at the beginning
of the second semester, the legislative power of the association will be
revested in the assembly of the association.
Beverwyck Scene of Tilts
For the benefit of all new frosh
and transfers the scene of State's
home soccer games is Beverwyck
Field. T h e October 8 home opener
will also mark the first a p p e a r a n c e
of the Varsity Cheerleaders.
1). of Bridgeport
President W e i comes
Frosh A t Reception
23, 1955
Reception1;Line Includes Students,
Members Of The Administration
' *>**w*nii
30, 1955
X L NO. 15
rtc C CZiinrninnc
Assembly W i l l Consider O - _ . "_ . _ • _ C ' i
Proposed Resolution Today rganiZe
Today in assembly t h e s t u d e n t
body will be able to discuss a n d vote
on the resolution introduced in last
week's assembly. This proposal is
m a d e necessary by the closing of
Page Hall for renovation beginning
October 1. T h e resolution is as follows :
Whereas, the present constitution
of the S t u d e n t Association vests t h e
legislative power of the association
in the h a n d s of the assembly of t h e
Whereas, Page Hall auditorium,
t h e only meeting place available for
t h e assembly of the association, will
not, be available for regular assemblies from October 1 to J a n u a r y 1,
it is therefore,
Resolved, t h a t for the first s e m ester of the academic year 1955-56,
t h e legislative power of t h e association be vested in the h a n d s of t h e
following: the president, vice-president, secretary, and p a r l i a m e n t a r i a n
of S t u d e n t Association who shall be
t h e officers of the legislative body;
one member of each organization
receiving support from the budget
with the exception of S t u d e n t C o u n cil and Myskania; 15 members from
each class, freshman members to be
elected a t the time of their regular
fall elections.
Resolved, t h a t Myskania members
and S t u d e n t Council members, with
the exception of the officers of S t u d e n t Association, shall be non-voting members of the legislature.
Resolved, that two unexcused a b sences on the part of any voting
member of the legislature will cause
his n a m e t o be brought up for consideration to the legislature for r e placement.
Resolved, t h a t meetings of t h e
legislature be open to all o t h e r
members of Student Association as
non-voting participants.
Resolved, t h a t all nominations
and elections be absentee, unless
other a r r a n g e m e n t s are made a t
t h a t particular time by the presid e n t of SA.
Resolved, t h a t on petition of 200
members of the Student Association,
or at the discretion of the president
of SA, there shall be an assembly
of the association, a t which each
member present will have a vote.
Resolved, t h a t .special n o n - c o m -
Editor Solicits
Directory Staff
Helene Shair '56, Editor of flu'
State College Directory,
that there will be a meeting of all
those interested in working on the
Directory, tomorrow a t 11 a.m. in
Brubacher Hall.
All those win) would like to s u b mil, entries lor the cover of I he
Directory are urged lo have them
in by Wednesday, October 12. The
dimensions of the cover must be
•1', " wide and 7 V long, T h e cover
should also carry I he Senior colors
yellow and while. "N.Y.S.C.T.
Directory" and the college year
(1955-561 must also appear. All e n tries must be submitted to Miss
Shair via Student Mail.
These entries will be Judged by
a committee consisting of both faculty and students.
A copy of last year's cover will be
posted on the Student Council bullet in board to serve as a guide for
(.hi.-, year's cover. This Directory will
contain the names, addresses and
phone numbers of all State's s t u d e n t s this year.
U , U , I J
Tonight in the lower lounge at Brubacher the administration and student leaders will officially welcome the
class of '59. The Junior Guides will escort the freshmen
to the Annual President's Reception as the concluding
feature of the guide program.
The receiving line will be headed by Dr. Evan R.
> President of the College, and Mrs. Collins, followed
by Oscar E. Lanford, Dean of the College, and Mrs. Lanford. The line will also include: Nancy Schneider and
Joseph Taggart, Co-Chairmen of Junior Guides; Robert
Betscha '56, President of Student
Association, Sara Jane Duffy, President of the Class of '57; and Sigmund Smith, President of the Class
of '56. The receiving line will i n clude more s t u d e n t s this year in
contrast to last year's almost exclusive administration line.
Gremlin Pro/ecf
pulsory, non-business meeting of the
assembly of t h e association m a y be
B r u b a c h e r Hall will be t h e scene
called from time to time by the
t h e first d a n c e sponsored by t h e
president of the association.
f r e s h m a n class, a n n o u n c e Marjorie
Resolved, t h a t a t t h e beginning
of the second semester, the legisla- Kelleher a n d Joseph Kelly, Seniors,
tive power of t h e association will be class g u a r d i a n s . T h e "Beanie Ball"
revested in the assembly of the will be held tomorrow night from 8
to 11 p.m. in t h e m a i n dining room
of t h e dormitory.
To avoid overcrowding, t h e freshmen will be received alphabetically
according to t h e s u r n a m e s of their
guides. They will meet the President
a t the following times: A - G from 3
to 8:30 p.m.; H - P from 8:30 to 9
p.m.; and Q-Z a t 9 p.m. Faculty
and G r a d u a t e s t u d e n t s are also i n vited to attend.
Music for t h e dance will be pro-
Debate Council vided by Clyde Payne's Pedcats.
Informal dress is recommended for
Receives Frosh;the evening.
General c h a i r m a n is J o h n Yager
C o m m i t t e e s coordinated under
Names Coach '59.
the general c h a i r m a n a r e : publicity,
Debate Council will hold its first
function of the year in a reception
for freshmen and any upperclassmen who are interested in debate,
discussion, a n d other forensic ac
tivities. T h e reception will be held
on Wednesday, from 7 to 9 p.m. in
£ e _ u p p e r ^ " S . 0 ! ? ™ ^ * !r. All
those who are interested are invited
to a t t e n d .
T h e new debate coach this year is
Mr. Clyde Reeves, formerly of t h e
University of Illinois and St. Lawrence University.
T h e new officers of Debate Council this year a r e : Phyllis Lyeth '56,
Clifford '57,
Vice-President; Barbara Salvatore
'56, Recording Secretary; Judy Vimmerstedt '56, Corresponding Secretary; a n d Shirley Allen '57, T r e a s urer. Members of the Council are
Phyllis Bialow, J e a n Hageny, and
S a n d r a Schecter, Seniors.
Tail K a p p a Alpha, the National
Honorary Society, has
elected t h e following new officers:
Phyllis Bialow '56, President, and
'57, SecretaryTreasurer.
T h e purposes of Debate Council
arc to promote debate on this
campus and to facilitate friendly
competition with other colleges. Deb ( U e C o u n c i l a l s 0 n c t s i n .,„ l l d v i s
ory capacity to high school debate
'fan K a p p a Alpha promotes inter. sts in speech among the students
of the college, and to stimulate a c livify in national and regional tourn a m e n t s of the fraternity, and to
foster a respect for, and an appreciafion of. freedom of speech as a
vilal element of democracy.
chainmanned by Robert Fox; e n t e r t a i n m e n t , J a m e s Owens; and Nancy
Wilson; decorations, G r u n n a Cohen; refreshments, Patricia Ireland;
n a m e tags, David Yausd, freshmen.
A d m i t t a n c e to t h e dance is r e stricted to t h e Class of '59.
Eleven New Members Serve On
College Faculty For 55-56 Year
Eleven new members have joined
the faculty r a n k s for the coming
year. Eight of these are on the
College faculty while three m e m bers a r e on the"Milne School staff.
Clyde Reeves, Assistant Professor
of English, is also the new Debate
Coach. Reeves received his B.A. in
Radio Speech and an M.A. in
Speech from Temple University in
t a u g h t a t St. Lawrence University.
Another addition to the English
D e p a r t m e n t is Harold F. Zindell.
Zindcll received his B.A. from Centre College of Kentucky and his
M.A. from T e a c h e r s ' College, Columbia
University. A native of
Brooklyn, Zindell was an E d u c a tional Advisor with the Air Force
in London. He h a s also served as a
teacher a n d Dean of S t u d e n t s at
file C e n t r a l High School in Bushy
P a r k near London.
Replacing Miss C a t h e r i n e E. Newbold, Assistant Professor of Social
Studies, who was awarded a Fullbright S c h o l a r s h i p to Holland, is
Donald E. Leidel. Leidel received his
B.A. from Wayne University in D e troit a n d his M.A. from the University of Michigan. Prior to his n p p o i n t m e n t a t Slate, Leidel had a
Blue Jays Poised To Snatch Green
Gremlins Into Diversified Activities
Eager eyes are now focused on a
big day at Slate College- Activities
Day, S a t u r d a y , October 8. Come prepared for a confusing, crazy, mixed
up. yet enjoyable event. Those in
the dark will get all the Info a t
an assembly in Page Gym a l 9:30, Saturday morning. Approximutely
thirty organizations
backing the day's fun; represenlalives from each group will give
brief, inclusive talks about their
activities. Wander over lo lower
HllHled to see some gay booths, open
al 10:30 a.m. Al the 12::i() p.m. b a n uer ceremony, the senile Seniors
will present the coveted It'll, pen-
Student Union Board will serve
refreshments a t t h e reception u n d e r
the direction of Rosemary S a n t o nicola '58, C h a i r m a n of the r e freshment committee. P u n c h and
cookies will be served.
a scintillating skit on the part of
the Sophs. T h e Sophomore president
will speak about some hot rivalry at
a bonfire on Page Field al H p.m.
T h e n will come a general songi'est,
A fancy S n a k e Dance will wind its
way to Bru a l 8:30 p.m. for an informal d a n c e in the dining room
from 9 p.m. lo 12 m i d n i g h t . Gaylu
'58, is Dance
"Hoot" Stefano '58, is bonfire chairm a n with Bob Bosom worth '58, on
clean up; floor c h a i r m a n to locale
booths is Horace Crandall '57.
If someone walks up to you sellma. u two cent ticket for a dinner
with Myskania, or an eight cent raffle excusing you from classes for
null! lo greedy Green Gremlins in
Pane Gym. A bang-up soccer game the rest of t h e year by all means,
buy it all proceeds go lo a worthy
is slaled in the afternoon,
Dick Bartholomew is in charge of cause.
Research Fellowship at the University of Michigan,
T h e Chemistry D e p a r t m e n t ' s new
member is Eugene H. McLaren who
received his B.A. a n d M.A. at S t a t e
College. McLaren received his Ph.D.
a t Washington University In St.
Louis. He served as a W e a t h e r Forecaster with the Air Force.
Miss J o a n Sivinski h a s been lidded to the Commerce D e p a r t m e n t
staff. Miss Sivinski received her B.S.
from St. Cloud's Teachers College,
St. Cloud's. Minnesota, a n d her M.A.
from the University of Minnesota.
Miss Sivinski h a s taught in high
schools in Minnesota a n d at the
University of Minnesota.
Mr. J a r k a M. Burian is a n o t h e r
new addition to the English Dep a r t m e n t . Burian received his B.A.
from Rutgers University a n d his
M.A. from Columbia. B u r i a n h a s
where he was employed before coming to State. He will also assist in
the D r a m a t i c Productions.
The Physical Education Department's new m e m b e r is Mrs. Helenjane Cougan. Mrs. Cougan received
her B.S. at Davis and Elkins College, Elkins, West Virginia, and her
M.S. from Springfield College in
Richard Sauers has also joined
the Physical Education stuff. Sailers
received his B.S. from
I Continued on Page 6, Column 1//
Ped Invite
Junior Guides will lead the freshmen down t h e receiving line. They
are requested to follow t h e time
schedule to eliminate
This reception culminates the J u n ior Guides activities for t h e year.
T h e program of the Guides, u n d e r
the direction of Miss Schneider a n d
Taggart, included a supper, dance
and informal reception at B r u b a c h e r
during the first week of school.
Assembly Opens
SA Nominations
Nominations will open this m o r n ing in Assembly for Who's Who
from the Senior Class a n d for a
Sophomore and a J u n i o r member
on the S t u d e n t Board of Finance.
Nominations for a '56 Class Song
Leader will be in order a t the S e n ior Class meeting Tuesday at 10
a.m. Voting for these positions will
take place October 18 and 19 by
absentee ballot, releases Beatrice
Engelhart '56, Election Commission
Nominations will open this m o r n ing in Assembly for a Sophomore
and a J u n i o r replacement on the
Student Board of Finance. Also,
nominations will be in order for
Who's Who in American Colleges.
These nominations will close on
Monday at 4 p.m. Declinations m u s t
be submitted before 4 p.m. on T u e s day.
Tuesday at 10 a.m. a t the Senior
Class meeting n o m i n a t i o n s for a
Song Leader will be opened. These
nominations will close Wednesday
at 4 p.m. Declinations for this ofIice will be closed T h u r s d a y a t 4
Voting for all of the above posilions will take place Tuesday a n d
Wednesday, October 18 a n d 19, by
absentee ballot,
Frosh To Reception
Freshmen, transfers, and upperclasmen are invited lo attend a reception sponsored by the Slate College News and Pedagogue
Monday evening at Brubacher's upper lounge, it p.m., lor those interested in contributing time during
the year to these two organizations.
T h e News schedules an introduction
of its staff, an explanation ol the
different systems ol reporting, and
a briil history of Us existence.
Dean Sets Last Date
For Entering Classes
Oscar E. Lanford, Dean
College, sends the following
randum lo all s t u d e n t s a n d
concerning the last date for
ing courses.
of the
In accordance with the policy of
the Academic Council, Monday will
I'mliiKoguii's editor, Carl Ann Lull lie ihe last day lor registering for
'56, slates t h a t there will be vari- a ciaiise and for beginning a t t e n d ous displays, including an exhibi ance in the course.
lion of previous yearbooks, dummy
Courses may be dropped without
pages and photographs Relresh- penalty up to Monday, November
luenU will be served.
14, states Dean Lanford.